Re: Libby Raffle

2005-08-29 Thread Conerstonefjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Everyone,
 I was hoping that someone attending Libby this  year but who is not 
overly booked with classescould help set out the raffle  items on Sat and 
and assist with ticket sales on Fri.  My situation has  changed and I am 
unable to attend this year.  My school starts earlier and  I am full time this 
year.  We also just added a four year old little boy  (two-legged type:) to our 
family and I am on a busy schedule with him.  I  was so hoping to come and 
this year as my mare is doing very well  practicing at out next 
year!  If you are going and could help  please contact me privately..if not I 
will go .  Lots of neat items coming  in for the raffle so be there and buy 
tickets!Kathleen  Rollins
ps..Lisa P...I have an extra spring for your waggonette from Brian and will  
ship it to you soon:)

left footed safety discussion / orthoflex

2005-08-29 Thread Janet
This message is from: "Janet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi All,

I think what could have been a productive discussion on safety at the blue
earth show has gotten off on the left foot.  I have not even been to BE, but
based on the discussion here, it is safe to guess the show is going through
some growing pains, which is a good sign for the Fjord breed.  It is just a
shame some of the sugestions came accross as negative critisisms.  We really
should not be placing blame, but just opening a discussion how the show can
be made better and safer and I'm inclined to believe that is what most
really meant to do in the first place, it just did not come out that way.

regarding some of the suggestions, thank you Sara for pointing out that
horses used for farm work are trained to stand when tied back by the reins
to the implement.  It is pretty tough to run off with a plow set in the
ground with just the bit!  that training can apply to a heavy wagon with the
brakes set too.  It does appear there may be a need for a hitching rail near
the biffy's?   I mean who has -not- had to use the biffy just before their
class?  I'm sure the class will be much safer if everyone in there can
concentrate on driving .   I bet that rail is handy for riders too!  As
to heading a hitched horse... I've never shown before, but heading hitched
horses is a necessity through out early training, as the driver enters or
gets out of the cart, or on the farm when training a youngster to hitch to
an implement.  If heading is a safe practice when training a young horse,
how is it  not a satisfactory way to control a trained horse, and how is a
hitching rail going to be much better?  If a horse is going to really freak
out, it will make a mess at the rail too.


Re: Fjords win top 3 awards

2005-08-29 Thread Pam G
This message is from: Pam G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Way to go Tammy, Amy, Catherine and Rune.
Bring some pictures to the beach ride.
Pam and Hansel

Catherine lassesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This message is from: "Catherine lassesen" 

Six Norwegian Fjord Horses win the top three awards at the 39th Annual
Pioneer Days Celebration in Southern Oregon - Canyonville. 

This weekend three teams were presented to the citizens of Southern Douglas
County in Southern Oregon at the 39th Annual Pioneer Days Celebration and

Tammy Eichmann from Days Creek, Oregon entered the parade with a surrey and
her team of NFHR pure breed Norwegian Fjord Horses. Her assistants, Don
Eichmann, an out walker and Karen Sharp dressed as Annie Oakley sang to
tunes from Oklahoma and Paint Your Wagon as Tammy drove her gelding,
Paradise's Chaz and mare, Wapiti's Baby with brass saddle bells.

Amy Evers just moving to Days Creek, OR entered the parade with her two half
sister mares, Paradise's Taffeta and Paradise's Emily with a 6 passenger
wagonette. Amy dressed in a 1905 dress and top hat. She decorated her
wagonette with shipping trunks, baskets, 100 year old suit cases and an old
fashion bath tub. Amy and her turn out won 2nd over all for the parade.

Rune Lassesen with his team of geldings, Grabben and Lensmann won overall
Parade Sweepstakes by bringing a 100 year old covered farm wagon to town. 


Catherine Lassesen
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Re: Orthoflex for fjords

2005-08-29 Thread Vicki Johnston

This message is from: Vicki Johnston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have the Orthoflex endurance saddle that is on this same tree as the 
Caliente and it fits my Fjord, my Arabs, and my Bashkir Curly.  I really 
like it.  My trainer uses the Caliente because it fits so many horses.  
I got mine used for more than this, so it is a very good price so far.

Vicki Johnston
Mims, FL

Re: Saftey at shows...

2005-08-29 Thread Warren Stockwell
This message is from: "Warren Stockwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> One thing I noticed at two shows this year was the people who came to
> the show were often clueless about horses and the possibility of them
> something unpredictable.  Baby carriages and small children need to be
> under wing closely and moved away from the hooves of horses.  Complacency
is a
> problem. Perhaps there needs to be a general announcement at the beginning
> each show addressing this issue.  I don't have all the answers, but I
> that many of the things that happen at a show is due to the nature of a
> and the complacency of the humans.  Heads up!
> Pat McCurdy
> Cato, NY
I do totally agree there needs to be savvy people watching for the un horse
savvy watching the show in a unsafe manor not just for themselves but also
for the entrants. one stroller out of control, a person not watching where
they go. I wonder what it would entail for spectator police ??? ; ))


Saftey at shows...

2005-08-29 Thread Momster18
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello All-
I've been reading the messages concerning safety at shows.  I must say  there 
have been some very good points made and I know this topic is something  
every show committee discusses.  As a member of the Finger Lakes Fjord  Horse 
committee I can attest to the fact that there are moments when safety  is a 
great concern.  We try to address issues as they arise, but sometimes  things 
happen that no one can imagine.  I think safety at shows is  something that 
needs to be addressed. However, as someone who works for an  educational 
institution, I would hate to see fun and relaxation taken away due  to fear and 
restrictive rules.  It happens in the world of education a  lot. One person 
gets hurt and a new rule is created to cover the problem.   However, many 
students lose due to the new restriction.  
One thing I noticed at two shows this year was the people who came to watch  
the show were often clueless about horses and the possibility of them doing  
something unpredictable.  Baby carriages and small children need to be kept  
under wing closely and moved away from the hooves of horses.  Complacency  is a 
problem. Perhaps there needs to be a general announcement at the beginning  of 
each show addressing this issue.  I don't have all the answers, but I  know 
that many of the things that happen at a show is due to the nature of a  horse 
and the complacency of the humans.  Heads up!
Pat McCurdy
Cato, NY

RE: Fjords win top 3 awards

2005-08-29 Thread The Mercers
This message is from: "The Mercers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Now, Tillie, you can't tease the rest of us like that and not tell us where
you went and what you got 250 of!  :-)

Taffy Mercer
Kennewick, WA

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: Fjords win top 3 awards

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Congrats. to all of you. Sounds like you are having to much fun!!! Hope
Amy, I went with John and Debbie you know where and got 250 extra to bring  
home . I to am having  fun.Tillie  aka MOM

RE: Fjords win top 3 awards

2005-08-29 Thread The Mercers
This message is from: "The Mercers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Congratulations to all!  Sounds like fun and a great way to showcase Fjords!

Taffy Mercer
Kennewick, WA

>Six Norwegian Fjord Horses win the top three awards at the 39th Annual
Pioneer Days Celebration in Southern Oregon - Canyonville. 

Catherine Lassesen<

Re: Fjords win top 3 awards

2005-08-29 Thread tillie34
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Congrats. to all of you. Sounds like you are having to much fun!!! Hope  that 
Amy, I went with John and Debbie you know where and got 250 extra to bring  
home . I to am having  fun.Tillie  aka MOM

Show Safety, & Growth?

2005-08-29 Thread Ruth Bushnell
This message is from: "Ruth Bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Brian Jensen states that "the FJ attracts many newbie's to ownership as they
appear so calm and friendly. FJ's are still a flight animal and need to be
treated as such."

That's well said, I'm all for caution too, but the two accident examples cited
for making a case for rule standards were not Fjord horse incidents.. so,
request for rule standards denied! HAH

Seriously, I've never been to the Blue Earth show (darn!) but the reckless
verbal spillage regarding retroactive safety concerns there seem inappropriate
at this time and place. Contacting the show committee as Brian did would have
been a better plan.

Although I am not directly involved, I do feel uncomfortably defensive for
those who just spent themselves to make the show a huge success ..and
additionally sympathetic for those few ladies who were brave enough to speak
up defensively for show participants. An indication, in terms of Fjord
promotion and public relations, specific incident comments should not have
happened here on the list.

IF promoting the Fjord horse at large is our foremost breed priority, then
courting public favor in every possible manner is more important than editing
show REruns for safety by using specific allegedly bad examples. Safety is
all-important yes, but it need not be promoted at the expense of anyone's

While I agree with Brian's letter for the most part, I conversely hope NOT to
see any more show rules and regulations installed which might subsequently
inhibit an open participation of all kinds of Fjords and their all kinds of
people. Which would not long term benefit big-picture Fjord promotion ..and
general breed promotion is better for the Fjord's sake, than achieving
individual excellence.

One person's slant on what makes for sterile show progress might not be in
every Fjord owner's best interest, neither would every person be benefited by
doing what other breeds do.. aren't some other breeds going astray? (they say
so themselves!)

It is simply not fair to promote one Fjord owner over another by exclusionary
tactics and will not benefit the Fjord in the long term. Better to think in
terms of added participation, rather than elimination. It is difficult to
reconcile that which constrains or excludes with so-called "progress."

There are some breeds of dogs that have divided into two registries, the
working dog, and the show dog, and I see a parallel in that we have the
farmish Fjord and the ultra show Fjord, and while it has always appeared to me
that the farm class of Fjords are wholly tolerant of the super show Fjord.. it
is now proposed there be no reciprocity for tolerance?

Why not have equal time and equal tolerance for both categories of Fjord,
because we cannot say that one is better or more correct than the other, can
we? ..instead of pulling in two directions we could pull together, each in our
own way, for the good of the breed as a whole!

Are farm Fjords trying to remake ultra show Fjords? no.

Not everyone can achieve precision and excellence, but we all admire and
emulate those who do, even though it may be unattainable because of various
constraints. But of course we can each do OUR best, and that should be
sufficiently acceptable.

It will be a sorry show day indeed for Fjords if the time ever comes when even
a few Fjords are left at home on the farm because their individual culture
didn't measure up to ill-advised and discriminatory standards that were
inconsistent with their 'rusteek' capabilities.

If any change, we should be proposing ways and means of championing the
heritage of our dear Fjords, their farm roots, rather than suggesting THEIR

Ruthie, nw mt

RE: No better than this

2005-08-29 Thread Karen Keith

This message is from: "Karen Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Lovely story.  I, too, hitched yesterday and took my husband out on the 
road.  This is my first time out since a runaway with a haflinger four weeks 
ago.  I ended up in the emergency room and the cart is in need of a carriage 
maker.  So I'm still a little worried, but my Fjord mare was a stalwart.  
Even when the new neighbor horse came barreling up to the road to have a 
look at that poor horse being chased by a carriage (aka monster).  She 
startled slightly, calmed at a word from me, and never even looked back over 
her shoulder at the blowing, galloping horse across the fence.  Good pony!



Sandywonderful and yes, I did enjoy your ride.  What a nice memory for 
the lady and it is so cute to hear she went back in time with her story.

Low rate ANZ MasterCard. Apply now!  Must be over 
18 years.

Re: Grey/White Dun

2005-08-29 Thread David Hagen

This message is from: David Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Sara,

An easier, and more certain, way to find out what she is genetically would 
be to send a hair sample to the genetics lab at UC-Davis.For $50 they 
will run the cream dilution test.   If she's a white she will have one copy 
of the Cream CCr allele.

For an extra $25 you could also ask them to run the agouti (black factor) 
test.   That's the gene that produces greys in Fjords.  It would be 
interesting to know if she  inherited a copy of the grey gene from each 
parent or if she only carries one copy (from Karimann).

David Hagen

At 10:02 AM 8/29/2005, fjordhorse-digest wrote:

Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2005 21:56:13 -0400
From: Sara Faull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Grey/White Dun
 By breeding her to a brown we could find out if she
carries the white gene if she throws a white.

Fjords win top 3 awards

2005-08-29 Thread Catherine lassesen
This message is from: "Catherine lassesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Six Norwegian Fjord Horses win the top three awards at the 39th Annual
Pioneer Days Celebration in Southern Oregon - Canyonville. 

This weekend three teams were presented to the citizens of Southern Douglas
County in Southern Oregon at the 39th Annual Pioneer Days Celebration and

Tammy Eichmann from Days Creek, Oregon entered the parade with a surrey and
her team of NFHR pure breed Norwegian Fjord Horses. Her assistants, Don
Eichmann, an out walker and Karen Sharp dressed as Annie Oakley sang to
tunes from Oklahoma and Paint Your Wagon as Tammy drove her gelding,
Paradise's Chaz and mare, Wapiti's Baby with brass saddle bells.

Amy Evers just moving to Days Creek, OR entered the parade with her two half
sister mares, Paradise's Taffeta and Paradise's Emily with a 6 passenger
wagonette. Amy dressed in a 1905 dress and top hat. She decorated her
wagonette with shipping trunks, baskets, 100 year old suit cases and an old
fashion bath tub. Amy and her turn out won 2nd over all for the parade.

Rune Lassesen with his team of geldings, Grabben and Lensmann won overall
Parade Sweepstakes by bringing a 100 year old covered farm wagon to town.  


Catherine Lassesen

Re: Fjord at an auction

2005-08-29 Thread Karen Keith

This message is from: "Karen Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sticky beak - Australian for being nosy or check things out.

Four years in Australia, I picked up some of the colloquialisms.  Hence, my 
"cheers" at the end of each post.  :^)

Cheers, Mate!


Inquiring minds wanna know...whatsa "stick beak" :-} does it have
anything to do with scritching + scratching??

REALESTATE: biggest buy/rent/share listings

Looking for Pam

2005-08-29 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 can Pamela North ( Northhorse ) contact me please ?

  Thanks, Lisa

BE Dates and the Fair

2005-08-29 Thread Pasqual, Patricia A
This message is from: "Pasqual, Patricia A" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well, I got it wrong - the Blue Earth County Fair is indeed in August, but I 
forgot that we work with the Faribault County Fair.  So obviously there are 
still going to be the same problems of overcrowding.  I'm optimistic though 
that there is a way to increase the warmup area size and keep the show safe for 

The level of competition and size of classes described is close to 
intimidating I have not been able to attend for several years, and am 
hoping I can get my nerve up to attend next year . . . oh well, a good 
volunteer is always appreciated too.

Tish and Elph in Minneapolis