Who was that Fjord?

2001-11-01 Thread briar hill farm
This message is from: "briar hill farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>   Does anyone know who the Fjord featured in Linda Tellington Jones'
>   new book _Improve Your Horse's Well-Being_ is? There isn't any hint
>   in the photo credits as to where or when any of the pictures were
>   shot.

All I know is that the horse is from Germany. 
Great book!



2001-11-01 Thread SorgerJ
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am off to Tucson Arizona tomorrow at 5 am to pick up Riba from Gail. When I 
lost Katrina earlier this year I thought I would have to wait until Keswick 
was grown to have a pair of horses to drive. I drove Heather and Katrina only 
a couple of times before Katrina got too large with her pregnancy to fit the 
harness. When Gail offered me Riba I was ecstatic and am still walking on 
air. Riba was trained in the basics of driving when she was younger but was 
only hitched once before Gail purchased her and as she wasn't interested in 
driving Riba didn't have any further training as a driving horse. I will 
continue training Riba and hope she and Heather will be a great pair for fun 
driving if not show.
An amazing thing I found out when I checked on Riba's pedigree is thar Riba's 
sister was Katrina's mother. I couldn't believe it when I read it what a 
coincidence. Heather and Riba are not related to each other at all although 
they were both born at Los Trigos here in New Mexico, but they are both 
related to Kez, Heather through his sire and Riba through his dam.
Katrina's son will be 6 months old next week and while he still has a bit of 
a belly his growth is not stunted in anyway and he will reach the 14hands 
both his parents were.
Being raised by inexperienced humans doesn't seem to have affected him too 
much he is a nice kid and easy to be around. He certainly knows he is a colt 
( that will be taken care of soon) and Heather is a mare and it is fun to 
chase and bite at her, she is great with him and very tolerant.
So life at Crown Oak is pretty good right now in thanks part to you my 
friends who encouraged me not to give up when Katrina died. Thank you all.

Sue Clark-Sorger and Heather and Keswick and soon Riba
Crown Oak Fjords
Sandia Park NM 


2001-11-01 Thread Foxfire Farm
This message is from: "Foxfire Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This message is from: "John & Eunice Bosomworth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Hah Hah Ha! Very funny Eunice! :-)   And you know what? We don't have any
cee-ment out here! Besides, if she was sinking in the mud, so would I and
the measuring stick, wouldn't we?...so we should still get closer
measurements than that! Unless she sank faster due to relative weight and
size and maybe the stick hit a rock and didn't sink as much...?
Now where ARE those math guys when we need em...?

Good thing Dave knows how to figure out the math for harness, even with that
sinking feeling!

Thank you Ruthie, for compliments!

Betsy in Michigan, where weather became pleasant for a day or two...raining
again tonight...
Foxfire Farm

Re: Linda's Fjords

2001-11-01 Thread Karen McCarthy

This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Wednesday, October 31, 2001, you wrote:

> Linda's sister owns Fjords and Linda did own one a while back. I am
> not sure she is a member of NFHR though.

  I thought Robin was into the other brand of Nordic pony, Icelandics.

Steve McIlree

Me too. When I spoke w/ Robin Hood & her husband 5 years ago, about 
attending rhe Skandifest show in Turlock, (which Robin's husband did!) they 
were only into Icelandics...maybe they became enamoured w/ fjords & have 

Karen McCarthy
Great Basin Fjords
Carson City, NV

Original Message Follows
From: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: fjordhorse@angus.mystery.com
To: Catherine Lassesen 
Subject: Re: Linda's Fjords
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2001 11:48:12 -0600

This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Wednesday, October 31, 2001, you wrote:

> Linda's sister owns Fjords and Linda did own one a while back. I am
> not sure she is a member of NFHR though.

  I thought Robin was into the other brand of Nordic pony, Icelandics.

Steve McIlree -- Pferd & Skipper -- Omaha, Nebraska, USA
 It's never the horse, it's always the rider.  --Old Cavalry Adage

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp

Re: new saddle...exciting!

2001-11-01 Thread Karen McCarthy

This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sounds like Takla is a great mare! Ms Unflappable!
Did you take her to Broken Tree Saddelry in Baldwin Park to get your tree 
fitted? I was there about 3 weeks ago, and liked some of their custom 
saddles alot. It took me about 20 minutes just to find the custom saddle 
area,( there must have been about 30,000 sq ft of retail area, laid out 
between 2 buildings and several levels- no kidding!) and I only had about 30 
minutes alloted for browsing. I saw a nice used reining saddle there,(that 
they had made). It had a nice narrow twist, and seemed like the tree was OK, 
but if I was gonna plunk down that kinda money for a used saddle, I'd have 
it made from the tree up.
My custom Ricotti ( www.ricottisaddle.com )is getting up in years, but still 
goin' strong. But I am always on the lookout for another good saddle though, 
especially for everyday riding & colt starting. I had my saddle made the way 
you are doing, from the tree on up. The most "major" modification we made 
was flaring the front and back bar ends, to clear the shoulder area, and to 
relieve the back nr. the kidneys. I chose an A fork as I don't like hitting 
the swells when I post.
This saddle has fit everyone, as it fits THROUGH the back, much like an 
english saddle, and I like to sit it, as I had Rick do an almost dressage 
seat on it, which now seems to be something folks are looking for in a 
saddle, i.e. less bulk/more contact.
So, have a ball with your new mare, and we'll see ya at Turlock next 
year,maybe with your new saddle, huh?!

Karen McCarthy
Great Basin Fjords
Carson City, NV

PS: Thanks for volunteering at the show this year & helping Marilyn; we 
really needed you & you did a fantastic job!

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp

Re: where is everyone?

2001-11-01 Thread John & Eunice Bosomworth
This message is from: "John & Eunice Bosomworth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Betsy wrote:
<<(sick of clay muck), waiting for new stall doors to arrive, waiting for
harness from Camptown...but not Dave's fault...took forever to make
decisions and get measurements. One day Mira was 13.2h, the next she was
14.0...was she having a slouch day or a tall day? >>

Do you think maybe she was sinking into the mud?   Try measuring while she
is standing on cement.  :-)

Fjordally yours,  Eunice[EMAIL PROTECTED]

John & Eunice Bosomworth
Deere Country Fjords
Ayton, Ontario, CANADA

Re: Older Mares

2001-11-01 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sally that is some kind of record for a horse of that 25 year age.
Evidently there is no menopause for horses?  Maybe that is our answer,
girls, the secret as to how to avoid the memory loss, hot flashes etc..  At
least it gives me time to think about what to do with my 12 year old mare if
I eventually change my mind about breeding her.  Maybe recreate Charley
after he goes.  No I don't think so.   Jean

Jean Walters Gayle
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 To 1949 ]
Send $20
PO Box 104
Montesano, Wa 98563

Re: Linda's Fjords

2001-11-01 Thread Judy Ryder
This message is from: "Judy Ryder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > Linda's sister owns Fjords and Linda did own one a while back. I am
> > not sure she is a member of NFHR though.
>   I thought Robin was into the other brand of Nordic pony, Icelandics.

Correct, Icelandic Horses.

Where can I find the info about how many Fjords are in the US and when they
appeared here?  Thanks!


Re: Older Mares

2001-11-01 Thread Frank & Sally Higgins
This message is from: "Frank & Sally Higgins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I just had to comment on the breeding of older mares.  Two years ago we
boarded a 25 year old QH who had just had her first foal!  There were no
problems with either mare or foal, she had plenty of milk, and the foal grew
well.  The mare was not what I'd call 'conditioned', since she was used very
seldom and only for pleasure trail riding.  Personally, I was quite
surprised at the whole event.  I couldn't imagine breeding a 25-year-old
mare for the first time.  I would worry the whole time!

Sally in ME  who usually just lurks on here

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2001 #287

2001-11-01 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Tami thanks for the info re your 17 year old mare who seems to have come to
life.  I get a kick out of those horse people who feel a horse is being
"wasted" if not at work.  Must admit down deep I also feel they should be
contributing some way.  But they do when I go out to feed or when I just
need a hug etc.  My big Charley tucks me under his neck and holds me there.
Gunnar my fjord is slowly being a less stand offish fellow and the mare and
I have our moments.  Family!

Jean Walters Gayle
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 To 1949 ]
Send $20
PO Box 104
Montesano, Wa 98563

Re: Dalric B therapeutic shoe

2001-11-01 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The first two times the shoe was applied, lots of tape, and stall time were 
givenstill not good.  
Last night the vet came out again and we tried something different to bond 
the shoe to the foot.  It was some type of epoxy, that he got off a farrier, 
and it worked GREAT!   The shoe is now on and has been for near 20 hours, so 
so far so good.

Dr. Steve, I'm not sure my vet did right by this foal from the get go, but we 
are all human and mistakes are made.  He is however trying to find a way to 
get him sound.  He preformed a check ligament surgery, which didn't help 
release the heal.  He's hoping with the shoe, trimming, and GRAVITY, the 
tendon will begin to flex more to it's full potential.I have mentioned 
using tetracycline to him, and he didn't really act like the thought it would 
help  Said he felt it was more useful in foals born this way.   He did 
mention that it wouldn't hurt to try it, but as of yet, he hasn't done it.   
Do you think I should speak to him about this again?  You feel it could be 
helpful even if they are not born this way?
Thanks to all of you who wrote.I for one am happy that it's ON, hopefully 

Aimee Day

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2001 #287

2001-11-01 Thread Carol J. Makosky
This message is from: "Carol J. Makosky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Bert Van Loon wrote:

> This message is from: "Bert Van Loon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I am a lurker but as things are slow I'll throw in my two bits on how glad I
> am to be a Fjord owner.
> I recently purchased a 15 yr old very experienced driving horse from Canada
> as I am not experienced and she has proved to be worth every penny.
> The other day we went driving in the National Forest and ended up in the
> middle of The Fourth Of July. An onslaught of gun fire less than 1/4 of a
> mile away. I kept my ventricular fibulations from reaching my hands and my
> girl just paid attention to business . To be honest I wanted to turn my Easy
> Entry into an Easy Exit Cart! Takla even drove up to the trailer where a guy
> was trap shooting 50 yards away .

Hi Carolyn,
Welcome to the list and Fjord horse ownership.  We target practice right behind
Heidi's barn in a hollow and she just goes to the end of her pen as far away
from the noise as possible.  I figure she better get use to the noise for
hunting season around here.  The other day I was driving her and someone was
sighting in a rifle close by.  She only flinched a bit with each shot and I say
that if I cannot control her during this, then I do not belong on the road.  Let
us know how the new saddle works out for you and keep up the posts on what you
are doing.

"Built FJORD tough"
Carol M.
On Golden Pond
Northern Wisconsin

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2001 #287

2001-11-01 Thread KTPUGH
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/31/2001 9:34:29 AM Mountain Standard Time,

> <>

Gayle, we just bred a maiden mare that is 17 years old.  We tried to breed
her 5 or 6 times with A.I. and then just as we were about to give up, in fact
the vet said we were wasting our time, because she was barren, we sent her to
a different stallion for natural cover and she was Pregnant after one cover!!
 So sometimes it can work, she is a lovely Black Arab mare that had never had
anything done with her, we were trying to breed her to a Friesian stallion.
My son has just broke her as well, and she is doing great.  We also had
really bad luck trying to breed our Fjord with AI this year also.  I'm hoping
we can figure out a way to drive to Washington State and do live cover with
Erlend this year.  Tami

Re: NFHR website

2001-11-01 Thread coyote
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I tried to view the NFHR website using Netscape 4.77. Only the wallpaper
displayed in the normal Netscape Navigator browser window, as other
people have noted.

When I chose FILE: EDIT PAGE in Netscape (this action opens the Netscape
Composer program), all the graphic and text elements did show up. 

So all the info on the home page is there, it's just not displaying in
the normal Netscape browser window for some reason.

Internet Explorer 5 did display the page properly in the normal browser


Re: Linda's Fjords

2001-11-01 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Wednesday, October 31, 2001, you wrote:

> Linda's sister owns Fjords and Linda did own one a while back. I am
> not sure she is a member of NFHR though.

  I thought Robin was into the other brand of Nordic pony, Icelandics.

Steve McIlree -- Pferd & Skipper -- Omaha, Nebraska, USA
 It's never the horse, it's always the rider.  --Old Cavalry Adage

Voluntary *irus

2001-11-01 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A friend on another email loop sent me this *irus.  Told her I had been
infected by a similar one almost 5 years ago, and I've never been happier! :)

>>VARNING:  MinnySota Computir *irus

  Ve haf just sent you da "NORVEGIAN *IRUS". Since ve do
  not haf any programming experience and do not know how
  to actually damage your computer, dis *irus verks on da
  honor system. Please forward dis *irus to eferyvone on
  your mailing list and den manually delete all of da files
  on your hard drive. Tank you for your cooperation.

    Sven and Ole

Re: browsers

2001-11-01 Thread FjordAmy
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This seems to be a very common problem with Netscape.  I hear this a lot with 
our website at work too.  I had Netscape for a while several years ago and it 
was a BIG surprise to me when a friend had us switch to Internet Explorer.  
There were suddenly all these things I had not been able to access, things 
that were on websites all along but that I didn't ever get to see because of 


Amy Evers
Dun Lookin' Fjords
Redmond, OR

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2001 #287

2001-11-01 Thread Bert Van Loon
This message is from: "Bert Van Loon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am a lurker but as things are slow I'll throw in my two bits on how glad I
am to be a Fjord owner.
I recently purchased a 15 yr old very experienced driving horse from Canada
as I am not experienced and she has proved to be worth every penny.

The other day we went driving in the National Forest and ended up in the
middle of The Fourth Of July. An onslaught of gun fire less than 1/4 of a
mile away. I kept my ventricular fibulations from reaching my hands and my
girl just paid attention to business . To be honest I wanted to turn my Easy
Entry into an Easy Exit Cart! Takla even drove up to the trailer where a guy
was trap shooting 50 yards away .She was uncomfortable about entering the
trailer as the shot gun blasts were echoing in there but the next day a
carrot convinced her that maybe it wasn't such a bad place to be after all.
So, I dragged her and her little minnie companion to a saddle shop in the
middle of LA . There my Fjord stood, Queen of the parking lot, with the roar
of the freeway traffic on the other side of the fence and the loud delivery
trucks trying to squeeze by us and the crowd surrounding her .Hey, no

I am having a saddle made for her and once I saw the trees balanced on her
back that the already made saddles had there is no way that I wouldn't go
custom as her short dropped back will need the tree modified.

Well, keep those posts coming as I do so enjoy them,

Carolyn Van Loon

Re: fjords with big frames??

2001-11-01 Thread HorseLotti
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I think you are correct about the "frame" thing.  My vet told me  "Sven" has 
a large frame and big barrel - so to expect him to be "thin" is unrealistic.  
I can feel ribs (at times I have to search a bit - haha!) and I do monitor 
his food intake.  He is NOT out on pasture all day long - and I feed him 
seperate from my QH who could eat all day and not gain!!

How true, also, that when a fjord and QH are together it makes the fjord seem 
so bulky and heavy.  Now that I have two fjords, it brings dear "Sven" into 
perspective, and I don't even think about his weight.  Actually, the two 
fjords are beauty in motion as far as I am concerned.  I find myself just 
watching them as they move about together - and have to pinch myself to 
reassure myself that I am not dreaming. Really love my fjords! 
and my husband for his patience and understanding of how important my horses 
are to me.

We are experiencing beautiful fall weather.  Unfortunately, I took a fall off 
a stack of hay and sprained my ankle, so no riding for me.  I did go for a 
drive with Susan Heyvaert and Kristin Lee yesterday.  Glorious and, as 
always, good conversation with LOTS of laughing.  Susan has a new 4-wheel 
buggy with wicker seats - made by Steve Wadell in Buffalo, Minnesota.  It is 
beautiful!   It MIGHT be on display at the horse expo in April.  Major and 
the cart are quite a sight together:)

Have a great day everyone - Linda in Corcoran, MN
"Sven" and "Lena" say "hi" to all the other fjords :):):)

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2001 #287

2001-11-01 Thread ruth bushnell
This message is from: "ruth bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Welcome to the Fjord List Deb! It's great to hear from a fellow Montanian,
albeit we are hundreds of miles apart. My husband and I are Montana history
buffs and have often seen the Absaroka/Beartooth reference in mountain men
books. Sounds like very beautiful country.

My Fjord, Hohmer, is a big guy, built like a tank, and I don't think he will
ever be svelte no matter how much he's worked or restrained in diet, maybe
it's a frame thing (you know, like people have different frame categories
for their desired weight). Then too, maybe Brix wouldn't look so obese if
you had another Fjord to compare him with, instead of a QH .=)))

Afraid the only option you might consider would be a holding pen where you
could mete out his portions, but more exercise would be the better choice
for him. My husband works Hohmer in harness and I allow others to ride him
as well so he keeps in shape (well, sort of in shape  =))). Best of luck
with Brix, Pardner!

Ruthie, nw mt

> Hello Fjordhorse List;
> I am new to the list,and Fjords basically.  My name is Deb Weidner,
and I
> live in Livingston, Montana.  We moved here 5 years ago from the east
coast .
>  (CT)   I have one Fjord, FG Brix, who is by Modellen.  Mostly I trail
> with him.  My husband has a Quarter horse mare, and they get along well.
> (maybe TOO well!)   In the past, we've had Arabs, Morgans, Appaloosas,
> ponies, thoroughbreds, 1 Hackney, and numerous cross-breds.   My Brix is
> favorite, he is so mellow and easy-going, which is important at my age!
> take the 2 horses into the Gallatin National Forest, and the
> Absaroka/Beartooth Wilderness, when time permits.
> My only "problem" with Brix, is trying to keep weight OFF him!  I know
> there's no magic pill for that, but ANY suggestions would be appreciated.
> really can't ride him all the time, and I don't feed him anything outside
> the grass in his field.(which is about 15 acres) I do take him out a lot,
> too, and put him in a smaller dry lot.Thanks,   Deb