Re: fjordhorse-digest V2001 #270

2001-10-10 Thread Diane McCracken
This message is from: "Diane McCracken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Gail.So sorry about Ida, I lost my percheron filly 2 yrs ago
next week to coloic, it's a TERRIBLE thing to witness,& like you I hope
to never see it again, but I think it's part of having horses, & it does
happen even thou you do "everything right"...all my sympathy.

   Diane McCracken

Fw: Test message

2001-10-10 Thread Sanders
This message is from: "Sanders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This just bounced back to me saying I am not a valid address. lol

- Original Message -
From: Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 5:30 PM
Subject: Re: Test message

Me too. I always blame by server first (and most of the time it is them).
This is getting frustrating. The last 3 messages I've sent haven't been on
the list. I see replies to messages I never saw. Mid September it was taking
7-8 hours for things to show up after I sent them. People complained about
AOL, but I don't use AOL. ALSO, I still get the seven dwarfs virus when I
send things to the list. Maybe we have a virus on the fjord list(server or
host) itself.??? Just a curious thought from someone who doesn't know much
about computers.


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 2:47 PM
Subject: Test message

This message is from: GAIL RUSSELL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

They changed mail servers on me last night.  I have a sneaking suspicion
that messages from me are not getting thru to the list.  I sent at least one
titled Ida/Riba that has not come back to me yet.
Gail Russell
Forestville CA

Re: Ida/Riba

2001-10-10 Thread BaileysFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Gail,

We are so very, very sorry for your loss.

Lynda and Daniel

Bailey's Norwegian Fjord Horse Farm
White Cloud, MI

Re: Riba

2001-10-10 Thread GailDorine
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I walked a very depressed Riba to a boarding stable nearby yesterday.  She 
wouldn't eat and whoever heard of a fjord that won't eat?  She immediately 
bonded with a tall Thoroughbred gelding named Monty and started chewing hay.  
It helps.  

OT - Helping NY

2001-10-10 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I sent a request to some NYC officials.  I asked for a list of businesses
that are floundering now in the Manhattan area.  I know there are many that
are about to go under.  I'd like to have our newspapers, tv stations, radio
stations, publish a list of businesses.  It's holiday season coming up.  If
we each buy one gift for family or friends from a NY business, and maybe one
gift for a child whose parent was a victim of the tragedy, it would be our
way to do something positive to help get these people back on their feet.

I just received a reply back that they are working on a list of businesses
and will provide them to me soon!  Anybody here game?  I could use some help
getting the info to YOUR local newspapers, tv stations, etc.  Or even if
you'd just be interested in buying a gift from one of the stores, that would
be great.


Re: Ida/Riba

2001-10-10 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I too am sorry for your loss.  And understand wanting to do what you think 
best for your remaining fjord.  Sue's offer of holding onto Riba for you 
while you are grieving is a great idea.  Then if you still thought it was in 
Riba's best interest at a later date to sell, you could.  But she'd still be 
there for you if you decide you cannot part with her.

It's always hard to lose a horse, especially when they cannot find why the 
horse colicked.  This happened to me once, and it adds a terrible mystery to 
the loss.


Re: test

2001-10-10 Thread Sanders
This message is from: "Sanders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hey! That time my message (Ida/Riba) only took 5 hours and 20 minutes to get
through! I am making progress! lol


Re: Ida/Riba

2001-10-10 Thread SorgerJ
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gail, I am so sorry to hear about Ida. I knew both your mares when they were 
still with Ginny. I know exactly how you feel, I wanted to part with my 
Fjords after I lost Katrina. The pain was just too much and I knew I couldn't 
go through it again. I still miss Katrina terribly but the pleasure I get 
from Katrina's son and from Heather have helped make that pain more bearable.
If I can be of any help please let me know. I could have Riba here if you 
wanted me to, so you could have time to make a decision later when the pain 
is not so intense.
You take care and know you are in my thoughts.

Sue Clark-Sorger
Crown Oak Fjords
Sandia Park NM

Re: Ida/Riba

2001-10-10 Thread Sanders
This message is from: "Sanders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am so sorry. I know how impotent it feels to loose a horse. Cry as much as
you can and give Riba all your love and attention. She needs you as much as
you need
her. Depression in horses is real and they do seem to know whats going on
when one of them gets sick. You may never have to go through this
againthink about why you love you horses so much...think about how much
happiness you derive from themand don't let yourself think about it ever
happening again - it may not.

We put so much more of ourselves into horses because they require more
attention - grooming, playing, training, their size and personalities etc-
then most pets. Their loss in our lives represents a big hole in our daily
routine so we identify with them more and take it harder when we abruptly
loose one. Riba will never be Ida in your heart but she needs you as much as
you need her. I am so so sorry you have to go through this but take your
time before making a life altering decision. Take care and visit with your
friends online to help you through this.
Teresa Sanders


> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Ida colicked yesterday morning.  I called the vet immediately and she
> her with oil.  I walked her 15 minutes every hour.  Nothing helped and she
> went down rapidly and last night she had to be put to sleep.  We have no
> why Ida colicked.  She's never missed a worming, has small frequent meals,
> etc., etc., lots of turnout.  Most people here consider me to be an
> overconscientious (I know they mean neurotic) horse owner.

Re: horse personality types

2001-10-10 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/10/01 4:33:52 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< Hmmm, I think this has been the case in several of our human 
 parts in the past. I admit it, I stopped, and took off :  ) (returned later) 

LOL. You studs are all the same!

Brigid M Wasson 
San Francisco Bay Area, CA";>Our";>Fjords
   / )__~  
/L /L  

Re: horse personality types

2001-10-10 Thread Fjord1901
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/9/01 5:05:19 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< Rafael was away in training. #2 
 guy Tommes became #1 "in absentia" and proceeded to fawn over and even mount 
 the mare. Actually I think she was the leader at that time, but her language 
 seemed much more subtle than that of the geldings. She hardly had to raise 
 her head or move an ear and they said "Yes Ma'am!" Amusingly, after 
 from a ride with Tommes, I found "low man" Knute following the mare around, 
 with an erection, attempting to groom her all over! He had to stop that 
 immediately when Tommes reappeared. >>
Hmmm, I think this has been the case in several of our human counter 
parts in the past. I admit it, I stopped, and took off :  ) (returned later)

Re: Ida/Riba (resend)

2001-10-10 Thread GAIL RUSSELL
This message is from: GAIL RUSSELL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 07:55 PM 10/9/2001 EDT, you wrote:
>This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Ida colicked yesterday morning.  I called the vet immediately and she tubed 
>her with oil.  I walked her 15 minutes every hour.  Nothing helped and she 
>went down rapidly and last night she had to be put to sleep.  We have no idea 
>why Ida colicked.  She's never missed a worming, has small frequent meals, 
>etc., etc., lots of turnout.  Most people here consider me to be an 
>overconscientious (I know they mean neurotic) horse owner.  

Oh, Gail.  The tone of your note is all too familiar.  Luisa colicked and
died almost exactly a year ago. You comforted me then.  One feels numbed,
matter of fact, really sad and wanting not to go on.I can vividly
imagine what it must be like for you.  It is so painfuland you hate
seeing your remaining horse without her.  I still take an intense interest
in Luisa's half siblings and would try very hard to reproduce her breeding
if I could.  

Anyway, hang on and find a way to comfort yourself, however you can.  Talk
about it with the list, or privately.  It does take a long time, but I would
hate to see you lose your remaining Fjord.  Yes, Arizona is harsh, but if it
makes you feel any better, I find that my Fjord does better than the others
in our heat...even with a long coat.   The horrible feelings do pass, but
ever so slowly.  Go out and brush Riba, talk to us, whatever it takes to
hang on.  

So sorry.

>Riba was so depressed she wouldn't eat even carrots and I took her over to a 
>boarding stable nearby today to be with other horses.  It cheered her up and 
>she ate a little.  I think Arizona is too harsh a climate and I would 
>consider giving someone a great deal on Riba if it were a cooler, loving 
>home.  She's 6.  I've had her three years and she's never spooked even once, 
>not at cars, school buses, hot air balloons, you name it.  She's a lovely 
>mare, trained to ride and would make a marvelous driving horse, and she 
>deserves to be special.  Call me a sissy, but I don't ever want to go through 
>this again.

>Gail in Tucson
Gail Russell
Forestville CA

CA Ray Hunt clinic needs participants by Saturday (resend)

2001-10-10 Thread GAIL RUSSELL
This message is from: GAIL RUSSELL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi All,

My farrier, who works with John Brazil, an 82 (+-) year old cutting/reining
horse trainer in Sonoma County, has arranged for Ray Hunt to add a local
clinic (Petaluma CA ...about an hour north of San Francisco) for October
20-23.  Colt starting and horsemanship.  People are cancelling because of
the WTC bombings...they do not want to travel, even locally.  If they do not
get three more participants by Saturday, they will cancel.

The good news is that this will be a sparsely attended clinic...more time
and attention!!!

  Jim and I decided to go ahead and pay for two spots.  But they need
another by Saturday.  Anyone interested?  Contact # is 778-3577.  Tell them
Sergio's client sent you.

Additionally, I may not be able to actually GO to the clinic.  Anyone
interested in possibly taking my spot at the last minute...let me know and I
will put you on my list.  We are trying to interet my children, but don't
know if we will get the interest.  I have so much to do before the end of
October that I am not sure I can go.

I have a holding pen at my place if you need to come early or stay late.  It
is best to board at the place during the clinic though, as the traffic
between here and Petaluma can be nasty.
Gail Russell
Forestville CA

Test message

2001-10-10 Thread GAIL RUSSELL
This message is from: GAIL RUSSELL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

They changed mail servers on me last night.  I have a sneaking suspicion
that messages from me are not getting thru to the list.  I sent at least one
titled Ida/Riba that has not come back to me yet.
Gail Russell
Forestville CA

Re: saddle tree size?

2001-10-10 Thread Storme Lee
This message is from: Storme Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Not to guarantee anything, but you have an excellent chance!  That is
what I used on my Fjord and it worked fine.

Have fun shopping..


> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Does a "full quarter horse tree" western saddle fit a fjord's back?  I know
> -- measure first!   As it happens, I have kept a nice cordura saddle from the
> half draft I used to have . and I don't yet have a fjord (but hope to
> soon) .
> So just out of couriosty, was wondering
> Sher

CA Ray Hunt clinic needs participants by Saturday

2001-10-10 Thread GAIL RUSSELL
This message is from: GAIL RUSSELL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi All,

My farrier, who works with John Brazil, an 82 (+-) year old cutting/reining
horse trainer in Sonoma County, has arranged for Ray Hunt to add a local
clinic (Petaluma CA ...about an hour north of San Francisco) for October
20-23.  Colt starting and horsemanship.  People are cancelling because of
the WTC bombings...they do not want to travel, even locally.  If they do not
get three more participants by Saturday, they will cancel.

The good news is that this will be a sparsely attended clinic...more time
and attention!!!

  Jim and I decided to go ahead and pay for two spots.  But they need
another by Saturday.  Anyone interested?  Contact # is 778-3577.  Tell them
Sergio's client sent you.

Additionally, I may not be able to actually GO to the clinic.  Anyone
interested in possibly taking my spot at the last minute...let me know and I
will put you on my list.  We are trying to interet my children, but don't
know if we will get the interest.  I have so much to do before the end of
October that I am not sure I can go.

I have a holding pen at my place if you need to come early or stay late.  It
is best to board at the place during the clinic though, as the traffic
between here and Petaluma can be nasty.
Gail Russell
Forestville CA

Re: Ida/Riba

2001-10-10 Thread Pat Wilson
This message is from: Pat Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Gail:  I am so sorry about Ida.  Please know that many hearts go out to you.


> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Ida colicked yesterday morning.  I called the vet immediately and she tubed
> her with oil.  I walked her 15 minutes every hour.  Nothing helped and she
> went down rapidly and last night she had to be put to sleep.  We have no idea
> why Ida colicked.  She's never missed a worming, has small frequent meals,
> etc., etc., lots of turnout.  Most people here consider me to be an
> overconscientious (I know they mean neurotic) horse owner.
> Riba was so depressed she wouldn't eat even carrots and I took her over to a
> boarding stable nearby today to be with other horses.  It cheered her up and
> she ate a little.  I think Arizona is too harsh a climate and I would
> consider giving someone a great deal on Riba if it were a cooler, loving
> home.  She's 6.  I've had her three years and she's never spooked even once,
> not at cars, school buses, hot air balloons, you name it.  She's a lovely
> mare, trained to ride and would make a marvelous driving horse, and she
> deserves to be special.  Call me a sissy, but I don't ever want to go through
> this again.
> Gail in Tucson

Re: saddle tree size?

2001-10-10 Thread FjordAmy
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/10/2001 5:12:54 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 


My saddle is built on the "Modified Quarter Horse Bars" which aren't quite as 
flat as the "Full" and it fits our Fjords wonderfully.

Amy Evers
Dun Lookin' Fjords
Redmond, OR

Re: Lexington Evaluations

2001-10-10 Thread John & Martie Bolinski
This message is from: John & Martie Bolinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Mary,
John and I are going to the evaluations,but we are not taking any horses.  
hope to be able to help Curt with whatever 'odds and ends' need work.
I really look forward to seeing the Fjord group again since we were unable 
travel at all this year.

Martie in MD


> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hi All
> We are less than two weeks from the evaluations in Lexington, Virginia and I
> have not seen any dialogue on the list about anyone heading this way.

saddle tree size?

2001-10-10 Thread RkyMtnTrls
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Does a "full quarter horse tree" western saddle fit a fjord's back?  I know 
-- measure first!   As it happens, I have kept a nice cordura saddle from the 
half draft I used to have . and I don't yet have a fjord (but hope to 
soon) .

So just out of couriosty, was wondering


Lexington Evaluations

2001-10-10 Thread Jimaryjmh
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All

We are less than two weeks from the evaluations in Lexington, Virginia and I 
have not seen any dialogue on the list about anyone heading this way.  I 
think there are going to be 30 plus fjords here, so some of you must be 
coming.  The Horse Center in Lexington is a beautiful facility in a beautiful 
part of Virginia.  The weather through next Wednesday is in the middle 60's 
daytime and mid 30's at nite.   I will update as the weatherman makes 
extended forecasts.  The leaves should be in their glory by the 20th.  

I have read with excitement, and I must admit a bit of envy (because I 
couldn't attend), about the Libby and Turlock Evaluations.   Would love to 
hear about your experiences getting ready to come here and will be of any 
help I can.

We are going and taking our fjords.  We have never even attended an 
evaluation, much less prepare our horses.  So, needless to say, we are 
excited as well as a bit nervous about the unknown.  Would love any advice 
any of you have to offer.

Look forward to meeting some of you
Mary Harvey  

Driving clinic with Olaf Nyby?

2001-10-10 Thread Dagrun Aarsten
This message is from: "Dagrun Aarsten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi folks,

I heard that Olaf Nyby from Norway recently held a driving clinic somewhere
in the US, and that there were Fjords participating. Any of you listers? He
lives in the same little place I grew up in Norway. I remember seeing him
driving his Oldenburg four-in hand which was impressive. Now he only trains
horses and teaches driving, without having horses of his own. He seems to be
a great driver and teacher, the only negative thing I've heard is that he
can be a little too "dominant" with extremely sensitive horses.

If any of you attended I'd be really interested to hear about it!


RE: horse personality types

2001-10-10 Thread Dagrun Aarsten
This message is from: "Dagrun Aarsten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

About personality types:

It is interesting that some stallions get along while others don't. My dear
four-legged friend Kneist in Norway (red dun now 9-year old stallion) got
along with some horses and absolutely not with others. When growing up, he
was best buddy with Rams Lindemann (now in the US) and they got along great.
Out in pasture together, playing happily. Then there was another stallion
whose name escapes me at the moment who was his sworn enemy. They totally
hated each other and would hurt each other if given a chance.

When I was training Kneist his stall was next to another fjord stallion,
Enar (Lindemann's sire, by the way), and they tolerated each other but not
enough to turn them out together, Enar was the oldest and most experienced
(sooo, how many mares have YOU had then? I am sure they know somehow...).
Interestingly, whenever Kneist had been to a show, for instance (and came
back seeming very proud of himself), Enar would get really furious and they
started "fighting" as well as they could with solid walls between them (not
much harm but definitely a lot of noise). Then after 5 to 10 minutes things
would calm down again. We were out on trails with the two of them together a
lot, and they behaved well, but we always kept a minimum distance. Enar was
friendly and kind to other horses, and wouldn't even try to mount a mare
that was not ready. Kneist, being somehow understimulated, would try to
mount even geldings if having the chance. ("Horses' backsides all look the
same to me!")

Now Kneist lives over in Forde (west of Norway) with his owner Anne-Karin.
She is currently working on his half brother Fandango (2-year old after
Flotren(also in US)). Fandango is behaving well for a young stallion and is
not trying to provoke Kneist at all. But the two attempts of turning them
out together didn't work out at all. Kneist was literally trying to kill his
little brother, so now he is turned out by himself. He is happy and
affectionate and respecful with people, and then suddenly he turns into this
killer beast. A scary reminder of the instincts and hormones at play in

Last summer Kneist spent the summer with four mares (mini-herd) out in a big
field and the dominant mare Linda and her daughter were really teaching him
a lesson. When we first let them out together, he was so excited and behaved
like the king of the world. But when he happily approached them, all ready
to go, they certainly taught him a lesson. He was totally surprised. shook
his head and tried again. Same thing. After maybe the fifth attempt he gave
up and decided to give the grass a try instead. I could really see the
surprised and disappointed look on his face. Priceless!

When the fourth mare arrived a few weeks later, these two mares would try to
keep her away from him and go between them, even though she was in heat. It
took maybe half an hour before they finally got some privacy. It's really
interesting to watch horses in a "natural" environment. I have some of this
on tape, too.

Sorry this turned out longer than  I intended...again!

Dagrun - now (soon) the proud owner of the offspring between Kneist and
Linda the "alpha" mare from this summer. Kneist's owner knows I really want
a red dun after Kneist so she's buying the foal for me! How's that for a
nice present? Unfortunately he has a little white star, which is not
accepted for stallions in Norway. So no breeding, but he is looking good and
I'm sure he will turn out a great horse. Time to return to Norway soon?