[filmscanners] Vuescan - scan to a specific size

2004-12-09 Thread

Hi . . . I seem unable to figure out how to scan a slide and achieve a
specific size and dpi (or spi).
Specifically, I would like to end up with pixel dimensions of
2040X1530 at 180 dpi.
I am using Vuescan 7.6.50 and a Polaroid SS4000. I have no problem
scanning and can produce results, more or less, selected in an
automatic fashion, then resize in PS.

Any suggestions?
Thanks, John

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[filmscanners] Vuescan Calibration Shortcut

2004-04-03 Thread Stewart Skelt
Why did Ctrl+C as a shortcut for Scanner - Calibrate get dropped out of
Vuescan? Can we have it back please, Ed?
Stewart Skelt

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[filmscanners] Vuescan settings for Kodak new high definition neg ?

2003-12-14 Thread DRP
Hi group!

i'm going to test a new Kodak 35mm 200ASA negative called high

A friend of mine brought it to me from Belgium.
it's a consumer market product.
As I never heard about it before, I think it's a new name for an old
stuff, but I'm not sure.

Has anybody an idea about the right setting I should use in Vuescan?

Thanks and best regards.
Didier (Paris)

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[filmscanners] VueScan file size

2003-11-22 Thread Thomas Maugham
I just scanned a negative and got the following information from
VueScan: 5576 x 3669 pixels 4000 dpi 1.39 x 0.917 inch 92.1 mb.  The
size of the file on my hard drive is 119.885kb or about 119.9 mb.  Why
the discrepancy between what VueScan says the file size is versus the
size on the hard drive?


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[filmscanners] VueScan constant color

2003-10-21 Thread Tomek Zakrzewski
I'm trying to find it in VueScan's help pages but cannot find it.
How to set VueScan so that it doesn't change color of scans when I go
through the whole film of images of similar type? (transparency)
I cannot fing any lock color balance button in VueScan.
I'm scanning in Color/Color Balance/White Balance Mode because I cannot
figure out how to use the Neutral and None modes.

Thank you in advance


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[filmscanners] vuescan cropping

2003-09-25 Thread John Matturri
I keep trying to upgrade vuescan but all versions after about 7.6.28 (up
to 61) are unable to keep a manual crop, set using the mouse, in the
final scan. The crop works fine for a preview but when the scan itself
is made it shifts to maximum crop, throwing all values off  even with
the highest crop-buffer setting. The only way I can take advantage of
the later versions is to do a raw maximum scan, bring the image into
photoshop and crop out the borders there, and then do a file scan on the
resulting file. That's OK, though not ideal for sure, for final scans
but obviously not practical for proofing scans.

I'm using a ss4000+ on win2k machine with 1gb ram.

If anyone has come across this problem and found a solution -- even an
explanation would be nice -- I'd appreciate hearing about it. I
contacted Ed at least once about this at some point; don't remember the
details but obviously nothing was resolved.

John M.

words and images: http://home.earthlink.net/~jmatturr/

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[filmscanners] Vuescan vs Insight: what is better about Vuescan ? (was 24 bit vs more)

2003-09-16 Thread
For the SS4000: I have tried many times to use the Vuescan software rather
than Insight but I keep returning to Insight. First, I find Insight
significantly faster than Vuescan. Second, I find the controls in Insight to
be just easier to use.

I still have Vuescan on my computer and am interested in continuing to learn
it. I am interested, though, to understand exactly what Vuescan does better
in the hands of others. I can't see that it focuses any better. I don't get
more accurate color rendition. I can't see that it handles shadow areas any

Or I could ask the question this way: are there any specific image types or
image characteristics that Vuescan handles better?

To be fair, I still am using version 7.5.41.  Does the latest 7.6.XX offer
significantly more features or functionality? I got the last free upgrade
before Ed started charging again.

Stan Schwartz

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[filmscanners] VueScan freezing in OS X

2002-07-13 Thread Julian Vrieslander


Power Mac G4/867, 1.5GB RAM
Nikon LS-4000ED
Mac OS X 10.1.5
VueScan X (versions 7.5.37 back to perhaps 7.5.34)

I have seen three instances of VS freezing in OS X.  The spinning disk
cursor is displayed, and the application is unresponsive.  On one occasion,
the entire OS was locked up hard.  I could not even force quit or switch to
another application.  A hardware reset of the Mac was required.

No obvious pattern to it.  Tonight it happened while I was at dinner, with
the Mac idle, the scanner on, and VueScan open but not doing anything.

This Mac is connected to a router and an always-on DSL connection.  I wonder
if that has anything to do with it.

Anyone else seeing this?

Julian Vrieslander [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[filmscanners] Vuescan and Nikon Scan for OS X

2002-06-20 Thread Simon Lamb

There was an old restriction when using Vuescan on a Mac (might have applied
to PC also) with Nikon scanners that certain files had to be deleted or
extensions removed or Vuescan would not recognise the scanner.  Is this
still the case when using Vuescan for OS X and Nikon Scan for OS X?



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[filmscanners] Vuescan not finding monitor ICC profile on Mac OSX

2002-06-20 Thread Simon Lamb


I just downloaded the latest version of Vuescan (7.5.34).  In the Colour tab
I selected 'ICC Profile' in the list of options next to Monitor Colour
Space.  I then wanted to select my custom monitor profile that I created
using Photocal and which I named Photocal CPD-G200.  This profile is stored
in the System Folder/ColorSync Profiles location.

The problem is that nearly all of the profiles are greyed out and not
selectable, including my monitor profile.

Has anyone else had this problem, and if so found a way around it?



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[filmscanners] Vuescan

2002-06-12 Thread Maris V. Lidaka Sr.

Ed has released Vuescan 7.5.31

What's new in version 7.5.31
Added support for right mouse click on neutral color (control-click on Mac)
Added support for right mouse double-click to reset to White balance
Added display of pixel rgb value when mouse over image
Modified Filter|Infrared defects to not mark spots in output files
Added support for several USB to SCSI converters on Mac OS X
Changed keyboard shortcuts for Refresh and Eject (Apple-H hides on Mac OS



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[filmscanners] Vuescan in-program viewer

2002-05-19 Thread Håkon T Sønderland


I'm using Vuescan (latest version) with my Nikon LS-30.
Platform is Windows 2000 sp2, 1Gb DDRRAM, lots of U-160 SCSI disks.
Videocard is Matrox Mill. 450 32mb.

When I preview or scan with Vuescan the internal viewer
shows a very pixelated (is that the word?) view of the
scan.  In an external program (I use Paintshop Pro or
Photoshop LE) it looks fine.

I just wonder if this is normal?  I seem to remember that
(some time ago) this wasn't the case.


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[filmscanners] Vuescan and multipass algorithm

2002-05-03 Thread

I noticed the other day a peculiarity with Vuescan's multipass algorithm. I
scanned transparencies using a flatbed, did 16-pass scans. (Very noisy
scanner, especially after being powered on a few hours.)

The output images seem to be calculated by averaging the value in each
pixel. The result is a smooth noise level, but no real noise elimination.

As an experiment, I scanned 16 passes and did the noise elimination myself
in Photoshop, using Apply Image in Darken mode. This mode takes the lowest
value for each color in each pixel. The resulting image was very clean!
Noise was completely gone, and real-life Dmax was much better. Colors did
not seem to be affected, except for improved contrast.

So: It would be great to have the option in Vuescan to choose algorithm in
multipass scans, between Average and Minimum.

Does this sound reasonable?

Best regards,


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[filmscanners] Vuescan and Photoshop

2002-04-28 Thread Lee Lockwood

Is there any way to install Vuescan as a plug-in to Photoshop 6???

Second question:  If so, is it worth doing?


- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2002 7:00 PM
Subject: [filmscanners_Digest] filmscanners Digest for Sun 28 Apr, 2002

 Topic: [filmscanners] Flextight Photo on loan - got two questions
 Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 15:53:18 -0400
 From: Austin Franklin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Getting Started manual states in two places that the film is
  inserted in
  the holder emulsion side up.  However, the Flextight Photo manual
  that the film should be loaded emulsion side down.

 Hi Simon,

 At least with the Leafscan 45, you DO load the film into the holder
 side down, AND the holder is placed in the scanner upside down,
 emulsion side up...so for the Leaf, what you say makes perfect
 sense...except the Leaf has the CCD on the top, and the light source
is on
 the bottom.  I am guessing with the Imacon, the light source is on the
 and the CCD on the bottom?

 Either way, the emulsion faces the CCD, just like in an enlarger, the
 emulsion faces the paper...  Check to see if the holder goes in upside
 which would make both statements you said correct.



 Topic: [filmscanners] Installing PS 7 under OS X
 Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 23:14:49 -0400
 From: Julian Vrieslander [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On 4/26/02 9:29 AM, Simon Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  When you install the PS 7 upgrade under OS X, does it in effect
install two
  versions, those being the native OS X version and the other being
the native
  OS 9.2 version?  Also, does it install over the top of PS 6 or
should I
  remove PS 6 first?

 I ran the installer CD while booted in OS X (10.1.4).  It created one
 containing a carbonized Photoshop 7 and a carbonized ImageReady 7.
 applications will run in either OS X or OS 9.

 Strangely, I read a report from someone else who claimed that he ended
 with separate OS X and OS 9 applications.  I can't explain that.
Maybe he
 was smoking something and had double vision.  Or perhaps that was the
 for some of the beta versions.

 The PS 7 installer creates a new folder - it does not install into the
PS 6
 folder, and you should not choose that folder as the install location.
 let OS X application installers use their default locations, usually
at top
 level in /Applications.  This is because many of the updaters are
stupid -
 they expect to find files in the default location, and fail if they

 I think (altough I am not certain of this) that if you are installing
the PS
 7 upgrade product, it will see a pre-exiting PS 6 installation as
proof of
 prior purchase.  Then you only need to enter the new s/n from the PS 7
 product.  After installing PS 7, you can delete PS 6.  If you delete
PS 6
 before installing PS 7, you may need to enter a s/n or mount a CD from
 earlier version.

 Julian Vrieslander [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Topic: [filmscanners] LS-8000ED examples
 Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 18:54:20 +0900
 From: David J. Littleboy [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Anthony Atkielski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The scan was performed with the Nikon glass MF strip holder, 14-bit
mode, 4x
 sampling, dICE turned on, GEM and ROC off, superfine scan (1 CCD) off,
 focus and exposure, no other adjustments from defaults.

 How long did that take for the scan?

 Presumably 1x sampling, not superfine (i.e. using all 3 CCDs) would be
 faster? How much faster, and how much worse?


 Hmm. From French culture to American kitsch. How far the great have

 Getting the original close to your result requires a major change to
 blue channel. Moving from consumer digital to scanned film, I've been
 surprised at the radical color adjustments that are required. I
 that's unavoidable?

 David J. Littleboy
 Tokyo, Japan


 Topic: [filmscanners] Polaroid SprintScan 120 Film Holders --
 Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 23:48:13 -0500
 From: James L. Sims [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 With regard to the 35mm carrier, I set the filmstrip in so that the
 ngs are a little
 ahead of the support bars.  There are teeth on the retaining frame
  will engage into
 the perfs as you lower the retainer.  The slide the retainer into the
 king position,
 slowly, until the spacings are aligned with the support bars.


[filmscanners] Vuescan on Multi Scan Pro

2002-04-21 Thread M. Denis Hill

Yes, clever that there is no way to contact! Try [EMAIL PROTECTED]

M. Denis Hill
Qualified Panoramic Photographer
Proud Member of the International Association of Panoramic Photographers
I have made this letter a rather long one, only because I didn't have the
leisure to make it shorter. Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)

-Original Message-

I do not have Ed's email and it doesn't seem to be on his web site. I would
like to send him
the log plus some info.

Does Ed still exist? There doesn't appear to be the regular daily update
of Vuescan.

Any comments appreciated as to how to make it work or if anyone else is
using VS on the



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[filmscanners] VueScan and MojoWorld - the hidden connection

2002-04-19 Thread Julian Vrieslander

This is a bit off-topic, but might be interesting to some on this list.
Many of us are VueScan users, and some of us already know that Ed Hamrick
builds his program on the wxWindows cross-platform framework.  I have been
trying out another product that is built on wxWindows: the MojoWorld

MojoWorld synthesizes and renders artificial, but realistic looking
landscapes (entire planets, in fact), based on fractal mathematics.


Wired has an article with interesting background info on the MojoWorld
project and its chief scientist, Ken Musgrave.  Check out the screenshots.


The software is available in versions for Mac OS X, Mac OS 9, Windows, and
Linux.  I discovered that it was written on wxWindows after inspecting a
crash log (this was for Mac OS X version of Transporter).

Some people have complained that VueScan's user interface does not follow
proper standards for Windows.  I use it on a Mac, and I find it rather
spartan, not totally consistent with Mac UI standards, but usable.  The
authors of MojoWorld took another approach.  They built a unique, highly
stylized, and platform-independent UI on top of wxWindows.  I'm not
suggesting that Ed needs to go this route.  But it is very stylish, worth a
look if you are interested in UI design.  And the images produced by the
freebie Transporter softare are certainly impressive and fascinating.

Standard disclaimer - I have no connection to Pandromeda or its MojoWorld

Julian Vrieslander [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[filmscanners] Vuescan 7.5.15 transparency

2002-04-07 Thread Neil Carpenter

I just upgraded to Vuescan 7.5.15 (and forgot to save my previous
version...bad me!).  Now, when I try to change the Scan mode from Flatbed to
transparency on my Epson 2450, it changes right back to flatbed.  Anybody
else experiencing this?

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[filmscanners] [Vuescan 7.5.11 Linux] RGB/IR exposure setting bug ?

2002-03-25 Thread

Hello, everybody.

On the 7.5.11 version of Vuescan, the RGB Exposure and Infrared
Exposure settings are limitated at 3 with the buttons, on both
Windows and Linux versions.

But in the Windows version, I can enter a higher number by hand in the
number box, and it works at at higher sensitivity. In the Linux
version, the number box refuses to accept a higher number than 3 !!

It's a serious limitation for scanning underexposed slides. Increasing
the Brightness parameter does not produce the same results ...

Is it a bug ? Is there another way to make a thorough scan on Linux


Christian Tsotras - ICQ:37288308

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[filmscanners] Vuescan Coolscan problem

2002-03-16 Thread Jeremy Nicholl

Vuescan can't see my Nikon Coolscan 4000. I've tried various VS
releases up to the latest and the problem is constant. The Nikon scan
software and Apple's system profiler can identify the scanner, so
it's not a connection problem.

VS can see the other scanner, a Polaroid SS4K, so I can't see what
the problem can be with the Nikon. I'm running a G4 Mac and the Nikon
is a firewire connection.


Jeremy Nicholl


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[filmscanners] VueScan IR cleaning

2002-03-11 Thread

I have a bit of uncertainty regarding using the Canon FS4000 IR cleaning
(FARE) with VueScan.  Do you need to scan in the 64RGBI mode and then choose
IR Cleaning from the 'Filter' page, or can the scan be done at any bit depth
ie 24 or 48 bit RGB?  Also, I assume that you can decide to apply the IR
cleaning or not by changing the setting on the 'Filter' page even after the
scan is done, to see if one likes the effect or not, is that correct?


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[filmscanners] VueScan Raw Files

2002-03-11 Thread Stan McQueen

I must not have been paying attention. What happened to raw files in
VueScan? The version I got the other day, 7.5.5, doesn't show a Save Raw
Files option on the files tab?


Photography by Stan McQueen

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[filmscanners] VueScan Long Pass (was: noise in Canon FS4000)

2002-03-01 Thread Roger Smith

At 2:12 PM + 3/1/02, Steve Greenbank wrote:
There is a perceived problem with noise with the Canon FS4000.

I wondered if the problem was related to the scanning software as I get much
less noise with Vuescan on a Microtek Artixscan 4000T (these are frequently
perceived as having more noise than Polaroid SS4000 - perhaps its the
software not better quality control as suggested on this list).

I think there is something to this. I get better scans using
VueScan from my Minolta Scan Dual II - less noise as well as better
On a related topic - I've recently been using the Long Pass
feature in VueScan, again with the Scan Dual II, and I'm amazed at
the reduction in shadow noise. I stopped using Long Pass with my
earlier Canon FS2710, because of a CCD overload problem which
produced bright red smears in the scans. The Minolta doesn't seem to
suffer from this problem, and I've been getting good scans from some
previously almost unusable dark slides.

Roger Smith

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[filmscanners] Vuescan: batch scanning raw files made by NikonScan.

2002-02-18 Thread ThomasH


Vuescan's problem was dealing with grain or texture removal, which
might be a problem with LS-4000ED and some materials, especially
the Kodak E200 Pro scans were beyond use. Someone has suggested to
generate a large raw file using NikonScan, as neutral as possible
(Nikon Color Management off, neutral exposure) but in the full
14bit mode and by utilizing GEM and ICE.

This file should be later scanned by Vuescan to take advantage
of Vuescan's exposure and the state of the art color rendition.

It works. I made a series of 119Mbytes tiff files and processed
them using Vuescan with size reduction 4 or 5 to obtain fine smooth
images of a customary size and correct colors.

But: I discovered that there is no mean to process files in batch.
Vuescan lacks the ability to select a set of files and to process
them just like it would do it with film frames.

Furthermore, I discovered that there is not much difference between
making a huge raw file and using size reduction factor, versus
generating a smaller *.tiff file using NikonScan and processing it
in Vuescan without size reduction. I am not yet ready to pass a
final judgment about that, though.

In any case on my 333Mhz + 384 Mbyte PC NikonScan needs 14min per
frame, that is 8h38min for the roll of film with 37 frames. The
SA-30 does not eject the film, what means that NikonScan manages
somehow to avoid the ejection and thus I conclude that Ed will
also be able to prevent it. Currently Vuescan 7.5 can not be used
with SA-30 as the adapter ejects the film before finishing a scan
with IR on.


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[filmscanners] Vuescan 7.5/Microtek 35t+ distorted scans

2002-02-12 Thread Laren Dart

With VS release version 7.5, scans on the 35t+ are badly distorted in the
direction of carriage travel.  Sample scans are at:


There probably aren't many 35t+ users on the scanner mail list, so this is
also being posted on comp.periphs.scanners

Home page at http://www.got.net/~ldart

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[filmscanners] VueScan 7.5 Available

2002-02-08 Thread

I just released VueScan 7.5 for Windows, Mac OS 8/9/X
and Linux.  It can be downloaded from:


VueScan 7.4 can also be downloaded from:


What's new in version 7.5

* Added support for Scan Elite II, including multi-sampling
* Added support for Epson Perfection 600
* Added support for document feeder on Epson and Umax scanners
* Added support for keeping preview of each frame in memory
* Added support for saving cropped preview image to file
* Added support for writing raw scan file during scan
* Added display of multiple crop boxes with Crop|X/Y frames
* Added Color|Animate changes option to show effect of changes
* Added Prefs|Auto refresh delay option
* Added Prefs|Refresh during batch option
* Added Prefs|Refresh image type option
* Improved user interface (many changes)
* Improved stability (fewer crashes)
* Improved scanning of regularly-spaced images on flatbed
* Improved crop box animation
* Improved animation of focus position
* Improved auto refresh (only refreshes when necessary)
* Improved sliders and spin buttons
* Improved Filter|Infrared clean
* Improved Filter|Grain reduction
* Improved VueScan User's Guide
* Fixed infrared alignment on Canon FS4000 and ScanWit 2740S
* Fixed problem with scrolling options on Mac OS
* Fixed numerous other small problems

I'm off for a ski vacation, and will be back a week
from Sunday.  I'll be unsubscribed from this list,
and even though I'll check my e-mail a few times,
I'll just have to bounce the e-mails back with a
request to resend after Sunday.

To all who helped with the beta testing - THANKS!
It was a huge help.  There are undoubtedly some
bugs left (there always are), but if there's a show-
stopper, you can always use 7.4 till I get back.

Ed Hamrick

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[filmscanners] VueScan 7.5 beta 11 Available

2002-02-06 Thread

I just released VueScan 7.5 beta 11 for Windows, Mac OS 8/9/X
and Linux.  It can be downloaded from:


What's new in version 7.5 beta 11

* Changed auto eject to eject right after scan completes
* Increased maximum number of raw scan files to 10,000
* Reduced display flickering on Mac OS 8/9
* Fixed crashing on some systems
* Fixed problem with Epson transparency adapter and ADF
* Fixed problem with Umax 1200S ADF

Ed Hamrick

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[filmscanners] Vuescan 7.5.b10

2002-02-06 Thread Stephen Jennings

Just loaded the new Vuescan on my Mac with OS8.6 and 256 mg of ram.  When
the scan begins I get a message saying that it is unable to allocate enough
memory and to increase my virtual memory.  I never needed virtual memory
before, which I keep off.  Is there a way around this?  7.4.2 runs fine
without it.

P h o t o g r a p h e r
   Cambridge, MA

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[filmscanners] Vuescan not seeing Minolta

2002-02-05 Thread M. Denis Hill

I'm investigating the blue negative image problem with my new Dimage Scan
Multi Pro, so I just downloaded the VueScan 7.5 beta. VueScan sees my Acer
SCSI scanner, but not the Firewire Minolta. Mine is on the list of supported
Firewire scanners for VueScan.

Does anyone have any ideas? Ed?

M. Denis Hill
Qualified Panoramic Photographer
Proud Member of the International Association of Panoramic Photographers
I have made this letter a rather long one, only because I didn't have the
leisure to make it shorter. Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)

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[filmscanners] Vuescan support and beta reports

2002-02-03 Thread michael shaffer

  There seems to be a rumor at the comp.periphs.scanners newsgroup which
implies Ed is no longer relying on it as a Vuescan forum.  While his
wwwsite implies the forum to be a resource for scanning techniques,
problems and workarounds, I now wonder how he wants us to report possible
bugs and suggestions??  Such discussions could be here of course, but I
also wonder if that is appropriate (Tony?, Ed?).

cheerios ... shAf  :o)
Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland

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[filmscanners] VueScan 7.5 beta 9 Available

2002-02-03 Thread

I just released VueScan 7.5 beta 9 for Windows, Mac OS 8/9/X
and Linux.  It can be downloaded from:


What's new in version 7.5 beta 9

* Fixed infrared alignment on Canon FS4000 and ScanWit 2740S
* Fixed problem with Scan Dual II, HP 5300 and HP 7400
* Fixed problem with Prefs|Add extensions
* Fixed problem with mouse in preview window on Mac OS 8/9

Ed Hamrick

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[filmscanners] Vuescan 7.5.7 bug? Load options does not work properly

2002-02-02 Thread Ralf Schmode

Hi everybody,

on my combo (Athlon 900, Win98SE, Nikon LS-40) I cannot load saved
options - if I load an option file different from the current one, oddly
enough, the sliders move accordingly but neither the text fields change
nor the preview is affected by the changes that should have taken place.

My intention is to save different option sets for negs and slides. Am I
getting something wrong or is this a bug that can be fixed?

See ya -


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[filmscanners] Vuescan DPI setting

2002-01-30 Thread Henk de Jong

For Ed,

Last night I tried VueScan 7.5 b5
It still has a problem I mentioned earlier.
If I choose a Fixed dpi Image size like 300 dpi and a TIFF size reduction of
2, the resulting TIFF file has a dpi setting of 150.

When I choose a fixed dpi setting I expect it does not change ;-)

With kind regards,

Henk de Jong
The Netherlands

Burma - Photo Gallery

Nepal - Trekking Around Annapurna - Photo Gallery

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[filmscanners] Vuescan 7.5b3

2002-01-27 Thread Stephen Jennings

I'm having a problem with the most recent Vuescan: the final scan doesn't
match the preview, neither in the Vuescan window, nor in Photoshop.  When I
switch back to 7.4.2 it works fine.  I may be doing something wrong, but I
can't find it.  Any ideas?

P h o t o g r a p h e r
   Cambridge, MA

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[filmscanners] Vuescan filmtypes

2002-01-27 Thread William Todd

I use a variety of films - Fuji, Kodak - at a variety of speeds.

Is there a lookup table that will correlate the info on the negative, i.e.
GC 400-8 to a setting in Vuescan?

Tom Todd

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[filmscanners] VueScan 7.5 beta 4 Available

2002-01-27 Thread

I just released VueScan 7.5 beta 4 for Windows, Mac OS 8/9/X
and Linux.  It can be downloaded from:


What's new in version 7.5 beta 4

* Improved infrared cleaning
* Added pixel unit to File|Image units
* Changed File|Lock image size to File|Lock aspect ratio
* Increased maximum frame offset to 4 frames for Nikon roll film adapter
* Removed lower histogram for B/W images
* Made it easier to change Font size and Option panel width (in Prefs)
* Fixed problem with too many or too few previews
* Fixed problem with frame number sometimes not displaying
* Fixed problem with Filter|Restore fading with very faded images
* Fixed problem with mirrored raw scan files with some scanners
* Fixed problem with excessive CPU when idle on Mac OS 8/9/X

Ed Hamrick

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[filmscanners] VueScan 7.5b34 Lockup

2002-01-27 Thread Larry Dodge

Whenever I now use Vuescan 7.5b4 or b5 after doing a preview I get
horizon and vertical lines showing up in preview screen instead of the
image.  Then the application locks up and I have to force quite.

I am scanning from disk.  I have not tryed scanning from the LS2000
direct yet.

I am able to use version 7.4.2 fine.

I am using a Mac G4/466/system 9.1

Has any mac users had a similar problem when scanning from disk?

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[filmscanners] VueScan 7.5 beta 2 Available

2002-01-24 Thread

I just released VueScan 7.5 beta 2 for Windows, Mac OS 8/9/X
and Linux.  It can be downloaded from:


What's new in version 7.5 beta 2

* Fixed problem with extra preview when scanning
* Fixed problem with focus position on Nikon and Scan Multi
* Fixed problem with Device|Auto scan
* Fixed problem with Files|Default folder
* Fixed problem with Files|Raw save with
* Fixed problem with mouse when clicking outside crop box

Ed Hamrick

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[filmscanners] Vuescan 7.4+ raw scan file change

2002-01-21 Thread Henry Richardson

It has been quite awhile since I have posted to this list but with a recent
change to Vuescan I would like to get the opinion of others.  Actually, I
posted this message more than 2 days ago but it never showed up on the list
so I will post it again.

I have been using Vuescan for close to 4 years and in the last year or so I
have settled on the methodology of scanning with my Minolta Scan Elite using
multi-scanning to create a high-quality scan and archiving the
high-resolution raw scan files to CD.  I probably have a thousand or so raw
scan files archived now.  I like to archive the raw scan files so that any
time I want to use the photo I can use Vuescan to scan from the raw file at
any resolution and using any setting (infrared cleaning, grain reduction,
color parameters, etc.) I want.  Using the raw file I can scan one time
using no grain reduction, another time using grain reduction at various
levels, with infrared cleaning, without infrared cleaning, etc.  Another
advantage of archiving the raw scan file is that Ed from time to time
improves the infrared cleaning and/or grain reduction algorithm and by
rescanning the archived raw scan file with the latest, greatest version of
Vuescan I can take advantage of that improvement.

This brings me to the point of this message.  Starting with version 7.4 Ed
has changed Vuescan from creating a raw scan file to a creating partially
processed raw scan file.  The raw file now has infrared cleaning already
done and, in a message a couple of days ago, Henk de Jong says that grain
reduction processing has already been done to the raw scan file also.  I'm
sure Ed has
some very good reasons for making this change but, I for one, much prefer
the previous method of saving a raw file with none of that processing.  In
recent months Ed has made some tremendous improvements to Vuescan
(histograms, etc.) that I have been wanting for years and I heartily thank
him for those.  Certainly I trust Ed's good judgement because he usually
gets things right, but this time I can see no advantage from a user's point
of view, but there is a serious disadvantage.

With the way Vuescan 7.4+ operates I must do one of two things:

1.  Scan the slide/negative 8 times and archive 8 raw scan files:
a.  no infrared cleaning, no grain reduction
b.  no infrared cleaning, light grain reduction
c.  no infrared cleaning, medium grain reduction
d.  no infrared cleaning, heavy grain reduction
e.  infrared cleaning, no grain reduction
f.  infrared cleaning, light grain reduction
g.  infrared cleaning, medium grain reduction
h.  infrared cleaning, heavy grain reduction

2.  Scan the slide/negative using the infrared cleaning setting and grain
reduction setting that I *think* I will usually want for this image and when
I want a different setting I will have to go back and rescan the original
image again -- sort of defeats the purpose of archiving in the first place

I hope Ed will reconsider and return Vuescan to creating raw scan files that
don't have the infrared cleaning and grain reduction already performed.
Maybe there is some advantage to the new method that I can't think of and if
there is maybe someone can enlighten me.  In my opinion, it would have to be
a really huge advantage to offset the very serious disdvantage though.

What do others think?

Henry Richardson

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[filmscanners] Vuescan crashes

2002-01-19 Thread Henk de Jong

I tested and tested again and now I am shure:
Choosing a grain reduction reduces the grain in the scan raw file...

And with al this testing I discovered another problem:

Scanning a slide
Choosing a different Color balance is no problem: I see the differnt color
setting on the screen

After scanning the slide AND save the files to disk, then changing Color
balance will crash Vuescan.

With kind regards,

Henk de Jong
The Netherlands

Burma - Photo Gallery

Nepal - Trekking Around Annapurna - Photo Gallery

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[filmscanners] VueScan 7.4.2 - an appreciation, and questions about file sizing

2002-01-18 Thread Julian Vrieslander

The rate of development for VueScan over the last few weeks has been

Histograms, graphically selectable focus point, live display updates,
monitor color spaces, separate panes for controls and displays, and much

For a lot of VS users, I suspect that the top items on their requested
feature wish lists have already been added.  Thanks once more, Ed, for
producing a great product, with terrific support for your customers.  And
I'd like to know what vitamins you are taking...

By and large, I think Ed has done a good job at expanding the
functionality of VS, while keeping the user interface elements organized
and transparent.  If there is a fault to VS as a product, it is in the
documentation (User's Guide).  The descriptions are often too brief,
unclear or confusing.  This material really begs to be fleshed out.  In
some places, diagrams or screenshots would be very helpful.  An improved
User's Guide might reduce the amount of time that Ed spends responding to
frequently repeated questions.

There is one area that really needs better description.  I am not sure I
understand it myself.  This is the new group of controls in the File tab
that control Image units, Image size, and Image dpi.  I understand the
basic concepts of resolution and image scaling.  But the documentation
does not explain the various options in the Image size popup menu.  Here
is my guess at what is going on:

In the following descriptions I assume that image refers to the data
written to the tif or jpg output files, and that scan refers to the
cropped area of the scanned media.

Image size = Scan size  Image resolution is set to the dpi selected in
Device |Scan resolution.  Image dimensions are set to the crop
dimensions: Crop | X size and Crop | Y size.

Image size = Fixed dpi  Image resolution is set to the value entered in
Files | Image dpi.  Image dimensions are computed by multiplying the
crop dimensions by a factor F = (scan dpi / image dpi).

Image size = Manual  Image dimensions are computed by multiplying the
crop dimensions by the largest factor G which will keep image size within
the limits set by the user in Files | Image width and Files | Image
height.  Image resolution is computed from (scan dpi / G).

Image size = a standard size  Image dimensions are computed by
multiplying the crop dimensions by the largest factor H which will keep
image size within the limits set by the selected standard size.  Image
resolution is computed from (scan dpi / H).

If the above descriptions are correct, none of these settings will cause
any resampling (no pixels are changed, added or deleted).  They only
affect the image size and resolution tags in the output files.  I hope
that Ed or someone else will correct me, if my understanding is wrong.

Julian Vrieslander mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[filmscanners] Vuescan Save button

2002-01-18 Thread Henk de Jong

Every time I push the Save button, both the raw scan file and tiff crop file
are saved.
Before versions only saves the raw scan file one time after scanning the

When I change a color or white point / black point setting, only the tiff
crop file need to be saved, because there will be no change in the raw scan

I am a little bit lost after all the changes made in Vuescan...
It think I have to change my work flow, because more and more tweaking of
the image could be done in Vuescan, while before I did that in my PSP
graphics program.

With kind regards,

Henk de Jong
The Netherlands

Burma - Photo Gallery

Nepal - Trekking Around Annapurna - Photo Gallery

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[filmscanners] Vuescan 7.4 raw scan files not realy raw?

2002-01-18 Thread Henk de Jong

Coming back from a month holiday I discovered a very very different Vuescan
It took me almost an hour to find out that you have to change the resolution
setting from auto (default) to 2700 under the device tab to get a real scan
with enough pixels :-(

There was some e-mail or ng-message about the filosophy about the raw-scan
files, but I can not find it anymore.

I experienced that changing the grain reduction under the filter tab changes
the raw scan file size.
The output file is 48 bit RGB. I have no infrared cleaning on my scanner
(Acer 2720S Scanwit).

Does this mean that grain-reduction alters the raw scan file?
In my opinion that would be undesirable.
I strongly support the filosophy of raw scan files with no processing at

Also the size reduction under the filter tab reduces the raw scan file.
Before versions only alters the crop file. If I need a smaller raw scan
file, I change the scanner resolution under the device tab.

There are three places to reduce the file size:
size reduction under the filter tab
size reduction for tiff (crop) files under the files tab
size reduction for raw files under the files tab

The size reduction under the filter tab reduces both the tiff (crop) file
and raw scan file.
But this can also be accomplished by the resolution setting under the device
tab or by the size reductions under the file tab.
One setting too much?

With kind regards,

Henk de Jong
The Netherlands

Burma - Photo Gallery

Nepal - Trekking Around Annapurna - Photo Gallery

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[filmscanners] VueScan Crashing System

2002-01-18 Thread

I would appreciate any help that you folks can offer with a VueScan problem.

My copy of VueScan is no longer functional, as it will not open.  I am 
running it on Windows ME.  I have been updating with new versions as they 
have been released.  I have not had as much time to scan lately as I would 
like, so I can not guarantee that each update has been working totally 
normally, but I can say that I have never had a problem installing and then 
opening each update.  The last one I had downloaded was 7.4.0 or 7.4.1….I 
can't remember which.

I just downloaded version 7.4.2 for Windows.  The installation went normally 
until the little gray box came up saying that  F1 can be pressed for help 
anytime.  I clicked on the OK button and the VueScan  'splash screen' with 
the picture of a scanner came up….but then it just stayed there while I could 
intermittently hear the hard drive whirring.  Ultimately, by closing the 
folder that I downloaded to, the splash screen went gray.  I had to shut down 
the system with alt-ctl-del.  I restarted and clicked on my VueScan shortcut 
and the system again came to a grinding halt on the splash screen.  If I 
tried clicking again on the shortcut I was told the file was already being 
used.  I rebooted using alt-ctl-del and reinstalled an earlier version of 
VueScan that I had saved.  Again, the same thing happens at the opening 
splash screen.  Alt-ctl-del always brings up the program not responding box 
and I have to reboot.  Again, although I have not used all the prior 
downloads I have successfully opened them all.

Would sure like to know what the problem is and  how to fix it and get 
VueScan back.

Thanks for any help with this!


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[filmscanners] Vuescan 7.4.2 and saving RAW files

2002-01-18 Thread Wolf Eilers

Recently I sent a note to Ed asking about a performance feature that I
believe no longer exists in the 7.4+ versions of VueScan.

I stated:

In previous releases of VueScan (versions 7.3.7 and up) saving a RAW file
was significantly improved by scanning and writing files at the same time.
With version 7.4 and up this very important feature seems to have been
removed. Perhaps the disappearance is because of the enhancement that
applies Infrared cleaning and Size reduction filters to RAW files before
saving them. However, if Infrared clean is set to None and Size reduction
set to 1, then VueScan should still (as it did in the past with version
7.3.13) save RAW files while scanning.

Ed kindly and promptly replied indicating that the performance should be a
bit better in 7.4.2. Unfortunately, VueScan 7.4.2 still seems to scan the
image, then apply whatever filters are appropriate, then save the RAW file
to disk. It does this even if all filters are set to none. Saving a large
RAW file to disk can take considerable time -- 40 seconds with tif
compression on my machine.

In contrast, release 7.3.13 of VueScan saves the RAW file to disk
synchronously with the scan. When the scan completes, the RAW file is on the
disk. On my Nikon LS40 with VueScan 7.3.13, I can scan and save a full
resolution (2900 dpi) 64 bit RGBI file (59 MB) in 137 seconds. With VueScan
7.4.2 the time to scan and save is 175 seconds -- an extra 40 seconds.
Please note that I set no filters (like infrared cleaning) or size reduction
to the RAW scan.

Am I the only one who misses the scan/save performance feature of 7.3.13? By
the way, I am also in the camp that does not want any processing (infrared
cleaning or otherwise) applied to RAW files.

Wolf Eilers

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[filmscanners] VueScan 7.4 Display in window question

2002-01-17 Thread Preston Earle

On all the versions of VueScan 7.4, I can't find the Display in window
box that is on the Files Page (I think) of previous VueScan versions. I
haven't been able to Preview a group of images in the Preview window in
any of the 7.4 versions. If I preview one image, it shows up, but if I
preview more than one, they don't. (Well, maybe the last one does, I
haven't noticed for sure.) Have I missed something somewhere?

Details: Minolta Scan Dual II (with wounded but serviceable negative
holder); Windows Me

Preston Earle

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[filmscanners] VueScan 7.4.1 Available

2002-01-15 Thread

I just released VueScan 7.4.1 for Windows, Mac OS 8/9/X
and Linux.  It can be downloaded from:


  * Added separate TIFF, JPEG and Raw size reduction options
  * Fixed problem with images written when Save button pressed
  * Fixed problem dragging crop box outside window
  * Fixed problem with Device|Auto scan

Ed Hamrick

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[filmscanners] VueScan 7.4 Available

2002-01-14 Thread

I just released VueScan 7.4 for Windows, Mac OS 8/9/X
and Linux.  It can be downloaded from:


What's new in VueScan 7.4

  * Added live update of images and histograms when options are changed
  * Added spin buttons to increment/decrement options that use sliders
  * Added Crop|Measurement units to specify pixel, mm, cm or inch units
  * Added File|Image size option specify size of saved images
  * Added File|Lock image size to lock crop box to shape of image size
  * Added File|Save raw file to write raw scan file when saving files
  * Added File|Save on scan to save files after scan done
  * Added Prefs|Enable sliders and Prefs|Enable spin buttons
  * Changed Filter|Infrared clean to affect raw scan file
  * Changed Filter|Size reduction to affect raw scan file
  * Changed Prev mem / Scan mem buttons to Refresh and Save buttons
  * Changed Film color to Film base color
  * Improved memory allocation on Mac OS when virtual memory off
  * Fixed problem with sliders jumping a bit when mouse released
  * Fixed problem with slider for black/white point not going to zero
  * Fixed problem with uneven increments with some sliders

Ed Hamrick

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[filmscanners] VueScan 7.4 Beta 1 Available

2002-01-13 Thread

I've made quite a few changes in 7.4, so I thought I'd make
beta versions for Windows, Mac OS 8/9/X and Linux available.

The most significant change is that the preview and scan
windows are updated automatically when options are changed.

You can download from:


What's new in version 7.4

  * Added live update of images and histograms when options are changed
  * Added buttons to increment/decrement options that use sliders
  * Added option to write raw scan file when Scan mem button pressed
  * Raw scan file is now changed by Filter|Infrared clean
  * Raw scan file is now changed by Filter|Size reduction
  * Changed Prev Mem / Scan Mem to Refresh and Save
  * Changed Film color to Film base color
  * Improved memory allocation on Mac OS when virtual memory off
  * Fixed problem with sliders jumping a bit when mouse released
  * Fixed problem with slider for black/white point not going to zero
  * Fixed problem with uneven increments with some sliders

If you find any problems with this beta, could you send me
an e-mail?

Ed Hamrick

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[filmscanners] VueScan 7.4 beta: still having white pixel clipping with SS4000

2002-01-13 Thread S Schwartz

I am still having trouble with bright pixel clipping with VueScan and my
SS4000. I am scanning 35mm color transparencies--Velvia and ProviaF--and
using Image as Media Type.

I just did comparison scans of a landscape with deep shadows and bright
clouds.  Using VueScan with the white point setting way down to 0.02 and the
black point at 0 and using the White Balance setting, I am still seeing
clipping of the brightest pixels once the image is imported into Photoshop.

The VueScan gray histogram looks as though the line reaches zero at the
far right end of the graph.

However, using the ALT+click on the white point triangle in the Levels
dialog box of Photoshop shows the clipping of bright pixels in some of the

When I use Polaroid's Insight to scan the same slide, the brightest pixels
are well below the white point in the Photoshop histogram. There is no

I tried scanning with the Color setting at Neutral rather than White
Balance. That results in moving the entire gray histogram to the left, but
there is still bright pixel clipping when I look at the histogram in PS6.

I used PS to look at the R,G and B channels in the levels dialog box. The
bright clipping seems to be in the blue channel, for what it's worth. The
image scanned by Polaroid's Insight doesn't show this phenomenon.


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[filmscanners] Vuescan?¿

2002-01-07 Thread Larry Ostrom

Greetings:  I've recently purchased vuescan 7.3.10, to use with my
polaroid SS120.  I'm on a mac G4, OS 9.1 with SCSI to the SS120.
35mm scanning ---no problem--- 120 negs I can't get a preview for
love or money.   I've even disabled the polaroid scanner software
and silverfast software in extensions manager.  I'm stuckanyone
have any advice??
Ostrom Photography
**  ***

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[filmscanners] Vuescan vs Epson 1600 flatbed

2002-01-07 Thread Chris Mende

Hi, everybody.  I've lurked long enough to feel as if I know you all - but finally 
need help of a what feels like a simple sort and has me stymied.  I'[m running a Mac 
G4 with 9.1 and just downloaded Vuescan 7.3.11 and can't seem to get it to do anything 
when I make preview and scan requests.  I had bought the software a long time ago and 
then let it sit idle on my desktop because of this same problem shortly after getting 
the scanner, then didn't do much with my computer for a while.  Now I want to get 
everything going!
I'm not sure how to proceed!  thanks for any tips!
Chris Mende


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[filmscanners] VueScan 7.3.11 Available

2002-01-06 Thread

I just released VueScan 7.3.11 for Windows, Mac OS 8/9/X
and Linux.  It can be downloaded from:


What's new in version 7.3.11

  * Added support for reading raw scan files in JPEG format
  * Added preliminary support for Scan Elite II
  * Fixed focus problem on Scan Dual II
  * Fixed problem with auto exposure on Acer flatbeds
  * Improved accuracy of sRGB gamma correction

Ed Hamrick

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[filmscanners] Vuescan colour neg problem

2002-01-05 Thread Tim Atherton

Hi All (Ed...),

I'm having problems scanning some 4x5 colour negs on my Epson 1640 using

They are  Portra 160 and Fuji NPS.

I have worked a good setup with the colour settings, brightness etc, using
the neg profiles in VueScan.

BUT I'm getting banding/scanner artefacts in the blue skies. Now, I know the
blue channel on these flatbeds can be noisy, but I don't get this problem on
transparencies, or if I scan the neg as a transparency and try and convert
it in PS (but then it's very hard to get rid of the orange mask and get
decent colour correction).

Any ideas anyone...?


Tim A

PS - using latest VueScan and PS6

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[filmscanners] Vuescan 7.3.10 default folder: slashes reversed

2002-01-01 Thread S Schwartz

I scanned a slide with VueScan and found it deposited in the C:\Vuescan
folder on my Win2K system rather than in my default folder.

I went back through my setup and picked the default folder I wished to use
and yet on rescanning, the image again was deposited in the \VueScan folder.

I noticed that when I picked my default folder by clicking on the directory
tree in the Browse for folder dialog box, the folder name that was placed in
default folder input box was:

C:/Graphics/SlideScans/New Scans

Notice that the slashes are forward rather than backward.

When I manually replaced the forward slashes with backward slashes, the file
got saved in the desired folder.


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[filmscanners] VueScan update wish - my last idea for the year 2001

2001-12-31 Thread Bernie Ess

What I´d like to see is a place on the GUI where I can permanently see *and
correct* the name of the file, or the one being created on the next scan.
Could be in the title blue bar next to the Version number, or somewhere
else - I never know what file I am at...

A happy new year to everyone...


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[filmscanners] VueScan 7.3.10 Available

2001-12-31 Thread

I just released VueScan 7.3.10 for Windows, Mac OS 8/9/X
and Linux.  It can be downloaded from:


What's new in version 7.3.10

  * Improved color balance algorithm
  * Fixed problem with some HP scanners on Windows
  * Fixed problem with some UMAX scanners and some Windows
SCSI controllers
  * Fixed problem with Frame numbers sometimes not appearing
  * Added rotate and brightness options when advanced options off

Ed Hamrick

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[filmscanners] Re: filmscanners: Vuescan memory error

2001-12-28 Thread Ned Nurk

yeah its entirely possibly that you could have some faulty memory that only
shows up when you are trying to do a certain thing. I had that myself and
norton picked it up. whipped the simm out and everything worked fine


Subject: [filmscanners] Re: filmscanners: Vuescan memory error
Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2001 18:39:07 -0500

do an exhaustive test of the memory, try Norton 2002 or download a test
suitable for Win2k.. a complete test will take a long time so be patient.
this one:


Paul Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

 I got a similar memory error on my Nikon 8000 with W2K
 Ed couldnt track it down and told me it must be my system... (ahem)
 I tried everything, but cant crack it either
 so I cant use vuescan just yet for big MF scans till this is solved.
 glad to hear any suggestions

Astropics http://home.att.net/~hermperez

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[filmscanners] VueScan 7.3.9 Available

2001-12-27 Thread

I just released VueScan 7.3.9 for Windows, Mac OS 8/9/X
and Linux.  It can be downloaded from:


What's new in version 7.3.9

  * Improved infrared cleaning
  * Added Device|Advanced options to simplify user interface
  * Added Device|Infrared stretch for Canon FS4000 and ScanWit 2740
  * Works with Scan Multi Pro without changing dsscan.inf
  * Fixed 48-bit RGB exposure problem on Epson scanners
  * Reduce display flickering on startup on Mac OS

Ed Hamrick

Unsubscribe by mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], with 'unsubscribe' in the title or 

[filmscanners] VueScan 7.3.8 Available

2001-12-22 Thread

I just released VueScan 7.3.8 for Windows, Mac OS 8/9/X
and Linux.  It can be downloaded from:


What's new in version 7.3.8

  * Fixed problem focusing on SprintScan 4000 and ArtixScan 4000t
  * Fixed problem with AGFA Arcus 1200

Ed Hamrick

Unsubscribe by mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], with 'unsubscribe' in the title or 

[filmscanners] Fw: Re: filmscanners: VueScan dust removal artifacts

2001-12-21 Thread Tony Sleep

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Subject: Re: filmscanners: VueScan dust removal artifacts

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I use Vuscan 7.3.6 and the CanonFs4000,and I also find that the IR clean =
does not work very well.There seems to be some sort of misalignment of =
the IR scan and the actual image scan.


Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
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META content=3DMSHTML 5.50.4134.600 name=3DGENERATOR
BODY bgColor=3D#ff
DIVFONT size=3D2I use Vuscan 7.3.6 and the CanonFs4000,and I also =
find that=20
the IR clean does not work very well.There seems to be some sort of =
of the IR scan and the actual image scan./FONT/DIV
DIVFONT size=3D2/FONTnbsp;/DIV


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Re: filmscanners: Vuescan + Infrared

2001-12-20 Thread Arthur Entlich

This is very interesting information.  Does Canon's software work
consistently in dust removal, or do they have the same problem?  It does
make some sense that the IR channel be refocused, since we know that IR
light has a different focal point than does visible white light, and
this is often indicated by the little red line or dot on camera lenses
to show the offset from white light focus, for those using IR film.

I have heard reports of FARE (Canon's IR dust removal system being
either very good and causing no softening of the image, to not as
effective as dICE.  Perhaps this explains it in part, that being, some
scans work well, others are less effective in registering properly.



  In a message dated 12/18/2001 11:44:29 PM EST, 
 Does Vuescan use the same technique with infrared passes on all scanners,
  and therefore any difference between say an LS30 and FS4000 in the OEM
  software are avoided.
  The problem with the FS4000 is that there are two passes to get the
  RGB and Infrared data, and these passes use different focus positions.
  VueScan has problems aligning the two passes, so the infrared
  dust removal sometimes doesn't work well on this scanner.
  Ed Hamrick

filmscanners: VueScan 7.3.7 Available

2001-12-20 Thread EdHamrick

I just released VueScan 7.3.7 for Windows, Mac OS 8/9/X
and Linux.  It can be downloaded from:


What's new in version 7.3.7

  * Significantly improved speed of scanning by updating display
and writing files at the same time
  * Reduced flicker when scrolling zoomed image
  * Fixed problem with zooming on Linux
  * Fixed problem using Device|Auto scan with Device|Lock image color

Ed Hamrick

filmscanners: VueScan 7.3.6 Available

2001-12-19 Thread EdHamrick

I just released VueScan 7.3.6 for Windows, Mac OS 8/9/X
and Linux.  It can be downloaded from:


What's new in version 7.3.6

  * Set the default monitor color space on Mac OS to Apple RGB 
  * Enabled 14 bit scans on AGFA Arcus 1200
  * Increased range of focus values on LS-40, LS-4000, LS-8000
to handle unusual slide mounts
  * Fixed problem when color space set to Adobe RGB or Apple RGB
  * Fixed problem with Prefs|Release memory option
  * Fixed problem scanning negatives on HP 7400C
  * Fixed problem with locking colors when scanning from disk

Ed Hamrick

Re: filmscanners: VueScan 7.3.5 color space bug?

2001-12-19 Thread sirius

   I disagree ... what we end up with in Photoshop should never go thru the
 gamut funnel you describe above.  What we end up in Photoshop should be
 the result of as few profile conversions as possible, and only one should
 needed ... i.e.:
sorry, didnt i say that?

device space = scanner space .
scanner data is corrected in scan program (which is done in some device
independent internal space)
image is represented in scan program through monitor icm (but which doesnt
do anything with the image data)
image is saved through whatever space you choose to.

conversion (corrected output) from scanner space to working space:
scanner space  scan program correction  saved to working space X


no conversion:
scanner space  vuescan scans only  uncorrected output in scanner space to


filmscanners: VueScan 7.3.6 files default location

2001-12-19 Thread michael shaffer

  Vuescan (for windows) is putting my scan and crop tifs in the wrong
location.  That is, in spite of me setting the default location for a
specific drive and directory, Vs is putting these tifs in the 'c:\vuescan'
directory.  I don't know for sure, but it may be because I saved options in
the vuescan directory, before I asked for a scan.  Regardless, I cannot seem
to change the default directory(?)

  Confirmation: I re-started Vuescan, and it defaulted to the same preferred
directory I had set previously ... and worked properly.  However ... as soon
as I saved an options 'ini' file in the Vuescan directory, Vuescan after did
not recognize the default directory.  So, it would seem saving an options
file messes with the default directory location.

shAf  :o)

Re: filmscanners: Vuescan + Infrared

2001-12-19 Thread EdHamrick

In a message dated 12/18/2001 11:44:29 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Does Vuescan use the same technique with infrared passes on all scanners,


  and therefore any difference between say an LS30 and FS4000 in the OEM
  software are avoided.

The problem with the FS4000 is that there are two passes to get the
RGB and Infrared data, and these passes use different focus positions.
VueScan has problems aligning the two passes, so the infrared
dust removal sometimes doesn't work well on this scanner.

Ed Hamrick

Re: filmscanners: VueScan 7.3.6 Available

2001-12-19 Thread sirius

seems that i was  fooled by the Adobe RGB/Apple RGB bug.
Color spaces look like working ok now. Congratulations.
I tested various settings:
 if i set for monitor space the most proximate match to my image in pshop,
then no matter what file space i choose, there is always a pretty good match
to the result in photoshop. In my case the monitor space is most proximate
to PAL/Secam space.
More precise results can  be obtained with some large gamut critical test
images and by testing with the custom monitor profile , when that setting
comes available in vuescan.
For now it works pretty good.

Thanks Ed.

best regards

jan albrecht

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 1:43 PM
Subject: filmscanners: VueScan 7.3.6 Available

 I just released VueScan 7.3.6 for Windows, Mac OS 8/9/X
 and Linux.  It can be downloaded from:


 What's new in version 7.3.6

   * Set the default monitor color space on Mac OS to Apple RGB
   * Enabled 14 bit scans on AGFA Arcus 1200
   * Increased range of focus values on LS-40, LS-4000, LS-8000
 to handle unusual slide mounts
   * Fixed problem when color space set to Adobe RGB or Apple RGB
   * Fixed problem with Prefs|Release memory option
   * Fixed problem scanning negatives on HP 7400C
   * Fixed problem with locking colors when scanning from disk

 Ed Hamrick

filmscanners: VueScan 7.3.6 IR dust removal (#2)

2001-12-19 Thread michael shaffer

  For Vs users' comments and Ed's attention:

  With respect to my earlier post, and trials with Vs v.7.3.6, attached are
2 images ... (1) the IR channel  (2) the RGB.  Both of them are in exact
registration, but I believe the IR is mis-registered with respect to the
defect.  These scans have been rotated CW.

  I cannot imagine any reason for the mis-registration ... that is, a
LS-2000 scans IR coincidentally with RGB.


shAf  :o)

attachment: infrared.jpgattachment: RGB.jpg

filmscanners: Vuescan 7.3.6: exposure numbers

2001-12-19 Thread michael shaffer

  This is the first time I've been able to sit down and play with Vs  my
LS-2000 since early in v.7.

  I'm scanning Supra 100 today ... and for Vuescan exposures I am getting
numbers like:
RGB = 3.33
IR  = 4.57

  It seems to me, for earlier versions of Vuescan, possibly as early as
v.6.x, I was getting exposure numbers near 1.  Anyone know what these
differences represent? ... or, how it reflects on an ability for Vs v.7 to
return to previously raw scans, and color process them?

shAf  :o)

Re: filmscanners: Vuescan Strategy

2001-12-19 Thread Tony Sleep

On Thu, 13 Dec 2001 21:49:25 -0800  Robert E. Wright ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

 Many of the recent suggestions make me question the strategy behind =
 Vuescan. This is certainly up to Ed Hamrick, but my long time =
 understanding has been that the aim was to create a scanned image file =
 that gave the maximum image data for adjustment in an image editor.

Yup, I agree. One Silverfast is quite enough :)


Tony Sleep
http://www.halftone.co.uk - Online portfolio  exhibit; + film scanner 
info  comparisons

filmscanners: VueScan dust removal artifacts

2001-12-19 Thread michael shaffer

It seems I've been having problems with sending the #1 post ... most
likely my attached JPEG was too large.  The previous included an example
which didn't show this artifact, accomplished with Nikonscan ... please take
my word ... you couldn't tell where the defect was ... I'll not include it

It is a screen capture from Photoshop.  The difference in quality is
something I notice in Vuescan 7.x (since I don't know when ... it seems to
me it used to work better, but I cannot refer to an earlier version, but I
believe we'd need go back to v.6.x).  What I am specifically referring to is
the darker pixels in the area corrected ... they seem to be always on the
one side, upper and right sides (for a frame not rotated) as if there was a
RGB/IR mis-registration.  Sometimes there exist lighter pixels opposite the

I'll be looking into this a bit more this weekend, but would appreciate
anyone else's ability to duplicate it with their Coolscan (mine being a

tia ... shAf  :o)

attachment: DR-artifact.jpg

RE: filmscanners: VueScan 7.3.5 color space bug?

2001-12-18 Thread michael shaffer

Julian writes ...

 Thanks, Ed.  This seems like a good interim solution, until VueScan gets
 real color management.  But I think there may be a bug in there.  I set
 up 7.3.5 to display images in Apple RGB, and to save files in Adobe RGB.
 The file images, when opened up in Photoshop, are significantly darker
 than VueScan's preview and scan displays.

  Just so we're all on the same page ... what is your display calibrated to?
Are we talking about the Mac version of Vuescan?

  I have to ask because what you describe is exactly what I'd expect to see.
That is, my display is D65 gamma=2.2 ... since Vuescan doesn't compensate
for my display, if I put a preview up in D50 1.8, adjusted the color  gamma
just right, and than asked to deliver D65 2.2, I'd certainly expect the
difference.  I believe the key to the problem is Vuescan doesn't compensate
for your display, and you should not preview in D50 1.8 unless your display
is configured for it (granted ... it may be and I'm all wet ...g...)

cheerios ... shAf  :o)
Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland

RE: filmscanners: VueScan 7.3.5 color space bug?

2001-12-18 Thread michael shaffer

Julian writes ...

 Thanks, Ed.  This seems like a good interim solution, until VueScan gets
 real color management.  ...

  My idea of real color management would be Vuescan's ability to
accommodate a scanner's device profile ... but I understand the complexities
of Vuescan accommodating LUT profiles.

  On the other hand ... Ed's implimentation of monitor color space is a
mystery.  The option implies a device space but instead makes only working
spaces available, and what does device RGB imply in this context?  sRGB
should be my preference ... it is most like my D65 2.2 monitor ... but is
not my monitor's color space!  While monitor spaces are generally 2D matrix
profiles, Vuescan should be able to work with them ... and Vuescan, in this
context only, should allow us to choose our specific display profile.

my $0.02  cheerios ... shAf  :o)
Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland

Re: filmscanners: VueScan 7.3.5 color space bug?

2001-12-18 Thread EdHamrick

In a message dated 12/17/2001 11:46:30 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have some sample images which demonstrate that 7.3.5 is actually worse 
  than 7.3.4, at least for the above combination of color spaces.

This is just too complicated for me - there are lots of different color
space conversions, screen captures, Photoshop conversions, etc.

The simplest thing to do is to preview an image with
Color|Monitor color space set to Adobe RGB (gamma 1.8)
then preview it immediately again with Apple RGB (gamma 2.2).

The gamma 1.8 preview is darker than the gamma 2.2 preview.
That's how it's supposed to work.

A separate issue is to determine why the Photoshop window
looks different from the VueScan Scan window.  This is
controlled by how you have your monitor profiled, whether
you've given the right monitor profile to Mac OS / Photoshop,
and whether Photoshop is set up properly.

It would be useful if someone could do this same test using
Photoshop on Windows.  The Scan window in VueScan
should look very similar to the image in Photoshop.

Ed Hamrick

RE: filmscanners: VueScan 7.3.5 color space bug?

2001-12-18 Thread michael shaffer

Ed writes ...

 This is just too complicated for me - there are lots of different color
 space conversions, screen captures, Photoshop conversions, etc.

  It really isn't difficult.  With regard to the color space you embed to
the 'cropped' image, keep doing it like before.  With regard to Vuescan's
preview and scan presentations, you should associate Vuescan color
with whatever we select as monitor space ... and leave it to us to select
the color space which best matches our monitor (... but I do wish you'd
allow us to select something other than sRGB ... i.e., our actual display

  All else you'd need consider is no double conversions ... that is, what
is in Vuescan's color space (monitor space) is independent of the file color
space we choose to embed.  I.E.,

[Vuescan space]  == 'device RGB' = 'monitor space'
[embedded space] == 'device RGB' = 'file color space'


[embedded space] == 'device RGB' = 'monitor space' = 'file color space'

... else, we shall all take up a contribution and buy you an installation of
Photoshop ...*smile*...

cheerios ... shAf  :o)
Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland

Re: filmscanners: VueScan 7.3.5 color space bug?

2001-12-18 Thread sirius

 It would be useful if someone could do this same test using
 Photoshop on Windows.  The Scan window in VueScan
 should look very similar to the image in Photoshop.

 Ed Hamrick

I did more or less, as told  in a previous post.:

i replace here part of my reply in your 7.3.5. anouncement thread

-However i do get correct matching between pshop and vuescan when i set both
monitor and file space to adobe RGB. That is nice but i dont think it is
correct. The custom monitor profile should be selected in the display list
which, when the same allover the system, will display all equal.
-Or is your Monitor color space  in reality a monitor translation of working
spaces= working space preview? In order to preview one space and scan to a
different space?

The scheme should be
scannerscanner icmvuescan interface space monitor icm  monitor
and vuescan interface space file icm  file
and then file file icm  pshop interface space (lab)  monitor icm 

These icm things keeps us confused

Re: filmscanners: VueScan 7.3.5 color space bug?

2001-12-18 Thread EdHamrick

In a message dated 12/18/2001 11:51:45 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 However i do get correct matching between pshop and vuescan when i set both
  monitor and file space to adobe RGB.

A more interesting question is whether you get correcting matching
between VueScan and Photoshop when you use each of the different
Color|File color space settings (except for Device RGB) while leaving
Color|Monitor color space set to Adobe RGB.

Is your monitor set for gamma 1.8?

  The scheme should be ...

That very well may be.  However, it's probably more useful to
diagnose how it currently works before discussing how to
change it.

Ed Hamrick

Re: filmscanners: VueScan 7.3.5 color space bug?

2001-12-18 Thread Mikael Risedal

There are no difference in my MAC  between the scan window in Vuescan and 
later on in photoshop.

Mikael Risedal


Subject: Re: filmscanners: VueScan 7.3.5 color space bug?
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 09:47:32 EST

In a message dated 12/17/2001 11:46:30 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  I have some sample images which demonstrate that 7.3.5 is actually worse
   than 7.3.4, at least for the above combination of color spaces.

This is just too complicated for me - there are lots of different color
space conversions, screen captures, Photoshop conversions, etc.

The simplest thing to do is to preview an image with
Color|Monitor color space set to Adobe RGB (gamma 1.8)
then preview it immediately again with Apple RGB (gamma 2.2).

The gamma 1.8 preview is darker than the gamma 2.2 preview.
That's how it's supposed to work.

A separate issue is to determine why the Photoshop window
looks different from the VueScan Scan window.  This is
controlled by how you have your monitor profiled, whether
you've given the right monitor profile to Mac OS / Photoshop,
and whether Photoshop is set up properly.

It would be useful if someone could do this same test using
Photoshop on Windows.  The Scan window in VueScan
should look very similar to the image in Photoshop.

Ed Hamrick

MSN Photos är det enklaste sättet att dela ut och skriva ut foton: 

RE: filmscanners: VueScan 7.3.5 color space bug?

2001-12-18 Thread michael shaffer

Ed writes ...

 In a message dated 12/18/2001 11:51:45 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   The scheme should be ...

 That very well may be.  However, it's probably more useful to
 diagnose how it currently works before discussing how to
 change it.

  On my Win2k computer, display configured for D65, 2.2, I see and get what
I expect if I configure Vuescan monitor space for 'sRGB' and ask file
space to be 'EktaspaceRGB' ... HOWEVER, I say that with a caveat:  I cannot
inspect the resulting RGB in Phoptoshop (with monitor color) and discern
that my EktaspaceRGB did NOT go thru the gamut funnel I mentioned in the
previous post.  That being said, it looks ok on my computer ... certainly
not what sirius describes.  Just please tell me that EktaspaceRGB came
direct from device RGB in a single conversion(?)

shAf  :o)

RE: filmscanners: VueScan 7.3.5 color space bug?

2001-12-18 Thread michael shaffer

sirius writes ...

 The scheme should be
 scannerscanner icmvuescan interface space monitor icm  monitor
 and vuescan interface space file icm  file
 and then
 file file icm  pshop interface space (lab)  monitor icm  monitor

  I disagree ... what we end up with in Photoshop should never go thru the
gamut funnel you describe above.  What we end up in Photoshop should be
the result of as few profile conversions as possible, and only one should be
needed ... i.e.:

device RGB = file space RGB

 that is:
large gamut=small gamut=large gamut is the same as small gamut!!!

shAf  :o)

Re: filmscanners: VueScan 7.3.5 color space bug?

2001-12-18 Thread EdHamrick

In a message dated 12/18/2001 1:53:44 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Just please tell me that EktaspaceRGB came
  direct from device RGB in a single conversion(?)

That's correct.

Ed Hamrick

RE: filmscanners: Vuescan hangs on scan on ss4000/win2k

2001-12-18 Thread Andrew Anderson

I have the same issue. Preview works, but scan runs for about 10 minutes
and then aborts.  It appears the unit (SS4000) is repeatedly trying to
focus but does not do so satisfactorily and keeps repeating the focus

I am running WinXP and connecting via a SCSI.  Version 7.1.25 works
okay, but the latest version does not.

Please let me know if I can help with the debugging process.


Andy Anderson

Re: filmscanners: VueScan Histogram

2001-12-18 Thread Brad Smith

Some lists generate a lot of sudden, surpise laughs.  This list
doesn't...till I saw this response to the 
How is it calculated? question.

Ed..great response!!!

 In a message dated 12/17/2001 10:46:16 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  How is the upper histogram calculated?
 Ed Hamrick

filmscanners: Vuescan + Infrared

2001-12-18 Thread P Elkin

Does Vuescan use the same technique with infrared passes on all scanners,
and therefore any difference between say an LS30 and FS4000 in the OEM
software are avoided. Note that with my LS30 I only use Vuescan's IR not
Nikonscan ICE as I find the result superior.


filmscanners: VueScan 7.3.5 Available

2001-12-17 Thread EdHamrick

I just released VueScan 7.3.5 for Windows, Mac OS 8/9/X
and Linux.  It can be downloaded from:


What's new in version 7.3.5

  * Added separate color spaces for Monitor and Files
  * Keeps histogram visible after preview or scan
  * Added option for histogram type to Prefs tab
  * Fixed problem with long-running operations
failing (i.e. auto-focus on SS4000)
  * Disabled VueScan on PowerPC G5

Ed Hamrick

RE: filmscanners: VueScan 7.3.5 Available

2001-12-17 Thread Mark Otway

 I just released VueScan 7.3.5 for Windows, Mac OS 8/9/X
 and Linux.  It can be downloaded from:



Any chance you could put the VS executable (sans installer) somewhere on
the website? That way, I could set up a scheduled daily download, and
always be sure of having the latest download!

Keep up the good work (and the offer's still there if you want a
slightly slicker Windows installer). 



RE: filmscanners: VueScan Histogram

2001-12-17 Thread michael shaffer

Philip writes ...

 *From my observations if you just scan with the WP at 0.1
 as default, you can compress the tonal values rather than
 making sure the image ocupies the full range available.
 If your image allows a WP of say 0.4 just before clipping
 then the available range isn't wasted in the 0-0.4 area*

  That's my impression as well.  For example, any given photo depending
exposure and subject, the scan may be asked to include white without
detail into the histogram ... which may sacrifice levels for white with
detail.  I believe as you force the histogram to include the former and
play with the Wp=0-.4 region, you'll notice significant effect on brightness
(or apparent gamma).  Once you set Wp so as to exclude most white w/o
detail you'll see less effect ... and it is here where you should probably
set the Wp.  A good histogram presentation, which might display a small
bump due to specular highlights would be beneficial, and reduce time wasted
at guessing.

shAf  :o)

Re: filmscanners: VueScan 7.3.5 Available

2001-12-17 Thread sirius

comments on 7.3.5

   * Added separate color spaces for Monitor and Files

- yes, very nice,
 when i get how it works ...
-my custom monitor profiles dont appear in the monitor spaces list, only
official color spaces. Srgb is bad approximation of my monitor. Does the
list list what is in the system32/spool/drivers/color folder? Is there a
problem with displaying all icm profiles?
-What would be the right setting on win 2k: my monitor is calibrated
throughout the system. Shouldnt that be device RGB space= noneor my cutom
monitor profile  in the monitor dropdown list.
- I dont have the impression that it it is working right now. When i set the
display to sRGB which is nearest to monitor space, and file to AdobeRGB (my
working space in Pshop too) the resulting scan is much darker in pshop than
in vuescan.
-However i do get correct matching between pshop and vuescan when i set both
monitor and file space to adobe RGB. That is nice but i dont think it is
correct. The custom monitor profile should be selected in the display list
which, when the same allover the system, will display all equal.
-Or is your Monitor color space  in reality a monitor translation of working
spaces= working space preview? In order to preview one space and scan to a
different space?

The scheme should be
scannerscanner icmvuescan interface monitor icm  monitor
and vuescan interface file icm  file
and then file file icm  pshop interface  monitor icm  monitor

These icm things keeps us confused

   * Keeps histogram visible after preview or scan

i still would prefer the thing in a separate draggable window (in order to
see preview, color tab and result histo in one view). Fixed interface
layouts will please some and others not, whatever layout you choose.
In fact i would separate the preview scan tab too in a draggable window,
making all combinations possible, so with a 2 monitor setup (like a lot of
scanners on this list) you can put histo and settings tabs on one screen and
the preview full size on the other.

   * Added option for histogram type to Prefs tab

Wow, all tastes of histo granted!!

 *The gamma setting disappeared:
WHY? I know that brightness is a multiplier, and the gamma was a replacement
of workspace gamma. Why cant we keep both? I find the gamma setting more
close to something real and recognizable, but that is just a feeling.

best regards

jan albrecht

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 9:47 AM
Subject: filmscanners: VueScan 7.3.5 Available

 I just released VueScan 7.3.5 for Windows, Mac OS 8/9/X
 and Linux.  It can be downloaded from:


 What's new in version 7.3.5

   * Added separate color spaces for Monitor and Files
   * Keeps histogram visible after preview or scan
   * Added option for histogram type to Prefs tab
   * Fixed problem with long-running operations
 failing (i.e. auto-focus on SS4000)
   * Disabled VueScan on PowerPC G5

 Ed Hamrick

RE: filmscanners: VueScan Histogram

2001-12-17 Thread michael shaffer

Ed writes ...

 I've made the histogram type an option in the Prefs tab.  The options
 are Linear, Square root and Logarithmic.  ...

  The upper luminosity(?) histogram shows an uncomfortable likeness to the
green histogram(?)  How is the upper histogram calculated? (... surely not
the green weighted grayscale conversion ...)

shAf  :o)

Re: filmscanners: VueScan Histogram

2001-12-17 Thread EdHamrick

In a message dated 12/17/2001 10:46:16 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 How is the upper histogram calculated?


Ed Hamrick

Re: filmscanners: VueScan Histogram

2001-12-17 Thread John Rylatt

Now, even I can understand that!!


 In a message dated 12/17/2001 10:46:16 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  How is the upper histogram calculated?
 Ed Hamrick

filmscanners: Vuescan memory error

2001-12-17 Thread Flannon Jackson

When I try to run VueScan with my SS120 I get the following error: Unable
to allocate 0 MBytes of memory. Try increasing the amount of virtual
memory.  I'm running Windows 2000 with dual PII 400's and 750 megs of ram
on an asus PII-DS board with the SCSI connection comming off the main
board, with Vuescan 7.3.5.  When I initially tried Vuescan I had 3.5 gigs
of virtual memory allocated.  The swap space was not on the system disk so
I thought maybe that was tripping VueScan up.  Unfortunatly this wasn't
the case because I still get the same error after adding another 3.5 gigs
of swap space on the system drive?

Any ideas as to what might be wrong?



RE: filmscanners: VueScan Histogram

2001-12-17 Thread michael shaffer

Ed writes ...

 In a message dated 12/17/2001 10:46:16 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  How is the upper histogram calculated?


  at 1st guess ... it is weighted green ... a normalized
(30.6%RED + 60.1%GREEN + 11.7%BLUE) ...

  ... and I agree with weighted green being one of the best methods for
evaluating the lightness of color ... however, because for white and
black, when R=G=B, I have to wonder how useful weighted green is for
evaluating how many white pixels  how many black pixels(???)

  (... by no means a criticism, and I thusfar like Ed's implimentation ...
but I believe how lightness is calculated is important to properly
evaluating Wp  Bp ...)

shAf  :o)

filmscanners: VueScan 7.3.5 color space bug?

2001-12-17 Thread Julian Vrieslander

On 12/17/01 3:47 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED], wrote:

I just released VueScan 7.3.5 for Windows, Mac OS 8/9/X
and Linux.


  * Added separate color spaces for Monitor and Files

Thanks, Ed.  This seems like a good interim solution, until VueScan gets 
real color management.  But I think there may be a bug in there.  I set 
up 7.3.5 to display images in Apple RGB, and to save files in Adobe RGB.  
The file images, when opened up in Photoshop, are significantly darker 
than VueScan's preview and scan displays.

The difference was much less when I was using version 7.3.4.  Recall that 
with 7.3.4 (and its single Color space setting) I was using Apple RGB 
and gamma 1.8 while adjusting color tab settings, and switching to Adobe 
RGB and gamma 2.2 just before doing the final scan to file.

I have some sample images which demonstrate that 7.3.5 is actually worse 
than 7.3.4, at least for the above combination of color spaces.




The behavior in 7.3.5 might be explained if you are (incorrectly) setting 
gamma 2.2 when Apple RGB is selected for Monitor color space.

Julian Vrieslander mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: filmscanners: VueScan Histogram

2001-12-16 Thread Mark T.

I would second Julian's comments - expecially the part about leaving the 
histograms in view for the Preview Memory function - that's the first thing 
I tried to do and was a little frustrated by not being able to see what 
happened until I had hit the tab again.  Ideally leave the old histo there 
until the moment that it changes - then when we see the actual 'switch' 
take place I think we will quickly get the hang of the relationship between 
the numbers and the graph.

mark t

PS - I find it hard to believe we are all sitting here having our 
needs/wants met by a software developer, often in hours, let alone months 
or years..  Ed, I hope you never learn the 'normal' way to develop 
software...  :-)

Julian wrote:
Looks good so far, Ed.  I like the layout, with the combined histo on
top, and the RGB histos superimposed.

I'm sure there will be a raging torrent of suggestions on more gongs and
whistles to add.  I would like to see some way of connecting the
histograms to the numbers entered in the WP, BP, and gamma settings, but
I am not sure about the best way to do this.
Here's one request that I think makes sense, and which would be easy to
implement.  If the user is viewing the Prev Hist tab and then executes a
Preview or Prev Mem, leave the Prev Hist tab in front, rather than
switching to the Preview tab.  Chances are, the user wants to see the
effects of the new scan on the histogram.  Similarly, if Scan Hist is in
front, leave it in front if the user does a Scan or Scan Mem.  My own
preference would be for disabling automatic flipping of the display and
histo tabs altogether, and let me choose when to flip them.

filmscanners: VueScan Histogram

2001-12-16 Thread Erik Kaffehr

Hi Ed!

Just a question, is the y-axis in the histograms linear or log?

Best regards,

Erik Kaffehr
Mariebergsvägen 53  +46 155 219338 (home)
S-611 66 Nyköping   +46 155 263515 (office)
Sweden  -- Message sent using 100% recycled electrons --

Re: filmscanners: VueScan Histogram

2001-12-16 Thread EdHamrick

In a message dated 12/16/2001 3:34:28 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I would second Julian's comments - expecially the part about leaving the 
  histograms in view for the Preview Memory function

It's fixed in 7.3.5, which I'll release in the next day or so.

Ed Hamrick

Re: filmscanners: VueScan Histogram

2001-12-16 Thread EdHamrick

In a message dated 12/16/2001 4:15:12 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Just a question, is the y-axis in the histograms linear or log?

It's linear.  Would people prefer it as a log scale?

What scale do other programs use?

Ed Hamrick

Re: filmscanners: VueScan Histogram

2001-12-16 Thread Julian Vrieslander

On 12/16/01 4:33 AM, Mark T. [EMAIL PROTECTED], wrote:

PS - I find it hard to believe we are all sitting here having our 
needs/wants met by a software developer, often in hours, let alone months 
or years..  Ed, I hope you never learn the 'normal' way to develop 
software...  :-)

Yeah, I think we should clone Ed and send a few copies to Microsoft, 
Apple, Sun, etc.

Julian Vrieslander mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: filmscanners: VueScan Histogram

2001-12-16 Thread sirius

i like it linear, it shows differences in comprehensible proportions.
i suppose the histo in pshop is also linear.

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2001 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: filmscanners: VueScan Histogram

 In a message dated 12/16/2001 4:15:12 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Just a question, is the y-axis in the histograms linear or log?

 It's linear.  Would people prefer it as a log scale?

 What scale do other programs use?

 Ed Hamrick

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