Re: [firebird-support] Is it save to append some data at end of the binary firebird database file?

2015-12-04 Thread Fabiano Kureck [firebird-support]

What you can do is inspect Firebird structure and search for an unused area.
Documentation about this can be found at

By example if you check

Pag_checksum: Two bytes, unsigned. Bytes 0x02 - 0x03. Checksum for the 
whole page. No longer used, always 12345, 0x3039. Databases using ODS8 
on Windows NT do have a valid checksum here.

You can use this safely (?)

Em 03/12/2015 22:19, Christian Gütter 
[firebird-support] escreveu:

Mark Rotteveel wrote:

> On Windows, all files can have alternative streams with additional
> data. It is a form of hidden metadata that is attached to the main 

True, but the alternate data streams get lost when the file is stored
on a non-NTFS drive, sent via FTP/E-Mail etc. So depending on how the
software of the OP is released, this might not work well.

Anyway, rereading the original post, I realized that he is looking for
a platform independent solution, so my focus on Windows did not help



Re: [firebird-support] Upgrade from 2.5.2 to 2.5.4

2015-11-06 Thread Fabiano Kureck [firebird-support]

Only from 2.5.1 to another version.

Em 05/11/2015 22:21, [firebird-support] escreveu:

Is a Backup and Restore Required?

Re: [firebird-support] Cannot Create Index

2015-10-13 Thread Fabiano Kureck [firebird-support]
Maximum key size is one quarter of page size. What is your database page 
size? What is the collation of that field?

Try increase database page size to 16Kb

Em 13/10/2015 12:20, Vishal Tiwari 
[firebird-support] escreveu:

Hi All,

I am trying to create index on a field which is of data type 
Varchar(255) using FlameRobin, while committing I get below error message:

key size exceeds implementation restriction for index "IDX_"

How do I create an index on a field which is of data type Varchar(255) ?

Thanks In Advance.

With Best Regards.


[firebird-support] Firebird

2015-07-24 Thread Fabiano Kureck - Desenvolvimento SCI [firebird-support]
Você é Brasileiro? Estou acompanhando uma mensagem sua no grupo. Se 
falar português posso te ajudar melhor, por email, por aqui.


Re: [firebird-support] Problem with FB database that freezes

2015-07-24 Thread Fabiano Kureck - Desenvolvimento SCI [firebird-support]
Take at look at the HDD usage. Is HDD been used around 100% when slowly 

On 24/07/2015 16:00, [firebird-support] wrote:

Thanks Thomas. Today we had a performance problem about 3 hours ago, 
we had to reboot the Windows server to solve it. Prior to the restart, 
the OAT-NT gap was 120479. After the restart it was 33.

Interestingly enough, currently the gap is 354354 as I write this. 
That's almost three times the gap we had at the time of the restart, 
and performance has been normal since we restarted.

Thanks everyone for the help, any other pointers are much welcomed.

Best Regards,


Re: [firebird-support] Firebird 2.52 gbak fails to do a restore - error trigger (3)

2015-06-11 Thread Fabiano Kureck - Desenvolvimento SCI [firebird-support]
IMHO you have a corrupted database. You must use gfix to correct it 
(google it) and then your backup/restore cycle will be completed with no 

On 11/06/2015 17:33, Jack Mason 
[firebird-support] wrote:

Why is everyone else not having this problem?  The databases are 
Firebird databases.  For 15 years we had no corruption from Interbase 
6.  Two years ago, we backed up our databases with Interbase 6 gbak 
and then used Firebird 2.52 to restore them.

Firebird 2.52 will back them up, but will not restore them without 
getting the trigger (3) error.  Since we have 5 databases, each 
built by Firebird two years ago from Interbase 6 backups and backed up 
for two years by Firebird 2.52 gbak, and totally different programs 
accessing the databases, it appears the corruption is/has been caused 
by Firebird.

Yet, no one else has seen this problem?


On 6/11/2015 3:08 PM, [firebird-support] 

you tried “also” 3.0 or only 3.0?
If only then try 2.5.5 snapshot
but error is about c++ configuration
but first try different think.
Extract all files to different folder then your Firebird installation 
not only gbak.exe.
Try to run gbak from there. – i suppose that icu or something else is 
different if you only copy gbak.exe

Karol Bieniaszewski
*Sent:* Thursday, June 11, 2015 8:03 PM
*Subject:* Re: Odp: [firebird-support] Firebird 2.52 gbak fails to do 
a restore - error trigger (3)

Got it.  Here is what I got when I tried to execute it:

C:\backups\Bufordgbak -b -v -user SYSDBA -pas masterkey

db/customer customer.bak
The application has failed to start because its side-by-side 
configuration is in
correct. Please see the application event log or use the command-line 

xe tool for more detail.

What am I missing?

I tried for 3.0, but it would not even run... likely because it needs 
the 3.0 server running.


On 6/11/2015 12:09 PM, liviuslivius 
[firebird-support] wrote:

no i mean go to
download e.g. Windows build
unzip it and get gbak.exe
and do backup and restore with it
Karol Bieniaszewski

Could not find gback file, but attached is a snapshot of the bin
directory for our download. Is that what you needed?


On 6/11/2015 11:35 AM, '' [firebird-support] wrote:


 Maybe another wrong direction,
 But download snapshot build of FB2.5
 And extract from there gback file. Do backup with them and try
to restore

 Karol Bieniaszewski

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It 
is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. -- John Adams, 
Oct. 11, 1798 Where there is no vision, the people perish.. Prov 29:18

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It 
is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. -- John Adams, 
Oct. 11, 1798 Where there is no vision, the people perish.. Prov 29:18

Re: AW: [firebird-support] Re: Memory usage excess / leak in FBServer 2.5.4

2015-06-03 Thread Fabiano Kureck - Desenvolvimento SCI [firebird-support]
Do you HAVE a memory problem? Or are you upset about Firebird using this 
amount of RAM?

On 03/06/2015 09:48, 'Jojakim Stahl' 
[firebird-support] wrote:

still no solution. Running since last Friday, fbserver.exe grew up to 
+3GB memory so far. Few minutes ago, I stopped all our services, it 
remained only one attachment from isql to select mon$memory_usage: 
memory did not went down. IMHO, this memory leak is not caused by a 
client leaving open something, otherwise the memory should go down 
when the connection is closed, shouldn't it?

SQL select cast('NOW' as timestamp) TS, m.*, (select count(*) from 
nts) ATTACHMENTS, (select count(*) from mon$statements) STATEMENTS 
from mon$memo

ry_usage m where m.mon$stat_group=0;

TS 2015-06-03 14:04:02.3910
MON$MEMORY_USED 3329950624

Any hints how to investigate this problem?
Thank you.



Gesendet: Freitag, 29. Mai 2015 12:03
Betreff: AW: [firebird-support] Re: Memory usage excess / leak in 
FBServer 2.5.4

 ---In, joja.lists@... wrote :

 I'm facing a problem where the firebird server v2.5.4 on win 2012 
server in superserver mode is leaking  memory. Currently I'm at ~5GB 

I just restarted our services: FB memory usage went down to normal values:

1. Show us results of
select count(*) form mon$attachments

Before restart: 11
After restart: 11

select count(*) form mon$transactions

Before restart: 0
After restart: 3

select count(*) form mon$statements

Before restart: 84
After restart: 122

2. Do you use any custom UDF's ?



Re: [firebird-support] large system slows over time

2015-05-05 Thread Fabiano Kureck - Desenvolvimento SCI [firebird-support]

Did you run a Sweep before backup?

On 05/05/2015 08:02, Nick Upson [firebird-support] wrote:

yes, large transaction gap was the first thing I checked

Nick Upson, Telensa Ltd, Senior Operations Network Engineer
direct +44 (0) 1799 533252, support hotline +44 (0) 1799 399200

On 5 May 2015 at 12:01, Mark Rotteveel [firebird-support] wrote:

On 5-5-2015 12:15, Nick Upson [firebird-support] wrote:
 I have a system that is slowing down the longer it stays running
and I'd
 like to know why.

 The system is running firebird 2.1.5 on centos 5 with an average
of 27
 transactions per second and has now been running for 112 days.
The data
 throughput is unchanged, data is removed from the db as fast as its
 added so the database remains roughly the same size at 130Gb.

 for example: on 1st Feb the backup took 4 hr 35 min, last night took
 9hrs 30 min

 Is this a known 2.1 issue (move to 2.5 is in the planning stages)?

 Is there anything I can do to prevent or improve this situation?

 Is there any evidence I can gather before I reboot the system
which I
 expect (from past experience) will return the system to the better

Have you checked for the existence of long running transactions (a
transaction gap)?

Mark Rotteveel

Re: [firebird-support] large system slows over time

2015-05-05 Thread Fabiano Kureck - Desenvolvimento SCI [firebird-support]

In my experience, GC collected by the gbak is different from sweep.
I also have a problem with only my big customer (35Gb database) when the 
system become slow and slow over time. The solution was do a gbak with 
Garbage collect and then a sweep after.

First time you do this it will take probably a couple of hours. Sweep 
moves the transaction counter, gbak no (at least no in every situation). 
For testing purpose you can run a sweep now and the backup will take a 
lot less time this night. Give a try.

On 05/05/2015 08:12, Nick Upson [firebird-support] wrote:

On 5 May 2015 at 12:09, Fabiano Kureck - Desenvolvimento SCI [firebird-support] wrote:

Did you run a Sweep before backup?

​no but then the backup does gc, I'm interested in why the suggestion, 
I can try it​

Nick Upson, Telensa Ltd, Senior Operations Network Engineer
direct +44 (0) 1799 533252, support hotline +44 (0) 1799 399200

Re: [firebird-support] Query to slow

2015-02-18 Thread Fabiano Kureck - Desenvolvimento SCI [firebird-support]

select in does not use indexes. Use EXISTS() instead.

On 18/02/2015 11:25, [firebird-support] wrote:


I am using FB 2.5.3. in a fast environment (win8 64bit - QuadCore 3.4 
Ghz - 8 GB ram).

If I run this query it goes very very fast and returns 84 records:

Preparing query: select distinct PROC from GEST where
(GEST.FSAL between '20080801' and '20080812') order by PROC
Prepare time: 0.007s
Field #01: GEST.PROC Alias:PROC Type:STRING(10)

But if I run this one, it will return 84 records but it needs 10 
minutes !!!:

Preparing query: select PROC.PROC from PROC where (PROC.PROC 
in (select distinct PROC from GEST where (GEST.FSAL between 
'20080801' and '20080812'))) order by PROC

Prepare time: 0.003s
Field #01: PROC.PROC Alias:PROC Type:STRING(10)

-1258819480 fetches, 0 marks, 28351438 reads, 0 writes.
0 inserts, 0 updates, 0 deletes, 11439 index, 962254304 seq.
Delta memory: 25308 bytes.
Total execution time: 0:10:53 (hh:mm:ss)
Script execution finished.

PROC is a table with 11400 rows. Even if the query optimizer takes the 
worse path (analizing one by one) it seems that 10 minutes es to much 
... In my opinion, both may run very quick. Why is the second one 
taking that long?.

Thank you!

Re: [firebird-support] Re: Simultaneous inserts to the same table.

2015-01-21 Thread Fabiano Kureck - Desenvolvimento SCI [firebird-support]

---In, fabiano@... wrote :

IMHO what is going on is that Firebird is using the lock file (for 
Classic installation) to synchronize between various connections 
(threads in this case) to allow one by one to write to FDB file.

I hope that Vlad or Dmitry will tell us how this works for real, so we 
wouldn't have to guess anymore:)

I also tested this and if you run various threads inserting among 
different tables there are no performance issues.

I've tested it briefly and by using two threads and two different 
tables I can double the performance. However more threads/tables do 
not seem to speed up things.

The fastest way I found to insert multiple rows in a Firebird 
database is run a Stored Procedure that contains various inserts in 
form of a long string. The SP's splits this string in various inserts.

This looks like a variant of method in which all inserts all generated 
as a big textfile on the client side and then executed on the server 
like one script. Have you compared your method to this? Because I 
think your SP_INSERTS might introduce additional overhead (you need 
build this script on server side).
Yes. Text file is faster however there is a overhead of creating a new 
file before Firebird can you it, so my approach is faster, overall. When 
I finish building first scrip I call a thread that send this to Firebird 
server. While the thread is sengind (waiting) I'm free to collect and 
create a new 'line'. When this second line is done I send again to the 
Thread. If thread is busy due waiting from Firebird server I wait until 
it is free and then send to it.
So I can process a new line until I'm sending data do Firebird server. 2 
Threads, one for creating data and one for sending data.
This approach is faster than Text file because I don't need to wait 
while entire text file is done and there is no overhead.

Got it?

I think both variants might speed things up because you send only one 
request via Firebird API and network. I will definitely test this out.

Yes, this is the trick.

With this approach I can insert around 11,000 recods/second! (if 
there are no Indexes, even PK).

11000 records / seconds does not say much, we do not know what system 
do you have and so on. If you would put this in comparision to the 
standard method of inserting then we would know how much faster it is.
For example, as you see from my test, I am using a standard method and 
on SSD it is faster than your method: 10 / 7 seconds gives 14000 
records / second.

Sorry, is in my developer machine. W7, 4Gb RAM, 1 SATA HDD (it is very 
slow IMPOV), FB 2.5.1, nothing special.

I hope I can help you, and sorry about some English mistakes.

No need to appologize, I've made many mistakes in my previous post 
(and in this probably too :) ). Thank you for your help Fabiano!

Best regards.

Re: [firebird-support] Simultaneous inserts to the same table.

2015-01-21 Thread Fabiano Kureck - Desenvolvimento SCI [firebird-support]
IMHO what is going on is that Firebird is using the lock file (for 
Classic installation) to synchronize between various connections 
(threads in this case) to allow one by one to write to FDB file.
I also tested this and if you run various threads inserting among 
different tables there are no performance issues.
The fastest way I found to insert multiple rows in a Firebird database 
is run a Stored Procedure that contains various inserts in form of a 
long string. The SP's splits this string in various inserts. With this 
approach I can insert around 11,000 recods/second! (if there are no 
Indexes, even PK).

This is the SP's body:


create or alter procedure SP_INSERTS (
TABELA varchar(50),
CAMPOS varchar(1024),
VALORES varchar(32750))
declare variable WSTART integer;
declare variable WCMD varchar(32750);
declare variable WPOS integer;
declare variable WSTR varchar(32750);
  wStart = 1;
  while (1=1) do
wPOS = POSITION(' # ', valores, wStart);
if (wPOS = 0) then

wSTR = substring(valores from wStart for wPOS - wStart);
wStart = wPOS + 3;

wCmd = 'insert into ' || tabela || campos || ' values ' || wSTR;
execute statement wCmd;


How to use:
execute procedure SP_INSERTS('MY_TABLE', '(id, name, foo)', '(1, 'A', 
'AA') # (2, 'B', 'BB') # (3, 'C', 'CC')');

Also, there are some limitations with this technique. The entire command 
does not exceed 64Kb, so you must trim the string and split between more 

I hope I can help you, and sorry about some English mistakes.

On 21/01/2015 07:47, [firebird-support] wrote:

Hello guys,

Few months ago I've asked you (here: 
) about your experiences regarding multithreaded operations on the 

Since then, I've implemented my solution, but after testing I see that 
the performance for multiple threads is actually MUCH worse compared 
to one thread. I've ruled out the hardware.
No matter how much threads I use (one, two, eight...) each thread is 
using only constant amount of hard disk (for example 500kb/s).

Let me describe in pseudocode how each thread works:

while ThereIsDataToInsert do
  for each DataPacket in 100DataPackets do

So bascially, I am inserting 100 rows per one trans action to the same 
table from multiple threads.

Let me show you my test results for total of 10 records inserted 
to a table. In case of multiple threads, record amount is divided 
proportionally to the thread count.
For example, if 4 threads are inserting, each thread is inserting only 
25000 records. Data to insert is generated on the fly and has no 
impact on the performance. There is no
synchronization between threads, each thread has its own connection 
and transaction.

I am inserting data to such empty table:


There are no triggers, no indices, no keys.

Firebird 2.5.3 Classic, local conn ection. Firebird on the same 
machine as a testing application.

| Threads |  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  | 8  |
|   HDD   |  12 |  28 |  37 |  39 |  42 |  44 |  41 | 46 |
|   SDD   |   7 |   9 |  10 |  10 |  11 |  12 |  12 | 12 |
| RAID 10 |  36 | 118 | 222 | 258 | 280 | 273 | 288 | 291 |

I've compared three different disk configurations. HDD and SDD were on 
my dev machine (Intel i5, nothing fancy). RAID 10 (SDD) was used on 
some writualized server with a lot of cores.
Measurements are givien in seconds. For example: It took 12 seconds 
for 1 thread working on HDD to insert 10 records. Other example: 
It took 10 seconds for 4 threads orking on SDD to insert 10 
records (25000 per each thread).

As you can see, p erformance degrades when using more than one thread. 
I am guessing this is because of transactions? Perhaps when inserting 
a new record Firebird must perform some checks?
Could somebody explain to me what is going on the low level of 
Firebird internals? Perhaps there is a chance to avoid those locks 
performed internally by Firebird?

If somone knows what is going on here, please let me know. I am pretty 
sure we all could benefit from this knowledge. I think that most of us 
do not know how to optimize Firebird (wide topic I know).
Just check out Paul Reeves presentation from last conference - a lot 
of tests had been made but there are very little conclusions.

I am determined to make further tests, I want to fully utilize the 
speed of my disks.

Best regards.

Re: [firebird-support] FB 2.5.3 32bit and Db size limits test

2014-12-11 Thread Fabiano Kureck - Desenvolvimento SCI [firebird-support]
I have a database of 70Gb, more than 70% images, maybe you have a 
problem in your system as said before.

On 11/12/2014 09:56, Daniel Rail [firebird-support] wrote:


What version of Firebird(Classic, SuperClassic, SuperServer or Embedded)?

What is the page cache/buffers(run GSTAT -H on the database)?

Is it your application that is returning the our of memory error? 
 Because for a 32-bit application, there is a 2GB memory limit, and if 
all those 13,000 images are loaded in memory within your application, 
that is most likely the problem.  And, a 64-bit application doesn't 
have that limitation.  Also, NTFS is a 64-bit filesystem(even for 
32-bit applications), so the 2GB limit doesn't exist, it's above the 
TeraByte for a single file(but still depends on the size limit of the 

Also, we do have customers that have databases that are over 20GB, 
with approximately 75% of the data being images.  And, that was with 
Firebird 1.5 32-bit on NTFS, now they are all on Firebird 2.5.3 64-bit.


Best regards,

 Daniel Rail

 Senior Software Developer

 ACCRA Solutions Inc. (

 ACCRA Med Software Inc. (

At December 11, 2014, 3:58 AM, [firebird-support] wrote:

on Win764 bit , it's a NTFS

anyway i have to use FB 64 bit to get more then  2gb DB

Re: [firebird-support] Stability on newer windows ...

2014-11-19 Thread Fabiano Kureck - Desenvolvimento SCI [firebird-support]
Currently, FB 2.1 is lo longer supported as older OSs. Maybe your 
problem was corrected in a newer FB version as FB 2.5.3 (that corrects a 
bug of caching on 64 bit Windows by example).

IMHO, you need to switch to the lasted Firebird (2.5.3) and try again.

On 19/11/2014 13:10, Lester Caine [firebird-support] 

My systems have run for many years on XP and W2k without any problems,
but now I'm being forced to upgrade systems on sites to a later version
of windows, I'm hitting problems. I'm having to live with both Windows 7
and 8.1, fortunately 8 is black listed like vista. I've had problems
with windows update and still have two machines which are 'stuck' at an
old update, but reason for message ...

One of my customers has FB2.1 running on W7 which was upgraded last year
and has a clean firebird log up until 10th November when it started to
grow hourly ...

Various errors including
gds__detach: Unsuccessful detach from database
10053, 10054 and 10061

Machine has been rebooted, databases backed up and restored, apart from
an update for IE10 which will not install everything is up to date.

ANY ideas ... bearing in mind I have to get their IT department to do
anything security wise.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

Re: [firebird-support] Stability on newer windows ...

2014-11-19 Thread Fabiano Kureck - Desenvolvimento SCI [firebird-support]

Try using the 32 bit version of Firebird, maybe this can help you.

On 19/11/2014 14:11, Lester Caine [firebird-support] 

On 19/11/14 17:15, Fabiano Kureck - Desenvolvimento SCI [firebird-support] wrote:

 Currently, FB 2.1 is lo longer supported as older OSs. Maybe your
 problem was corrected in a newer FB version as FB 2.5.3 (that corrects a
 bug of caching on 64 bit Windows by example).
 IMHO, you need to switch to the lasted Firebird (2.5.3) and try again.

Should have added that I am now unable to recompile the code base for
the application software and that will not work with 2.5 :( It has been
working fine for a year now and it's only the last few days that this
problem has arisen. The ONLY change is pigging 'windows update' and I've
finally had an OK to disable them since the machines have no internet
access anyway and even IE10 is not needed on the machines.

 My systems have run for many years on XP and W2k without any problems,
 but now I'm being forced to upgrade systems on sites to a later version
 of windows, I'm hitting problems. I'm having to live with both 
Windows 7

 and 8.1, fortunately 8 is black listed like vista. I've had problems
 with windows update and still have two machines which are 'stuck' at an
 old update, but reason for message ...

 One of my customers has FB2.1 running on W7 which was upgraded last 

 and has a clean firebird log up until 10th November when it started to
 grow hourly ...

 Various errors including
 gds__detach: Unsuccessful detach from database
 10053, 10054 and 10061

 Machine has been rebooted, databases backed up and restored, apart from
 an update for IE10 which will not install everything is up to date.

 ANY ideas ... bearing in mind I have to get their IT department to do
 anything security wise.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

RES: [firebird-support] Have a lots memory, but FB could not take advantages

2013-07-15 Thread Fabiano Kureck
Just increase Page Buffers

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[firebird-support] Fluxo do software

2013-06-14 Thread Fabiano Kureck
Tenho algumas dúvidas quanto ao fluxo dos softwares:


A princípio se usa um programa CAD (AutoCad, Solidworks, etc) para gerar o
arquivo 3D .stl certo? 

Após isso se passa para no netfabb para que o arquivo stl seja
preparado/compatível com uma impressão 3D.

Então, passa-se pelo Slickr (algo assim) que pega o arquivo STL e gera um
GCODE. Nesse GCODE existem as 

fatias de impressão que contém a espessura de cada uma, temperatura do hot
end para cada fatia, velocidade

do cooler e etc. É isso?


Por fim, o Slickr manda o GCODE para o repetier host que é instalado no PC,
que passa pelo cabo usb/rs232

para o Repetier (marlin, etc) na placa Gen7BR/RAMPS/Sethi3d para que o
Repetier movimente os motores de 



Estou certo em meu raciocínio?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RES: [firebird-support] Fluxo do software

2013-06-14 Thread Fabiano Kureck
Sorry about that!

I posted on wrong place...

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RES: [firebird-support] RDB$PAGES

2013-05-23 Thread Fabiano Kureck
Sorry is not rdb$database but another system table. I can´t remember its


[] Em nome de Norman Dunbar
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 23 de maio de 2013 06:35
Assunto: Re: [firebird-support] RDB$PAGES



Morning Tomas,

On 23/05/13 09:31, tomkrej wrote:
 Hi, I'd like to get the count of all types of db pages.

 If I run the query
 select count(*), rdb$page_type from rdb$pages group by rdb$page_type

 I got only about 2200 pages, but there are about 320 000 pages in DB.

 And the result of query contains only - 3, 4, 6 and 9 type of page.

 How can I get the real numbers??

 Best regards, Tomas

Unfortunately, you can't! This thread might help explain.


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

Registered address:
Thorpe House
61 Richardshaw Lane
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
LS28 7EL

Company Number: 05132767

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RES: [firebird-support] Re: use of -USE_ALL_SPACE

2013-05-03 Thread Fabiano Kureck
Yes, you are wright.
And in a particular Page it is only allowed a single type of:
Table Data or index or generator and so on

-Mensagem original-
[] Em nome de W O
Enviada em: sexta-feira, 3 de maio de 2013 12:42
Assunto: Re: [firebird-support] Re: use of -USE_ALL_SPACE

Thank you very much Ann, your explanation was (as usual) very good.

Just one more question:

As I understand it, in a page just can be the rows (records) of a single
table. No two or more tables can share a page.

Am I right?



On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 10:59 AM, Ann Harrison



  As I understand it when a record is deleted a new primary version with a
  mark (a flag) is put on it indicating that fact and the previous version
  the record is copied on another location (same page if there is room or
  another page if there is not)
  Is that true?

 More or less. A new deleted stub record - a header with no data - is
 created and stored on the record's home page. If there's not room on
 the home page for the deleted stub, then the oldest version of the record
 on the page will be moved elsewhere.

 It's probably worth noting, for those who are thinking about implementing
 relational database managers, that records can be relocated on page

 The record number (RDB$DB_KEY and all its aliases) is the value
 used in indexes to identify a specific record. That number consists of
 a pointer page identifier - the ordinal number of a row in RDB$PAGES for
 pointer pages for that table - plus the offset on the pointer page that
 contains the page number of the record's home page, plus the offset
 of an index on that page that contains the offset and length of the data
 on page. So...

 1) Reorganizing data on a page just requires swapping values in the index
 for that page to maintain stable record numbers.

 2) All versions of a record use the same record number.

 3) Updating a record does not require changing all the indexes on the
 table. If the key doesn't change, neither does the index.

 However, once a record has been deleted and garbage collected, its
 record number is released and will be reused, so record numbers are
 not stable outside of a single transaction - unless you use a switch
 to make record numbers stable for your connection. Record numbers
 will change after a gbak restore.

 Good luck,


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RES: [firebird-support] Re: use of -USE_ALL_SPACE

2013-05-03 Thread Fabiano Kureck
You can take a look in the Firebird-Internals.pdf file. It can be found in
Firebird site.
It is very interesting! Read, create a demo database and use a hexadecimal
editor ;)

-Mensagem original-
[] Em nome de W O
Enviada em: sexta-feira, 3 de maio de 2013 14:20
Assunto: Re: [firebird-support] Re: use of -USE_ALL_SPACE

That's very interesting Fabiano, thank you very much for your answer.



On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 1:12 PM, Fabiano Kureck


 Yes, you are wright.
 And in a particular Page it is only allowed a single type of:
 Table Data or index or generator and so on

 -Mensagem original-
 [] Em nome de W O
 Enviada em: sexta-feira, 3 de maio de 2013 12:42
 Assunto: Re: [firebird-support] Re: use of -USE_ALL_SPACE

 Thank you very much Ann, your explanation was (as usual) very good.

 Just one more question:

 As I understand it, in a page just can be the rows (records) of a single
 table. No two or more tables can share a page.

 Am I right?



 On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 10:59 AM, Ann Harrison


   As I understand it when a record is deleted a new primary version with
   mark (a flag) is put on it indicating that fact and the previous
   the record is copied on another location (same page if there is room
   another page if there is not)
   Is that true?
  More or less. A new deleted stub record - a header with no data - is
  created and stored on the record's home page. If there's not room on
  the home page for the deleted stub, then the oldest version of the
  on the page will be moved elsewhere.
  It's probably worth noting, for those who are thinking about
  relational database managers, that records can be relocated on page
  The record number (RDB$DB_KEY and all its aliases) is the value
  used in indexes to identify a specific record. That number consists of
  a pointer page identifier - the ordinal number of a row in RDB$PAGES for
  pointer pages for that table - plus the offset on the pointer page that
  contains the page number of the record's home page, plus the offset
  of an index on that page that contains the offset and length of the data
  on page. So...
  1) Reorganizing data on a page just requires swapping values in the
  for that page to maintain stable record numbers.
  2) All versions of a record use the same record number.
  3) Updating a record does not require changing all the indexes on the
  table. If the key doesn't change, neither does the index.
  However, once a record has been deleted and garbage collected, its
  record number is released and will be reused, so record numbers are
  not stable outside of a single transaction - unless you use a switch
  to make record numbers stable for your connection. Record numbers
  will change after a gbak restore.
  Good luck,
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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 Visit and click the Resources item
 on the main (top) menu. Try Knowledgebase and FAQ links !

 Also search the knowledgebases at

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Visit and click the Resources item
on the main (top) menu.  Try Knowledgebase and FAQ links !

Also search the knowledgebases at 

Yahoo! Groups Links

RES: [firebird-support] Re: How to read the Memory buffers size via SQL?

2013-04-25 Thread Fabiano Kureck

It Will resolve my problem!


I will read this value and compare with a calculated value (number of
connections, etc) and then set a new value. We are having performance
problems when inserting a large amount of data in a huge table with a lot of


We use a default 90 pages in a FB Classic 2.5.1 Windows server. Raising page
caches to a higher value like 200 resolve our problems. 


I will read the server memory amount, read our maximum simultaneous
connections and then calculate the 'best' and secure new page caches amount.
Maybe I can except some trouble with this approach?



[] Em nome de hvlad
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 25 de abril de 2013 04:01
Assunto: [firebird-support] Re: How to read the Memory buffers size via



--- In , Fabiano Kureck wrote:

 I must read the Memory Buffers parameter from the database using sql.
 I know that I can use gfix to change and gstat to read.
 I want to read it via a sql command. How do that?

In recent Firebird versions you can query MON$DATABASE table.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[firebird-support] How to read the Memory buffers size via SQL?

2013-04-24 Thread Fabiano Kureck


I must read the Memory Buffers parameter from the database using sql.

I know that I can use gfix to change and gstat to read.


I want to read it via a sql command. How do that?





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