Solving convection only problem

2016-10-19 Thread Zhekai Deng
Hi all,

I am trying to use Fipy to solve convection only problem for the
concentration moved only by solid body rotation in a "circular" shape

By looking at the examples online, I found out that

and some of the level set example appears to allow me do it.

I implemented the approach from convection example. However, the solution
still looks has diffusion ( or maybe artificial smoothness ) as the
concentration move with velocity field. I have attached my example code,
that concentration enter from the top right side of the geometry, and
undergo solid body rotation eventually to the left side, and flow out of
the domain. So my question is that is there any way to further reduce the
diffusion? Also, does anyone know where this "diffusion" is coming from ?

The approach  that I have tried but did not work are following:
1. Solve the equation with very small diffusion coefficient (1e-8)
2. Reduce the timestep or refine the mesh size does not seem to help very

I have attached my example code in this email. Thank you very much.


from fipy import *
import numpy as np
import  matplotlib as matplotlib_plot

mesh_2 = Gmsh2D('''
lc = 1e-2;
Point(1) = {-1, 0, 0, lc};
Point(2) = {0, 0, 0, lc};
Point(3) = {1, 0, 0, lc};
Point(4) = {0,-0.1,0,lc};
Ellipse(5) = {1,2,2,4};
Ellipse(6) = {4,2,2,3};
Line(7) = {3,2};
Line(8) = {2,1};
Circle(9) = {1,2,3};
Line Loop(9) = {6,7, 8,5};
Line Loop(10) = {-6,-5,9};
Plane Surface (12) = {10};
Physical Surface("bulk_flow") = {12};
Physical Line("Bottom_Left") = {5};
Physical Line("Bottom_Right") = {6};
  ''' % locals())  

phi_2 = CellVariable(name = "solution variable",
   mesh = mesh_2,
   value = 0.) # doctest: +GMSH


velocityX_2 = yFace_2
velocityY_2 = -xFace_2
velocityVector_2 = FaceVariable(mesh=mesh_2, rank=1)
velocityVector_2[0] = velocityX_2
velocityVector_2[1] = velocityY_2

exit_velocityX_2 = yFace_2
exit_velocityY_2 = -xFace_2
exit_velocityVector_2 = FaceVariable(mesh=mesh_2, rank=1)
exit_velocityVector_2[0] = exit_velocityX_2
exit_velocityVector_2[1] = exit_velocityY_2

out_flow_mask_2 = ((xFace_2 <= 0.) & (yFace_2 < 0.))
exteriorCoeff_2 = FaceVariable(mesh_2, value=exit_velocityVector_2, rank=1)
exteriorCoeff_2.setValue([[0.],[0.]], where=  ~(mesh_2.exteriorFaces & 
velocityVector_2.setValue([[0.],[0.]], where=  mesh_2.exteriorFaces & 

eq = TransientTerm() \
+ PowerLawConvectionTerm(coeff = velocityVector_2)\
+ ImplicitSourceTerm(exteriorCoeff_2.divergence) == 0

phi_2.constrain(1., where = mesh_2.exteriorFaces & 
mesh_2.physicalFaces["Bottom_Right"]) # doctest: +GMSH

viewer_2 = Matplotlib2DViewer(vars=phi_2, title="final solution", cmap =,datamin = 0., datamax = 1.)

timeStepDuration =  1/200.
steps = 800
for step in range(steps):
eq.sweep(var=phi_2,dt=timeStepDuration) # doctest: +GMSH
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Re: Question on time-marching scheme in Fipy

2016-10-19 Thread Daniel Wheeler
Sorry for the slow response, see answers below.

On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 6:08 PM, Gopalakrishnan, Krishnakumar
> However, my questions are more general, to be executed when updateOld() is 
> called.
> · What’s the default implicit scheme in fipy?

It's fully implicit unless the user sets it up in a different way.

> · How does one go about implementing a specific 2nd order 
> time-stepping scheme such as (Adams-Bashforth, BDF etc.)

We don't have any easy way to do higher order time stepping right now
and I'm not aware of any attempts to do so.

> · Is there any way to use the FVM only for the spatial 
> discretisation, i.e. use a method of lines approach for the time-stepping ?

It might be possible with source terms, but I haven't tried.

> I apologise if the questions sound too basic here. I am just curious about 
> understanding fipy’s default scheme and implementing an own time-stepper.

It's a very good question, but I don't have any helpful answers.

Daniel Wheeler

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