Re: [Finale] Mac Enter/Return Key

2014-01-14 Thread Robert Marks
I bought the Belkin YourType Wireless Keypad, and it seems to be a great tool 
for Finale. I can use the number pad for speedy entry, and the enter key really 
works the way it should. And for good measure, I’ve now got a real “delete” 
key. About $50 at the Apple Store.

- Bob
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Mac Enter/Return Key

2014-01-13 Thread Robert Marks

Jef, I feel better knowing it’s not just me. I’m just surprised that something 
I took for granted in Windows is such a pain to achieve. 

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Mac Enter/Return Key

2014-01-13 Thread Robert Marks
Ryan, thanks for the idea of getting a wireless number pad. If I g=don’t 
receive a better workaround, I’ll stop at the Apple Store tonight.

- Bob

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Mac Enter/Return Key

2014-01-13 Thread Robert Marks

I apologize if this has been covered before and I missed it. After over two 
decades of using Finale for Windows, I’ve moved to the Mac world. While it 
hasn’t been painless, I’m making it work, and even beginning to enjoy it.

In Windows, using Speedy, if I entered a note or chord, then changed my mind, 
I’d always been able to change the note using my MIDI keyboard and pressing the 
enter/return key. Apparently, on my little bluetooth iMac keyboard, without a 
number pad, the return key is different from the enter key. (At least that’s 
what MM tech support explained.) And indeed, when I held down the function key 
with one hand, the MIDI keyboard with the other, and hit “return” using a 
pencil in my mouth, the feature worked as expected. 

I’m looking for a way that will avoid having to use the pencil-in-the-mouth 
technique. Yes, I could buy a larger iMac keyboard which would have the 
requisite key, but I do like the light wireless small keyboard. Can anyone 

- Bob Marks

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Joining the Mac world

2013-12-17 Thread Robert Marks
One problem solved!


When I purchased the Vienna font, there was a directory "OSX" with four
versions of the font, and a "WIN" directory with two versions. After days of
failing to get ANY of the OSX Vienna fonts to work on my MacBook, including
emptying my caches, and trying everything possible, on a whim I installed
the WIN TTF version on my MacBook. Hallelujah!! It worked!  


Now if I can only get Finale to locate my default file. that's today's


- Bob



Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Joining the Mac world

2013-12-16 Thread Robert Marks

>> I'm confused, are you trying to get your preferences synced via Dropbox?


Nope, it's just that Finale soesn't seem to be able to find my default file.
I'll have to do more experimenting tomorrow and figure it out. And I'll also
have to figure out why the Vienna font doesn't work!


- Bob


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Joining the Mac world

2013-12-16 Thread Robert Marks

Hi Jef and Linda,


Jef, thanks for the advice. Unfortunately, nothing seems to work. File
locations under Preferences > Folders seem to be using colons (Macintosh
HD:users:bobmarks:dropbox: finale. ) and I tried using slashes, colons, and
a combination of both (colons for the file locations, then slashes after
"dropbox"). Nothing works. I'll keep trying though. And I did add "Vienna"
to the MacSymbolFonts.txt - to no avail.


Linda, with Dropbox pretty-much changing my work habits, I plan on using the
iMac at my office, and the MacBook Air at home and on the road. They will
both be running Finale 2012, and I'll have access to all my files via
Dropbox. The iMac isn't so much a desktop in the old fashined sense, but a
beautiful thin large monitor that somehow has a full computer built right
inside. They start at about $1,300. As long as I'm lucky enough to have the
Air for portability, and access to my files from anywhere, I should be
covered. When changing over, I decided I'd get my MacBook to do everything I
need, and then migrate those settings to the iMac when it arrives. I hope
I'm right. Giving up Outlook wasn't without reservations, and I still miss
Outlook's data entry, and features such as "categories." But I'm trading
that in for the synchronization of iCloud, and so far, it seems to be
working. (I know there's Outlook for the Mac, but it doesn't synchronize
using iCloud.)


Thanks for the good wishes! 


- Bob




Finale mailing list

[Finale] Joining the Mac world

2013-12-16 Thread Robert Marks
Hi All,


I've been using Finale on the PC since it first came out, but I'm now
joining the Mac world. I'm trying to get everything working on my new
MacBook Air, so that when my iMac is delivered next week the transition will
be as seamless as possible. Two trouble spots have come up using Fin 2012c,
and MM tech support unfortunately couldn't help me.


On my MacBook Air, the Vienna font ('t seem to have the
characters mapped correctly. I tried installing versions in dfont, ttf, and
otf formats (not at the same time , of course,) but it makes no difference.
The FAN file is installed as well. For example, the quarter rest comes out
as the Fortissississimo symbol, and the eighth rest as an accent mark. As
you'd expect, files previously created on the PC in Vienna come out
unreadable. But if I change the default file to Maestro, all is well. I did
add Vienna to my symbol font list, but that didn't seem to help either.


The other problem is that Finale Mac refuses to open the file I set as my
default. On the PC, it gives me the option to browse to the file, and then
has no trouble finding it when I hit Ctrl-N. I've tried everything to get
that to work on the Mac. I should mention that all my Finale files are
stored on Dropbox, but that doesn't seem to be a problem for anything else.


Thanks for any help. It's making me crazy!


- Bob Marks

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Re: Finale 2011 Review

2010-06-05 Thread Robert Marks
Since I began many years ago with Version 1, I've had a habit of re-using my
templates for most Finale upgrades. I did make new ones for 2010, but I
wonder if I need to make new ones from scratch for 2011? Will the new lyric
and staff improvements carry over?
Thanks for your continued good advice!  
- Bob
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Font Substitution in Finale

2010-03-27 Thread Robert Marks
Hope someone has a way around this: For a couple of years, I used a font
other than Maestro for my clefs. I've now decided that I like the the clefs
in EngraverFontSet better, so I deleted the other font. Obviously, when I
open any of the older files, my clefs come out in some non-musical font.
It's easy enough to change manually, but is there a way to have Finale
automatically make the substitution when I open the file?
MakeMusic tech support says no, but I won't believe it until I hear it on
this forum!
Thanks so much!
- Bob Marks
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Windows Alt-0160 gives me a box

2010-01-06 Thread Robert Marks

Thanks for the valuable advice. I did receive a generous offer from someone
on the list to edit the font for me, and I'm hoping that does the trick. I'm
hoping one day Finale will do what MS Word does, and automatically insert
correct apostrophes and quotation marks. We'll see.

Thanks again. 

- Bob

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Windows Alt-0160 gives me a box

2010-01-05 Thread Robert Marks

I edited a typeface to use for lyrics because I wanted a "real" apostrophe
without going to the bother of Alt-0146 each time. I'm using Fin 2010, and
for the last couple of versions (2006, maybe) I suddenly got an empty "box"
when I entered a hard space (Alt-0160). It's pretty easy to fix by
highlighting the box and changing the font for the empty spaces to Times New
Roman, but maybe I'm missing something. It's particularly annoying on old
files when I forget to check it over. (My files go back to Finale Version

I could probably somehow re-edit the font, but I've kind of given up
Fontographer and the like. (I guess I'm less ambitious.)

Maybe there's a setting I'm missing? Would anyone like to edit a Windows
TrueType font? (It's a nice Time Roman Semibold!)

Happy New Year to all!  

- Bob Marks

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Time Signatures in Text Expressions

2006-08-08 Thread Robert Marks
Thank you! Matthew Hindson's font is exactly what did the trick! You guys 
are amazing!

- Bob 

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Time Signatures in Text Expressions

2006-08-08 Thread Robert Marks
I know that Finale is capable of pretty much any notational need -- as long 
as I can figure out how to do it. But I'm having trouble with this one: I 
want a text expression that reads "At Cue, 12/8 Feel" with the 12/8 looking 
like a regular (but smaller) time signature. I'm sure there's a way, but I 
can't figure it out. I have all the fonts, including Bill Duncan's, but I 
don't see it in any of the documentation.

Many thanks!

- Bob Marks 

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Re: Wouldn't it be nice?

2005-12-16 Thread Robert Marks

>> It sure is nice -- just press Ctrl-9 (or the Mac equivalent), and 
all >> identical pitches in that measure are changed.
I don't mean having to go back after the notes are entered. In speedy, 
after I decide that a Db should be a C# (by pressing "9"), it would be nice if 
Finale could remember that for the rest of the measure. Or, at the 
very least, when it's tied to the next note. Or possibly let me hit Ctrl-9 
(or the Mac equivalent) for that behavior.
- Bob
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Wouldn't it be nice?

2005-12-16 Thread Robert Marks

Wouldn't it be nice, when you made an enharmonic change (using "9") in 
speedy entry, if Finale could remember that preference for at least the rest of 
the measure?
- Bob
Finale mailing list