[firebird-support] Blob concat not working in FB 2.5.2

2018-01-31 Thread Chuck Belanger phytot...@lanset.com [firebird-support]

In a stored procedure I am trying to concat two blob TEXT fields. One 
typically is text with RTF formating code about 1-30k long and the other 
may be simple text about 1-4 k long.

According to the FB reference manual  ||  should output a 
 , but for the larger text blobs it will simply not concat 
the smaller text blobs at all, i.e. it outputs the larger text blob 
only. I have tried concat small blob text just fine, and as a test the 
same larger text blob field concat to itself and this does not work at all.

I am testing this in IBExpert.

Am I missing something here? How do I concat two text blob fields reliably?

Thank you!


[firebird-support] Authentication: Kerberos / Role management

2018-01-31 Thread daniel.acherm...@logismos.com [firebird-support]
Hi all,

I have a few questions concerning authentication and firebird 3.0:

If I want to use windows trusted authentication I have to configure 
"AuthServer" and "AuthClient" with Win_Sspi? I am a bit confused to understand 
what is excatly the difference between Server and Client param and how they can 
be used with different plug ins.

When I use authentification "win_sspi", which ssp is used (maybe a dumb 
question but I am not very familiar with those security issues)? Is this 
only a question of the configuration of the windows server/domain and Firebird 
supports all ssp available? Specifically is the kerberos ssp supported?

Role management: As far as I understand which rights a user has on the database 
is finally determined by the role granted to this user. This must be done with 
"GRANT ROLE xxx TO domain\user" SQL statement for each database involved. Is 
there any way with firebird to centralize the identity management with an IDM 
system so that Firebird determines the role based on a group in i.e. Activce 
Directory the user belongs to?
Thank you very much for any support.

Best wishes

[firebird-support] In() Question

2018-01-31 Thread 'Check_Mail' check_m...@satron.de [firebird-support]
Hello @ll,


I have a configuration table with stations, who can be only one order active
and stations, where it isn't so. The list contains all stations, who only
one order can be active. For example, if there an order in station 2, the
user cannot start an order on station 1, 2 and 3. On stations 4 it isn't so,
on station 5 only station 5 will be checked.


Please not with a sql statement.


Station, onlyone, list

1 11,2,3

2 11,2,3

3 11,2,3

4 0

5 15

6 0


The sql where station in(1,2,3) works, but not if there an variable where
station in(:varname). An cursor message occurs. 


How can I solve this? Perhaps per sql where station, the current station is
2 for example (..where station in (select station from table where onlyone
..ends to 1 from 2 to 1 and ..onlyone ends while 1 is ending (station 4)..?


Thank you.