Re: [Fink-devel] [Fink-users] qcad in fink

2010-01-07 Thread monipol
On 03/01/2010, at 22:02, Koen van der Drift wrote:
> Moved to fink-devel.
> I'm running into a similar error that was discussed on IRC over 3
> years ago, and never was resolved since. For the record, I'll put the
> error and the updated info file below. I have found another CAD
> program that I am using now, so if anyone feels like working on qcad,
> feel free to do so. It's ok with the current maintainer.
> - Koen.
> ===
> c++ -c -pipe -pedantic -Wall -W -Os  -DRS_NO_COMPLEX_ENTITIES -
> DQT_NO_DEBUG -I/sw/lib/qt3/mkspecs/macx-g++ -I. -I../include -I../../
> dxflib/include -I../../fparser/include -I../../qcadcmd/include -I/sw/
> lib/qt3/include -Imoc/ -o obj/rs_actioninterface.o actions/
> rs_actioninterface.cpp
> /sw/lib/qt3/include/qglobal.h:737: error: ISO C++ does not support
> 'long long'
> /sw/lib/qt3/include/qglobal.h:738: error: ISO C++ does not support
> 'long long'

Hello, Koen. Would it be possible to drop -pedantic? That should fix  
the 'long long' errors.



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Re: [Fink-devel] Bug in in mc install (10.5) and some others

2010-01-07 Thread Martin Costabel
monipol wrote:

> On 07/01/2010, at 00:07, DJamé Seddah wrote:
>> $ sudo fink cleanup
>> Information about 2516 packages read in 0 seconds.
>> Collecting active source filenames...
>> Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib/
>> perl5/5.8.8/darwin-2level /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.8 /usr/local/lib/
>> perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/darwin-2level /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/
>> 5.8.8 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl .).
> (...)
> That's odd, Djamé. Are you sourcing (as in . or source) /sw/bin/ 
> in your shell startup script? It looks like the PERL5LIB  
> variable is not being properly set, which /sw/bin/ should've  
> done for you.

Maybe if you just run fink without sudo, it will work. "sudo" removes a 
couple of environment variables, among them PERL5LIB.


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Re: [Fink-devel] [Fink-users] qcad in fink

2010-01-07 Thread Koen van der Drift
On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 3:24 AM, monipol  wrote:

> Hello, Koen. Would it be possible to drop -pedantic? That should fix the
> 'long long' errors.

Hi monipol,

Thanks for the suggestion. A quick search in the docs how to do that,
did not find any info on using -Wno-pedantic, but I came across the

Warn if `long long' type is used. This is enabled by either -pedantic
or -Wtraditional in ISO C90 and C++98 modes. To inhibit the warning
messages, use -Wno-long-long."

I'l try that later today.

- Koen.

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Re: [Fink-devel] build-as-nobody causes cpio error

2010-01-07 Thread Hanspeter Niederstrasser
This email is informational in case it shows up again for other people.

I was building gcc44 on a clean 10.5/32bit system and the build 
continuously failed when using --build-as-nobody (important note: this 
system does _not_ have the passwd package installed and no fink-bld 
user, so --build-as-nobody uses the system built-in 'nobody' user). 
After some testing, I found out the cause of the error and am listing my 
findings here for the record.  The subject line is from an old 
fink-devel thread[1] from 2008 with an identical symptom in another 
package, so hopefully the archives will find it and list it as part of 
that thread.

The --build-as-nobody build was halting with the following output:

checking how to create a ustar tar archive...
ATTENTION! cpio archive volume change required.
Ready for archive volume: 2
Input archive name or "." to quit cpio.
Archive name >

Entering '.' (or ctrl-D) was the only way it would proceed.  When 
building as a normal user, gnutar was successfully found for the 
configure test with no manual intervention.  I tracked this test down to 
it's file, where the macro is called as:

AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.9.0 gnu std-options tar-ustar -Wno-portability])

This generates a test for several tar and tar-like programs.  When 
building as nobody, these tests all exited with variations of:

tar: value 4294967294 out of uid_t range 0..2097151
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors


pax: Ustar header field is too small for uid 4294967294, using nobody

'id nobody' gives --> "uid=4294967294(nobody) gid=4294967294(nobody) 
groups=4294967294(nobody)".  4294967294 must be too large for some 
system call, which led to the error in the configure test, which led to 
the build halting (why the cpio test becomes interactive is a whole 
other issue that I'm not touching).  The user fink-bld has an id=266, so 
the error doesn't show up when that is present and explains why most 
people using --build-as-nobody did not get the build halt.

Adding "am_cv_prog_tar_ustar=gnutar" (the results from a successful 
non-nobody build) to ConfigureParams as suggested by pogma[2] did not 
work because that particular secondary ./configure is not passed the 
options from the main ./configure script (however, it might work for 
other programs that only have one ./configure).

Hopefully this information is a useful addition to the archives.




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Re: [Fink-devel] Updated qt4-mac packages (4.6.0)

2010-01-07 Thread Benjamin Reed
Hash: SHA1

On 1/7/10 10:38 AM, Sjors Gielen wrote:

> Attached are a new finkinfo file + patch for qt4-mac 4.6.0-3. If you
> could test them, and if they work correctly, commit them, that'd be cool.
> Note that qt 4.6 may not work great with kde 4.3 at this moment, but I
> don't know whether this is in libs or base or whatever...

Since we know that it would break 4.3 and definitely 4.2, I think it
would be a bad idea to commit them as of yet.

I am, however, slowly catching up on stuff enough that I can take
another look at getting KDE updated, so I'll definitely start with this
as a base to work on.

4.4 rc1 was tagged today, so things should be to a point where it can
all get committed when 4.4 goes final.

- -- 
Benjamin Reed a.k.a. Ranger Rick a.k.a. Raccoon Fink
Fink, KDE, and Mac OS X development


Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.12 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: [Fink-devel] Bug in in mc install (10.5) and some others

2010-01-07 Thread DJamé Seddah
Hi Augusto,

thanks for the tip, it did the trick  but one thing which is just  
killing me is why, why does fink need to recompile every single  
package I want to install now that I got it updated ?
I just cannot understand why if the bug was known, the binary  
distribution is still carrying the old fink ? Now, I have the feeling  
on being in my first gentoo week...

I know that fink is a communatary project with very few ressources and  
it has to support I don't know how many configuration so i'm not going  
to throw any stone to anyone of course, it's just that maybe things  
shouldn't be that anal when it goes when updating fink  : No, not  
everything has to be recompile because the wrapper was updated...

even the -b doesn't change anything..

Best anyway, enjoy your brasilian sun, we're freezing out here


Le 7 janv. 10 à 08:50, monipol a écrit :
> Salut, Djamé.
> On 07/01/2010, at 00:07, DJamé Seddah wrote:
>> I had to do a clean reinstall of my system (too bad, really) and I
>> used the binary distribution 10.5 for intel
> As explained in another medium, you've been trapped into the point  
> distribution. If you haven't already (and for the record), please  
> follow the steps at

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Re: [Fink-devel] [Fink-users] qcad in fink

2010-01-07 Thread Koen van der Drift

On Jan 7, 2010, at 3:24 AM, monipol wrote:

> Hello, Koen. Would it be possible to drop -pedantic? That should fix  
> the 'long long' errors.

Alas, I tried:

SetCPPFLAGS: -Wno-long-long
SetCFLAGS: -Wno-long-long

But get the same error. Maybe the syntax is wrong?

- Koen.

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Re: [Fink-devel] Bug in in mc install (10.5) and some others

2010-01-07 Thread Alexander Hansen
Hash: SHA1

On 1/7/10 7:50 PM, DJamé Seddah wrote:
> Hi Augusto,
> thanks for the tip, it did the trick  but one thing which is just  
> killing me is why, why does fink need to recompile every single  
> package I want to install now that I got it updated ?
> I just cannot understand why if the bug was known, the binary  
> distribution is still carrying the old fink ? Now, I have the feeling  
> on being in my first gentoo week...
> I know that fink is a communatary project with very few ressources and  
> it has to support I don't know how many configuration so i'm not going  
> to throw any stone to anyone of course, it's just that maybe things  
> shouldn't be that anal when it goes when updating fink  : No, not  
> everything has to be recompile because the wrapper was updated...
> even the -b doesn't change anything..
> Best anyway, enjoy your brasilian sun, we're freezing out here
> Djamé

You're free _not_ to use "update-all".  Fink will let you update
packages (and their versioned dependencies) individually.  That's one
way to keep from having to compile a bunch of stuff.

One exception is that a selfupdate with rsync or cvs will force the base
packages to update; there's not really a way around that.

As for the bug:  I don't recall having seen a report of it, so perhaps
nobody knew about it until now.
- -- 
Alexander Hansen
Fink User Liaison
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Verizon Developer Community
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Re: [Fink-devel] 0.9.0 distribution and binary distributions (was: Bug in in mc install (10.5) and some others)

2010-01-07 Thread monipol
On 07/01/2010, at 22:50, DJamé Seddah wrote:
> Hi Augusto,
> thanks for the tip, it did the trick  but one thing which is just
> killing me is why, why does fink need to recompile every single
> package I want to install now that I got it updated ?
> I just cannot understand why if the bug was known, the binary
> distribution is still carrying the old fink ? Now, I have the feeling
> on being in my first gentoo week...
> I know that fink is a communatary project with very few ressources and
> it has to support I don't know how many configuration so i'm not going
> to throw any stone to anyone of course, it's just that maybe things
> shouldn't be that anal when it goes when updating fink  : No, not
> everything has to be recompile because the wrapper was updated...
> even the -b doesn't change anything..

Salut, Djamé. Historically a binary release has encompassed both a  
binary installer (via a .dmg file) and an official binary distribution  
(.deb packages), the so-called point distribution. There's a glitch in  
the 0.9.0 distribution that prevents the package manager from  
updating, so users end up being stuck with that package manager  
version and the packages corresponding to that point distribution. The  
0.9.0 distribution was released in June 2008, so those packages are  
quite old, which explains why a proper selfupdate + update-all is  
updating virtually every package. Using an unofficial binary  
distribution such as Todai's will certainly reduce the number of  
packages you have to build -- please read 
  for further information.

Fink hasn't released another 10.5 point distribution fixing that 0.9.0  
glitch because nobody has had the resources to build the binary point  
distribution. There has been talk about whether Fink should release  
binary installers *without* a corresponding binary point distribution  
or drop binary installers & binary distributions altogether and, as  
suggested by Martin Costabel, one last binary distribution for 10.4.

> Best anyway, enjoy your brasilian sun, we're freezing out here

No sun here, only tropical rain and excessive humidity. ;-)



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Re: [Fink-devel] [Fink-users] qcad in fink

2010-01-07 Thread monipol
On 07/01/2010, at 23:04, Koen van der Drift wrote:
> On Jan 7, 2010, at 3:24 AM, monipol wrote:
>> Hello, Koen. Would it be possible to drop -pedantic? That should  
>> fix the 'long long' errors.
> Alas, I tried:
> SetCPPFLAGS: -Wno-long-long
> or
> SetCFLAGS: -Wno-long-long
> But get the same error. Maybe the syntax is wrong?

That's because qmake does not honour CPPFLAGS/CXXFLAGS. You need to  
edit mkspecs/ and either remove -pedantic (which is not really  
needed anyway, it essentially enables a bunch of warnings) or add -Wno- 

For example, add the following Perl pie to PatchScript:

perl -pi -e 's/-pedantic/-pedantic -Wno-long-long/' mkspecs/

You haven't sent the patch file so I'm not sure if my build will  
finish successfully. At any rate, the build has certainly got past the  
previous build that had -pedantic only.



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[Fink-devel] atlas-3.9.11-1

2010-01-07 Thread Edoardo Milotti

I'm having trouble installing ATLAS on a new MacPro with quad-core Nehalem 
processor and Mac OS X 10.6.2. I attach the final installation messages. I 
recently installed ATLAS on another Intel Mac (double core MacBook Pro, same 
system version) and I had no problems. What can it possibly be? 
Thank you very much. 

Best wishes, 

Edoardo Milotti 


TST: make dcpsctest urout=cpsc1_x0y0.c opt=" -X 4 1 -1 2 -3 -Y 4 1 -1 3 -2" 
gcc -DL2SIZE=4194304 -I/sw/src/ 
-I/sw/src/ -DAdd_ 
-DF77_INTEGER=int -DStringSunStyle -DATL_OS_OSX -DATL_ARCH_Corei7 
-DATL_FULL_LAPACK -DATL_NCPU=8 -fPIC -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -mfpmath=387 -m32 
-o dcpsctest.o -c -DDREAL 
gcc -DL2SIZE=4194304 -I/sw/src/ 
-I/sw/src/ -DAdd_ 
-DF77_INTEGER=int -DStringSunStyle -DATL_OS_OSX -DATL_ARCH_Corei7 
-DATL_FULL_LAPACK -DATL_NCPU=8 -fPIC -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -mfpmath=387 -m32 
-DDREAL -c -o ATL_dcpsc_stub.o 
rm -f dcpsc.c dcpsc.o
gcc -DL2SIZE=4194304 -I/sw/src/ 
-I/sw/src/ -DAdd_ 
-DF77_INTEGER=int -DStringSunStyle -DATL_OS_OSX -DATL_ARCH_Corei7 
-DATL_FULL_LAPACK -DATL_NCPU=8 -fomit-frame-pointer -mfpmath=sse -msse3 -O2 
-fno-schedule-insns2 -m32 -DDREAL -c dcpsc.c
gcc -DL2SIZE=4194304 -I/sw/src/ 
-I/sw/src/ -DAdd_ 
-DF77_INTEGER=int -DStringSunStyle -DATL_OS_OSX -DATL_ARCH_Corei7 
-DATL_FULL_LAPACK -DATL_NCPU=8 -fPIC -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -mfpmath=387 -m32 
-o xdcpsctst dcpsctest.o \
  ATL_dcpsc_stub.o dcpsc.o 
/sw/src/ -lpthread -lm
/sw/src/ xdcpsctst -n 777 -X 4 1 
-1 2 -3 -Y 4 1 -1 3 -2
ERROR: Y[238], correct=0.449648, computed=0.449648
ERROR: Y[585], correct=-0.014062, computed=-0.014062
  ITST N alpha  incX  incYTEST
==          ==
 0   777  1.00 1 1  PASSED
 1   777 -1.00 1 1  PASSED
 2   777  0.90 1 1  PASSED
 3   777  1.00 1-1  PASSED
 4   777 -1.00 1-1  PASSED
 5   777  0.90 1-1  PASSED
 6   777  1.00 1 3  PASSED
 7   777 -1.00 1 3  PASSED
 8   777  0.90 1 3  PASSED
 9   777  1.00 1-2  PASSED
10   777 -1.00 1-2  PASSED
11   777  0.90 1-2  PASSED
12   777  1.00-1 1  PASSED
13   777 -1.00-1 1  PASSED
14   777  0.90-1 1  PASSED
15   777  1.00-1-1  PASSED
16   777 -1.00-1-1  PASSED
17   777  0.90-1-1  PASSED
18   777  1.00-1 3  PASSED
19   777 -1.00-1 3  PASSED
20   777  0.90-1 3  FAILED
21   777  1.00-1-2  PASSED
22   777 -1.00-1-2  PASSED
23   777  0.90-1-2  PASSED
24   777  1.00 2 1  PASSED
25   777 -1.00 2 1  PASSED
26   777  0.90 2 1  PASSED
27   777  1.00 2-1  PASSED
28   777 -1.00 2-1  PASSED
29   777  0.90 2-1  PASSED
30   777  1.00 2 3  PASSED
31   777 -1.00 2 3  PASSED
32   777  0.90 2 3  PASSED
33   777  1.00 2-2  PASSED
34   777 -1.00 2-2  PASSED
35   777  0.90 2-2  PASSED
36   777  1.00-3 1  PASSED
37   777 -1.00-3 1  PASSED
38   777  0.90-3 1  PASSED
39   777  1.00-3-1  PASSED
40   777 -1.00-3-1  PASSED
41   777  0.90-3-1  PASSED
42   777

Re: [Fink-devel] Bug in in mc install (10.5) and some others

2010-01-07 Thread Daniel Macks
On Thu, Jan 07, 2010 at 08:06:19PM -0500, Alexander Hansen wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 1/7/10 7:50 PM, DJam? Seddah wrote:
> > Hi Augusto,
> > 
> > thanks for the tip, it did the trick  but one thing which is just  
> > killing me is why, why does fink need to recompile every single  
> > package I want to install now that I got it updated ?
> > I just cannot understand why if the bug was known, the binary  
> > distribution is still carrying the old fink ? Now, I have the feeling  
> > on being in my first gentoo week...
> > 
> > I know that fink is a communatary project with very few ressources and  
> > it has to support I don't know how many configuration so i'm not going  
> > to throw any stone to anyone of course, it's just that maybe things  
> > shouldn't be that anal when it goes when updating fink  : No, not  
> > everything has to be recompile because the wrapper was updated...
> > 
> > even the -b doesn't change anything..
> > 
> > 
> > Best anyway, enjoy your brasilian sun, we're freezing out here
> > 
> > Djam?
> > 
> > 
> You're free _not_ to use "update-all".  Fink will let you update
> packages (and their versioned dependencies) individually.  That's one
> way to keep from having to compile a bunch of stuff.
> One exception is that a selfupdate with rsync or cvs will force the base
> packages to update; there's not really a way around that.
> As for the bug:  I don't recall having seen a report of it, so perhaps
> nobody knew about it until now.

The "mc wants old libintl but misssing dependency on it" is old and is
(or at least was) well-known, along with the solution ("install
gettext"). We obviously can't fix the original binary installer, but
IIRC the dependency has been added in all updated distros a lng
time ago. That's why fink provides live distros: we fix bugs as we
find them:)


Daniel Macks

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