Re: tack care

1999-10-03 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/3/99 7:54:42 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< Watch that olive oil around the "weegies" they will eat it up!  >>

LOL! Rafael did just this today. I bought neetsfoot oil and was rubbing it 
onto his saddle. He was at the hitching post, keeping me company. Well, he 
kept everyone in stitches because he kept licking the saddle with his big 
tongue! I told the other boarders he was "helping" me clean the tack.

Brigid in CA

the dirty house

1999-10-03 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/3/99 12:28:13 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< I originally got my Fjords/Weegies, because all I was doing was working.  
 Couldn't make myself go to the gym and knew if I didn't move my body I 
 going to live to be old.  It has changed my life for the positive in so many 
 ways.  Even if I don't "feel like it," they have to be cared for and once I 
 start, I find I do "feel like it."   I think they're saving my life.  The 
 house, however, is still dirty.  Gail in Albuquerque >>

I can relate, Gail. I am self-employed and prone to overworking. The Fjords 
force me to drop everything, turn off the cell phone, and relax with them. I 
am much more fit now from the riding and other aspects of care.

Re: house keeping, this morning I got up early so I could clean the kitchen 
before heading for the ranch. Didn't want to feel too unproductive : )

Brigid in CA (guess I better say that now, since there's another Brigid on 
the list!)

Re: Libby page

1999-10-03 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Laurie I left a message in your guest book but again you have done an
excellent job with you pictures and your website.  Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Re: tack care

1999-10-03 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Watch that olive oil around the "weegies" they will eat it up!  I bought a
"harness honey"  I think it is called, after someone on the list mentioned
it.  I like it.  After two or three applications my leather stays soft and
pliable.  Not supposed to harm the stitches either.  I am in the house and
the harness honey is in the barn.  So will the person who gave me the
address speak up?  Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Re: Wonderful Fjord Day!!

1999-10-03 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Amy, sounds like a great time and it makes you really love those critters
when they act so cool.  Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Libby page

1999-10-03 Thread Laurie Pittman
This message is from: "Laurie Pittman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just wanted to let you all know that I've got my page with photos from Libby
up now. the URL is . That
will take you right to the new page. There are links to the rest of my site
from there if you'd like to look around. Have fun! : )


Re: bouncing off the walls

1999-10-03 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ingrid I gave my big horse one third cup twice a day of the vit C pure
powder.  You can ask the health food store people about how much a human
needs in the powder and then figure a good dose for your horse.   Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Fjords on TV (maybe)

1999-10-03 Thread JBonner748
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello, all.
Warning:  Brag alert.  Please skip this message if this offends you.
My daughter Laura, age 14, has been chosen as a finalist (one of 40, out 
of 4000 eligible) in a nationwide science fair competition, sponsored by the 
Discovery Channel.  She has won a week-long trip to Washington DC on Oct. 
13-17, for a week of working at the Smithsonian Museum with the scientists 
there, where she and all other finalists will be judged in order to pick the 
grand prize winner.
Yesterday the Discovery Channel sent a TV crew to our farm, where they 
spent all day (6 hours!) filming Laura, the farm, and the horses.  Even 
interviewed her ol' mom and dad!  Naturally the fjords were fascinated by all 
the people and activity, lights and cameras and reflectors and sound booms 
with fuzzy things on the end (looked like a snack), and were butting in all 
day long.
During one segment,  they posed Laura on top of the black-board fence of 
the mare-and-foal field, while they interviewed her.  The horses were milling 
around in the background - very picturesque.  But 5-month-old Elli couldn't 
understand why Laura was sitting there not paying attention to her.  Elli 
tried everything - pushes and pokes, even put her head in Laura's lap  - 
finally was overcome with frustration, grabbed the back of Laura's shirt and 
PULLED.  Laura was happily sitting on the fence one moment, then suddenly 
disappeared over backwards!  All that was left to be seen was two knees and 
ten fingers in the top of the fence, and hysterical giggles coming from the 
back.  No damage done, and it sure broke the ice.  I swear that you could see 
Elli giggling too.
Anyway, Discovery Channel is airing a show called Science Live on 
Wednesday, Oct 13, sometime in the evening.  This will be with all 40 
finalists, but they will be doing cuts from the filming that they did this 
week. (5 different finalists). Hopefully will have our farm and Fjords, but 
no guarantees.  Y'all watch if you can!  And wish us luck with Laura's 
competition, Oct. 13-17.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V99 #211

1999-10-03 Thread GailDorine
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/3/99 4:00:49 AM Mountain Daylight Time, 

<< clean and do all the other mundane things, IF I can get my "horsey"
 fix.   Fjords=therapy for me...  :o)  Happy trails indeed! Ingrid >>

I originally got my Fjords/Weegies, because all I was doing was working.  
Couldn't make myself go to the gym and knew if I didn't move my body I wasn't 
going to live to be old.  It has changed my life for the positive in so many 
ways.  Even if I don't "feel like it," they have to be cared for and once I 
start, I find I do "feel like it."   I think they're saving my life.  The 
house, however, is still dirty.  Gail in Albuquerque

Re: tack care

1999-10-03 Thread Carolyn Dumong
This message is from: Carolyn Dumong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ingrid Ivic wrote:
> This message is from: Ingrid Ivic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > My question is, what do you use to care for
> > your tack? These things are in good condition, but a bit dry and in need of
> > TLC.
> >
> > Brigid in CA
> >
> I use "Leather New"...seems to work well for most dryness problems. It
> is a spray on type of glycerin soap. Also, just plain 'ole Olive oil
> works well too...but don't use too much of either one. Hope this helps,
> Ingrid;o)
I use Leather Therapy...but it doesn't come in a spray.  You have to
squirt it on a damp sponge and apply.  Works well.  Rather pricey.  I
just changed to leather tack with white stitching, so have to work
around the stitching, because I'm afraid of discoloring.  I should have
stuck with my nylon stuff which I could just throw in the washer!  But
she looks s "stylin'" in her new leather gear!  Another tip...throw
the gear into a bucket or laundry tub with water and some Murphy's Oil
Soap.  Let it soak for awhile, scrub with a soft brush, rinse lightly
and let dry.  Then do your oiling/conditioning.
Carolyn in S. Florida where we had a glorious breeze 
today...we are
looking forward to some cooler, DRY weather!!!

Ridging versus cleaning

1999-10-03 Thread misha nogha
This message is from: misha nogha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ha Gayle: Liked your comment about house cleaning. I hate being indoors
anyway, makes me feel claustrophobic. Since we are having such a drought
the dust is so hideous. You feel pretty pointless cleaning. Every wrinkle
in your jeans becomes a small dune, your shoe tongues lap it up and spit it
out on the floor. It's horrible. Yesterday I went with some pals to ride at
a local arena, just before we went Ingmar rolled int he dust. I got about a
third of it off of him and I think it all landed on me. I was embarrassed
but when we got there, I looked around and just about every one had a
'grulla' colored horse with matching grulla rider--due to the dust. Ha. it
was interesteding because every one always teases me about our 'little
horses' but when we did a line up at the end of the day, all the horses
were just about the same size as Ingmar (14.2). The other funny thing is
that, they all asked,. well can Fjords move--or are they just clippety
little ponies. I took off around the arena at an extended trot so huge that
my hat flew off with the breeze. it was a hoot and folks said, "Wow! I
guess so!" Hope the weather holds for your trip to the surf Gayle, but
looks like you guys might get some rain. If you don't want it--could you
send it over here? 

Re: Hooves on bridges and fallen leaves .

1999-10-03 Thread Starfire Farm, LLC
This message is from: "Starfire Farm, LLC" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


It sounds like you have a lovely horse, and what a beautiful location
for driving!  Would make it hard to pay attention to the horse!  Must be
absoulutely gorgeous in the fall.


Beth Beymer & Sandy North
Starfire Farm, Berthoud CO

Re: hot air balloons

1999-10-03 Thread GailDorine
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We are on the flight path of the hot air balloons and one landed next door 
yesterday.  They are huge and loud and full of happy screaming people.  The 
girls were so facinated, they stopped chewing long enough to walk over as 
close as they could get to watch.
 Gail in Albuquerque