OT, but very funny !

2002-01-29 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   I was sent this list by a friend. I am not LDS, but she isso if she 
finds the humor here, I hope I wont offend anyone !PS  shes on the list 

*  In the spirit of the upcomming Olympics, I suggest the " Official 
Visitors Guide " to help your stay in SLC a pleasant one. 


1. Do NOT believe the rumors; we DO sell alcohol in Utah. But do NOT try 
>to find retail outlets by looking under Beer, Wine, or 
>Alcohol in the yellow pages. All alcohol is sold by the State in tiny 
>outlet stores hidden from sight of the general populace and unmarked by 
>large signs or billboards. Do not TRY to find one by asking your Utah 
>Volunteer Guide where the liquor stores are. You will easily find an 
>alcoholic drink on your return flight. 
>2. Don't laugh at the names (LaVar, LaVel, LaDell, LaMont, DelVora, Lehi, 
>Moroni, Aldean, Brigham, or LuDean, etc.) All names are 
>divine and are beyond gentile humor. 
>3. Don't offer your Utah Volunteer Guide a cup of coffee or tea, regardless

>of how cold it is or how miserable they look. It is against their 
>religion. Instead offer them caffeine-laden cold drinks, such as Coca-Cola 
>or Mountain Dew. 
>4. That green stuff is not a mold. It is Jell-O, the official State 
>dessert. You might try to taste ALL the 3,456,237 recipes for green Jell-O 
>salad during your visit. 
>5. The Relief Society is NOT a group of citizens who clean public
>They are groups of mothers who specialize in quilts, casseroles and green 
>Jell-O salad. They meet weekly to exchange quilt patterns, casserole 
>recipes, and interesting variations of green 
>Jell-O salad. In fact, they are SO dedicated, they dress like quilts, their

>hair is done to look like their favorite casserole, and they 
>jiggle just like Jell-O. 
>6. Don't get lost in downtown Salt Lake. You can go north or south on West 
>Temple, or east or west on North Temple or on South Temple, but you can't
>north on Main Street any more. The BIG Mountains, and all alpine events are

>on the east side. A large pond and little mountains are to the west. If 
>you're driving and it starts to smell really bad, you're too far west. 
>7. The middle finger wave from so many of the residents is their way of 
>signaling their intent to change lanes, cut over four lanes, or 
>beat you to the off-ramp. They may also wave this way to welcome you into 
>an open parking space. 
>8. Remember concealed weapons are legal in Utah, especially when thinking
>returning the middle finger wave to any of our 
>friendly Utah drivers. 
>9. We don't use profanity in Utah. We use only approved expressions: gosh, 
>gul-durn, dad-gumit, golly, jeminy, fetch, flip, frick, frick off, frick
>or get fricked, etc. 
>10. Our bible is better than your bible, our prophet is better than yours 
>(ours is still alive), our history is more true than yours, and nobody is 
>allowed to laugh about the Church except Pat Bagley or Robert Kirby. 
>11. We don't wear "funny underwear." We wear blessed undies and its 
>considered bad taste to ask to see them and please note: they are not 
>available as souvenirs. 
>12. If a Utahn introduces you to his six wives, please do not say something

>STUPID like "Isn't that illegal?" Remember the concealed weapon law. 
>13. We don't do pornography either. That includes the XXX stuff, the X 
>stuff, the hard R stuff, the PG stuff with bad language or body parts below

>the neck and above the knee. We don't do Internet porn, phone porn, video 
>porn, magazine porn, book porn, or Biology Class porn. However, if you are 
>a member of the International Olympic Organizing Committee, please let your

>Utah Volunteer Guide know, so a friendly Escort can be provided with your 
>complementary scholarship to a Utah institute of higher learning. 
>14. You won't find any businesses open or community activities here on 
>Sundays all-day, Monday evenings, Tuesday afternoons, Wednesday evenings, 
>Friday afternoons, or Saturday mornings. These are all regularly scheduled 
>church times and you will be expected to eat, dance, party, and recreate 
>around them. 
>Finally, we really welcome you, your religion, and your diversity here, so 
>PLEASE enjoy your stay! 

Re: "Hello", harness and cart for sale

2002-01-29 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Linda,

Didn't you have a Fjord gelding also (Sven?)?  Or was that someone else in

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska

>Thanks, Jean, for the advice.  Yes, I do have an older gelding 
>(quarterhorse).  I had thought of putting baby with him.   QH is quiet and 
>well mannered - but will not tolerate baby bugging him night and day.

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

Re: "Hello", harness and cart for sale

2002-01-29 Thread HorseLotti
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks, Jean, for the advice.  Yes, I do have an older gelding 
(quarterhorse).  I had thought of putting baby with him.   QH is quiet and 
well mannered - but will not tolerate baby bugging him night and day.

I also have goats - and will have many babies - but, am concerned they are 
too small to interact with fjord baby w/o risk of injury.


Last minute notice re Olaf Nyby Mini Clinic on Sat Feb 2

2002-01-29 Thread Cheryl Beillard
This message is from: "Cheryl Beillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

For all of you within driving distance of Ottawa, just wanted to let you know
that Olaf will be giving a mini clinic on Saturday pm, working with 3 fairly
green horses at various stages of ground driving, and doing a demo with Cathy
Gretzky's Cdn/Appie cross, Marcus, afterward.

He's coming to help out with my next assignment for the Norwegian Embassy
..driving the Ambassador to the Governor General's house for her winter party ..
I walked the trail today, with the RCMP drivers ..  it's icy but there's snow
..and the only things to worry about are the crowd, the dog sledding, taffy
pull, skating events and RCMP teams that will be working the same route.  I
understand we will have a Mountie with a cell phone directing the traffic on the
toboggan run, which extends out over one of the major corners on the sleigh
circuit.  Should be lots of fun.  : )  ?  Tunica and Soleia are primed for their
first professional debut as a team and I"m hoping there will be good photo ops
and positive media coverage, and that we avoid the tobogganers .. We have had
them in rigourous training for the last two weeks, and they have been doing
regular stints on a two lane highway with transport trucks whizzing by and they
have taken it all in stride. It will be hard work however, because the trail is
about a mile through the forest and we are supposed to give rides for 2 hours ..
and the RCMP are talking about having to give their two teams lots of breaks.
My big concern is that we don't take out a senator or cabinet minister or an
ambassador or his/her spouse as we round that corner at a brisk trot.  There has
been no mention of fire works, so far, but there will be a bonfire for roasting
marshmallows, and they do hang lanterns through the woods to light the path.
However, this will be nothing to Tunica after braving the flames along the
driveway at her solo outing in December.  Soleia may feel differently ..

Will report after the fact, but you can see why I'm grateful that Olaf has opted
to take a week long break to help out.  SO .. taking advantage of him being
here, we've organized this rather informal clinic and if anyone within reach
wants to audit it, please let me know and I'll plan on extra coffee, etc.   It
will be at Green Glen Arena again, off  Hwy 417, just before Arnprior .. on
Proven Line at Mohr's Road, starting at noon (hopefully the warmest part of the
day?).  You can reach me by phone at (613) 649-2437.

Oh .. and we've started booking for the May 4-5 Clinic here as well, so if you
think you might want to participate, you should let me know by March 1 to take
advantage of the discount, and be sure of a place (we are half full now, without

ps.  My first experience with my new 4 seater sleigh is that they go VERY fast
and very WIDE at corners, if there's ice.  I'm praying that we don't have
freezing rain.

Re: "Hello", harness and cart for sale

2002-01-29 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>please comment on raising a "single foal" - what are some 
>issues that might be different compared to having several foals born on the 

 Does your gelding get along with your mare?  When my big gelding Bjorken
was born I just had him and his mom and Bjarne, an older gelding.  I kept
Stella and the baby in their own paddock with access to the stall and
Bjarne had an adjoining paddock.  Little Bjorken would go stand next to the
fence where Bjarne was standing  and seemed to idolize him. (Maybe a boy
thing).  I didn't really let them be all together all the time until he was
weaned (at more than a year old) but now, knowing what I do, I would have
put them together much earlier.  Bjarne taught Bjorken manners and played
with him a lot.  Stella also played with him, but boys play harder! Bjarne
was the boss (still is at 27) and I think Bjorken turned out well partly
because of Bjarne's help.  Older gelding are often very good baby sitters.

My friends, the Brunners, who usually only have on foal at a time, have had
a quarterhorse gelding as baby sitter until he went to a new owner, and now
have an old pony gelding as babysitter and playmate.  Nickers, the old
pony, gets tired of the foal's roughhousing and teaches him manners also.
They also let all the horses, except the stallion, run together in a big
corral, separating them somewhat at feeding time, and at night, when The
mare and foal and Nickers get the corral with the stall which they share.

You may have to separate them at feeding time, but this has worked out well
for us.  It all depends if the mare and gelding get along.

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska Partly cloudy today and +10 F.


Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

"Hello", harness and cart for sale

2002-01-29 Thread HorseLotti
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Listers;

Winter has returned to Minnesota!  Temps are in the low 20's with nasty 
winds.  Our snow is mostly gone.  Paddocks are piled high with ...well, you 
know and all is frozen solid.  UFFDA!!!  

Question??   You may remember I bought a mare, in foal, last September.  She 
is wonderful and getting quite a tummy on her:)  Those of you experienced in 
this matter - please comment on raising a "single foal" - what are some 
issues that might be different compared to having several foals born on the 
property??  Thanks in advance for your help.

I have been asked to put the following information on the list:

l)  For Sale:  Pacific Cart - Training/Easy Entry/Show Green Has 
larger wheels and attachable sleigh runners.  Owner is selling cart and 
moving up to the larger "Dartmoor" Pacific Carriage.  Asking:  $3000 
Email,Tom, at: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Located in Wisconsin.

2) Interested in competitive distance driving?  Check this website:  
www.midwestdistancedriving.org   This group will do clinics or presentations.

3)  For Sale:  Biothane TEAM HARNESS-- never used -- selling due to 
health, surgery and recovery issue.  Owner: Philis Anderson of Grand Marais, 
MN.Harness is located in Corcoran, Minneosta (near Minneapolis)   
Interested parties may contact Philis @ 218-387-2733 or Linda Lottie @ 
763-498-7948   Asking $1200 or best offer.

Have a good evening, everyone!  

Linda in MN

Re: Treeless Sportsaddle

2002-01-29 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Claudia-

Glad you are enjoying your Sportsaddle! Which one did you purchase? Any special 

I have two Western saddles, a show model (double skirts & silver) and a Deluxe 
trail model.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] & Brian, Oh my.

2002-01-29 Thread Betsy Bauer
This message is from: "Betsy Bauer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello All & Oh my G Brian & Ursula...

I can see you both now, as my dad also had a few mishaps at Hestdalen,
driving to the hospital hand wrapped in towels, drink in the other hand, and
U driving "calmly - ya right".  Once my Dad had broke his hip and he was
leaning against the pasture fence, very calmly, saying Bets drive the truck
down here so I can lean on the tail gait. Call 911, and get me a bourbon.
;-) He knew he wouldn't have one for a while... xoxox
Take good care of that hand, Brian, watch for infection so you don't
screw up the works... we want you driving for a LOng time. And "Of
course after I.V. Morphine and some kind attention I felt pretty fine."  Of
course this fine attention was Ursula... tee hee.

Among the tasks I am working on (NFA + NFHR Unification) AND the Fjordings
West website support - I am looking for the person who may be registered to
this email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The Fjordings West Club is working on an
eCommerce site and would LOVE this email.  I have written them but no word
yet.  Does anyone know who has this via the www.mail.com free service???
e-Me with news if you have any.

Thanks you all,
   Betsy Bauer

P.S. Unification will take place in the near future... we are crossing the
"t's" and dotting the "i's".

Gray Gelding for Sale

2002-01-29 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: "Dave Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have a super young GRAY gelding for sale. He will be 3 this year and has
been lightly started under harness and saddle.  I put 60 days under harness on
him last fall and a little over 30 days under saddle this winter,all on the
trails.  He goes thru water, woods, over small bridges, been on the roads,
fields, ridden alone or with other horses.  He is very willing, brave and
steady.  Started slow and easy, I like to exposure them to a lot of new
surroundings when they are young.  He has a wonderful western jog to him but
also will move out, so he would be great for either western or english.  He is
14HH and a medium build. His markings are wonderful, big dark circles around
the eyes, very dark head and black forelock, tiger stripes on the wither, dark
tiger stripes on the legs.  Body is a medium silver to gray coloring, he is
flashy. Very good conformation which shows in his nice movements.  He has
excellent ground manners, ties, loads, clips, bathes, etc.  Does not paw, bite
and is not pushy.  All current on vaccinations, worming, farrier, etc. A well
cared for horse.  Typical Fjord, very friendly and sweet disposition.  He is
out of Pjoska and by MVF Erlend.  Will make an excellent youth or adult horse.
Asking $4200.00, price will increase with training.  I am riding him all
winter. Weather has been unbeatable here in Wisconsin.  I would be more than
happy to make a video for you.  Any other questions please contact me
privately at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Thanks, Patti Jo Walter Francis Creek
Fjords Two Rivers WI
Two Rivers is about 30 miles south of Green Bay or 60 miles North of

Treeless Sportsaddle

2002-01-29 Thread Claudia Galup
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Claudia Galup)

I purchased of the treeless saddles..Sportsaddle brand. recently and
am really enjoying it.  It seems to fit Rosan very well, and it is very
comfortable for me.


Gelding for adoption

2002-01-29 Thread Janne Myrdal
This message is from: "Janne Myrdal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi everyone,

just saw a young gelding by Kongaard available for adoption through
www.crossedsabers.com.  Sounds like a nice coming 2 year old(I believe),
looking for a permanent home.  People must be experienced with young horses.
Maybe someone out there is looking???

Janne in the freezing cold NE corner of ND.  

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2002 #25

2002-01-29 Thread PCarterAdler
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

So sorry to hear of your mishap Brian...we must all enjoy the good days and 
be so very thankful for what we have.  
Snow just continues to fly here in cold Central Oregon...perhaps this ski 
joring should be given a try!!  :)   Pamela and Aesir (aka Stinker)


2002-01-29 Thread SorgerJ
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have a couple of items for sale.

A black leather pairs harness, fjord size. This harness does it all, it has 
collars and hames and breast collars, it breaks down into 2 singles, included 
are 3 sets of lines 2 single 1pair. It is in excellent condition. $1000.

1912 Rocky Mountain Spring Hack (small wagon) beautifully reconditioned. Has 
pole and shafts for single or pair. $2500.

Please email me privately if interested.

Sue Clark-Sorger
Crown Oak Fjords
Sandia Park NM

Re: Life is Good and 2002

2002-01-29 Thread Jimaryjmh
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Brian

I, also, just cut my finger and had to do the emergency room bit. - a farm 
accident, post hole digger - Oddly enough, the first thought I also had was I 
won't be able to ride or drive the horses.  Makes answering e-mails 
difficult, too.  Was reassuring to hear you say you were back to driving.  
Right now my down-time sounds like forever.

I have read on the list about the Galena Clinic and am sorry that we live so 
far from Illinois.  We had the good fortune of meeting the Fiedlers and Pat 
at the Lexington evaluations and would love nothing more than to attend and 
visit their farm, see all their beautiful horses and observe first hand your 
wonderful abilities that I have read about on the list.

Hope your hand continues to heal.

Mary Harvey
In the Virginia mountains where it was 70 yesterday

00 Fjord-@ crossedsabers.com....(rescue)

2002-01-29 Thread Diane McCracken
This message is from: "Diane McCracken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


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Bending Fjords

2002-01-29 Thread finally r farm
This message is from: "finally r farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I put Tana in the round pen with side reins on and get good rounding. I put
a rider on  ( myself  or daughter ) and *BANG* she loses every little
flexibility, curve, rounding she has. Any pointers or comments?

Jeri in Missouri

AI stallions and Jumping

2002-01-29 Thread finally r farm
This message is from: "finally r farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Would the stallion owners out there that are doing AI, please e-mail me
off the list, please.  I thinkthat I want to try AI one of my mares.
She is not a maiden mare. I live in Missouri, have a good equine vet
experienced in AI lined up and don't own a trailer to take my mare to a
stud. Thank you!

On Sunday, the weather was perfect...sunny and 69 degrees. The "winter" here
so far has been extremely mild, so the riding ring footing was decent and we
had just made four jumps. The horses were calling our names and we were
there! Tana was in extremely great form...she jumped 2'6"  after not jumping
for months. We did a five jump course and Tana got irrated at rattled poles.
We had no refusals and in an hour's riding, three fences down.She wanted to
do more and we actually had a fight with her over limiting  her work-out.
(She's the one I want to breed, canadian registered.) Mika , Tana's 3 year
old filly had a saddle on for the first time and Nicky, my daughter walked
her around for just a bit. I really want to get more driving groundwork in
on her before going to saddle...I think that it just evens out the brains a
bit. Thought we were gonna get a repeat performance on Monday but vehicle
issues prevented us. And, wouldn't you know it the weather is getting nasty
for the next several days...rats!

Jeri in Missouri

Re: Life is Good and 2002

2002-01-29 Thread ruth bushnell
This message is from: "ruth bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Glad to hear that you've mended Brian, that must have been a terrible
experience!  Gene and Ruthie

> Dear List from Brian Jensen;
>   Yes, life is good and I am looking forward to 2002. I
> myself a present from Santa at Christmas.!! A skilsaw which I needed to
> finish renovations on our Cottage. Two days later Ursula was driving me to
> Emerg. with my right hand wrapped in a towel from saw cuts to my fingers.