[Finale] Windows Finale 2007 crashing problem

2007-01-27 Thread FinaleMAC
I've been seeing numerous complaints on the MM forum about 2007(a/b) 
crashing.   Yet here I don't see it mentioned very often.   Is that because 
people here are concerned primarily with engraving and don't use playback?   

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Engraver Time Font

2006-12-15 Thread FinaleMAC

I'm working on a score using the large time signatures from the Engraver Time 
font.   But I need the cut-time character which isn't included.   I seem to 
remember that someone had modified this font in the past to include this.   
Does anyone have any information where I can find this?

Thanks in advance
Finale mailing list

RE: [Finale] I can't get gpo to work with finale

2006-02-09 Thread FinaleMAC
Have you updated to the latest version of 2006?
Finale mailing list

[Finale] RE: Finale script

2006-02-06 Thread FinaleMAC
I use Finalescript to batch print PDFs everyday using the full version of Adobe Acrobat.

The script itself is nothing special:
Batch process folder

The only parameter I have to setup prior to running the script is to set Adobe PDF 7.0 as my default printer.  I also have my specific Adobe job options selected as a default.  It's very quick and a huge timesaver.

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Garritan Jazz Bigband setup wizard?

2006-01-27 Thread FinaleMAC
A new finale inst. text file can be found at this link.  It contains the new "lite" instruments in this library.  SImply replace you existing Jazz inst. text file with this one.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] GPO - a little disappointing

2005-07-03 Thread FinaleMAC
On 02 Jul 2005, at 12:03 PM, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

 Since GPO has been the subject on this list a lot recently, I would
 like to voice my own opinion: Not nearly as good as I hoped.

 I am particularly disappointed with the solo strings, which are in
 fact worse than Finale's own soundfont. I think I may go back to that,
 even putting up with the dreadfully out of tune violin, just because
 at least the sound is vaguely like a violin. GPO's solo strings don't
 seem to come even close to a natural solo string sound, or am I
 missing something? If I compare especially the cello with Finale's
 soundfont, the soundfont wins by a large margin.

 The ensemble sounds in GPO are much better, though I can't quite
 follow the hype.



I'm sure you've read posts by new Finale users, they just bought Finale but they don't understand why their music doesn't look like engraved music.  The answer is always that they've scratched the surface on what the tools can do, but it takes study to get elegant results.  The same is true for GPO.  Fortunately the learning curve doesn't take as long to learn as Finale does, but it does require study nonetheless.

The GPO manual provides basic information, but as you've found out, you'll need more info.  Posting to a Finale discussion group that the GPO sounds worse than a soundfont won't solve your problem.  I'm assuming that you listened to GPO demos before purchasing.  Then you must have liked what you heard, or you wouldn't have bought it.

There are people here who use GPO and will offer advice.  But go to Northern Sounds, that's where the experts are. Search the forum.  Post questions.  Most of the answers you'll need are already there.

If you string attacks are too slow, the first thing I'd do is increase the base key velocity in the Finale playback engine.

I provided the Keyswitch _expression_ files on the GPO website.  For future reference, the one library file that you said was not useable for you, is not true.  It's a Finale text _expression_ library in a text file format.  You can download to your HD.  When you want to load that library to a document, choose show "all files". It should load correctly.  If it doesn't download correctly it might be a browser problem.  

The GPO tutorials and help files have all been created by users who want to share their expertise with others.  As you work thru your problems and discover the solutions, I would suggest that you document your discoveries and post your experiences to the GPO forum.  Others will benefit from your lessons.

Good luck.

Finale mailing list

[Finale] GPOKeySwitches

2005-01-30 Thread FinaleMAC
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2005 20:58:33 -0500
From: David Froom [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Finale] GPOKeySwitches
To: Finale Group finale@lists.shsu.edu
Content-Type: text/plain;    charset="US-ASCII"

Hello JT,

I downloaded the GPO KeySwitches file from the Garritan site.  First I got
the zip one, which unzipped as a .mus file.  The next time, I tried the
other link and got the .lib file.

In both cases, when I put them in the Mac 2005a Library folder, and then try
to load the library, the file is grayed out.

What did I do wrong?


When you load the library file at the top of the screen there are 2 pulldown boxes.  One choice is the folder the library is located.  The other choice says "show".  Finale library file comes up as the default.  Change that to "all files".  Now you should be able to select this library without a problem.  

I created this on Fin Mac 2005, so if there's still a problem let me know and I'll e-mail you the file directly.

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Garritan

2005-01-29 Thread FinaleMAC
Gary Griffiths wrote:

 Do you have to pick different samples for everything (solos, pizz,
 arco, trem etc. etc. etc.) or does that work seamlessly too?

In case you missed this, Garritan has put a Finale library on his server which I created.  


It's a Finale 2005 text _expression_ library.  Simply load this into your Finale file.  The new expressions are grouped into categories for specific keyswitch instruments.  For example load the Violin 1 KS combo patch into one of the GPO studio players.  Add a note _expression_ "pizz"  to any note on the appropriate staff.  This _expression_ triggers the correct GPO keyswitch and the new patch is switched to instantly.  You don't need to apply this before a note like you would if you're playing in a phrase from a midi keyboard.  All of these patch changes are instantaneous.  That seems pretty seemless to me.

I just checked the Garritan website, the file is still up, but to download it:
On PC - right click and save to disk
On MAC - Control click and save to disk.
It gets downloaded as a text file.  When importing it into a Finale file choose "all file types", then it should import into your Finale file without problem.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] GPO

2005-01-16 Thread FinaleMAC

In your audio setup for GPO try lowering the sample rate from 44k to 22 k.  That'll help a slower processor.  Work with a sequencer that can freeze tracks to conserve CPU resources.  I don't know if the Mac Mini will be much better.  Do a search on Northern Sounds for additional tips.

Good Luck
Finale mailing list