Re: [firebird-support] Re: Strange behavior on very large table

2019-02-21 Thread liviuslivius [firebird-support]
16 KB page size is ok and is maximal for FB1.5 to FB3.
During problem time run gfix -h and show us the results and also gstat results 
for that tabe and indexes on it.
P.S. to recreate index you do not need to set it inactive. You can activate 
already active index. But this operation can be done (safe) only when noone 
else work on that database.Also running -mend without looking about errors on 
the database is not good option, as you can loose same data.

Regards,Karol Bieniaszewski

Re: [firebird-support] Re: Strange behavior on very large table

2019-02-22 Thread Lester Caine [firebird-support]
On 22/02/2019 04:33, [firebird-support] wrote:
>  >Given that this table is "temporary" storage, one supposes that you
> are deleting rows from it regularly. Do you happen to be deleting
> 900,000 rows each day before you load up the latest batch of 900,000?

How much information is static between cycles? Does all the data NEED to 
be in the one table? Can you re-configure so that this action becomes 
'add new table' ... 'drop old table' ... which will be a lot tidier anyway.

I had a system loading a previous days actions which initially just kept 
adding and keeping history, and with a more modern processor and SSD 
disk we would probably get away with it today ;) But back then it got to 
a point where the table was too big, and we dropped to just maintaining 
a months worth live with every day in it's own table and only the 
summary tables maintaining the historic counts. All the historic data is 
still available and if there was a need it might be interesting to put 
it all back together into one table ... if I could get past the 'data 
protection' restrictions :( I am actually expecting a request to make 
sure it is all destroyed but it's not directly identifying people from 
20 years ago.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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Re: [firebird-support] Re: Strange behavior on very large table

2019-02-22 Thread Mark Rotteveel [firebird-support]
On 22-2-2019 05:33, [firebird-support] wrote:
> Thanks Helen.  Just a few clarifications, that might help whittle this 
> down a bit...
>  >Given that this table is "temporary" storage, one supposes that you
> are deleting rows from it regularly. Do you happen to be deleting
> 900,000 rows each day before you load up the latest batch of 900,000?
> Yes, that is correct.  Each morning it does a "kill & fill" on this 
> table.  All 900,000 rows are deleted, then a new set of that data is 
> loaded from a CSV file via an external application.  This happens about 
> 2 hours after the system has completed its backup procedures.

It could possibly behave better if you do that before the backup 
(assuming that is suitable for your business needs). Assuming you don't 
disable sweep as part of the backup.

>  >If you 9;re not doing any particular housework on it (restoring from
> backup and/or resetting the indexes periodically), then it would be
> normal to expect degrading performance until the next time that
> housekeeping is done.
> For about the last 6 months we have put the database through a regular 
> gfix mend process once a week, following with a backup of the database 
> and then a restore.  This doesn't seem to have changed the behavior, 
> however.

Why are you regularly performing gfix -mend? That in itself is a pretty 
bad sign. Using -mend can be destructive.

 From the gfix documentation:

The option required to fix a corrupted database is the gfix -m[end] 
command. However, it cannot fix all problems and may result in a loss of 


gfix -m[end] database_name

This causes the corruptions in data records to be ignored. While this 
sounds like a good thing, it is not. Subsequent database actions (such 
as taking a backup) will not include the corrupted records, leading to 
data loss.


Using the -mend option can lead to silent deletions of data because gfix 
doesn't care about internal database constraints like foreign keys etc, 
the -mend option simply says to gfix "go ahead and clean out anything 
you don't like".

If you are doing anything regularly, it should be gfix -sweep (consider 
trying that after loading the data).

Alternatively, consider dropping and recreating the table before 
populating. This will avoid any possible overhead associated with 
garbage collection. This is of course only a viable course of action if 
there are no dependencies on the table.

Mark Rotteveel