[Finale] Global note-head changes

2007-05-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[Finale 2002]
I would like to use lozenge-shaped note-heads for a piece and wonder if
there is a way to set up Finale to use these as defaults.  I have entered
normal notes and then gone through each note shape, changing the heads as
required, but this is a long-winded process.  Also, the shapes in Finale
are not particularly good: the semibreve shape is a little too small.  Any

Further questions relating to this.

Is it possible to have the tails line up with the middle of the note-head,
not the side?
How about a repeat sign where the bar-lines only extend over the three
central stave lines.

I am aware there are medieval fonts available, but my need is not
sufficient to warrant the expense involved.

Michael Lawlor

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Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Global note-head changes

2007-05-18 Thread Mark D Lew

On May 18, 2007, at 2:54 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[Finale 2002]
I would like to use lozenge-shaped note-heads for a piece and  
wonder if
there is a way to set up Finale to use these as defaults.  I have  
normal notes and then gone through each note shape, changing the  
heads as
required, but this is a long-winded process.  Also, the shapes in  
are not particularly good: the semibreve shape is a little too  
small.  Any


You can set your notehead characters.  All of them must come from the  
same font, but you can pick any font.  So if you find shapes you like  
in Zapf Dingbats, for example, you could use that.

Step 1: Document Options > Fonts.  In the "Notation" pull-down menu,  
pick "Noteheads". (It's first on the list, so it may already be  
chosen.) Click "set font" and pick your font.

Step 2: Document Options > Notes & Rests. Check the box for "Use Note  
Shapes".  Now for each of the four possible noteheads, pick the  
character you want (from the font you already selected). Finale  
thinks you're using note shapes, so you'll have to enter the same  
character seven times, once for each of the seven scale degrees.

Further questions relating to this.

Is it possible to have the tails line up with the middle of the  

not the side?

Document Options > Stems. Select "Stem Connections" to get to a menu  
resembling the one for articulations. Create a new entry for each of  
your noteheads; select the font and character (whether the original  
normal ones or new ones that you've chosen as described above). Then  
enter the offset values you want. To move the stem connection to the  
middle of the note, you'll want a negative number for upstem H and a  
positive number for downstem H. Probably about 12 to 14 evpu's,  
depending on the notehead character.

How about a repeat sign where the bar-lines only extend over the three
central stave lines.

Hmm, tricky.  Here's a kludge that might work:

1. For each staff, create an additional duplicate staff. Give it the  
same clef, etc. Use a staff style to set this to blank notation and  
don't enter anything in it.

2. Double click on the duplicate staff's handle to get to the Staff  
Attributes dialog. Change "standard 5-line" to "other...". That puts  
you at "Staff Setup". Click Custom Staff, then uncheck the top and  
bottom of the five boxes to make a three-line staff, centered.

3. On the real staff, go to Staff Attributes and un-select "Repeat  
Bars" from among "Items to Display".

4. Now go to Staff > Staff Usage and set the "Distance from Top" so  
that it's identical for the real staff and the duplicate staff.  Now  
the two will exactly overlap.

The theory is that the real staff will be just like normal but with  
no repeat bars, and the overlapping fake staff will have the repeat  
bars and nothing else.  I think it should work, but there might be  
unintended consequences I'm not thinking of.

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