Let it snow!

2001-11-28 Thread Knutsen Fjord Farm
This message is from: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all -

We are only 4 days back from La Paz and my jellyfish stings itch like crazy!
But we got 10 inches of beautiful snow today with more coming down. What a
treat! And what a transition!

Finally got our "Erlend's kids" calendar finished. I can cover my expenses
if I charge $9.00 for each, including postage. Let me know privately if you
want one.

The kiddies are intrigued by the snow, of course, running, shoveling,
pawing, snorting, rolling, bucking, etc. I'm even doing a bit of that

Well, off to bed. Nitey nite - Peg
Peg Knutsen - Ellensburg, WA

New Farrier in Williams Oregon...and neighboring towns.

2001-11-28 Thread GAIL RUSSELL
This message is from: GAIL RUSSELL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My bad fortune may be your good fortune.  My farrier moved to Williams
Oregon.  I am not exactly sure where that is, but I know that he said it is
near Grant's Pass and Cave Junction.  The guy does good work, arrives on
time, and is someone you can trust to do his absolute best when he
shoes/trims your horses.  He and his wife are Natural Horsemanship
people...from the school of folks who actually learned how to ride because
they had to collect cattle with their horses.  Really nice people.  They
inherited a house, and then saidwe do not want to live in the suburbs of
California...life is in Oregon.  I wish them the bestand maybe a few
Fjord clients.  I have their e=mail addressand a phone number somewhere
on my computer.  If you are in the area, and need a farrier, let me know.
Tell them "Gunthar sent us."  (Claude (Bentley) liked Gunthar.

Gail Russell
Forestville CA

dressage ring

2001-11-28 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Anyone got easy,cheap,or clever ideas on putting up a dressage ring in the
pasture to practice in? I don't want something permanent.Thanks,Ellen in
VA.,upper 70's and needing rain

Re: Off Topic Messages

2001-11-28 Thread Carol J. Makosky
This message is from: "Carol J. Makosky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Steve McIlree wrote:

> This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> If anyone has sent a message to the list concerning  > viruses and not 
> seen it appear it is because it has  > bounced, and I will not send it on 
> to the list. As for   > everyone who thinks they are being clever by using 
> *irus > or irus or other substitutes for V-word, I will install  > filters 
> against every alternative you can come up with. I > am sorry, as I know 
> everyone is concerned with virus > infections, but that is NOT the topic 
> of this list. If   > you want to discuss the latest viruses, there are a  
> > number of lists where you may do so. NOT HERE!!

Hi Steve,
Maybe we are all starting out early with the winter cabin fever thing.  We are 
still snowed in here.

"Built FJORD tough"
Carol M.
On Golden Pond
Northern Wisconsin

The simple way to read all your emails at ThatWeb

Secret Santa! and young team for sale

2001-11-28 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Cynthia, I wasn't gonna be the first one to mention it  LOL.

I am working full time this year, so If you would want to be Elf this year 
please do, or I could help

Count me in to participate though!!

Also,  I just put an ad in the herald I will post it here to (due to some 
medical expenses and a new well we have to get these guys sold)

For sale : Two stud colts
Birthdates 3/30/01 and 4/07 01(Hanson, Rusten and Rudaren lines)
These 1/2 brothers will make a great team someday. They are gentle, load, 
trim, clip, lead, and were shown by children at Libby this year.
$4500 for the pair. or can separate for $2500 a piece  OBO and delivery help.
 406-777-0426  or 406-777-3845  or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, Montana

Buckles-Up Halters

2001-11-28 Thread Dave McWethy
This message is from: "Dave McWethy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Note:  the Buckles-Up Halters are the ones with buckles on top of the
noseband, so when you are in crossties, and wish to remove the halter and
put it around the horse's neck, all you have to do is open the buckle on the
nose, and the halter is in place on the neck.

Now that Thanksgiving is past, we're on the downhill slope towards
Christmas.  If you are looking for halters with buckles on top of the
nosebands, which were popular as presents last year, you can see them, with
prices on http://www.horseharness.com/halter.html  I will add that draft
sizes are $1.00 higher.  The prices are the total amount - no tax, no
shipping cost.  And we can process credit cards this year.

Fit is always an issue.  I can recommend by general category ("large pony"
"small horse"  "large horse" etc) but I also have a table of measurements
which I can email if someone needs it.  Adult Fjords usually take a #600,
and the largest take #700's.

Camptown Dave


2001-11-28 Thread Fhtrp
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I do realize that it along with any release can be beaten in court but 
hopefully it would make some people think twice about suing.
I am truly enjoying riding Nina in our very warm fall weather. 
Sometimes I take my 3 year old niece on her with me. Now Kayleigh runs into 
the barn calling "her Nina." I am definitely a Fjord lover now.
  I always knew they must be something special as we have had the 
Fjord/Arab cross Frodo for 20 years and he's still one of the best all around 
horses in the barn. He's used for everything in the Therapeutic Program plus 
with the so called able bodies people he does Pony Club, Events, Jumper Shows 
(would jump the moon if you pointed him at it) and vaulting and probably 
something I forgot. He got his name because I thought he looked like a 
"Hobbit" pony when we got him.
  Robyn in 80 degree MD. today

Re: Free Anti \/irus Software

2001-11-28 Thread Tekin Family
This message is from: "Tekin Family" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

- Original Message -
From: "Mike May" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 8:21 AM
Subject: Free Anti \/irus Software

> This message is from: Mike May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Since so many of you have been infected with the latest \/irus I thought
> maybe some of you would be interested in a free program that can be
> downloaded to scan all of your email for infected files.  It also does an
> automatic update daily - a really nice feature.
> It is available for a free download.  I have never used this program
> so I am not sure how easy it is to use or anything else about it.  If
> anyone else has used it or tries it out let me know how good it is please.
> Here is the link to download it for free:
> Mike
> thanks everyone my son has removed the virsus I have not sent anyone in
particular any emails  my quess that is how I received the virsus  I opened
emails addressed to me from people on the fjord site  thanks for all info
Linda Tekin

Re: Bad news Good news

2001-11-28 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yes Jean Eudora is better.  In outlook you have to open to delete.  Bad
factor. I have had two iruses already from the list this morning.

Thanks for the thought about eudora.  I was going to down load but got
confused over which one to download.  Will do the light as I did not want
all the ads, too many already, attached to the others.

Big surprise here this morning as I awakened to three inches of snow.  The
puppy was absolutely leaping and bounding but Gunnar was very unhappy as the
mare was in the shelter and would not let him in.  Love these horses who
stand in doorways and won't let others in.  Brought them both up to the barn
to warm up.  Then spent a hard hour cleaning out ditches for run off.  Its

Jean Walters Gayle
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 To 1949 ]
Send $20
PO Box 104
Montesano, Wa 98563


2001-11-28 Thread truman matz
This message is from: "truman matz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Roybn, We checked into this when we were breeding and selling horses back
East.  We were told that even with a signed release, it wouldn't hold up in
court.  All the "victim" has to do is state that as a novice to the horse
world he "didn't understand" what he was signing, (and anybody who falls off
a perfectly good horse could probably pull that one off with no problem).
As we all know, cases get won in court that should have never even gotten to
court.  The release can't hurt, but it may also not help, either.  Judy

>This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Just a cautionary note to everyone with horses for sale. Make sure
>have any interested buyers sign a release form in case of any accidents
>with your horse. I have just been made aware of a very competent seller who
>is being sued because a potential buyer fell off the horse. Not thrown off,
>fell off -- real nice horse. Just for your protection I think it would be
>wise to have a release signed even if they won't be riding but will be
>handling ex. foals/yearlings whatever.
> It's a shame in today's society we need to do this but better
>covered than sued.  Robyn in very warm MD.

Re: Bad news Good news

2001-11-28 Thread truman matz
This message is from: "truman matz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>This message is from: "ruth bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>This last *irus didn't work as an attachment regularly does, it was just
>kind of a "tag" game that grabbed addresses that you had previously written
>to. (even if there are no addresses in your address book)
>w32 Badtrans B appeared swiftly and spread very rapidly. My understanding
>it is that if it is left in your modem and you continue to boot up, it will
>evolve into something far worse-- Trojan? or something like that. So, best
>advice is to have it extracted by a tech.  My Norton anti-virus is set up
>now to check every e-mail letter as it arrives. Good Luck to all! Ruthie

Hi Ruthie,
It's my understanding from what I'm seeing on TV regarding this *irus, that
it's about the worse one yet, infecting about 10,000 computers in an
incredibly short period of time, my own being one of them.  Apparently,
other than having an anti-*irus program, there is nothing one could have
done to prevent it, and I sure hope I didn't infect anybody the two days
this was going on.  I NOW have Norton installed, hopefully properly, as
neither hubby or myself know much about computers.  But according to Norton,
my system is clean and not only checks incoming mail, but also the outgoing
mail to protect y'all.  So everything takes longer now, but if it works, it
will be WELL worth it.  Judy

Re: Free Anti \/irus Software

2001-11-28 Thread truman matz
This message is from: "truman matz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Mike, can this system be run con-comittantly with another system, (like
Norton, for instance), and would there be any point in doing that?  Judy
>Since so many of you have been infected with the latest \/irus I thought
>maybe some of you would be interested in a free program that can be
>downloaded to scan all of your email for infected files.  It also does an
>automatic update daily - a really nice feature.
>Here is the link to download it for free:

Off Topic Messages

2001-11-28 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

If anyone has sent a message to the list concerning viruses and not seen it 
appear it is because it has bounced, and I will not send it on to the list. As 
for everyone who thinks they are being clever by using *irus or irus or other 
substitutes for V-word, I will install filters against every alternative you 
can come up with. I am sorry, as I know everyone is concerned with virus 
infections, but that is NOT the topic of this list. If you want to discuss the 
latest viruses, there are a number of lists where you may do so. NOT HERE!! If 
there is anyone who at this point has not installed the latest version of 
anti-virus software on their machine and update it at least twice a week, it's 
their own fault if they find their system infected. So get over it and don't 
use this list as a forum to moan. I'm sorry, but almost the entire message 
volume has come to discussion of this latest worm, and I want it to stop and 
get back to Fjord horses. BTW, I might suggest that as well as ins!
talling anti-virus software, people could do much to prevent spread of E-mail 
worms by using mail clients other than those from Microsoft. Good candidates 
are The Bat!, Eudora and Pegasis.

Steve McIlree
Owner/Administrator FjordHorse List 

The simple way to read all your emails at ThatWeb

Re: Bad news Good news

2001-11-28 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR

This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 04:42 PM 11/27/2001 -0900, you wrote:

This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It seems to me that those of us using the email program EUDORA don't have
so much trouble with the "bugs" Perhaps because Eudora keeps the attachment
separate and they have to be opened.  Any computer expert understand this?

I also use Eudora Jean.  I have for years now.  I think the real reason it 
is more immune to the bugs than the MS software is because it just isn't as 
popular as the MS software that comes pre installed on almost every PC that 
is sold today.  SO the writers of this crap tend to go for the applications 
that will affect the most PC's.

Anyway I highly recommend Eudora e-mail.  You can down load the software
from http://www.eudora.com
"Eudora light" is free of charge and without ads and easy to use.

I highly recommend it too Jean.   The "Light" version is available but you 
get more features with the "Sponsored" mode.  The drawback is you have to 
have some ads on the screen to help pay them for their product.  The other 
choice is the "Paid" mode which has all of the features & no ads.  You can 
usually find it on the Net for about $40.00 or so.



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497


Re: Bad news Good news

2001-11-28 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR

This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 05:41 AM 11/28/2001 -0700, you wrote:

This message is from: "ruth bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This last *irus didn't work as an attachment regularly does, it was just
kind of a "tag" game that grabbed addresses that you had previously written
to. (even if there are no addresses in your address book)
w32 Badtrans B appeared swiftly and spread very rapidly. My understanding of
it is that if it is left in your modem and you continue to boot up, it will
evolve into something far worse-- Trojan? or something like that. So, best
advice is to have it extracted by a tech.  My Norton anti-virus is set up
now to check every e-mail letter as it arrives. Good Luck to all! Ruthie

You want to make sure it is setup to also get the updates automatically too 
Ruthie.  This one spread so fast that most people didn't have the latest 
\/irus definition files to detect it with.



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497



2001-11-28 Thread Fhtrp
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Just a cautionary note to everyone with horses for sale. Make sure you 
have any interested buyers sign a release form in case of any accidents while 
with your horse. I have just been made aware of a very competent seller who 
is being sued because a potential buyer fell off the horse. Not thrown off, 
fell off -- real nice horse. Just for your protection I think it would be 
wise to have a release signed even if they won't be riding but will be 
handling ex. foals/yearlings whatever.
 It's a shame in today's society we need to do this but better 
covered than sued.  Robyn in very warm MD.

Re: Bad news Good news

2001-11-28 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR

This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 04:49 PM 11/27/2001 -0800, you wrote:

This message is from: "Ursula Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just got my computer back from my son who is a techI guess this latest
little *orm was received by me from Montana.it contained an attachment
which I did not have any intention of opening but you get it by merely
opening the message.grI guess it attaches itself to any message
in your INBOX that you have not replied to ...hence the familiarity of the
name and title.this one does no damage but it IS annoying...sorry for
those of you who received it from me...
Thanks to those of you who notified me about all this...I now have updated

I see from the header of your message that you are using IE & Outlook 
Express 5.5.  Please ask your son if he installed the patch from Microsoft 
to prevent the automatic running of these type of attachments.  If he 
didn't the patch is available free from Microsoft.  You need the patch if 
you are running either Internet Explorer 5.01 or 5.5.  You can tell which 
version you are running by clicking on "Help" & then click on "About 
Internet Explorer".  Here is a link to the info on it:


THE GOOD NEWS IS THIS:...Aaren has updated our website with this years
photos and happenings are ready for your viewing.the address is in my
signature Enjoy and let me know if it is working and if it's fast enough

It is working fine & is looking good to I might add.  The speed seemed ok 
to me but I have a cable modem.



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497


fjordhorse-digest V2001 #312

2001-11-28 Thread fjordhorse-digest

fjordhorse-digestWednesday, November 28 2001Volume 2001 : Number 312

In this issue:

   Re: Ubiquitous *irus
   Re: The crest
   Re: The Fjord potato chip theory
   Subject: Re: Size of bridle?
   Re: Ubiquitous *irus
   Re: Ubiquitous *irus
   Re: Ubiquitous *irus
   Re: Ubiquitous *irus
   Yearling colt for sale
   Re: crest
   Re: Size of bridle?
   Re: ?
   Re: ?
   Re: ?
   Re: ?
   Bad news Good news
   Re: fjordhorse-digest V2001 #311
   Re: Bad news Good news
   Re: Bad news Good news
   Free Anti \/irus Software

See the end of the digest for information on how to retrieve back issues.


Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 07:37:09 -0500
From: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Ubiquitous *irus

This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
At 09:13 PM 11/26/2001 -0900, you wrote:
>This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Also...it appears that, when you try to warn the sender, the e-mail address
> >has been modified.  With an underscore _ at the beginning of the message.
>Not just an underscore...The underscore replaces the first letter.

Are you sure about that?  All of the ones I have received had an_ character 
added to the beginning of the address.



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497



Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 07:57:25 -0500
From: Mary McCready <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The crest

This message is from: Mary McCready <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
D T wrote:
> What do you mean by the crest. Where is that? How do you know when it is to
> fat?
Hi Deb,

Here is a web site that will explain:

Mary McCready
Parkhill ON Canada


Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 07:23:15 -0600
From: "Carol J. Makosky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The Fjord potato chip theory

This message is from: "Carol J. Makosky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I explained my husband this theory, but all he said: "I don't like potato
> chips." But I like them very much, as I like Fjordies ... Perhaps I can buy
> one more Fjord, put it in a large potato chip-bag and told my husband
> something about a special bag of potato chips ... *lol*

That's a  good one.  Fjords are even sort of potato chip in color.  Just to let
you know.  We are getting our 1st really measurable snow yesterday and today.
I think we have about 15 to 20 inches so far.  At least my Fjord will stay
clean now and not have mud to roll in.  Going out to shovel more.

- --
"Built FJORD tough"
Carol M.
On Golden Pond
Northern Wisconsin


Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 09:09:49 -0500
From: "Dave McWethy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Subject: Re: Size of bridle?

This message is from: "Dave McWethy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Before I started Camptown Harness, I had trouble getting bridles to fit.  I
remember sending new driving bridles back to Smuckers twice (they should
have known better) before I gave up on them.  The solution was to make
bridles.  There is nothing complex about fitting Fjord heads.  You just have
to make bridles the right size.

At this point, we probably have made more harness for Fjord horses than
anyone else, perhaps excluding someone in Norway.  I have joked that we make
harness to fit Fjords and adapt them to other breeds, rather than the other
way around!  Not surprisingly, since my own horses are my models, Fjords are
the most prominent on our website.

Having said this about Fjord bridles, it happens that not all are the same
size.  There are some that have larger noseband or crownpiece-throatlatch
measurements,  and we make those changes from a "basic"  Fjord size.  The
most common problem in off the shelf bridles is that browbands are too
short.  Fjords mostly require 18 inches, end to end, and occasionally but
rarely, 19 inches.

Camptown Harness


Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 06:30:59 -0900
From: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Ubiquitous *irus

This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
When I got the one from Ursula Jensen, I tried to send a warning to her
using the "return" and got a message from the "Mail dept."  that it had not
been delivered.  I looked up her address and the _ had replaced the "u" in
ujensen  so it looked like _jensen.  I then checked the other messages I
had received and one on the CD-L where I could look up her real address was
the same.

Jean in Fiarbanks, Alaska, clear and -10 F, much warmer in the hills!
Carol, We need that snow!  

Free Anti \/irus Software

2001-11-28 Thread Mike May

This message is from: Mike May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Since so many of you have been infected with the latest \/irus I thought 
maybe some of you would be interested in a free program that can be 
downloaded to scan all of your email for infected files.  It also does an 
automatic update daily - a really nice feature.

It is available for a free download.  I have never used this program though 
so I am not sure how easy it is to use or anything else about it.  If 
anyone else has used it or tries it out let me know how good it is please.

Here is the link to download it for free:



Re: Bad news Good news

2001-11-28 Thread ruth bushnell
This message is from: "ruth bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This last *irus didn't work as an attachment regularly does, it was just
kind of a "tag" game that grabbed addresses that you had previously written
to. (even if there are no addresses in your address book)
w32 Badtrans B appeared swiftly and spread very rapidly. My understanding of
it is that if it is left in your modem and you continue to boot up, it will
evolve into something far worse-- Trojan? or something like that. So, best
advice is to have it extracted by a tech.  My Norton anti-virus is set up
now to check every e-mail letter as it arrives. Good Luck to all! Ruthie
> It seems to me that those of us using the email program EUDORA don't have
> so much trouble with the "bugs" Perhaps because Eudora keeps the
> separate and they have to be opened.  Any computer expert understand this?
> Anyway I highly recommend Eudora e-mail.  You can down load the software
> from http://www.eudora.com
> "Eudora light" is free of charge and without ads and easy to use.
> Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, dark already at 4:30 but a beautiful orange
> in the southwest under bluue sky. beautiful shades of pinks, blues and
> lavender tint the snow covered hills and trees.
> >little *orm was received by me from Montana.it contained an
> >which I did not have any intention of opening but you get it by merely
> >opening the message.grI guess it attaches itself to any
> >in your INBOX that you have not replied to ...hence the familiarity of
> >name and title
> Jean Ernest
> Fairbanks, Alaska