Re: fjordhorse-chat, Sun. 5/17/98

1998-05-16 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: Pedfjords <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I want to remind the list, that there is now a Fjord Horse Chat on Sun. nights
at 9:00 Eastern Time, 6:00 out here in Calif. Its on the net, at PETSANDVETS.
The owners of PETSANDVETS have invited me to host the chat, and even though Im
still thinking about that one... I will be there, and helping to advertise and
set up some scheduled chat nights with guest speakers, ( Mike, you listening?)
maybe judges, or evaluators, or some nights reaserved for topics like,
driving, showing, up-comming events like , Equitana, Blue Earth, ADS shows,
and whatever came up that interested the Fjord Horse People!   Hope to see
even more people on our 2nd chat night!! So, check out the PETSANDVETS site,
add it to your favorite places, and stop on bye!!! Lisa P. ( PEDFJORDS ) PS,
if you have any ideas for scheduled chats, let me know... 

soft hooves

1998-05-16 Thread Mary Thurman
This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


You mention Solvaktig has soft white hooves.  It is possible that the
softness has nothing to do with the hooves being white.  Your area, or
the area where your hay is grown, may have soil that is high in
selenium.  I understand that this can cause horses' hooves to become
soft.  We have the opposite condition out here and rarely ever see
soft hooves, even with wet ground.  Ask your vet if there is any way
to counteract the selenium.  We don't have selenium in our soils, so
we feed it as a supplement.  Not sure how you would "unfeed" it, but
there must be a way.  Our Line, who is I believe, Solvaktig's
great-grandmother (Stella's dam) has dark hooves which are hard as
rocks.  She also has  prominent black in her mane and tail, a light
black dorsal stripe, and striping on her knees, as well as black to
the knees on her front legs.

Mary Thurman

Mary Thurman
Raintree Farms

Get your free address at

Re: newsletter response

1998-05-16 Thread BKFJORDS
This message is from: BKFJORDS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks for your email-so near, yet so far!!  Silly isn't it?
Glad your boy/s are riding!!  Surprised about the bucking, we haven't had any
do that, although have talked to others that have.  My 'trusty' mare-Gretel-
that I loaned to hubby to take on a round-up last fall, bucked with him, but
found out that she needed a chiropractic adjustment!  She needs another now,
so have not been using her.  Pooh!
Have used easy-boots once-they were extremely hard to get off & on and tore my
hands up!!  Have thought about them for Parades, but don't want the hassle (or
Our Vet lives 1/2 mile away, and I crindge when we have to call him after
hours or on a week-end, as I know the value of family life!!  Our kids went to
country school with him, so we've know him for a loong time and sometimes that
Still waiting for that baby!!
Bernadine in Michigan

Re: show dates

1998-05-16 Thread saskia
This message is from: saskia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Fiona,

These are the shows in Holland, the shows for stallions have already 
passed, these are the shows for foals, mares and geldings.

SEVENUM (L) saturday11 JULY
TEXEL   (NH)thursday   23 JULY
DORDRECHT   (ZH)saturday25 JULY
HERNEN  (GLD)   saturday 1 AUGUST
EMST(GLD)   Wednesday 5 AUGUST
HENGELO (GLD)   Wednesday12 AUGUST
VELDDRIEL   (GLD)   saturday15 AUGUST

RUINEN  (DR)Wednesday19 AUGUST
ROLDE   (DR)saturday 5 SEPTEMBER
RODEN   (DR)saturday19 SEPTEMBER

And a Central Evaluation:


I will be attending the show in Vrouwenpolder (Zealand) on June 27th 
(without Sybren, just to watch, as I've never been to an evaluation 
before!). I don't know how many Fjords there will be etc. but maybe 
someone from Holland knows...???

Re: Dressage awards

1998-05-16 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: Northhorse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In a message dated 98-05-16 00:37:03 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Please say hi for us (Fred and Lois Pack, we bought her Hiejenta).  We plan
 to breed our mare "Troika"  to Misha next year.
Sure will.  I'm on my way to Creekside as soon as I get off this computer.  I
agree.  She is a very competent horsewoman.  I loved watching her ride Misha. 


show dates

1998-05-16 Thread fnicholson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From  Fiona Nicholson ,Yorkshire, England.

Some of my friends in  our fjord society have asked me to put a 

 on the list,to see if any body knows the dates of the main 
Fjord shows

in Denmark or Holland ,this year or next.

they would like to visit ,most of the fjords in GB are 
of Danish origin,so

they thought that might be agood place to go.

I had shown them the mail on the evaluations so it has 
got them thinking

about  the standards etc

I know from the mail quite a few of you have traveled 
to Norway and holland

do you think my friends  would be better to go to 
norway !

or indeed if anyone has any ideas on how we can learn 
more about evaluations

standards we would like to hear

we have only 200 fjords here ,i think 
only 8 stallions ,most of the fjords are in 

non showing homes  so you only get to see a few  fjords 
,for real on which we can learn


well this list is certainly getting us all thinking,so 
please keep sharing your knownledge 

with us, its good reading



PS please excuse my typing its hopless 

Re: Oldest Fjord listing on Dutch website

1998-05-16 Thread Mike May
This message is from: Mike May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 08:52 PM 5/15/98 -0700, you wrote:
>This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Information on the oldest fjords is under the "News" heading on the
>website homepage.  There is a whole listing of subjects under that
>heading.  I sent them current and correct information on Line,since
>they had her as born in 1997.  Don't know where they got that - must
>have been an type.  I found Roland Thier's e-mail address on the Dutch
>website under  "e-mail addresses".  That is really quite a website!

Yes I was just back there and found it this time thanks to Jon's email too.



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry  
Mike May, Registrar
Webster, NY, USA (Suburb of Rochester)

 Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497


Re: Woodstock, Vermont Fjord Show

1998-05-16 Thread Mike May
This message is from: Mike May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 05:12 PM 5/15/98 -0400, you wrote:
>This message is from: Lori Albrough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Does anyone know the dates of the show in Woodstock, Vermont this year.
>I would like to go, and need to plan.

The dates for all of the shows that I know of are on the web site now under
the news and events section.  The Woodstock show is:

Aug 29th - 30th - 15th Annual Northeast Fjord Horse Association
Horse Show in South Woodstock, Vermont
Contact Susan Cook at 802-827-6635 for details.


Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry  
Mike May, Registrar
Webster, NY, USA (Suburb of Rochester)

 Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497



1998-05-16 Thread fnicholson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   I shall tell Buller he has a fan in Belgium he'll like that !
 Im glad you got the picture ok, of course by today id forgotten
  how to scan the pictures already, as i told you yesterday im 
not very computer friendly
 I have visited Belgium a few times, going to Holland or Belgium on the 
ferry is very
popular because of the local  daily 
ferry service.
Which part of Belgium do you come from ?
 It is  nice where i live, we are on the 
Yorkshire Wold Hills ,so the riding is good,
plenty of nice country lanes and Bridle ways, 
the area is also Viking country,many
of our local place names are scandanavian in 
origin .
  maybe Buller and i have ridden in the footsteps of 
his viking ancestors on one of
the ancient by ways we ride on no  
 The  historical city of York ,known as jorvik in viking times 
is just 35 miles away its
a beautiful place .
 so if you are ever in yorkshire   i hope we could meet 
Happy Fjording!
Fiona, Buller,Billy and Sadie the shetlands

Very hot and sunny today in East Yorkshire .