[Fink-devel] Re: [Fink-users] Slashdot and or other Editors where are you (or doyou know their private email?)

2002-11-28 Thread Chris Devers
On Thu, 28 Nov 2002, David wrote:

> Hello dear Slashdot editors.
> Since I am going to look after the Fink public relations and
> documentation a bit from now on, I would like to know an email
> where I can contact you without going through the usual channels.
> I would be delighted if you, or someone who knows your email
> sends them to me with a short description what I may send to
> you and what not.
> Thank you in advance

Chris Nandor seems to be Slashdot's Mac editor [and Perl editor --
no, not that kind of Mac or Perl editor wiseguy...]. Maybe you can
just write to him: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. He's active in a several
different mailing lists -- none Fink related AFAIK -- so he has a
pretty high profile and would probably be willing to talk.

Just, maybe not on Thanksgiving :)


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Fink-devel mailing list

[Fink-devel] openssh vulnerability -- upgrade to the fink package?

2002-06-26 Thread Chris Devers

[This is really aimed at fink-devel, but I've cc'ed -users too as
I'm not sure if I'm properly subscribed to -devel at the moment...]

There's a remote security exploit in versions of OpenSSH prior to
this week's release of 3.4.

From: http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/06/26/1547242

Dan writes: "OpenSSH 3.4 has been released and will be
shortly available on all mirrors. All versions of
OpenSSH's sshd between 2.9.9 and 3.3 contain an input
validation error that can result in an integer overflow
and privilege escalation. OpenSSH 3.4 fixes this bug."
And kylus writes: "The previously-mentioned
vulnerability in OpenSSH has been disclosed by ISS
X-Force today on the BugTraq list. This is a potential
remote root compromise, and while there is a workaround,
it's advised that users upgrade to version 3.4 as soon
as they can."


Fink is currently providing a package for 3.2.2, which is one of
the vulnerable versions. Will an upgrade be coming out, Max?

Chris Devers   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Fink-devel mailing list

[Fink-devel] Re: [Fink-users] system-xfree86 / libgl / qt problem

2002-06-11 Thread Chris Devers

On Mon, 10 Jun 2002, Ben Hines wrote:

> At 11:42 PM -0400 6/10/02, Benjamin Reed wrote:
> >
> >
> >Max Horn and David Morrison seem to have the most experience with package
> >dependency stuff like this... either of you guys have any input?
> I reported this exact bug several days ago. They had input then. See
> the archives.
> My solution was: "dpkg -r --forcedepends system-libgl". But that
> doesn't solve the problem.
> -Ben, often ignored

Sorry :(

I haven't been keeping up with the lists as closely as usual. That thread
must have gotten past me. If this dpkg trick didn't work, do you know if
any other hacks did?

Chris Devers  ||  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] Re: [Fink-users] galeon depends on mozilla...?

2002-05-20 Thread Chris Devers

On Mon, 20 May 2002, Lloyd D Budd wrote:

> on 2002/05/20 18:47,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent:
> > Basically, Galeon needs Mozilla for the same reason that Gnome
> > requires an X11 server: the former is just a nice interface offered
> > for the latter.
> Is that a good analogy?

It's imperfect, but as close of a practical example as I could think of.

> Gnome does require X11.  As you point out, Galeon does not need Mozilla.

Right. I was thinking less literally about the software architecture, and
more about the interface -- Gnome "extends" the X11 interface in roughly
similar ways to how Galeon extends Gecko.

> It needs the rendering engine, Gecko, also part of the Mozilla project.
> If one was to leave such a dependency, would it not make more sense for
> Mozilla to depend on Galeon as it is the much smaller of the two ;-)
> But possibly does that come to a Crypto issue?

Nah, I think that's a dead end. Moving Gecko out of Mozilla & into Galeon
probably wouldn't solve any problems for anyone. The really good thing --
and I have no idea if this would be even feasible -- would be for Gecko to
be an independent package that could be employed by either of Gecko or
Mozilla, making little difference if you just use one browser, but saving
disc space & build time if you want to use both.

Problem is, this would have to be done upstream of Fink, by the developers
of the Mozilla project. I have no idea if they're interested in such a
thing, or would be willing to spend the resources on it. It could be that
Gecko is so tightly bound to Mozilla that offering separate packages for
them might not help their needs. Maybe, I dunno.

In any case, because it would have to be addressed upstream -- and
probably wouldn't happen any time soon -- I think it doesn't matter so
much at this point whether or not it would be in Crypto or not...

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Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] perl warning in fink 0.9.12-1

2002-05-16 Thread Chris Devers

On Thu, 16 May 2002, Bernd Kuemmerlen wrote:

> Use of uninitialized value in numeric gt (>) at /sw/lib/perl5/Fink/Package.pm line 
>377,  line 2.

Out of curiosity, what does line 377 of that file look like for you? What
is being evaluated there that Perl doesn't like in this context? My
version -- which is probably but not necessarily identical to yours -- has
this subroutine there (line 377 overall is line 3 here):

  sub process_find {
if (/^.*\.info\z/s ) {
  if ( ( (lstat($_))[9] > $db_mtime ) || ( (stat($_))[9] > $db_mtime ) ) {
$db_outdated = 1;
$File::Find::prune = 1;

$db_mtime is set to zero on line 57, and potentially altered at line 327
in a nested-if block that's a bit too long to bother pasting here. Looks
like the problem then isn't $db_mtime, but the $_ temp variable passed in
to process_find() -- and the only other place *that* shows up is in the
same nested-if block, at line 328. Oh hell I'll paste it:

  # If we have the Storable perl module, try to use the package index
  if (-e "$basepath/var/db/fink.db") {
eval {
  require Storable;

  # We assume the DB is up-to-date unless proven otherwise
  $db_outdated = 0;

  # Unless the NoAutoIndex option is set, check whether we should regenerate
  # the index based on its modification date and that of the package descs.
  if (not $config->param_boolean("NoAutoIndex")) {
*-> $db_mtime = (stat("$basepath/var/db/fink.db"))[9];
*-> find (\&process_find, "$basepath/fink/dists");

  # If the index is not outdated, we can use it, and thus safe a lot of time
  if (not $db_outdated) {
%package_hash = %{Storable::retrieve("$basepath/var/db/fink.db")};
my ($pkgtmp);
foreach $pkgtmp (keys %package_hash) {
  push @package_list, $package_hash{$pkgtmp};

That confuses me -- is process_find not being passed in a variable? Should
it be, if it isn't?

This is where I get bad at untangling where things are going...

Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

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Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] Re: updating gettext

2002-05-05 Thread Chris Devers

On Sat, 4 May 2002, Max Horn wrote:

> For various reasons, the only possible upgrade path I see here is this:
> 1) Change gettext to use splitoffs, with the -shlibs splitoff being
> the essential one and
> 2) at the *SAME TIME* adding gettext2 (possibly also with a
> splitoff), which is also essential, but the gettext2 maste is *also*
> essential.
> This way, the shared libs of both are always present, and at least
> the header files of one are always present. However, before we can do
> this, we must make sure that everything works fine with 11.2, and
> that means to me that somebody has to do a clean bootstrap with a
> system modified like this, and test a lot of packages, at least core
> ones (like gnome-*, xfree86, etc.).
> Note that this testing (including building all sorts of packages) is
> definitly required before such a change can be made.

Hookay, welp -- my iMac died last week and I've just replaced it with a
relatively new G4 tower. I'm gradually getting back up to speed with the
software I had installed, but basically haven't doing anything with Fink
yet. So, if you need a guinea pig, I'll be your guinea pig.

So, if you still need someone to do this, what do you want me to do? I've
brought the system up to 10.1.4, but haven't installed any version of the
devtools yet (I was hoping the April version would come out of Beta soon).
The system is, for these purposes, basically fresh out of the box...

Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

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Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] prdownloads.sourceforge.net to unc.dl.sourceforge.net

2002-05-02 Thread Chris Devers

On Thu, 2 May 2002, Incabulos wrote:

> unless there's going to be a new mirroring setup to deal with
> sourceforge's mirroring, the fink info files need to have
> unc.dl.sourceforge.net (with the possibility of others?) for any
> download that was at prdownloads.sorceforge.net.

"Was" at prdownloads.sorceforge.net?

It's slow, yes, but is it being taken offline? I can get to it right now,
but can't think of a valid URL to test against it at the moment. Oh, wait,
now I see it. Here, sample:


So, *maybe* the download url can add /\?use_mirror=(unc|telia|belnet)/ [or
something to that effect] as needed, based on whatever the user may set
for a geographic preference.

Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

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Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] 2 questions (DVD->divx, setxkbmap)

2002-05-01 Thread Chris Devers

On Wed, 1 May 2002, noname wrote:

> 1.  I was looking for some utilite to convert DVD in divx format
> for osx and found nothing as yet.  Instead I found that there was a
> drip.sourceforge.net project.  So my question is that how do you guys
> assign a priority to port applications for fink and is a drip project
> going to be ported at all?

I don't know much about DivX, but...

  % egrep -i 'divx|codec|codex' ~/log/finklist
   i libdivxdecore0.4.7-1   OpenDivX codec library
 libdv0.9-3 DV codec
   i libvorbis1.0rc3-3  The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec
   i libvorbis-shlibs 1.0rc3-3  The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec
  % find /sw/fink/dists -name '*.info' -print | \
xargs egrep -il 'Depends.*(libdivxdecore|libdv)'

So it looks like mplayer might be part of what you need, and mjpegtools
might be another. Not sure how close that gets you though. If Drip is a
more complete solution & it can be ported, by all means you're welcome to
start working on doing to &/or submitting a request to the Sourceforge
site to initiate the effort.

[ I can't help you with question #2, sorry. ]

Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

"More war soon. You know how it is."-- mnftiu.cc

Re: [Fink-devel] openldap bug?

2002-04-27 Thread Chris Devers

On Sat, 27 Apr 2002, Benjamin Reed wrote:

> I assume this is a libtool bug in the openldap package?

You can get openldap to compile? I've been trying without success to build
openldap-2.0.19-1 for a couple of weeks now, and sent messages about it to
the Fink lists & Finlay Dobbie, but never got a response from any of it.
The error[s] I get begin as follows:

creating libldap.la
(cd .libs && rm -f libldap.la && ln -s ../libldap.la libldap.la)
rm -f ../libldap.la
d=`pwd`; d=`basename $d`; cd ..; ln -s $d/libldap.la libldap.la; \
t=`basename libldap.la .la`.a; rm -f $t; ln -s $d/.libs/$t $t
if test "no" = "yes"; then \
d=`pwd`; d=`basename $d`; b=`basename libldap.la .la`; \
 cd .libs; t=`echo $b*.so`; (cd ../.. ; rm -f $t; \
 ln -s $d/.libs/$t $t); \
if test "so" != dll; then \
t=`echo $b.so.?`; cd ../.. ; \
rm -f $t; \
ln -s $d/.libs/$t $t; \
fi \
cc -fno-common -I../../include-I../../include   -I/sw/include
-c -o apitest.o apitest.c
--mode=link cc -fno-common -I../../include
cc -fno-common -I../../include -I../../include -I/sw/include 
/usr/bin/ld: warning unused multiple definitions of symbol _ASN1_STRING_data
/sw/lib/libcrypto.dylib(asn1_lib.o) definition of _ASN1_STRING_data
/usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.dylib(asn1_lib.o) unused definition of _ASN1_STRING_data
/usr/bin/ld: warning unused multiple definitions of symbol _ASN1_STRING_length

Spiralling from there into tens of thousands of repeats & variations of
that last pair of lines, citing problems with bad definitions:

  % grep ' definition' openldap_error | wc -l
  % grep ' definition' openldap_error | sed 's# .*##' | \
sed 's#(.*\.o) *##' | sort | uniq -c | more
  28485 /sw/lib/libcrypto.dylib
 14 /sw/lib/libncurses.dylib
   5852 /sw/lib/libssl.dylib
  34351 /usr/bin/ld:
 15 /usr/lib/libSystem.dylib
  28485 /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.dylib
   5852 /usr/lib/libssl.0.9.dylib

Et cetera. Glottons for punishment are welcome to share this pain by
downloading http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/fink/openldap_error.txt.gz

Any suggestions for diagnosing & fixing this would be eagerly accepted.
I'd really like to give openldap a try

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Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] 0.4.0a vs. 0.4.1

2002-04-24 Thread Chris Devers

On Wed, 24 Apr 2002, Max Horn wrote:

> * gdk-pixbuf doesn't build correctl the first time it's built

FYI, I was one of the people having problems with this. I went and
upgraded some other packages, then came back & it worked fine with
the 0.16.0-5 version. Not sure how it ended up resolving itself, but
the problem did go away for me. *shrug*

Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

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Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] parallel downloads...

2002-04-23 Thread Chris Devers

On Tue, 23 Apr 2002, Max Horn wrote:

> At 9:43 Uhr -0400 23.04.2002, Chris Zubrzycki wrote:
> >
> >How hard would it be to add code to perform x number of downloads at
> >once, where x is set in the config field? just wondering, for people
> >who have fast connections.
> First, you would have to do multiple process (forks). Then you have
> to manage those somehow.

Basically, re-implement a kinda backwards Apache, except instead of
serving multiple parallel URLs, you're grabbing them.

Max's points about the complexity of implementing this are all valid. I'll
just add that, in addition to that complexity/overhead/debugging that this
would involve, it's also not clear that it would save much time.

Even given that the design issues are thought through & properly
implemented, I think the best case scenario (assuming that computational
time of running all this is effectively zero & we're bound instead by
bandwidth) is that it takes exactly the same amount of time to download

Think about it: instead of four consequitive downloads that take (making
up figures here) ten seconds each, you have four simultaneous downloads
that take forty seconds each, because they're still sharing the same
constrained bandwidth.

You only stand to gain if this scheme can take advantage of different
access paths (a second NIC or modem or something) or if the bottleneck is
the remote server, and not your connection. Sometimes the latter is the
case -- I think we all seem to be having a slow time getting downloads
from Sourceforge's site, for example. But in most cases I don't think
there's going to be enough gain from parallelizing to justify all the work
it'll take to get it to work reliably.

Too bad though. It's a cool idea, and I'd like to be proven wrong about my
guesses about how the download times will work  :)

Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

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Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] Is abiword still maintained ?

2002-04-22 Thread Chris Devers

On Mon, 22 Apr 2002, Jin Zhao wrote:

> Abiword is close to it's 1.0 release now. Took a look at fink and found
> it not updated for a pretty long time. Is abiword still maintained as a
> Fink project? Why no updates for such a long time, ie we are waiting for
> a native OSX port or the abiword 1.0 release?

I dunno, ask the package maintainer if he's still working on it. Do a
"fink info abiword" to find out who it is. In this case, it's Jeffrey
Whitaker at [EMAIL PROTECTED] I have cc'ed him on this message to see if
he's still working on the port.

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Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] new zope package

2002-04-22 Thread Chris Devers

On Sun, 21 Apr 2002, Kilian Koepsell wrote:

> i just checked in a package for the zope web application server. maybe,
> there is anybody on this list using zope who wants to give it a try...

I just installed a Zope kit on Friday :)

I've already grabbed your Fink version, and am trying it out today. Is
there any reason that it requires me to downgrade Python from 2.2.x to
2.1.x? I was at 2.2.1-1, but Zope downgraded me to 2.1.2-1.

> it includes a start/stop script 'zopectl' adapted from debian.

Cool. The one I got on Friday had a GUI equivalent to this, which seemed
kind of silly to me when I realized that all it does is stop & start Zope
(and it keeps crashing, which doesn't help things much...).

Thanks, Kilian! :)

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Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] gdk-pixbuf-shlibs update broken

2002-04-21 Thread Chris Devers

On Sun, 21 Apr 2002, David R. Morrison wrote:

> OK, I put a different version of gdk-pixbuf into the shared-libraries/splitoff
> module, in case somebody else wants to try out the one that gave the error
> messages in my previous email.

Still getting errors. Full log is at

But the key section is:


dpkg -i 
(Reading database ... 89733 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace gdk-pixbuf-shlibs 0.16.0-2 (using
.../gdk-pixbuf-shlibs_0.16.0-4_darwin-powerpc.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement gdk-pixbuf-shlibs ...
dpkg: error processing 
 trying to overwrite `/sw/lib/gdk-pixbuf/loaders/libpixbufloader-bmp.la',
which is also in package gdk-pixbuf
dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
Errors were encountered while processing:
### dpkg failed, exit code 1
Failed: can't install package gdk-pixbuf-shlibs-0.16.0-4


Should I rebuild it from scratch?

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Fink-devel mailing list

[Fink-devel] fwd: lack of prebinding in fink installed libraries

2002-04-19 Thread Chris Devers

This was sent to the -users list & got no response. I suggested to
the poster that he try -devel instead, and he told me to forward
this on his behalf. So:

   Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 10:09:15 +0100 (BST)
   From: Luke Whitaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Subject: lack of prebinding in fink installed libraries


   I have a question about prebinding with packages installed by fink.
   (NB I am not at my Mac now, so I may have mis-remembered some
   environment variable names etc)

   I have installed vim using fink and noticed that vim takes an
   annoyingly long time to start up when invoked from the command
   line. I checked dyld by setting DYLD_DEBUG_PREBINDING (?)  and sure
   enough it says that it cannot use prebinding because at least one
   of the libraries (that was also installed by fink) it links against
   weren't enabled for prebinding.

   I tried a couple of things with update_prebinding and redo_prebinding
   without success, but I really don't understand how these commands
   are supposed to work.

   As an aside, I noticed that when X11 is running, then both vim and
   gvim start up almost instantly. Perhaps this is why many fink users
   wouldn't notice the problem. I also tried (without X11 running )
   starting a second vim process while one is already running, but
   the second process is just as slow as the first.

   In the immediate term, can someone tell me how I can get vim (and
   other programs installed by fink) to use prebinding ?

   In the longer term, is it the case that package porters could/should
   use something like LDFLAGS = -prebinding by default ?


   Luke Whitaker

Can anyone address this? I couldn't answer his questions, as I only have a
shaky understanding of how prebinding works in the first place. I was also
hoping to hear if & how this comes into play with Fink packages. Is this
something any/some/all Fink packages can or should do? Does it help, or is
it irrelevant? Has anyone experimented or benchmarked things here?

Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

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Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] Re: Nessus 1.2.0 released (was Re: [Fink-users]nessus 1.0.10)

2002-04-19 Thread Chris Devers

On Fri, 19 Apr 2002, Justin Hallett wrote:

> Let me know how it all works, I've had one compile bug already

Fink's selfupdate picked it up & installed it this morning. No errors on
the build / install process, though I haven't had a chance to use it yet.

Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

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Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] Re: [Fink-users] Virtual screens in OS X...

2002-04-19 Thread Chris Devers

On Fri, 19 Apr 2002, Olivier M. wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 19, 2002 at 02:30:12PM +0200, Per Rundblom wrote:
> > Does anyone know anything about an extension enabling virtual screens in
> > OS X?? I faintly remember having one a long time ago. (probably while
> also seeking for an answer to this question... actually, the best
> way I found is working with xdarwin & windowmaker...

Tried Space.dock? http://space.sourceforge.net/

I used it a while ago too -- might have been Public Beta, might have been
right after the official release came out. At the time I was underwhelmed:
I really like virtual desktops but this didn't seem like a very clean way
to hack them in. It looks like the last revision was a year ago, and I'm
not sure if the version I used was the last one or not.

Any others?

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Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] NetInfo Trashing Machines

2002-04-18 Thread Chris Devers

On Thu, 18 Apr 2002, Gary Kerbaugh wrote:

> Thanks for all you've done Max!

Hear hear, good job to everyone that worked on 0.4.0. :)

> My shrubbery caught fire and told me to do it.

Damned Sunday gardeners... ;)

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Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] libjconv 403 with wget, but not curl

2002-04-18 Thread Chris Devers

On Thu, 18 Apr 2002, Olivier M. wrote:

> what about patching fink to make it set the useragent on the fink and
> curl command line to something "classical" ? (Mozilla, IE, etc...).
> Would be a small thing, and would prevent further problems of his kind.

I don't like that idea. Automated scrapers/spiders using command-line
tools like Curl or Wget can be a real problem for web admins (who are
possibly facing bandwidth charges for this), and if they want to filter on
these tools to prevent malicious use I can't really fault them for that.

We can, on the other hand, better identify ourselves, by using the exact
same hack. I think that if the user agent field is altered, it should
noted that we're using Fink, OSX, and whatever command tool, and it ought
to have an email address or URL for admins to contact if they have any
concerns. So, for example:

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; OSX Fink/0.9.11 using Wget/1.8.1, http://fink.sourceforge.net)

Or something along those lines. I don't like the idea of putting in that
silly "Mozilla 4.0 compatible" bit, but that seems pretty standard. We
could instead just go with

OSX Fink/0.9.11 using Wget/1.8.1, http://fink.sourceforge.net

But I'm worried that that might get filtered out too. *shrug*

Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

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Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] libjconv 403 with wget, but not curl

2002-04-18 Thread Chris Devers

On Thu, 18 Apr 2002, Martin Costabel wrote:

> "Olivier M." wrote:
> > wget --non-verbose --passive-ftp 
> > http://www.kondara.org/libjconv/libjconv-2.8.1.tar.gz:
> > 08:30:09 ERROR 403: Forbidden.
> > ### wget failed, exit code 1
> []
> > Funny: with curl it works! But it seems the server filters wget
> > requests!
> I confirm. Very curious.

I was getting the same error on the same package a couple of weeks ago.
Because 403 Forbidden usually means that the site maintainers forgot to
make the file available for downloading, I thought that was the case here,
and that they'd be able to see the problem in their logs and would fix it.
After a week of no change, I asked here & the problem was found -- the
server is doing exactly what they want it to do. Sneaky bastards :)

One way to get past this -- and I don't see a way to automate this change
in /sw/etc/wgetrc -- is to use this command line switch:

  % wget --help | grep agent
-U,  --user-agent=AGENTidentify as AGENT instead of Wget/VERSION.

So you can use, say:

 wget -U "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Fink->wget)" http://blah.blah/yadda.tgz

Currently, Wget is advertising itself as "Wget/1.8.1". Obviously this site
is filtering on that or something matching that.

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Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] Restrictive licenses - fit for stable=

2002-04-17 Thread Chris Devers

On Wed, 17 Apr 2002, Max Horn wrote:

> At 10:22 Uhr -0400 17.04.2002, Chris Devers wrote:
> >On Wed, 17 Apr 2002, Max Horn wrote:
> >
> >>  the following packages have a "Restrictive" license:
> >
> >What is the working definition of restrictive? Non-GPL? Non-Berkeley?
> >(Arguably, GPL is much more restrictive than BSD, but somehow I don't
> >think that's a problem in this context).
> That is completly irrelevant.

It's relevant because I wasn't sure what 'restrictive' means here. I
wasn't trying to be combative or anything -- I know you're busy and I'm
not trying to create more work for you.

> The question was whether the actual license of each of these
> packages makes any restrictions on the distributions of binaries.

And I got maybe a little too theoretical & realized that anything more
restrictive than "public domain" ipso facto places restrictions, thus the
comment about GPL v. BSD. I'm still not totally clear on what kinds of
restrictions are problematic here...

> >But like I say, I'm not sure what the criteria for "restrictive" are.
> Again, this is completly unimportant for answering the original question.

I'm sorry, but I thought that is exactly what the original question was. I
think I get it now -- I'll go look up policy on the site to be sure.

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Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] Apache 2.0.35

2002-04-16 Thread Chris Devers

On Tue, 16 Apr 2002, Kyle Moffett wrote:

> I was looking at Apache 2.0 and I decided to install it on my system.

Not sure how helpful this is, but you might want to take a look here:


Despite the name binary, this did provide the source, which did build and
install cleanly on my system. Prepatched as needed. The default version
wouldn't build for me (weird sporadic host undeterminable errors, even
though earlier in the config process it found this info normally), but
this patched one was really easy to apply.

I would think that a Fink version would only have to add a '--basedir=/sw'
flag for ./configure (something to that effect) and it'll fit right in.

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Fink-devel mailing list

Re: Fwd: RE: [Fink-devel] Re: [Fink-users] Calling mozilla

2002-04-16 Thread Chris Devers

On Tue, 16 Apr 2002, Max Horn wrote:

> >Envelope-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 22:25:35 +0200
> >Mime-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v481)
> >Subject: RE:  [Fink-devel] Re: [Fink-users] Calling mozilla
> >From: Jean-François Mertens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: Max Horn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >(Am not on the dev-list, and don't have Chris Devers' email _
> >may I botheryou asking to forward this ? Very sorry.)

Oh great, now the Belgians are after me. I've seen Man Bites Dog
("C'est arrive pres de chez vous"), you people are frickin scary.


> >Create (and install) a small package in the local tree containing
> >lines like (add any number of packages you want to the Depends line):
> >
> >Type: bundle
> >Depends: xfree86-base (= 4.2.0-4), xfree86-rootless (= 4.2.0-2)
> >Description: Prevents automatic update...

Interesting. So a hypothetical Mozilla blocker would be a file like:


And it would contain... why would it need the depends bit? Seems like it
could just be:

  Type: bundle
  Description: mozilla blocker

And maybe nothing more. Yes?

It's an interesting strategy, but still kind of a pain. I like the earlier
thought about "--no-update=mozilla", except that it's stateless (have to
remember to do it every time) and it seems like feeding it a list (gtk,
qt, mozilla, etc other long ones like that) would be stretching what a
flag like that should really be accomodating.

Maybe a stub file, or a stub field in fink.conf, can have packages to
exclude from updates, being a wrapper around a hack like the one JFM
suggests [1] of creating a dummy package descriptor, and maybe a new "fink
exclude ..." sub-command can be used to create the list in the first

Or something like that.  :/

I like & hate the Apple Software Update way of handling this. "You have no
new updates, but 37 pending updates. Do you want to apply them now?" This
is on the right track, but it's annoying as now done, e.g. I won't *ever*
want all that localization stuff, as I don't speak any of those languages.
In any case though, it does fit into the GUI interface; not really sure
how best to wedge it into a CLI one...

[1] Sorry, dunno how to make accented characters here... :/

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Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] Fink Package Version Checking

2002-04-16 Thread Chris Devers

On Tue, 16 Apr 2002, Kyle Moffett wrote:

> I feel kind of stupid now, but maybe something where Fink
> could update itself to the latest cvs would be helpful

  % sudo fink selfupdate-cvs


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Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] Re: [Fink-users] Calling mozilla

2002-04-15 Thread Chris Devers

On Tue, 16 Apr 2002, Kilian Koepsell wrote:

> but maybe, it would be a nice feature to be able to exclude certain
> packages from update-all like it is possible to exclude them from
> apt-get upgrade. this way you could prevent fink from recompiling
> mozilla.

Oh god yes. I wince every time I start getting a point upgrade to a mega
package like Mozilla, and have more than once wished I could delay doing
the upgrade until a certain milestone -- not worried about going from
Mozilla 0.9.9-3 to 0.9.9-4, say, but I'd be happy to climb back on the
treadmill for 0.9.10-1 or *gasp* 1.0.0-1.

I can't think of a clean way though -- interface-wise -- that a package
could be flagged for delayed upgrading. Hrm... :/

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Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] Re: [Fink-users] Calling mozilla

2002-04-15 Thread Chris Devers

On Mon, 15 Apr 2002, Martin Costabel wrote:

> Removing one word 'exec' from the wrapper script makes it work.

Please tell me that a simple shell script change like this won't require
spending hours and hours recompiling Mozilla. Please tell me that some
kind of trivial patch can be applied -- I mean hell I can do this myself
but how would Fink know that? -- and that chore can be avoided. If it
can't, then I suggest holding off on the fix until the next Mozilla
release is on the way...

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Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] apache source changed

2002-04-15 Thread Chris Devers

On Mon, 15 Apr 2002, Kilian Koepsell wrote:

> i just tried to install apache-1.3.23 and it seems they moved the
> source-file. wget downloads apache-1.3.24.tar.gz but fink doesn't
> recognise it and stops.

It's not under Fink [yet?], but you might want to give Apache 2.0 a try. I
downloaded & built it just fine. Only catch was that the normal package
wouldn't build for me (10.1.3, up to date devtools, HFS+ partitions), but
this patched-for-OSX version built, installed, and runs cleanly:

Alternatively (and boringly :) the Fink package for Apache needs updating.

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Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] zope-2.5.0

2002-04-14 Thread Chris Devers

On Mon, 15 Apr 2002, Kilian Koepsell wrote:

> i was going to package zope-2.5.0 (http://www.zope.com) and have some
> questions:
> - it depends on python-2.1.2

"...or newer", or 2.1.2 specifically?

> - it would need a low permission user to run the server. can i use the
>   next available uid (259) and patch the passwd package accordingly?

...where did the 259 figure come from? Can you be sure users won't have
used that number already? (I'll admit, I don't know what the convention
for giving out these numbes might be, but it seems like things are
flexible enough that users may have taken it already, or something else
they installed used it, etc.)

> any comments welcome, since i am quite new to python/zope...

Me too, but I want to learn it -- might be getting a job in a shop that
just decided to deploy Zope, and it would be useful to experiment with it.
I know a little Python, but being able to install Zope with Fink would be
a nice additional step there. I'd be willing to help you out if you need
testing or anything like that...

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Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] Fink CD

2002-04-10 Thread Chris Devers

On Wed, 10 Apr 2002, Thomas Peters II wrote:

> I guess my point is, we really need a lot more "disclaimers" and "finger
> pointing" texts.  Something which says "We didn't make the Gimp, XWindows,
> esound, etc.  These other people made this stuff, go there for support."
> This is certainly implied on the web page and in other documents, but it
> really isn't spelt out for those who don't know the difference between
> authoring software and porting software.

Fair enough, but on the other hand you finish that statment by bringing up
my problem with this idea in the first place: to a novice user, it's not
unreasonable for them to think "well these people gave me this and I can't
get it to work, so they ought to help me."

To an extent, I'm sympathetic with that viewpoint: on one hand I don't
want to be in a position where I have to explain every niggling detail of
how to get X11 working, but then by providing all the components piecemail
as Fink does, it does become at least partially necessary to be able to
explain what the components are for and how to put them together -- and in
fact this consumes a huge chunk of the traffic on the beginners list.

Telling users to go look up the docs on Gnome's site isn't necessarily
helpful, as most of the info over there is going to be Linux oriented and,
though the relationship is obvious to us, the differences may be less so
to new users, who can be so busy trying to take everything in that they
haven't noticed yet where the boundaries are among major frameworks like
Fink, Gnome, Xfree, all the window managers, etc.

By providing "one stop shopping" for all that stuff, it's fair to expect
us to also provide a bit of "one stop documentation", even if that just
means mirroring or linking to detailed, complete material from elsewhere.

> IMHO I don't believe Fink has done much more about educating the public
> about this than those two, and would quickly fall into the same category
> as OpenOSX and MacGimp.  We say they aren't providing enough info, and
> yet neither are we

...touche... :)

> and the major difference is they are getting bad
> publicity because they charge money.

...do you not think that's relevant then?

Is it wrong to hide behind "you get what you [charge] for"?

> Fink just isn't clearly defined to the public, and the short descriptions
> out there are already misleading enough to put Fink in the same
> undesirable class as OpenOSX.

Fair enough. Publicity matters, even if it's a wretched thing. I've seen
people slagging off on Fink for, among other reasons, a dislike of '/sw'
as a base directory. Pointing out that this is configurable makes some of
the hostility less harsh but it's still there.

Anyway, as noted in the last mail, I'm willing to help out with
documentation. Gotta start somewhere... :)

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Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] Fink CD

2002-04-10 Thread Chris Devers

On Wed, 10 Apr 2002, David R. Morrison wrote:

> You are certainly not the first to have noticed that fink's documentation
> is inadequate.
> Each time it comes up, the core fink developers seek volunteers from the
> fink community to work on this.  Perhaps people who don't have porting
> skills but would like to help out.

I was one of those people that expressed an interest in helping out with
documentation, and I'm still interested in doing that but, ironically, the
site documentation didn't make it clear how to sign up in the first place.
It's entirely possible that I just didn't look hard enough, but still...

I take it I first need a Sourceforge account, and that IE can't be used to
do this? I'll go sign up for one with Mozilla...

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"More war soon. You know how it is."-- mnftiu.cc

Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] Fink CD

2002-04-10 Thread Chris Devers

On Wed, 10 Apr 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I know that it seems like implementing the function dwim(x) where x
> is an expression and meaning of the function is Do What I Mean by x.

No need to do this in C when Fink is already written in Perl, right?
Of course not -- not when we have Damien Conway's Acme::DWIM at hand:

:) :) :)

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"More war soon. You know how it is."-- mnftiu.cc

Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] OpenOSX's GiMP CD

2002-04-09 Thread Chris Devers

On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Alexander Strange wrote:

> I looked at the webpage for the Gimp 1.2.3 CD, and noticed that it comes
> with GTK+ 1.2.8. Fink has 1.2.10. So they probably aren't using Fink :)

Old version?

In any event, Fink or no Fink, source availability is an issue. As near
as I can tell, they don't seem willing to provide that. I would love to
have better info about that though, one way or the other. >

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"More war soon. You know how it is."-- mnftiu.cc

Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] What is the current state of the OpenOSX InstallerSW?

2002-04-09 Thread Chris Devers

On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Dave Vasilevsky wrote:

> David R. Morrison wrote:
> > The issue with these folks in the past was whether they were using our
> > work without giving credit.  They did add a comment on their website,
> > but it wasn't enough to satisfy reasonable people, IMHO.  But that is
> > in the past, and it is quite possible that they are behaving better
> > now.
> It looks like they're not:
> <http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=site%3Aopenosx.com+fink>

That returns nothing for me. Are you sure about that URL?

> But I don't know if that really matters. Nobody cares about Apple
> "failing to credit" Berkeley

...well, it's one of the first outputs if you boot in verbose mode, and
they don't seem to downplay the open Unix framework anywhere, but ok :)

> > The real solution, it seems to me, is a fink CD. [snip]
> This seems to be a solution without a problem. Perhaps there have been
> requests from users for a CD, in which case this would be reasonable --
> but I haven't really seen any.

Ok, maybe there hasn't been much expressed interest, but I for one would
be interested in it. It would be nice to have a disc with the sources &
debs that could be applied to a new OSX box.

> If we really would like credit, perhaps someone should write a letter to
> Macworld promoting Fink?

I like this idea. I also like the idea of an open, group letter, cc'ed to
MacWorld, OpenOSX, and any other relevant organizations. (O'Reilly seems
to be a partner on the MacWorld OSX issue, but knowing them I wouldn't
think they had anything to do with encouraging what we're seeing here, so
I'm not ready to get mad at them too at this point.) In any case, sending
first drafts of such a letter to the group first would be appropriate.

> I don't read Macworld, so I wouldn't know, but have they ever done a
> feature or even a small article on open source software for OS X? Maybe
> that could be suggested...

Everything on the cover & on their web site describes it as "shareware",
which has the wrong connotations in my mind. We're not dealing with any
cripple-ware with an expiration date or a fee. This stuff really is Free
in the way Richard Stallman rambles on endlessly about, and whether or not
he takes things too far, the ideals shown there do need to have at least
an acknowledgement of some kind.

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"More war soon. You know how it is."-- mnftiu.cc

Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] What is the current state of the OpenOSX InstallerSW?

2002-04-09 Thread Chris Devers

On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Kyle Moffett wrote:

> On Tuesday, April 9, 2002, at 09:55 PM, Chris Devers wrote:
> > Maybe something could be packaged as a throw-in disc for Yellow Dog
> > Linux. [snip snip snip]
> >
> > Does this sound feasible/appealing/worth pursuing?
> This is possible, but I think YDL would be a bad choice.

Ok, but why? I like the idea of being affiliated with a company that is
emphasizing the Free/Open aspects of this software. I don't have a problem
with partnering with OpenOSX, but from what I can see on their site it
looks like they want to bury this side of things as much as possible. They
admit it, but reluctantly (look at the smaller fonts, the brevity, etc)
and given that they're trying to sell subscriptions -- hey, isn't Fink
offering the same thing?? :) -- I don't know if they'd like the idea of
having everything available on SourceForge. Even though most of it already
*is* available from Sourceforge. 

> Ideas:
> 1) They do marketing, packaging (Deciding on combos), selling, etc.

No objection to this, provided that they stop de-emphasizing that the
source for everything is available & mutable, as the user may wish.

> 2) We port the software and make stuff available on SourceForge.

No objection to this.

> 3) We stay in contact with them and get publicity too, but we don't have
>to worry about the money (It's an open-source project after all)

Ahh, the money. :) What if a big profit comes in, sitting on the back of
the hard work of several Fink developers. Of course, the Fink folks are
*also* sitting on the backs of the hard work of hundreds or thousands of
Free Software developers , but then we're not trying to make any
money off the arrangement.

So if hypothetically OpenOSX makes a bundle off this and there's lots of
money to go around -- does the Fink group get a cut? Would the Fink group
not be obliged to turn around and pass some back upstream to other

A good way out there would be to shun the problem by putting any money
into the project itself -- bandwidth costs, hardware maintainence, that
sort of thing. Just make it pay for itself while everyone works their day
jobs. Alternatively, they could reasonably ask why we deserve a cut in the
first place -- I think we have a strong but not overwhelming case there.

In any case, the money questions are too big to gloss over here. :/

> 4) They put references to us in their CDs

And, more importantly to me, to all the other projects (they are uneven
about this now) and they make sources available, either on the discs [much
preferred] or by download from their site or Sourceforge. Just as I don't
want them taking credit for Fink's porting efforts, I don't want Fink
getting credit for the existence of the projects in the first place.

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"More war soon. You know how it is."-- mnftiu.cc

Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] What is the current state of the OpenOSX InstallerSW?

2002-04-09 Thread Chris Devers

On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Kyle Moffett wrote:

> On Tuesday, April 9, 2002, at 09:34 PM, Alexander Strange wrote:
> > Maybe we should tell those projects that OpenOSX is screwing them?
> I like that idea, I like it alot

Then for an index, check out <http://www.openosx.com/products.html>
Sample -- the "OpenWeb" collection contains:

  * Apache Web Server 1.3.22
  * PHP 4.1.1
  * Tomcat 4.0
  * mod_SSL 2.8.4
  * SSL 0.9.6b -- 128-bit encryption
  * WebDAV support
  * pdf_lib 4.0.1 (demo mode)
  * OpenSSL 0.9.6b
  * MySQL 3.23.46
  * phpMyAdmin 2.2.2
  * MyODBC 2.50.38
  * iODBC 3.0.5
  * Free Type 2
  * phpSysInfo 1.8
  * OpenSSH 3.0.2p1
  * GD 1.8.4

Not a bad collection for sixty bucks, but then on the other hand you can
get it all for free. But on the gripping hand, they admit this. Sorta:

Alternatively, you can download the source code that we compiled,
documentation, follow dozens of pages of installation instructions
and FAQ's (located at a multitude of different web sites), and
install Apple's 600 MB Developers CD. And hopefully you can "save"
$30 and get a similar configuration up and running in less then a

And that, as dismissive as it is, seems to be as close as the site comes
to admitting that the source for all of this stuff is available for no
charge and with full permission to tinker.

Now I have no problem with people selling GPL software -- I'm encouraged
by it in fact -- but this seems to be adhering to the letter of the
license while actively attacking the spirit of it. Yes, they do seem to
give credit for every project and they tell you that the source can be
downloaded if you want it from various points on the internet, but that's
about it. Is there a legal defence for that kind of behavior?

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"More war soon. You know how it is."-- mnftiu.cc

Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] What is the current state of the OpenOSX InstallerSW?

2002-04-09 Thread Chris Devers

On Tuesday, April 9, 2002, at 08:08 PM, David R. Morrison wrote:

> The real solution, it seems to me, is a fink CD.

Part of me really likes that idea, and has liked it for a while now.

Part of me thinks it's way more time, effort & cash than we probably want
to be dealing with here. Who's going to print the discs? How much does
that cost these days? How is distribution going to happen, exactly?

Would it make sense to partner/piggy-back with someone already doing this?
Maybe something could be packaged as a throw-in disc for Yellow Dog Linux.
The nice thing there is that many (most, all?) of the packages would *not*
need to be duplicated for both systems -- there would just be an extra
bundle to install Fink onto an OSX system (or YDL too??) along side the
rest of the Linux stuff on there.

I could see this kind of Linux/OSX partnership leading to a bunch of
pointless political arguments, but I could also see it being hugely
beneficial for both sides here: Mac users would be able to give full-blown
Linux a try, and Linux users could bring more of their toolkit to OSX.
Both sides have much to gain & little or nothing to lose. I like it.

Does this sound feasible/appealing/worth pursuing?

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"More war soon. You know how it is."-- mnftiu.cc

Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] What is the current state of the OpenOSX InstallerSW?

2002-04-09 Thread Chris Devers

On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Alexander Strange wrote:

> Macworld also says that Gimp is $30 and available at
> macgimp.com and openosx.com. I was going to email them
> to tell them about Fink, but I forgot :)

Quelle surprise... :)

Please can we Slashdot-bomb them now?

  "More war soon. You know how it is."-- mnftiu.cc


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"More war soon. You know how it is."-- mnftiu.cc

Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] What is the current state of the OpenOSX InstallerSW?

2002-04-09 Thread Chris Devers

On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Kyle Moffett wrote:

> Additionally, they fail to provide the source code for any of the
> packages they distribute, and some, including the ones listed above,
> they fail to provide any mention at all.

Wouldn't that be a pretty obvious GPL violation? Nevermind giving credit
where it's due -- though that is of course important and I'm not trying to
diminish that angle -- if they're violating that wouldn't that be illegal
or something?

I saw that magazine today, and was annoyed that the cover talked about the
'shareware' and 'demos', but didn't seem to have any of the great free
software that we're all using. It didn't even dawn on me -- duh -- that of
course it was there, they just didn't use the term I was expecting. The
store version of the magazine is shrinkwrapped, so I couldn't thumb
through it to see what the contents are. Is no mention made anywhere of
where this stuff comes from, where the source can be obtained, etc?

> They are breaking the GPL and the LGPL in more ways in more packages
> than I can count.  Other licenses are potentially also broken.

Yes, you have to wonder, don't you?

> They only provide the GPL on their web site, but they have packages for
> other licenses distributed too.

They provide "the GPL", as in the legal document itself, or do they
actually fulfill the GPL by including the software source? Should we as
Fink users & developers try to get some publicity for this? Submit it to
whatever Mac/tech sites, try to contact some journalists, etc?

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"More war soon. You know how it is."-- mnftiu.cc

Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] Re: docbook (sgml-entities-iso8879-1986-2)

2002-04-09 Thread Chris Devers

On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Sasha Zucker wrote:

> I suspect that this error is the result of a system configuration issue.
> The head utility that occurs in the package simply displays the first
> lines of a file (opposite of the tail utility which displays the end of
> a file). I am not familiar with the head utility that your system is
> attempting to use.

It's LWP's head, which gets header [meta-] info from a given URL, and
(quite understandbly) doesn't know what to do when you give it a file name
as an argument. It's the old case sensitivity issue -- LWP offers to
install this helper Perl script 'HEAD' that on case insensitive HFS+ ends
up overwriting the built-in 'head' command.

Thus, hard-wiring /usr/bin/head won't help, because it will be a different
command for users that accidentally broke it with LWP. On the other hand,
you might be able to check for these error messages, which might be able
to help automatically describe the problem for people: "Looks like you
have 'LWP-head' instead of the system 'head'. Unable to continue..."

Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

"More war soon. You know how it is."-- mnftiu.cc

Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] Plans for 0.4.0 and future releases

2002-04-06 Thread Chris Devers

On Sat, 6 Apr 2002, Martin Costabel wrote:

> OTOH, I have no feedback (except that they compile) on the packages
> - siag (a complete, small, office suite)

I've just opened up the spreadsheet. Seems to work ok, but then I'm not
pushing it in any significant way. Ahh ok, the other components are under
"tools". Yeah yeah ok, this seems to work alright. Don't have any Office
applications to test at the moment, but otherwise it seems ok. Looks like
I've got version 3.5.1-1 at the moment.

Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

"More war soon. You know how it is."-- mnftiu.cc

Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] resource not available.. (errno) how to track down?

2002-04-04 Thread Chris Devers

On Thu, 4 Apr 2002, Steve Spicklemire wrote:

> Sorry..  I should've posted a better reference than the original 
> subject. Here is the thing I'm referring to:
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=1379754

I see. I'm with David Morrison then -- this is just way over my head.
Maybe others on the devel list can help, but Apple's new Unix porters list
(see URL from David's message) might be more useful to you. I just signed
up for it myself but I will probably mainly lurk over there... :/

Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

"More war soon. You know how it is."-- mnftiu.cc

Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] resource not available.. (errno) how to track down?

2002-04-04 Thread Chris Devers

On Thu, 4 Apr 2002, Steve Spicklemire wrote:

> Am I asking the wrong question here? Is there a better place to ask?

Depends. What's the question, exactly? Null questions tend to be pretty
unanswerable just about everywhere, but if you narrow it down a bit we
might be able to help you ;)

If the question is about development of Fink itself, &/or of preparing a
package for distribution with Fink, then this is the right list. If you're
asking a question about using Fink, as opposed to extending it, then try
the Users or Beginners list. If you're not sure what category you're in,
just fire away & you'll get help one way or another...

Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

"More war soon. You know how it is."-- mnftiu.cc

Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] Plans for 0.4.0 and future releases

2002-04-04 Thread Chris Devers

On Thu, 4 Apr 2002, Finlay Dobbie wrote:

> I propose that we start a fund to buy a Fink buildserver. :-)
Aren't you a little young to be making proposals like that? 

Legally I just don't think we can support this. 


Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

"More war soon. You know how it is."-- mnftiu.cc

Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] Package nessus and gtk+ friends

2002-04-03 Thread Chris Devers

On Thu, 4 Apr 2002, Thomas Kotzian wrote:

> The unstable package nessus-1.0.10-1.info (and friends) need package 
> "gtk+-shlibs" but can't find it.

I think you geenerally get $foo-shlibs whenever you install $foo (at
least, that's the idea how). In this case I'm pretty sure that if you
install plain gtk+ then you'll get the -shlibs and -common sub-packages. 

So, try gtk+ and see if it helps you... 

Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

"More war soon. You know how it is."-- mnftiu.cc

Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] apache & sharing

2002-03-27 Thread Chris Devers

On Wed, 27 Mar 2002, Bill Bumgarner wrote:

> The fink installed apache doesn't support OS X's out of the box 'Web
> Sharing' feature.  This is problematic. 

Does anyone know how this feature works in the first place? It looks like
it's just a gui wrapper around (maybe) the builtin apachectl command. If
that's the case -- and I have no idea if it is or not -- then could any
Apache replacements place a symlink to themselves at /usr/sbin/apachectl,
or is the problem more subtle than that? 

I've been wondering this for a while now, actually: the issue of how to
deal with built in GUI interfaces to replaceable low level components. Is
it better to leave the default alone, even if that means breaking (in this
case) the button for turning web sharing on & off? Or can it be feasbile
to swap out these subsystems without damaging high level interfaces? For
lack of a clear answer there, I've just been leaving most things alone...

Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] [ANN] My experiences with Apple

2002-03-25 Thread Chris Devers

On Mon, 25 Mar 2002, Dan Milisic wrote:

> I've never seen developers and maintainers get so badly reamed on a
> community project before.  If it's not users saying "fink sucks" because
> they forgot to do something like sudo, it's Apple with a "Think
> Different" minimum-age-clause.  Looks like corporate *and* user base
> culture-shock against all things GNU ;) 

~~/o "Guns to the left of me,
  guns to the right,
  here I am,
  stuck in the middle with GNU."   o/~~

...sorry. :)

> I really hope it all gets figured out, for my part I'm starting work on
> a professionally written nastygram to Apple, FWIW. 

According to some of the better Slashdot posts [1], Apple's hands may be
tied here. (Granted, the client that take legal advice from Slashdot is,
well, an idiot, but still...). The groupthink party line seems to be that
if Apple doesn't do this, they're open to both child labor violations and
possible repurcussions from the fact that a minor can't enter into a
legally binding contract. Stupid, but the cost of letting Finlay continue
as a developer would be more than offset by the potential damaged. As one
poster noted, it's not Apple's fault -- it's the US legal system :/

...and that raises the question: isn't Finlay from the UK? Does that
matter in this case? None of the /. posts seem to raise that angle...

[1] http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=30003&cid=3223601
http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=30003&cid=3223965   ...etc...

Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] [ANN] My experiences with Apple

2002-03-25 Thread Chris Devers

On Mon, 25 Mar 2002, Yoav Felberbaum wrote:

> Please watch as BTi get slashdotted, and Finlay's web site get shut 
> down for exceeding its allocated bandwidth 
> <http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/03/25/1759218&mode=nested&tid=107>

In that case, Finlay should move the article to homepage.mac.com... :)

Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] glib 2.0

2002-03-13 Thread Chris Devers

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, Max Horn wrote:

> At 13:25 Uhr -0600 13.03.2002, Chris Devers wrote:
> >
> >In a world where Emacs can be on version 21
> How old is emacs? How big is the percentage of all open source 
> projects with such a high version number? Heck, how big is the 
> percentage with a version number above 1.0? =)

Oh very few, I admit. Of the ones that I can think of a version number at
the moment where that number is greater than 2, I can only come up with
Perl, Vim, Mozilla, and Emacs. And of those, three of them are at or near
version six (though Mozilla started at 6, and Perl's not there yet). 

Maybe we could have the Open Source Spinal Tap Rule: 
They can't go up to eleven.


> >and Windows can be on 2000,
> That doesn't count

I was just teasing, you know...

I'm just saying artificial version number inflation could, if nothing
else, serve as a good test for future-proof-worthiness. I'm not actually
suggesting that we do this for it's own sake :)

Chris Devers   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] glib 2.0

2002-03-13 Thread Chris Devers

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, Max Horn wrote:

> At 3:58 Uhr +0900 14.03.2002, Masanori Sekino wrote:
> >On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 19:13:44 +0100
> >Max Horn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>  Do you want to say, you do this to be prepared for glib 20.0 ?
> >
> >Yes.
> He, if we ever get to that version, I will eat my hat (or rather I 
> will buy one which I can then consume :-). It's rare for projects to 
> even attain the ten (yes, there's autocad, and OS X, but those exist 
> for almost 20 years)

"Increment early, increment often." That's my motto. 

In a world where Emacs can be on version 21 and Windows can be on 2000,
I don't see any problem with this :) 

Chris Devers   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] about corrupted binary of mozilla

2002-02-27 Thread Chris Devers

On Thu, 28 Feb 2002, Masanori Sekino wrote:

> 1. Is there anyone who fails to build a working binary with Dec.
> 2001 Develoer Tools?

Yes -- I've got that version of the devtools disc, and I've tried & failed
to build Mozilla three times; each time it has failed at the final dpkg
stages. The build process -- which took a solid 24 hours on my poor little
iMac (233 mhz G3, 160 mb ram, OSX 10.1.3)  -- *seemed* to finish cleanly
each time, ending up by the normal removal of the /sw/src/mozilla... build
directory and the creation of the mozilla...deb file, but then the dpkg
steps fail, and I don't know enough about Debian's apt/dpkg system to
diagnose the problem there. Sample output follows: 

[localhost Wed 2:02:31pm ~]% sudo fink install mozilla
Reading package info...
Information about 353 packages read in 26 seconds.
pkg mozilla  version ###
pkg mozilla  version 0.9.8-1
The following package will be installed or updated:
dpkg -i 
(Reading database ... 55675 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking mozilla (from .../mozilla_0.9.8-1_darwin-powerpc.deb) ...
Setting up mozilla (0.9.8-1) ...
dpkg: error processing mozilla (--install):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 138
Errors were encountered while processing:
### dpkg failed, exit code 1
Failed: can't install package mozilla-0.9.8-1
[localhost Wed 2:07:06pm ~]% 

Trying to figure this out is what led me to the [fink-$foo] lists in the
first place. I'm not even that worried about having Mozilla in the first
place -- I think I'd rather give Galeon or one of the other lightweight
Mozilla derivatives a try, but they all depend on having Mozilla present. 

Has anyone had any success in getting Mozilla or a Mozilla related browser
working on Darwin with Fink? Coming at it from a different direction,
could Darwin run a BSD or Linux version of Netscape 4.x? I'd like to be
able to get an X11 based graphical browser working, and Mozilla seemed
like the most straightforward option at first, but now I'm not sure. 

Chris Devers   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

Fink-devel mailing list