RE: NFHA at Equine Affaire & Annual Meeting (a little long)

2004-11-17 Thread cherie
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is anyone doing a breed demo or having a booth at the Equine Affaire in
Pomona, Ca in Feb?


> This message is from: kay a konove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The Equine Affaire in Springfield, MA, November 11-14, was a GREAT
> success for the Northeast Fjord Horse Association.  >

RE: NFHA at Equine Affaire & Annual Meeting (a little long)

2004-11-17 Thread kay a konove
This message is from: kay a konove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Equine Affaire in Springfield, MA, November 11-14, was a GREAT
success for the Northeast Fjord Horse Association.  Pictures of the booth
and breed demo will be posted on the web page soon.  Hundreds of horse
enthusiasts stopped by our booth for information about the breed and to
admire the horse in the stall: Elexson, Lilla or Flikka. The mane was the
"main" attraction, with most people asking "if they all come that way."
The second & third most popular questions were "how big do they get" and
"what is their temperament." New Fjord horse owners soon?!

Not only did we have a breed demo, but three club members also drove in a
holiday scene at the Pfizer Fantasia. Carol Tacey, Tony DiMuccio and
Karol Cota participated with Carol's Flikka and Karol's team of Sven and
Hannah. As you know, an event like this takes so much planning and
preparation. Kudos and thanks to all the drivers, riders and volunteers:
Beth & Carl Gerst, Bev Weston, Caitlyn Few, Hilary Harty, Valerie
Pederson, Annette Loveless, Barb Jones, Bill Warner, Dave McWethy,
AnnMarie & Austin Fisher, Tony DiMuccio, and Carol Tacey.

Northeast Fjord Horse Association Annual Meeting 
Saturday, November 20, 2004 10:00 am-4:00 pm
River Rock Farm, 81 Five Bridge Rd, Brimfield, MA
Directions: or

This is a very important meeting, as we will discuss a possible change in
location and date for our annual horse show.  Please come and let your
views be heard. A pot luck lunch will be served -- plan to spend the day.
Everyone is invited! 
The annual meeting mixes business with friends, all in the name of
promoting and enjoying our Fjords. In the morning, the board will hear
committee reports and discuss old business. We will vote on the proposed
slate of officers, then break for lunch (Kay has promised River Rock Farm
all beef hot dogs and burgers!) while the votes are counted. When the
meeting reconvenes, new officers will conduct the remainder of the
meeting, including new business. If you have an issue you would like to
see on the agenda, please contact Kay Konove at [EMAIL PROTECTED] no later
than November 18th. 

Rescue Possibilities for Small Dog OT (Pics available)

2004-11-17 Thread Gail Russell
This message is from: "Gail Russell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My daughter, Zana, in Georgia has rescued a sweet little dog from her
brother and sister in-law, but now needs to find him a new home.  He looks
to be a cross between a very small brown and white husky (30-35 lbs) and a
chow.  The chow part shows up in that he is a soft apricot color in the
places where a husky would be white.  He has a soft cuddly coat and loves to
snuggle up to anyone who will let him.

My daughter rescued him because he is not good with small children, and her
brother-in-law is a minister who has families coming into his home all the
time.  Zana worked with him, gave him access to outdoor play space, and has
improved his tendency to nip when he is cornered and scared.  However, she
no sooner took on the dog than she became pregnant.  Sonow she is
looking for a home for him as he is never likely to be truly safe around
small children.

Zana is willing to ship him to wherever he might have a chance at a good
home, including the West Coast.  (She is flying to San Francisco next
Wednesday and could bring him with her.)  He doesn't stand a chance in
Georgia as the rescue operations there are not well organized and are

This is a REALLY CUTE sweet dog.  He is adorable to look at.  Zana thinks he
would be fine around horses.  She thinks he would have to be introduced
properly to feathered creatures, but he has shown no signs of being
aggressive to cats, dogs or small animals.  He seems fine with
strangers/mailmen, that kind of thing.  My husband, Jim, who is not all that
fond of dogs, was quite taken by him.  I think Jim liked him because he
absolutely loves to sit at your feet and have his ears petted and tummy
petted and rubbed, and then will settle down on the floor next to your
slippers. (We would take him if we wanted to have a dog and had a fenced
area to keep him off the main highway our house is on.)

As to his tendency to nip when cornered, it has improved since my daughter
has had him, but I am not sure he will ever be completely cured.  With an
understanding adult household he should be fine.

I have a pdf flyer with pictures available to send.   Will also post the
pics on our website as soon as I get them from my daughter and get Jim to
put them up.   All suggestions welcomed.

Bud Evers

2004-11-17 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How sad to hear of the passing of Bud Evers. It seems like yesterday when 
we got to visit around the evening fire at the Libby, MT. show with Bud and 
Amy. Our condolances to the Evers family, and I know that somewhere is a good 
workhorse team with a new hand on the lines, and long straight rows..

Jeff and Lisa Pedersen / Pedersens Fjords, Cedar 
City, UTAH