German Fj�rds

1998-12-16 Thread jean gayle
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jean gayle)

I still have no luck getting the //home.t-online etc comes out "Private"
some one suggested but that does not show fjords  Jean
Jean Gayle  --- A Subscriber at Techline 

Re: dinner bell

1998-12-16 Thread jean gayle
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jean gayle)

>This message is from: "." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Our horses don't bang or stomp when it's time for food. Maybe that's because
>there's not much to bang on around our place -- our horses are in the
>pasture most of the time, although they do have a snug shelter to escape bad
>weather.  I suppose they could kick one of the many rocks that magically
>appear each year in the pasture, but they haven't figured that one out yet.
>Well not only do mine urinate when they see me at feeding time but the
d___n mare starts calling me at 9:30 am and 8pm, feeding time.  It isnt just
one call its a screaming session.  If I happen to get up early and make the
least noise thats starts her off too.  Then she is angry when she sees me,
ears back, stamping her feet and giving me that directional, the wave of the
head.  If I stop in my tracks she will look at me and becomes very quiet,
immovable as she knows she has gone too far.  Beautiful beasties.
Jean Gayle  --- A Subscriber at Techline 

Re: replies come before orig message

1998-12-16 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


 Wednesday, December 16, 1998, you wrote:

> Steve,

> Why do replies sometimes get posted before the original message does?

> Brian Jacobsen

  That's just the way the Internet works. There is never any way of
  telling what route a message will take from the originator to the
  list-server and finally to the recipient. So the reply may go
  straight from the originator to the server and then straight to you
  while the original message is still being held by a relay in Alabama
  on its way to you. If you can open the full headers on your messages
  you can see the jumps they take and how they sometimes get hung up
  in some relay server.

Steve McIlree & Cynthia Madden -- Pferd, Keyah, Skipper, Tank -- Omaha, 
Nebraska, USA
  It's never the horse, it's always the rider.  --Old Cavalry Adage

Colt Drawing

1998-12-16 Thread Catherine Lassesen
This message is from: "Catherine Lassesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you to all that send in tickets and supported Hold Your Horses.

The winner is.

Carolyn from Modesto, CA.  (I don't have the piece a paper in my office.,
Oh, yah, she wanted the "FJORD", of course.

We returned home to our new book at our door step.

"Fjordhesten - Menneskevennen" by Arve M. Bakken, Jon Hegdal & Helge Sunde.

Gayle Ware you're a star in this book!

Anyway, had a long 10 hour each way drive with the horses.  Said Good bye to
our two 1998 fjord babies and one 1997 quarter baby.  Hard on THIS Mama, for
sure.  (The worst part of breeding, saying goodbye to the kids.)

Happy happy holidays,
Catherine L.
HESTEHAVEN - The Horse Garden

thanks for all the info on cantering and strengthening

1998-12-16 Thread Ernie_Botte
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To everyone who responded to my request - many thanks.  I printed
everything out and will start to do cross training.  Now that hunting
season is over, we can start getting out again and do hill work.  I have
seen some photos of Wez, would love to see him in person! Wonder if there
are any tapes of him?   Ursula do you put your cavaletti on the ground or
raise them?  I think our right lead canter is getting better - we don't
seem to be careening  around as much. But I sometimes dream of sending him
off  to Canter Camp and let someone else with better balance careen  around
on him. Beth, I really appreciate your input.  We have worked in the square
pattern this week- much easier said then done for us!  We have a hard time
staying in that outside rein especially going to the right - and in there
lies our problem! Julie - I have never heard of EPSM, but will look into it
- thanks all for the help and happy holidays - Nancy and Sonnie..

replies come before orig message

1998-12-16 Thread BRIAN C JACOBSEN
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (BRIAN C JACOBSEN)


Why do replies sometimes get posted before the original message does?  

Brian Jacobsen

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Fjord Inquiries

1998-12-16 Thread Peters/Sylvain
This message is from: Peters/Sylvain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am looking for an well-mannered, gentle, and forgiving Fjord
who has experience under saddle and harness.  I am novice level in both
disciplines but want to learn and improve my skills.  I enjoy
horses for the joy they bring as well as their wonderful de-stressing
Gender is unimportant but experience would be necessary since I
do not have the ability to train.  I am able to arrange transportation
but since I live in NH, visiting outside of New England would,
unfortunately, not be possible.
If you have a Fjord that you would be willing to part with and
that you feel will be able to be happy with my abilities, please e-mail
me at my home address since I am not logged into this mailing list.
Thanks much in advance!

Re: Dinner bells

1998-12-16 Thread Marsha Jo Hannah
This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Peg Knutsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I love all the "dinnerbell" stories.  Our Fjords haven't thought up
> anything so entertaining [yet]--we rarely let them read the Digest.

A wise choice.  Folks on the LONGEARS list tell me that their donkeys
often start to "act out" things that have been recently discussed

> Marsha Jo - I'm incredibly concerned about your poor "starving"
> donkey!  Should we contact the SPCA?  Really, I had thought better of
> you

Well, that's HER version of it

My defense is simple---can you find her ribs?  No?  Case closed!

The problem is that donkeys, like Fjords, can get fat on high-calorie
air.  Having foundered Shadow many years ago (she was young; I was
green enough to feed her on demand), I now know enough to limit her
calories to what she needs (vs what she wants).  She is not impressed
with this concept

Marsha Jo HannahMurphy must have been a horseman--
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   anything that can go wrong, will!
30 mi SSE of San Francisco, Calif.

Dinner bells

1998-12-16 Thread Doug Knutsen
This message is from: Doug Knutsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all from Peg Knutsen -

I love all the "dinnerbell" stories.  Our Fjords haven't thought up anything so 
entertaining [yet]--we rarely let them read the Digest.  Silka and Pepper just 
stand with their heads over the gate nearest the grocery store and look 
impatient.  Big Bad Stud Rocky either prances around looking [he thinks] 
dominant and demanding, or assumes his pitiful "hungry adolescent" look.  Good 
thing I've already raised two sons who used the same techniques, so I am not 
impressed with such posturing.

Marsha Jo - I'm incredibly concerned about your poor "starving" donkey!  Should 
we contact the SPCA?  Really, I had thought better of you

Well, I have to go now and take Silka out for a spin so she can show off her 
new shoes.  Happy Holidays from Peg and Doug Knutsen.

Steve's picture in "The Whip"

1998-12-16 Thread Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/UNEBR
This message is from: Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Those of you who are ADS members and get "The Whip" can see a picture of
Steve driving his Morgan, Pferd, at a Bill Long clinic over 4th of July in
the issue that just came out.

Cynthia Madden
Omaha, Nebraska USA

Wooden "Fjordings"

1998-12-16 Thread Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/UNEBR
This message is from: Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The horses I mentioned are made in Norway. They are *not* the Swedish
"Dala" horses. They are truly sillhouettes of Fjords and have a little
history of Fjords in Norway that accompanies them. They are actually some
modern hand made folk art the Norweigians have developed to take advantage
of the growing popularilty of Fjords. The other Fjord wooden carvings you
are talking about are the Hennings Wedding Party series that is quite
pricey and wonderful. Luckily I have a few of these pieces as presents from
Steve. BTW, the Westerheim (sp?) Museum  Shop  as well as a couple of the
main street stores in Decorah have some of the best prices on Hennings
horses I have seen, so if you think they are pricey in Decorah don't look
elsewhere! Hennings also makes other Fjord wood carvings that are quite

Cynthia Madden
Omaha, Nebraska USA

Re: Great deal on imported wooden "Fjordings"

1998-12-16 Thread Mike May
This message is from: Mike May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 09:12 AM 12/16/98 -0600, you wrote:
>This message is from: "." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>There's another series of (even more expensive) wood carvings that feature
>realistic Fjords painted in lifelike colors. I've seen these sold around
>northeast Iowa, particularly in Decorah. One group of these carvings
>features Fjords carrying members of a traditional Norwegian wedding party.
>If they weren't so "spendy" I would love to collect these, too.
They would probably be the Henning carvings.  I have one of them here, it
is really nice.  Niki also has one of the ones from the wedding party.
They really are nice carvings but as you say a bit on the spendy side.

Here is a link to another wood carving site.  Look at the Galleries there
are some Fjords here too.  These are not the Henning carvings.  I haven't
found them on the web yet.


Re: Great deal on imported wooden "Fjordings"

1998-12-16 Thread .
This message is from: "." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Cynthia wrote: "... Many of you may have seen the wonderful Fjording wood
horses painted with
Rosemallen designs in Scandinavian gift shops..."

Actually, it was explained to me a while back that these delightful horse
carvings represent Swedish Dall (Dahl? Dal?) horses, not Fjordings. The
Swedish horses apparently are larger than Fjords, but that's about all I
know about them. I like these carvings too, Cynthia -- they look like Fjords
to me as well! Those are great prices you have quoted.

There's another series of (even more expensive) wood carvings that feature
realistic Fjords painted in lifelike colors. I've seen these sold around
northeast Iowa, particularly in Decorah. One group of these carvings
features Fjords carrying members of a traditional Norwegian wedding party.
If they weren't so "spendy" I would love to collect these, too.


Re: dinner bell

1998-12-16 Thread .
This message is from: "." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Our horses don't bang or stomp when it's time for food. Maybe that's because
there's not much to bang on around our place -- our horses are in the
pasture most of the time, although they do have a snug shelter to escape bad
weather.  I suppose they could kick one of the many rocks that magically
appear each year in the pasture, but they haven't figured that one out yet.

We do, however, enjoy a peculiar adaptation of the TV show "Bay Watch" at
our place. It's the ever popular "Hay Watch" with two -- count 'em! -- two
thrilling installments provided each day. The morning show starts about the
time we let the dog out in the morning, and the afternoon installment begins
about 4 or 5 pm (about dusk this time of year). The horses slowly mosey from
the pasture and congregate near the barn or wherever we're currently feeding
them. They begin to watch the house so intently that you can almost feel the
pressure of their eyes and hear the rumble of their oh-so-empty stomachs.
When one of us finally walks outside, a chorus of nickers and quiet whinnies
starts, and everyone jostles for the "best" spot from which to get the
nicest flake of hay.


Re: Homepage of IGF, the German Fjord Horse Association

1998-12-16 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR
This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 09:44 PM 12/15/98 -0800, you wrote:
>This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jean gayle)

There was a typo Jean.  try this one

The other one worked fine for me.


Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry  
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497