Re: new photos on BDF website

1999-01-31 Thread Arthur Rivoire
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Arthur  Rivoire)

>From Carol Rivoire, Beaver Dam Farm, Pomquet, Nova Scotia -

Some of you may be interested in checking our website.  I finally got some
great photos of Dutch stallions, some of which I took on my last two trips.
 There's a marvelous one of Myrstein, a horse I think is as magnificent as
Gjest, although not "quite" as fast.  I'd be interested to hear what you
think of this stallion.

Regards,  Carol
Carol and Arthur Rivoire
Beaver Dam Farm Fjords II
R.R. 7 Pomquet
Antigonish County
Nova Scotia
B2G 2L4
902 386 2304

Re: Re: The North American Gjest Challenge

1999-01-31 Thread Reinbowend
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Carol:At Waldingfield in 1997, my first CDE (actually Horse Trial) with
Marnix because of his atrocious behaviour and equipment problems as a result
we were almost 2 minutes late to the start of the marathon. They started the
clock at the time we were supposed to start as they could hear me yelling on
the way down the road that we were indeed coming. In order to let him blow off
some of his steam and also make up for the lost time on the clock I just let
him trot as fast as he wanted to start. Wesley clocked him at 1minute
57seconds for the first Kilometer. Needless to say we made up the time lost
since we should have been doing 4:20 per K.  Ofcourse this wasn't an oval
track we were put to a marathon vehicle of substantial weight on uneven
terrain. I'm quite satisfied that there are certainly other Fjords capable of
beating 2:12. Although I'm not particularly interested in playing I say let
the Games begin. At Advanced you're required to trot the C sec. at 17KPH. Very
close to the speed you're talking about and this is after Sections A & C.
Vivian Creigh


1999-01-31 Thread Bushnell's
This message is from: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Gayle, isn't Dustin's ancestry of Pluto and is that the Pluto reported to
be very fast?

This interests us as we have Teal, daughter of Dustin, who is very special
to us! We'd appreciate hearing more about Pluto.

Ruthie Bushnell in the northwestern tip of Montana.

Re: Alaska

1999-01-31 Thread Teressa Kandianis
This message is from: "Teressa Kandianis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A convenient subject line.  Please sign me off the list until next Monday
Feb 8.  I'm headed to Anchorage - reluctantly - and missing the big game to
boot.  Thanks. Teressa Kandianis from Ferndale where it is really sunny
right now and the fjords are having a race with their thoroughbred uncle
Mac.  Mac wins of course,  but he lets Merit go in front some of the time.

Re: Alaska

1999-01-31 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


The Fairbanks Sunday paper considered the issue of coffee freezing in the
air so important that it had an article in the paper about it! (now that
tells you something about Fairbanks)

You throw a cup of coffee in the air at -50 and it instantly freezes into a
cloud of coffee ice crystals.

Our legendary deep freeze of '99 as been put on hold, replaced by a typical
January cold snap. Meanwhile they canceled just about everything going on
in town, including the Governor's Inaugural Ball. It just goes to show you
that weather forcasting is still the old "seat of the pants" deal.
 While Fairbanks had cloud cover move in to keep the temps from crashing as
low as the computer model forcasted, it's still incredibly cold to the west
and north, with temps of -70 in some places.  Maybe there is enough HOT AIR
in Fairbanks these days to keep it from getting so cold!

>Jean - I didn't understand - did the coffee come down frozen when you threw
>it in the air, or not?
>Sounds like Fjords in Fairbanks are a better bet for winter transportation
>than cars.
Yeah! and you don't have to winterize them, they "winterize" themselves! 
the cold actually gave me a chance to indulge them with enough hay to eat
that they would actually walk away for a few minutes with some left on the
ground!  Amazing!  AND they were getting "Picky", looking for the better
hay and turning up their noses at the coarser stuff I throw them mid day.

They have been running around playing this morning.  I'll have to put a
couple trraffic cones out to play with. Meanwhile I just watch from the
window and have another cup of coffee!

Jean in Fairbanks,Alaska,  cloudy and -35 degrees (F)

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

Re: The North American Gjest Challenge

1999-01-31 Thread Arthur Rivoire
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Arthur  Rivoire)

Hello All, from Carol at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia -

Lori asked if "The Challenge" was open to all Fjords, not just those born
and bred here.  The answer is "Yes!"  I think it should be open to all
Fjords, North American bred and imports.  It would be interesting to keep
records of times, although that would be strictly voluntary. I mean, how
fast is fast for Fjords doing the kilometre at the trot?  We don't know,
and might be surprised.  

And when it gets down to the nitty gritty, people actually "going for it,"
it may give us valuable information regarding our breeding.  We must
remember that Fjords are driving horses, and a driving horse has to be able
to get from point A to point B in a timely manner.  There's more to Fjords
than the "cuddle factor", important as that is.

The two fastest Fjord stallions I know of are Gjest and Myrstein, both
Norwegian born and bred, but purchased by Holland. There was once a race
between Gjest and Myrstein. Just the two stallions. They both had a
reputation for speed, and the race was to prove once and for all, which was
the fastest. I have the newspaper account somewhere in my archives.  Gjest
won the race, but Myrstein was a close second.  The newspaper had a full
page color photo of Gjest with a couronne of flowers around his neck.
Don't remember if they were roses.  But this was a big thing in Europe.  A
real match race.  People got excited about it, and it provided a lot of
publlicity, interest, and fun. 

I saw Myrstein when I was in Holland this summer.  He looked fabulous.  I
was struck by how much he looked like Gjest in body.  Both of them rather
long-bodied, and extrmely supple.  Like Gjest, he didn't show his age, and
seemed to have as much verve and agility as a much younger horse.

We imported two Myrstein fillies last year.  Lori Albrough has one, and I
understand Rjellgrin, her  Myrstein daughter, is quite athletic.  We kept
one of the Myrsteins, and she's super athletic, and a lovely driving horse.
 Seems to flot over the ground.  Maybe one of these fillies will be the
one.  ---  Oh, gosh darn it, I forgot!  Arthur and I can't do it.  Drat!!!
Well, I suppose we could do it "hors concours."  

Julie mentioned the stallion, Pluto, having a fast time.  I wonder how
fast?  Maybe Julie could get these timed records during the trip to Norway.
 I know that they're published in the Norwegian Stud Books.  I have four of
those, including the one that Gjest is in, and of course, his time of 2.12
is included.  

Regards,  Carol 

Carol and Arthur Rivoire
Beaver Dam Farm Fjords II
R.R. 7 Pomquet
Antigonish County
Nova Scotia
B2G 2L4
902 386 2304


1999-01-31 Thread Dave McWethy
This message is from: "Dave McWethy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jean - I didn't understand - did the coffee come down frozen when you threw
it in the air, or not?
Sounds like Fjords in Fairbanks are a better bet for winter transportation
than cars.  And amazingly, the same model that works for Sue Banks in steamy
VA works for you at -45 with no added on cold weather options other than
that they produce themselves.  Engineering by humans is still crude compared
to the designs of nature.
It's fascinating getting your reports of very cold temps.  I have gotten
them also the last couple summers from a relative who has worked at the
research station on Antarctica, where it's not much colder - maybe -58.  She
reports putting icecream in the microwave to make it edible.  I enjoy these
stories, but am happy to read them from a warmer place (only zero here last
night).  Keep the stories coming!

2 items

1999-01-31 Thread Catherine Lassesen
This message is from: "Catherine Lassesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

1st. Thank you Brian J. for giving more information on the rescue horses.
My heart sinks each time I hear of the conditions some people keep horses

2nd. Carol... Will the challenge be open to mares and geldings or only
stallions?  What conditions of the track will be required?  We have a race
track in Grants Pass, OR. Would be a great place in the west coast to host a
challenge! Who needs to be there?

Re: The North American Gjest Challenge

1999-01-31 Thread Julia Will
This message is from: Julia Will <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sorry for the confusion, Carol ~ What I meant was, he didn't say GJEST was
the record holder, which surprised me, because he knows Gjest, being in
North America, is a horse I would know, and a horse he knows also.  So I
was just curious if there was another 2:12 recorded, or perhaps he just
forgot to mention that it was Gjest.Julie