Re: [Finale] colors

2013-05-12 Thread TXSTNR POP account
If the music is used under colored lights, the red will disappear.  For that 
reason I've found that it's best to keep everything black.

Just sayin',,,


On May 12, 2013, at 2:57 AM, Haroldo Mauro wrote:

> I want to assign a red color for coda and segno signs but at the same time 
> keep all other toll-specific symbols black. Is there a solution other than 
> placing a graphic into the score? Thanks.
> ___
> Finale mailing list

Lon Price

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] making booklets in MAC OS 10.8

2013-04-20 Thread TXSTNR POP account
There's Booklet Creator:

Works for me, although I've been creating booklets in Preview by adding files 
by dragging them into the sidebar.  But that's for creating booklets that are 
just straight front-to-back with comb binding.


On Apr 20, 2013, at 2:32 PM, Ryan wrote:

> Hi,
> Before I upgraded to 10.8, I used to use CocoaBooklet to make booklets out
> of PDF files. Now that I've upgraded, CocoaBooklet doesn't seem to work
> anymore. Has anyone else experienced this? What are the current
> alternatives?
> Thanks
> Ryan
> ___
> Finale mailing list

Lon Price

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Tempo changes

2013-04-07 Thread TXSTNR POP account
In my somewhat less than humble opinion, you're driving yourself nuts trying to 
do this in Finale, when a MIDI sequencing program, such as DP or Logic, is much 
more suitable.

On Apr 7, 2013, at 1:21 PM, Phil Buglass wrote:

> Hi,
> This is a great idea.   The problem is that these 
> tempo marks attach themselves to the beginning of 
> the measure.  The manual says you can attach 
> expressions to notes, but it doesn't work with 
> these.  I tried dragging them around, but the 
> attachment snaps to the next measure, not the 
> next note.  The end result is that they all take 
> effect at the same time, so it ends up being a 
> tempo change rather than a rallentando.
> Thanks for the help.  My brain is fried, and I 
> think it's time I got on with some other stuff 
> for now.  There has to be a way of getting this 
> to work...  Maybe it will come to me in my sleep or something,
> Thanks again,
> Phil.
> At 02:17 PM 4/7/2013, you wrote:
>> On 7 Apr 2013, at 1:00 PM,  wrote:
>> If you really don't care what it looks like, you 
>> can try this:  put a real tempo mark (quarter = 
>> whatever) wherever you want to change 
>> tempo.  For gradual tempo changes, put a tempo 
>> mark one on every beat (quarter, eighth, 
>> sixteenth).  These DO work, at least nearly 
>> always.  You can create a silent scratch track 
>> with a string of notes to which to attach the tempo marks.
> “Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. 
> Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.” ­ Groucho Marx
> ___
> Finale mailing list

Lon Price

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Tempo changes

2013-04-07 Thread TXSTNR POP account
I've been using Finale since 2000 and I've found that when I need truly 
realistic playback I need to go elsewhere for it.  In my case I use MOTU's 
Digital Performer.  I DO NOT try to import or export MIDI files, as I've found 
that to be too problematic.  So I end up doing all of the work twice, but 
that's what I have to to in order to get my music to sound right on one hand 
(in DP), and to look right on the other (in Finale).

On Apr 7, 2013, at 8:37 AM, Phil Buglass wrote:

> I'm sorry, I don't know how to do that...
> I am finding this process very frustrating. Most 
> of my stuff is producing printed music to be 
> played, but this one is to be 'performed'. Trying 
> to get it to sound right is driving me in 
> circles. Some of the stuff - articulations, 
> slurs, for example - are interpreted by the human 
> playback. To get it to alter tempo, the manual says that HP has to be off.
> I could probably do this easier using midi in 
> Music Creator, but this was why I shelled out 
> hard-earned money to buy the Garritan GPO, to get 
> the realistic sound. Some of the examples on the 
> Garritan website are incredible - I couldn't tell 
> they weren't played by real musicians. How do 
> they do it??? I realise that they have probably 
> been working with the program for years, while I 
> have had it about 3 months, but even then... I 
> could do it in midi then import it, but importing 
> midi is not the program's strongest aspect. One 
> piece I ended up entering from scratch because I 
> couldn't get it to play properly.
> I have places in this piece where the program 
> doesn't play the notes that are written. Just 
> totally ignores them! If it played them wrong, at 
> least I would have an idea where to look. I have 
> a bit of melody which hops around different 
> parts, and in at least one place, it plays the 
> first note and then ignores the rest.
> Hey guys, sorry for the rant. I guess I am just 
> fighting a very steep learning curve!
> Phil.
> At 06:00 PM 4/6/2013, you wrote:
>> You could clear the performance data
>> Mark McCarron
> “Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. 
> Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.” ­ Groucho Marx
> ___
> Finale mailing list

Lon Price

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Triplet Entry

2013-03-29 Thread TXSTNR POP account
This is really good info to know.  I just set up my New Jazz Template with JABB 
3 sounds as first priority, GPO 4 as second.  Got the sounds to reload, and 
also customized the view so that everything shows.  I'm liking the Score 
Manager more and more.



On Mar 29, 2013, at 12:27 PM, Chuck Israels wrote:

> Like this:
> The problem was instruments not switching, missing instrument error messages, 
> a triple forte bass clarinet sound that refused to be changed - a whole bunch 
> of playback crap.  This kind of thing often happens when I update a file 
> created in an older version.  I admit, I have become overly dependent on 
> Finale playback as a substitute for pitch memory and woefully poor keyboard 
> skills.
> Here is Erin's reply.  Perhaps the solutions will be sufficient to indicate 
> the problems.  I will italicize the things that were new to me.
> My name is Erin and I'm the Product Specialist. Jim Bruce asked me to take a 
> look into this issue for you. I'm sure we can get you up and running, and I'm 
> happy to answer as many questions as I possibly can about what's going on 
> here. Loading sounds manually in the ARIA player (as Jon suggested) can 
> certainly be a workaround, but there are significant Finale features that 
> don't seem to be functioning correctly for you, and I'd like to get that 
> resolved.
> First things first, I think I know how to get your file to play back 
> correctly. Try this:
> 1. Go to Window > Score Manager
> 2. Find the Drum staff and click the arrows in the Instrument column (I know 
> that the drum staff is playing back just fine, but I want to head off another 
> issue that could come up for you if we don't take this step first)
> 3. Change "Unknown" to Drum Set (All > Drums > Drum Set)
> 4. Now go to MIDI/Audio > Sound Map Priority and make sure Jazz and Big Band 
> 3 is at the top of the list (if it isn't drag it up so that it is) and click 
> OK
> 5. Now go to MIDI/Audio > Reassign Playback Sounds
> When I did that, the file and instrument changes played back correctly. I'm 
> attaching the file that I made these changes to. If the steps above do not 
> fix the issue, try playing back the file I'm sending and let me know if that 
> works.
> Moving on to some other questions you raised:
> The reference to 2002: This is not a reference to Finale 2002. This number is 
> the identifier for Jazz and Big Band 3, so the error message is telling us 
> which library is having the issue.
> Controlling the volume: The behavior you describe in the ARIA player is the 
> expected behavior. Since the ARIA player is a plug-in with Finale, it is 
> subject to Finale's settings for volume, sample rate, buffer size, audio 
> output, etc. You can control the volume instruments either in the Mixer, or, 
> in the case of instruments switches, in the Score Manager. In the file you 
> sent Jon, I did not see a Baritone Sax staff or an instrument change to Bass 
> Clarinet (I saw the Bass Clarinet only). I'm going to assume that you're 
> working with a newer file. Try this to change the volume:
> -Open the Score Manager
> -Click the Arrow in the Name column to expose the layers (see attached 
> screenshot)
> -From here, you can see the instrument change, the measure where the change 
> starts and the volume assigned to that instrument (if you do not see the 
> start measure or volume, click the "Customize View" button and choose "Start 
> Measure" and "Mix")
> -You can change the base level volume for each instrument individually (on a 
> scale of 0 to 127). When you press play, this is the setting that will 
> override the sliders in the ARIA player. 
> Let me know if the problem persists. At this point, it's still unclear as to 
> why you're able to use the Instrument Change feature with newer files but not 
> with older ones. The feature should work on either type of file. Usually, 
> when we see errors like this, it indicates a problem with one of the plist 
> files for the ARIA player, but that would affect any file, new or old. 
> However, the fact that older Finale files would have been more likely to have 
> had every Garritan instrument manually assigned in the ARIA player might be 
> causing a glitch with Finale 2012's instrument recognition behavior. If 
> that's the case, "Reassign Playback Sounds" usually corrects this.
> On Mar 29, 2013, at 11:57 AM, Christopher Smith 
>  wrote:
>> On Fri Mar 29, at FridayMar 29 2:08 PM, Chuck Israels wrote:
>>> Learn something every day!  Thanks, Doug.
>>> Had a correspondence with an expert at Finale support (after the problem 
>>> was brought to her attention when I complained about a superficial 
>>> non-solution from someone else on the support staff) and learned things 
>>> about what is hidden in the ScoreManager.  There is a lot there but no way 
>>> of knowing it without stopping one's workflow to do the research - 
>>> something I am disinclined to do after years

Re: [Finale] Garritan sound libraries

2013-02-22 Thread TXSTNR POP account
The Garritan for Finale library does contain saxes, and no, installing GPO will 
not erase anything.  You'll then have your choice of which library to draw from 
for each individual instrument in your score.

On Feb 22, 2013, at 4:23 PM, Phil Buglass wrote:

> Thank you for the input.  Most people didn't seem 
> to understand the question, I don't think.  Here's another question...
> I am going to get GPO, I think.   But will 
> loading that remover the 'Garritan for Finale' 
> library?   I ask because I probably will do some 
> wind band stuff, and I can't afford the Concert 
> band library for a while just yet, and the GPO 
> does not include saxophones.  Or euphoniums for 
> that matter, although they can pretend to be trombones!
> Having asked this, I realise that I am not at all 
> sure if the freeby library includes saxes either!
> Phil.
> At 12:45 PM 2/20/2013, you wrote:
>> Hi, Phil...
>> The two libraries GPO and IO are entirely different.
>> If you are using Finale, you will likely prefer GPO.
>> It consists of traditional orchestra sections 
>> and solo instruments, so you can set up a total 
>> virtual full orchestra, chamber ensemble, etc.
>> It's more usable with Finale in terms of "What you write is what you hear."
>> IO consists of sections, pre-defined chords, 
>> preset moods, etc, and takes more work to use 
>> with Finale if you want the score to match the 
>> sound. It is really designed for quick-sketching 
>> a movie scene or some programmatic music.
>> I would suggest that you go to YouTube and look for the IO demo series.
>> If you are doing "traditional" orchestral music 
>> or chamber ensembles, then Finale + GPO is the way to go.
>> The "Garritan Instruments for Finale" is a small 
>> sampling of sounds from the jazz collection, the 
>> orchestra collection, and the wind band set, 
>> etc. GPO is a full orchestra and then 
>> some--section strings, solo strings, brass, 
>> woodwinds, percussion, keyboards, etc.
>> Also of interest, depending on what type of 
>> music you do, would be the jazz band set and the concert & marching band set.
>> Jim
>> Sent from my iPad, so pardon the typos.
>> On Feb 20, 2013, at 12:07 PM, "Phil Buglass"  wrote:
>>> I have been looking at the orchestral sound
>>> libraries they have on offer, but I need a bit
>>> more infor before plonking down that kind of money...
>>> Can anyone tell me what the difference is between
>>> "Instant Orchestra" and "Personal Orchestra".  I
>>> cannot imagine anyone wanting 2 sets of 
>> orchestral sounds, so what is the deal?
>>> Is one significantly better than the other?
>>> Also, what is the advantage over the Garritan sounds included with Finale?
>>> Thanks in advance...
>>> Phil.
>>> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
>>> Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." ­ Groucho Marx
>>> ___
>>> Finale mailing list
>> ___
>> Finale mailing list
> “Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. 
> Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.” ­ Groucho Marx
> ___
> Finale mailing list

Lon Price

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Notation for string harmonics

2012-11-01 Thread TXSTNR POP account
I also like 9.5"x12.5" for parts.  I got a batch of 12.5"x19" from Vallé Music 
here in L.A. a few years ago - don't remember the price, but they had it in 
stock - not a custom cutting job.  It works great with my printer, which prints 
up to 13"x19" page sizes.

I recently did a copy job for Tori Amos and the Metropole Orchestra.  They 
wanted A3 (11.69"x16.53") for the scores and B4 (10.14"x14.33") for the parts.

On Nov 1, 2012, at 11:08 AM, SN jef chippewa wrote:

>> 9.5"x12.5" is also quite common in NYC circles 
>> -- it's probably more widely used than either 
>> 9"x12" or 10"x13".
> ah, interesting, anyone know where this format 
> came from?  the canadian music centre uses this 
> format for its parts.  as i understood they went 
> that way in part because of the OSM librarian's 
> practices.  they also have 9x12, 11x14, tabloid 
> and of course letter.
> i really liked this format but avoid it for my 
> own needs since i left montréal and could no 
> longer pick up stuff i had printed there myself.
> ___
> Finale mailing list

Lon Price

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Piano not so grand staff?

2012-03-17 Thread TXSTNR POP account
Why not just delete the unwanted staff?  That's what I do in this case.

On Mar 16, 2012, at 11:14 PM, John Blane wrote:

> Yes, you can remove the empty staff. 
> 2 things to check:
> 1) in the staff attribute for the LH staff, make sure the "Allow hiding when 
> empty" box is checked
> 2) Staff Tool: double click on one of the Brace handles to access the group 
> definition. 
>Next to "When Hiding Empty Staves", make sure "Hide Normally" is showing
> Changing either one of these option should now let you hide the empty staff.
> On Mar 17, 2012, at 12:04 AM, dershem wrote:
>> The vast majority of the music I do is Big Band parts.  That means that 
>> while I occasionally need a full Grand Staff, most of the time I only 
>> need one stave, with Chord Changes and cues.
>> But you can't Hide Empty Staves in a Grand Staff.  And that leaves me 
>> with MUCH longer parts than are needed - lots of empty stuff cluttering 
>> up the part, and making the parts twice as long as necessary.
>> Any suggestions on how to work around this?  What has worked for you all?
>> Carl
>> using WinFin 2012a
>> -- 
>> ===
>> Email scanned by PC Tools - No viruses or spyware found.
>> (Email Guard:, Virus/Spyware Database: 6.18500)
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>> ___
>> Finale mailing list
> John Blane
> Blane Music Preparation   
> 1649 Huntington Ln.
> Highland Park, IL 60035
> 847 579-9900
> 847 579-9903 fax
> ___
> Finale mailing list

Lon Price

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Dominant 7 plus 13

2011-12-30 Thread TXSTNR POP account
I just worked on a chart in which the composer (a guitar player) wrote 
E7(add2).  I'd call that E9, but the guitar player said that he would put the 
9th in a top voice in my case, and an inner voice in his.  I argued that the 
chord symbol is not meant to indicate voicings, only the notes to be played.  
In your case I suppose you could write E7(add6) if you really don't want the 
9th to sound, but if that's not an issue, just write E13 and be done with it.

On Oct 28, 2011, at 9:45 AM, J D Thomas wrote:

> Is the chord supported by another tension note, like a 9th or b9?  E13 for 
> the first case, E13b9 if the 2nd.  If not, is the 13th, C#, a predominant 
> note or just a passing note?
> J D Thomas
> ThomaStudios
> On Oct 28, 2011, at 9:42 AM, Robert Patterson wrote:
>> Another question for the accumulated jazz wizdom of this list. I need to
>> indicate an E dominant 7 chord with the 6th (or if you prefer, 13th) added.
>> None of the suffixes in the default list jumps out me as the right one. What
>> should it be?
>> ___
>> Finale mailing list
> ___
> Finale mailing list

Lon Price

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Beginner's woes

2011-12-14 Thread TXSTNR POP account
I just tried extracting a part in Fin (Mac) 2012.  It looks exactly the same as 
the linked part, so yes, you must be doing something wrong.  Can't say what it 
might be.  Are the parts displayed correctly in the Score Manager? (found in 
Window Menu)

On Dec 14, 2011, at 3:24 PM, Lawrence Yates wrote:

> Hi Jari,
> Thanks, but I need to save separate files from which I will both print
> parts and save to pdf.  I also need to produce three copies of each part
> for instruments in C, Bb and Eb.
> There are 17 parts for each piece and there are 12 pieces. I am working
> through them writing the instrument name on every part individually and I
> am going to be all night doing it at this rate.
> I cannot believe that Finale would produce parts without the part name on
> them.
> Surely I am doing something wrong?
> Cheers,
> Lawrence
> -- 
> ___
> Finale mailing list

Lon Price

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] courtesy accidentals

2011-12-04 Thread TXSTNR POP account
Hi Linda,

I'm sending you the Fin 2010 Help Files via  Hope this helps.


On Dec 4, 2011, at 8:09 AM, Linda Worsley wrote:

> Thanks to everyone for the help on courtesy accidentals.  They all work,
> but take about four times as long as I remember.  I seem to remember a set
> of accidentals, both with and without parentheses in either the
> articulation tool or the expression tool, where I could just select and
> position the courtesy accidental.  Was I dreaming?
> Also I use simply entry, though I use speedy for some special tasks like
> creating or separating beans.  I have always used simple and I know that
> arguments rage about which is better, but simple is better for me and with
> an outboard numeric pad on the left and a mouse in my right hand I can go
> like the wind.  But this may be one case where I use speedy for a specific
> task.
> Still, I'm wondering what happened to those graphics (I think) I used to
> use.  Does anyone remember those?  Did they disappear in later versions of
> Finale.
> By the way, the reason I am begging for help here is that my 2010
> documentation seems to have disappeared when I changed computers and
> "cloned" everything to this one.
> Linda
> ___
> Finale mailing list

Lon Price

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] adding cue staff to piano part in linked parts

2011-11-21 Thread TXSTNR POP account
You need to create a new part that includes both the vocal and the piano.  In 
Manage Parts, select New Part.  Under Available Instruments, piano is listed 
with an arrow next to it.  Select Vocal and add it, then select Piano, and add 
it.  That should give you what you need.

On Nov 21, 2011, at 12:21 PM, Chuck Israels wrote:

> Here is something I have not done in linked parts:  I want to add a cue staff 
> in the piano part (so the pianist can see the vocal for coordinating 
> rubatos).  If I change the "piano" group by removing the name of the vocal 
> staff (which will create its own problem by un-naming the staff in the score) 
> and including it in the piano group (I have placed it in the score just above 
> the piano staves), is there a way to keep the bar lines between staves in the 
> piano part without also including the voice part?  Am I missing some 
> technique - like creating yet another group that includes piano and voice?  
> When I am done and looking at the part, will I be able to reduce the size of 
> the cue staff without affecting this in the score?
> Of course, I can experiment with this, but I am asking if anyone has 
> experience with this and can point the way to an efficient method.
> BTW, this is in a score that includes other instruments.
> Thanks,
> Chuck
> Chuck Israels
> 1310 NW Naito Parkway #807
> Portland, OR 97209-316
> land line: (971) 255-1167
> cell phone: (360) 201-3434
> ___
> Finale mailing list

Lon Price

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Dominant 7 plus 13

2011-10-28 Thread TXSTNR POP account
On Oct 28, 2011, at 9:42 AM, Robert Patterson wrote:

> Another question for the accumulated jazz wizdom of this list. I need to
> indicate an E dominant 7 chord with the 6th (or if you prefer, 13th) added.
> None of the suffixes in the default list jumps out me as the right one. What
> should it be?
> ___
> Finale mailing list

Lon Price

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] can't undo

2011-09-25 Thread TXSTNR POP account
I've had the exact thing happen, with the same result when quitting and 
restarting.  Haven't clue why this happens.

On Sep 25, 2011, at 10:48 PM, Ryan wrote:

> Finale 2010. Mac OS 10.5.8
> It seems temporarily lost the ability to Undo. I never changed anything, and
> in the Program Options - Edit menu, Allow Undo was checked long with Allow
> Undo Past Save and Maximum Undo Levels is set to zero (unlimited). The menu
> item was grayed-out, and the computer didn't respond to the keyboard
> short-cut (command Z).
> The problem disappeared after quitting and restarting Finale. But, I'm
> worried that this situation occurred in the first place. Has anyone else
> experienced this problem?
> ___
> Finale mailing list

Lon Price

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Tenor-singers Clefs Discussion wrapup

2011-09-18 Thread TXSTNR POP account

On Sep 18, 2011, at 5:40 AM, Peter Taylor wrote:

> I've enjoyed this discussion.  Treble clef for tenors,
> with or without the "8", seems the most natural to me,
> because the voice range is similar to soprano, albeit
> an octave lower.  But what about altos using
> treble clef?  If anything, that seems more awkward than 
> tenors using Treble8, yet nobody complains. 

Lately I've been working on lead sheets for Joan Armatrading, and since her 
range is so low, (2nd space C in bass clef) I find it convenient to use Treble 
8 in order to avoid ledger lines.  That means that the lyrics are much closer 
to the bottom line of the staff.  It looks much better on the page.

Lon Price

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Tenor-singers Clefs Discussion wrapup

2011-09-16 Thread TXSTNR POP account
At least you guys know singers who can read at all.  When I took first semester 
sight singing an North Texas, the worst readers in the class were the singers.

On Sep 16, 2011, at 2:49 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:

> On 16 Sep 2011 at 11:18, Patrick Sheehan wrote:
>> To clarify, I do not have a problem in reading the Treble8 clef for
>> tenors, I simply find it impractical.
> That makes no sense -- it is by far the most practical clef FOR THE 
> TENORS (i.e., the musicians for whom the music is written, that is, 
> the ones who have to PERFORM IT). It may not be "practical" for an 
> accompanist, but it's not written for the accompanist.
>> News flash: We all have to deal
>> with reading multiple ledger lines (pianists, flutists, violinists). 
>> Don't complain about ledger lines; learn to read them and be
>> comfortable!  We don't have a staff that has 10 lines, only 5.  
> While I would not argue that tenors shouldn't be able to read leger 
> lines, I WOULD argue that it's ludicrous to insist that more leger 
> lines than necessary be used.
> Get used to it -- the clef is not going away, because it's the best 
> compromise for the range involved.
> []
>> It boils down to this - I just wish everything was standardized: 
> Free clue: treble clef 8 IS THE STANDARD.
> You are the one who needs to get used to it.
> -- 
> David W. Fenton
> David Fenton Associates
> ___
> Finale mailing list

Lon Price

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Staves (was: notation for synthesizer

2011-04-05 Thread TXSTNR POP account
Last year I worked as copyist on a big job for Tori Amos.  It was for orchestra 
of varying sizes, from small to huge.  Sometimes I would reduce the harp to one 
staff, in order to save room in the score.  There was also a synth part in one 
tune that only required one staff.  In fact, we reduced any grand staff part 
that we could, especially in the larger ensembles.

On Apr 5, 2011, at 4:41 AM, Matthew Hindson Gma wrote:

> What about harp parts? Anyone remove staves in those?
> Matthew
> Sent from my iPhone

Lon Price

Finale mailing list