
1998-04-05 Thread Alison Barr
This message is from: Alison Barr [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A couple of e-mails I would like to ask about.
Niki, how high did you find you could jump Malla? I really want to take
Fj  far, and it would be nice to have some info on what I can expect (I
think he has talent, and he loves to jump, so that won't really affect
Everyone keeps talking about Blue earth.  What/when/where is it?
Last but not least, Saskia Asked about canter and gallop.  They are two
different things.  A canter has three beats, going off hind foot,
diagonal pair, near front foot as an example of the left lead canter.
The right lead starts with the near hind foot.  The gallop has four
beats.  The left lead: off hind, near hind, off fore, near fore.

Re: cynthia

1998-04-05 Thread saskia
This message is from: saskia [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm sorry if I reply to a private mail meant for Cynthia only, but, as I 
lost my Unna on November 15th, I was really sad about the loss of your 

I don't know if you knew, but we lost our grey stallion, Viking. We had
leased him out to the Hotovy's last spring, and just before we were to get
him back he got sick. Nancy found him in the morning. That night their vet
called asking permission to put him down.

The Univisity of Michigan did a post on him. They came up with no reason
for his death.

I wonder if he can't have died from the same disease as Unna. On 
Friday-evening she didn't want to eat. I thought this was not normal and 
called the vet. He said: Well, everybody has bad days and was rather 
annoyed that I'd called him for that. I was afraid of colics, but he said 
she hadn't got colics at all. So I was relieved and felt silly. But the 
next morning, she didn't eat and hardly moved. I called a different vet 
and by the time he came here, she was lying down. He said she had a 
severe case of colics and that she should go to the hospital immediately. 
So we raced her to the hospital and there they immediately said: it's not 
colics. But what it was, they didn't know. So they started to give her 
all kinds of treatments, but nothing could help, she only got weaker and 
weaker. So around 6 p.m., not even 24 hours after I'd remarked she didn't 
eat, she was dying and I asked the vets to end her suffering.
They did an autopsy on her and so they send me a report that it probably 
was collitis, a rare infection of the colon that causes the horse to 
die within 24 hours (mostly even after 3 or 4 hours) after the beginning 
of the infection. The cause is unknown and the treatment, until now, is 
unknown too.
As I have the impression Vikings death came very sudden too, maybe it was 

You can't believe how hard that has been on me.
Nobody can imagine how hard it is until it happens and I wish nobody 
should ever experience such a loss. It was the worst thing that ever 
happened to me and it is in my thoughts always.

We do have a grey colt out of him that will be one year old in May. Man
does he ever look like Viking.
I am so happy you have this colt! Even though it hurts that he looks so 
much like Viking, it must be fine as well. I have had the good luck of 
being able to buy a nephew of Unna, Sybren, in January. He's only 10 
months old (Unna was 2 and a half when she died) and so he's too young to 
look like her.

When I see him out in the pasture I think
it's Viking I'm seeing. Then I remember. It's so sad!
Yes, it's terrible. Last Tuesday I was brushing Sybren and suddenly 
thought: Would Unna be loosing so much hair too?. Or, even now, when 
I'm absent-minded, I call Kitty Unna or one of the nick-names I gave 
her, or I begin singing The Lion Sleeps Tonight (what I sung for her in 
that hospital) and every time it's as if I have to realize again...
I'm sorry for this Unna-ing, it's impossible to describe how it hurts, 
isn't it? 
And though I am the happiest person with Kitty and Sybren and little 
Janosch, I am the saddest person too.

Take care,


Re: niki

1998-04-05 Thread saskia
This message is from: saskia [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Now that I have had an official call to get me out of hiding,

Anyway, to answer your real question, about jumping...
I have ever jumped but it's almost 15 years ago and Kitty never did. So I 
think it's a good idea of you to begin trotting over poles. As I'm 
exercising in riding with loose reins (in the paddock, not outside!) it 
can be good to do the pole-work with loose reins, as then there's no 
chance of pulling in her mouth. What I feel when reading you is that you 
were very confident and that this was important for Malla, as she must 
have felt this (and felt she could trust you). I think I should go very, 
very slowly and do nothing I don't feel very confident of. (I'm just 
beginning to get some trust of Kitty as I only have her since 3 months 
and we had a very difficult start).

And about the questions regarding getting a Fjord to canter, Malla was not
perfect when I started cantering her either.
It is very difficult for us, non-English-native-speakers, to understand 
the difference between canter and gallop. I looked up canter and it 
said: hand-gallop. Is this wat they called short gallop where I 
learned to ride and is it in contrast to running gallop, which you call 
gallop, or is it something totally different? I have pictures of canter 
and gallop in an American book, but... (this probably sounds stupid - I 
can't help it!...)

It just takes practice and consistency.
That's exactly what I like!

Thnx Niki for everything!


PS I put your introduction on the lists website - 
http://www.virtualbears.com/fjord/index.htm with other people's 
introductions (25 persons now!).

Hello Bill, Saturday Drive and New Question

1998-04-05 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am so sorry to hear about Viking. So many old and new friends have
 lost beloved horses this year. Steve and I have been so lucky. We
 have not yet suffered the loss of one of our horses and it can
 continue that way for a long time as far as I am concerned.

 Welcome to the list. Another Blue Earth friend has joined - it is so
 neat to find people I know joining and of course, all the new friends
 we are all making. I am going to get a map to put by the computer to
 mark all the places our Fjordhorse friends live.

 I hope you will change your mind about coming to Blue Earth. It just
 won't be the same if you are not just down the aisle. You have been
 kind and helpful to me many times.

 Saturday Drive
 Finally, yesterday it was dry enough to drag our carts from the shed
 in which they are stored. Steve hitched up his Morgan, Pferd and I
 hitched up Tank and off we went. We did about six miles. The weather
 was nearly perfect-cloudless, windless and about 50 degrees. The
 horses seemed to enjoy the opportunity to get out and go somewhere.
 It was wonderful! If only we could do it everyday.

 Tank are I going to do some serious learning this year. I have already
 contacted my dressage instructor and have found an experienced CDE
 person to work with. We have signed up for a Robin Groves clinic in
 May. (Steve that lucky guy will do a clinic with Bill Long in
 July) Tank will be six next month. I feel that last year we didn't
 make much progress in moving forward on to new and better things.

 New Question
 So this brings up another topic for discussion. I was so happy with
 all the discussion about doubling. Sharing this information is so
 useful. My new question is - how do to you condition your Fjords after a
 lazy winter. I know Dave McWethy has some expertise and others of you
 also. I look forward to hearing your responses.
Steve McIlree  Cynthia Madden -- Pferd, Keyah, Skipper, Tank -- Omaha, 
Nebraska, USA
  People may talk of first love--but give me the flush, and triumph, and 
  sweat of a first ride. --George Borrow(1803-1881)

Re: fjordhorse-digest V98 #11

1998-04-05 Thread LosTrigos
This message is from: LosTrigos [EMAIL PROTECTED]