
2001-04-22 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

What is a Buhund?  Any terrier?  I am still looking for a doggie who will
respect the horses, ducks, chickens and Lucy the barn cat trying to become a
house cat. It also needs to hunt and keep the varmints off the place.

Jean Walters Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Three Horses Press
PO Box 104 Montesano, WA 98563

Re: Record Book!!!

2001-04-22 Thread truman matz
This message is from: "truman matz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Now I can't wait for future "updates" of which
>I hope to have a horse or two included in!

I didn't really have any idea what the record book was when I ordered it,
but it had been highly recommended on the list, I think by Ursula, so I
ordered one.  And I am so glad I did.  It's absolutely wonderful, and after
going through it cover to cover to see what was there, I now go through it
trying to "judge" the quality of each aspect of the horse.  (Sometimes I do
good, sometimes not so good!!)  But it's fun and educational.  Thanks again,
ladies, for a job well done.  Judy  PS, How often will the "updates" come

Re: hitting horses

2001-04-22 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The test of whether to punish a horse or not should be their reaction.  If
their manners improve after a swat of some kind then good, lesson learned.
If kindness or clicker training has the same effect good.  Seems to me if
the horse does not become meaner or frightened of the punisher then all is
right with the world.

Jean Walters Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Three Horses Press
PO Box 104 Montesano, WA 98563

Record Book!!!

2001-04-22 Thread DLFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

All I can say is WOW!!  Ursula and Sandy (and everyone else involved), you've 
done yourselves proud.  I expected this to be good, but it is GREAT!  And of 
course it was "icing on the cake" to find one of my own humble photographs 
included; Catherine Lassesen's Lupin in her driving test at the Eugene, OR 
Eval. (Thank you Catherine!)  Now I can't wait for future "updates" of which 
I hope to have a horse or two included in!


Dun Lookin' Fjords
Bud, Tillie & Amy Evers
Redmond, OR

Re: CHFA meeting

2001-04-22 Thread truman matz
This message is from: "truman matz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi again, Joel.

Just got back to finish the mail.  I once knew a girl who took a good bite
on her horse's ear when he tried to bite her, and yes, it worked, also.  As
for your trip to the pasture,... very quick thinking, and also very
effective.  Knew a trainer who used to throw a horse and sit on his head.
By the time the horse got up, he had a whole new attitude.  Kind of humble,
like.  Not that I would advocate that,... more gentle methods are nicer if
you're training.  If you're trying to survive, you do what you gotta do.

I don't train dogs, but always have some.  (So do some training, it would
seem.)  If my dog bit me, which is NOT very likely, I'd do what one should
never do with a dog,... clobber him right in the chops!  Actually, that
would be an invitation for him to fight harder.  I'd do it anyway,... but
with a whole lot of "voice" instruction attached to it, also.

Sounds like your colt is already coming along nicely.  Congratulations


-Original Message-
From: Joel Harman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, April 22, 2001 10:10 AM
Subject: CHFA meeting

>This message is from: Joel Harman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Anyone know how the auction that took place after the CHFA meeting in
>Estevan, Sask. went?
>No one asked me how I taught my stallion how to stop biting but I'll
>share it with you anyway. Never know, you might learn something.  I had
>him picketed out & was leading him back into the pasture by the picket
>rope on his front foot.  This a 1" cotton rope so it has some stretch to
>it. He took a nip at me & ran by. In doing so the rope tightened around a
>hind foot & he threw himself. Taking advantage of this act of providence(
>anyone know her?) I was on top of him like stink on (well). Didn't
>let him up until I was ready to let him up. Changed boy.
>Oh, how cruel , you say. I didn't throw him. He threw himself.
>Obviously, this will not be the method of choice.  Every case is
>So, dog trainers, what do you all do when one of your dogs bites you?
>The day old stud colt put his right rear foot in my hand this am when I
>asked him for it.
>Anyone know what "earth" is in Norwegian?
>Joel Harman

Re: CHFA meeting

2001-04-22 Thread Jon & Mary Ofjord
This message is from: Jon & Mary Ofjord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


The word for earth is "jord".


At 07:46 AM 4/22/01 -0700, you wrote:

>Anyone know what "earth" is in Norwegian?

Re: biting

2001-04-22 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 4/21/01 11:16:21 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< Brigid you might not like to hear what I did with Gunnar at first.  The
 first time he nipped me I socked him a hard one and waited to see if he was
 going to attack.  >>

Hi Jean-

You seem like the type of person who can figure out the right thing to do 
with the individual. It's sad when a horse (or any animal, or person) gets to 
this "lashing-out" stage. So your initial correction was a stopgap measure, 
and you worked for a year and a half to form positive behaviors. More 
patience than most folks have! It really must have been a moment when Gunnar 
nudged you, finally making contact : )

Brigid M Wasson 
San Francisco Bay Area, CA";>Our Fjords 

Re: say what ?

2001-04-22 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 4/22/01 12:14:21 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<<  My mind is open to anything that works, that makes sense to a horse. Good 
  horsewo/men like Lisa don't try to anthropomorphize  >>
  Thank-goodness for that. Im not totally sure what that 
 MEANS...! >>

LOL Lisa-

It means giving human characteristics to animals, ala "My horse does 
so-and-so because he wants to spite me" etc. Understanding what motivates 
animals is the key to communication. In Jean's post about the young stud 
charging at her, yep, he wanted to dominate her by knocking her down. Makes 
sense to a horse, and he swift correction was called for. 

Brigid M Wasson 
San Francisco Bay Area, CA";>Our Fjords 

Re: My problem with biting.

2001-04-22 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 4/22/01 4:49:35 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<<  My problem is {and his problem is} He only bites/grabs when he's Nervous, 
 scared or unsure of a situation.  It took me quite awhile to put this all 
 together and figure out why it wasn't something I could fix.   I'm not 
 there isn't a way to fix it, I just haven't found it.  >>

Hi Aimee-

OK, some details may help us give advice. Describe a situation when the 
grabbing occurs. Where are you both, what are you doing, what is your 
immediate response to the behavior, and what happens afterwards?


[no subject]

2001-04-22 Thread BASDUSTYOAKS
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello List,
   Just thought I would add my experiences to the cure of vices. The neighbors 
had a shetland pony, when I was much younger, she would turn and bite when the 
saddle cinch was being tightened. I was able to give a big knee kick in the 
ribs a couple of times and she never bit again. The other nasty habbit she had 
was laying down with saddle and rider. The fly swatter was on the picnic table 
and she had already layed down with one of the smaller children, so I picked up 
that swatter and low and behold she tried to lay down with me on her back 
needless to say I wacked her good, she never layed down again with a rider. 
Another experience I had was my Aunts Tenn Walker would rear when she thought 
it was time to go to the barn, my Uncle took a water baloon with him, when she 
reared with him on he smacked that baloon over her head. My God you would have 
thought she was a statue! It took a few minutes for her to move. She was fine 
and she never reared again.

Beth Ann Swonger

Swongers Dusty Oaks
(wanna be Fjord owner)

Re: HCF Henry Sunday update

2001-04-22 Thread truman matz
This message is from: "truman matz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

That's answered prayer.  God is good.  Judy

>I saw Henry this morning and he looked great. He is anemic from the blood
>loss but acted normal. He is a tough Erland kid. He was getting some bran
>mash today ,food is what he really thinks about now.  Bill Kelley

Fjords for sale

2001-04-22 Thread Anita Unrau
This message is from: Anita Unrau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Orville is making a quick trip to Nevada and California next week.  If anyone is
interested in some of our Fjords we have for sale and would like delivery soon
let me
know and I can send more information.
For Sale:
1996 gelding 14.3hh brown dun rides and drives single and pair.  $6,500.00
1997 gelding 14.1hh brown dun rides and drives single and pair.  $6,500.00
1997 gelding  l4.1hh white dun  rides and drives single and pair.   $7,000.00
2000 gelding  $3,000.00

1998 filly brown dun just started riding training $6,000.00
1999 filly brown dun 14.2 $8,000.00
2000 filly dark brown dun $3,000.00

Also have bred mares for sale to foal 2002

Anita Unrau
Anvil's Acres Norwegian Fjord Horses
Rock Creek, B.C.
"Disposition, Conformation, Versatility since 1973"

HCF Henry

2001-04-22 Thread Knutsen Fjord Farm
This message is from: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Bill - how is Henry doing today? Dad wants to know.

Peg Knutsen - Ellensburg, WA

Re: Pony needed!

2001-04-22 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I just forwarded your email to a friend of mine in NY.  She LOVES fjords, 
almost bought one.  But has a Lippizan and QH instead for now.  And I believe 
has a pony or two.  She would probably have a handle on a good, kidsafe pony 
in your neighborhood.  Her name is Ivy, and she's just a wonderful lady.


Pony needed!

2001-04-22 Thread SueFreivald
This message is from: SueFreivald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I notice that some of you are from upstate New York -- and this is primarily
for you, but farther a-field could be considered.  We just lost our little
riding/driving pony that took care of grandchildren!  She was pretty long in
the tooth, went into acute renal failure and had to be put down.  

Needless to say, it's a hard lesson for all about the responsibilities we
shoulder when we have horses, or other animals.  The grandchildren helped
hold the little mare and the vet was absolutely wonderful with them as well
as gentle with the mare -- and the rest of us!

We need another pony.  You know, the pony that everyone wants -- gentle and
sensible and good with kids -- not too big, not too little . . . The
resident grandson is just six and got a pretty good start with the little
mare.  We have others who visit and would sure like to be able to ride a
pony under grandma's watchful eye.  Riding is a must, driving is an added
bonus.  Please e-mail me if you know of anything that would suit -- Thanks
for listening and looking!  Sue Freivald.

Re: Feed change

2001-04-22 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 4/22/01 11:00:32 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> I read that also in the Herald the same day the colic happened. I guess I'm
> just a little slow. 5 other horses had no problem but I cut their hay amount
> for a while to make sure they are used to it.  Bill Kelley

So how's he doing today?  I remember you said he'd not be out of the woods 
till Sunday.  How traumatic, the after surgery emergency!  Poor guy.  

During his recovery phase, I'll be sympathizing with you.  Years ago my 
little arab had surgery to remove enteroliths.  Handwalking daily till he was 
strong enough and healed enough to be turned out.  


Re: HCF Henry Sunday update

2001-04-22 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hooray hooray hooray for Henry/  Jean

Jean Walters Gayle
Aberdeen, WA 
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Three Horses Press
PO Box 104 Montesano, WA 98563

Re: John Lyons and biting

2001-04-22 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dave I was once in my field to check out a young 8 month old thoroughbred
colt that had just been delivered as a partner for my six month old weanling
filly.  I patted him and was presented with his behind and a narrowly missed
kick.  I said a refined "no".  I then went further into the field to be sure
all was well with the fence when I heard hooves thundering (well he was only
about thirteen hands) my way.  Here came the colt, head lowered, eyes
glaring and running full out toward me.  I stepped aside as he went past me
thinking it was funny.  By now I think he was quite sure he was becoming the
dominant one.

He made a second run at me and I began to realize as I once again stepped
aside that he was serious.  He was such an unkempt woolly little fellow I
found it difficult to take him seriously.  The third attempt had me armed
with a stout stick which I let him have across the back as he almost knocked
me down.

With dignity I walked out of the field and he kept his distance until I was
safely outside. At which point he rushed the fence and let out the most
humorous deep hoarse scream.

 For the short time I had him I felt I could never take him seriously, had
him gelded though and that hoarse bellow went to a normal neigh.  But he
never gave up trying to convince me he was the head honcho but also never
threatened me again.  There has to be swift punishment in some cases when
they are threatening.  No time for clicker training or kindness.   Jean

Jean Walters Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Three Horses Press
PO Box 104 Montesano, WA 98563

Re: soft ways

2001-04-22 Thread GailDorine
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  Clicker training, "soft" ways no no no.
Yes, yes, yes -- but first you had to get his attention (LOL).  
Also liked your post Lisa.  We tend to agree on so many things.
Gail-D of Tucson

RE: HCF Henry Sunday update

2001-04-22 Thread William Kelley
This message is from: "William Kelley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I saw Henry this morning and he looked great. He is anemic from the blood
loss but acted normal. He is a tough Erland kid. He was getting some bran
mash today ,food is what he really thinks about now.  Bill Kelley

RE: Feed change

2001-04-22 Thread William Kelley
This message is from: "William Kelley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I read that also in the Herald the same day the colic happened. I guess I'm
just a little slow. 5 other horses had no problem but I cut their hay amount
for a while to make sure they are used to it.  Bill Kelley

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2001 3:02 AM
Subject: Feed change

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 4/21/01 9:14:11 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

 The distended colon was probably caused by too much of a new batch of hay
 just bought.It had not twisted yet but was headed that way. >>

   Good to hear that Henry is on the mend. Interesting that I was just
reading my new Fjord Herald ( just arrived with the evaluation book ! ) and
there is an article on the most comman causes of colic. Top of the list was
change of hay. Never would have thought that it would be so far up there.
Continued healing thoughts for your Fjord.Lisa Pedersen

Gelding for Sale

2001-04-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This message is from: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Gelding for Sale...
Mohawk is a gentle, wise and lovable Norwegian Fjord GELDING!!! He has
EXCELLENT Black Markings on his legs (all four).  Mohawk is boarding with us
this winter. His owners are getting out of the HORSE business.  He is the
last Fjord for them. They will CONSIDER ALL OFFERS.  Mohawk has been with us
since November. He has been on a refresher course. HE IS DOING EXCELLENTLY.
Mohawk LOVES THE TRAILS. He crosses water and go up and down mountains. He
is so gentle that we ride him with Mares and  Stallions. He baby-sits foals.
He loves foals.  He is doing well under cart and has a WONDERFUL LARGE
STRIDED TROT. He has the HEART to do CDEs.  Mohawk has more of a trail
riding training under saddle then a classical training in the arena. BUT HE
IS SMART and willing to LEARN.  Mohawk is a gelding. HE IS A TOP GELDING.
Contact us: 541-825-3027 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] . I am not making a
commission on this horse. I am just trying to find Mohawk a good home. Larry
Hansen is the owner and you can reach him at 541-384-3319.  Mohawk is very
cute and very nice and will make someone a WONDERFUL FJORD FAMILY MEMBER. He
is so cute you can hug him all day long.  Please he will go quick. Come see
him and take him home.  I will be going to NORWAY 4/26 to 5/15 So please
contact the owner Larry during this time. Thank you Catherine Lassesen of
Hestehaven - The Horse Garden

CHFA meeting

2001-04-22 Thread Joel Harman
This message is from: Joel Harman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Anyone know how the auction that took place after the CHFA meeting in
Estevan, Sask. went? 

No one asked me how I taught my stallion how to stop biting but I'll
share it with you anyway. Never know, you might learn something.  I had
him picketed out & was leading him back into the pasture by the picket
rope on his front foot.  This a 1" cotton rope so it has some stretch to
it. He took a nip at me & ran by. In doing so the rope tightened around a
hind foot & he threw himself. Taking advantage of this act of providence(
anyone know her?) I was on top of him like stink on (well). Didn't
let him up until I was ready to let him up. Changed boy. 

Oh, how cruel , you say. I didn't throw him. He threw himself. 
Obviously, this will not be the method of choice.  Every case is

So, dog trainers, what do you all do when one of your dogs bites you?

The day old stud colt put his right rear foot in my hand this am when I
asked him for it.

Anyone know what "earth" is in Norwegian?


Joel Harman 

Norvegian V*rus Warning

2001-04-22 Thread Ruth Bushnell
This message is from: "Ruth Bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Norwegian V*rus Warning:

Ve haf chust send you da "Norvegian V*rus."

Since ve do not haf any programming hexperience and ve do not know how to
actually damage vour komputer, dis V*rus verks on da honor system.

So first, please forward dis V*rus to eferyvone on vour mailing list.

Yah, and den manually delete all of da files on vour hard drive.

Tank you for your cooperation.

Sven and Olga

(ha ha ha, sent from Gene and Ruthie, nw mt)

Sunday Fjord Chat

2001-04-22 Thread PETSnVETS
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


9 to10pm (Eastern Time)
Hosted by: PAV Fjords and PAV Aussie

Fjord chat is held in Horse Room "1"";> CHAT ROOMS

on the Pets and Vets main page";>

Don't Forget our 
go to Pets and Vets main page 
 scroll down and click on message boards 

John Lyons and biting

2001-04-22 Thread Dave McWethy
This message is from: " Dave McWethy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'm interested to see this discussion of biting.  I have to say that his
response to biting seems inconsistent with all the rest he presents.  I've
never quite gotten over being puzzled by that.

I'm not saying he's wrong.  He's undoubtedly dealt with this way more than I
have, and he ought to know.  However it reminds me of a saying I heard a
professor say once, that a teacher, when under a lot of pressure, "will
follow the example of your worst teacher."  I thought there was something
brilliant in that, and maybe it has helped restrain me from doing some truly
horrible things.  Perhaps it is the same with managing horses, that when
we're really off balance, we want to clobber them.

I never found it to be very productive to wallop a horse for mouthy
behavior.  Not that I can say what the brilliant solution is.  I just don't
know.  Perhaps the clicker training is an important resource here, to be
doing proactive measures, instead of responding.


Geldings for sale

2001-04-22 Thread FofDFJORDS
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Spring is finally in the air - been colder than normal in our neck of the 
woods.  Flowers and such are several weeks behind, but the weatherman is 
predicting warmer temps this week for us.  YESSS!

I have just put photos and a bit of information onto my website about 2 nice 
5 year old geldings that I have for sale.  These boys are both kind and 
polite - read - they aren't lippy at all!!

They are both real honest fellas and will make good companions for someone.  
Please feel free to contact me if you want further information.

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

My problem with biting.

2001-04-22 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've been reading everyone's stories of biting and how they've solved it.  I 
have tired many things to stop my gelding from biting and nothing has worked. 
  My problem is {and his problem is} He only bites/grabs when he's Nervous, 
scared or unsure of a situation.  It took me quite awhile to put this all 
together and figure out why it wasn't something I could fix.   I'm not saying 
there isn't a way to fix it, I just haven't found it.   Maybe I'm just 
feeling too guilty to punish him the way he needs, when he's already scared 
or nervous.   Again, this is the ONLY time he ever grabs/bites at you, when 
he's nervous, or unsure of himself.   He will be 7 this summer, and I've had 
him since he was weaned.   He was always very mouthy as a foal, but was 
ALWAYS corrected for it.   I know he's never to be totally trusted with that 
mouth so am always aware of that nose swinging towards me when he is being 
lead anywhere...  I now normally correct with my voice as soon as I see it 
turning my way, and he only connects maybe 1% of the time.   I'm just not 
sure what I can do to make him feel at ease enough not to feel he has to peck 
at me, to relieve his nervousness.
Any comments?   

Aimee Day

say what ?

2001-04-22 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 4/21/01 9:14:11 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

 My mind is open to anything that works, that makes sense to a horse. Good 
 horsewo/men like Lisa don't try to anthropomorphize  >>

 Thank-goodness for that. Im not totally sure what that 

 ( hiding down here, Lisa );   )

Re: HCF Henry

2001-04-22 Thread Fjord1901
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 4/21/01 12:29:15 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< Please have a good thought for Henry. >>

Re: John Lyons rule on fixing dangerious behavior

2001-04-22 Thread Fjord1901
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 4/21/01 11:46:22 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< horsewo/men like Lisa don't try to anthropomorphize  >>

Feed change

2001-04-22 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 4/21/01 9:14:11 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

 The distended colon was probably caused by too much of a new batch of hay we
 just bought.It had not twisted yet but was headed that way. >>

   Good to hear that Henry is on the mend. Interesting that I was just 
reading my new Fjord Herald ( just arrived with the evaluation book ! ) and 
there is an article on the most comman causes of colic. Top of the list was a 
change of hay. Never would have thought that it would be so far up there. 
Continued healing thoughts for your Fjord.Lisa Pedersen