Re: take it out back

2006-11-11 Thread CNielsen
This message is from: CNielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi--I have a mare and a gelding that are sort of pee potty trained--They
will wait til they get outside to go  about 90% of the time--it really helps
save on shavings.  It was purley accident to have them do this but one night
before the mare came in she must have had to go and did it in front of
me --I told her what a great girl she was... then in the a.m. when she came
out she hadn't pee'd in her stall yet and when i took her out she again
pee'd in front of me and again I told her how wonderful and smart she
was--since then she usually waits to go outside--I never thought this was
possible but her son did the same thing one night and I praised him and sure
enough in the a.m. when he hadn't gone in his stall and then when he got out
and did it outside I told him he was great and again since then he will hold
it too--sometimes i worry that this might cause a problem but dogs do it all
the time--no??  once in awhil if i bring them in earlier than usual they
will go inside (which is o.k. with me)  but for the most part they wait. We
have another  young mare that I've tried this with but she won't wait til
she goes out--in fact when she see's me she seems to pee right away  in the
stall. They are  hardly ever in the stall more than 8 hours a night.
Randi in Wisconsin
- Original Message - 
From: Ellen Barry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2006 1:22 PM
Subject: Re: take it out back

 This message is from: Ellen Barry [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 You don't potty train a horse. But they don't like to do the big one on
 rubber somehow. I guess because they don't like to lay down in their own
 manure. They like to lie down on the rubber. So they do it in the
shavings. It
 takes a while though before they start picking up that habit.
 I guess it's just trial and error.  So I guess this is why they get to do
 this way.
 I keep mama and colt separated at night in stalls, because that's how I
 weaning him. And that's how I noticed them picking up this habit. I don't
 if the 2 other horses would do it. Normally, I never keep them in stalls.

 This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] do you potty  train a horse?  Never heard of that before.
 Niki in  CT

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Glacier View's Samson

2006-11-11 Thread KateSeidel
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i  was wondering if it was THAT samson. i have met him, and he was at  
being worked by heike lewandowski. she has been training him for  lisa, so he
is here in minnesota right now.

Oh - now I am very disappointed to hear Samson is not in Ft. Mill.  I  was so 
excited to hear of another Fjord right here in my tiny little middle of  
nowhere town in South Carolina I immediately sent an email to Lisa.   Hopefully 
will be able to contain my excitement until he comes home.
Kate and Joe (basically the best pony ever who may be disappointed to learn  
he is not the only Ft. Mill Fjord!!)

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Show Survey E-mail Addresses

2006-11-11 Thread wriddle
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Clarification regarding Show Survey for PNFPG

I posted the survey and the e-mail addresses for the 2 show chairpersons. For
some reason the word at appears to be attached to each e-mail address and
that may have prevented some of you from responding. To respond to the
chairpersons for the Moses Lake Show and the Libby Show here are the names and
e-mail addresses.

Moses Lake Washington Show Aug 24,25, 26, 2007
Chairman David VanHoof

Libby Montana Show September 7,8,9, 2007
Shirley Anderson

Please let each chairperson know if you think you plan to come with Fjords
and/or you might be willing to serve as a volunteer for that show. It is my
understanding that so far the response is good but we don't want to miss any
response due to confusing e-mail addresses.

Sylvia Riddle, PNFPG secretary

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Re: popular trainers

2006-11-11 Thread CrystalZak
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

did someone on the list attend a dennis reis seminar? i have been catching 
his show on RFD-TV, and there is something about him that i find more likeable 
than the really slick guys. he comes off as a kind of aw shucks cowboy, but 
he sure does a nice job. he has done seminars in southern minnesota, and i 
would like to see him in person some time.

i attended a parelli clinic once as an auditor, but found his stuff to seem a 
little scarier for the horse. of course, later in their education, they 
really seem to bond with their owners and i have seen some fascinating demos on 

the thing that bothers me about clinton anderson is he constantly talk talk 
talks. and fast fast fast. i am sure he does a good job, because i can see his 
results, but i just can't deal with the motor mouth.

i would really like some kind of direction in working with oz, so perhaps we 
could work things out, but with so many options out there, i don't know where 
to start. i am still planning to take him to the lesson barn where i am 
riding. i had planned to last week, but find i can't load him in our trailer 
so i have someone stopping by to give me a hand today. i will keep him there a 
while and ride him, in addition to having the owner ride him, and try and 
figure out where i am going with him.

laurie, who some days is just as confused as i sound

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Re: Clinton Anderson

2006-11-11 Thread RJRFJORD
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I also enjoy and respect Buck Brannaman. I have his books as well as Tom 
Dorrance and Ray Hunt. It is amazing how a person can motivate you. If you get 
chance to see Clinton do it. He is funny as heck. Holds the audiences 
attention. When he talked to the horse and called her Precious imitating how 
alot of 
women speak to their horses, I thought I would pee my pants. It was hysterical.
Jo Wilgus
Gavilan Hills, CA

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Re: popular trainers

2006-11-11 Thread RJRFJORD
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

That's funny Laurie. Clinton can talk. At the clinic I attended he got this 
horse in a trailer in about 35 minutes. It was phenomenal. We must remember 
that this is what they do for a living and they train 12 hours a day. In 20 
when he is my age it will be interesting to see if Clinton can maneuver 
himself so easily. 
Jo Wilgus

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Re: take it out back

2006-11-11 Thread Jean Ernest

This message is from: Jean Ernest [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have friends who trained their two Arabians to pee on command, they 
trailered to trail rides a lot.  Also I knew one guy who taught his horse 
to stand over a plastic  muck bucket or garbage can to pee.

My old mare Stella has always run to a certain spot to pee when she sees me 
come out to feed:  seems like she needs more space in her belly for the 
hay? Always runs to the same spot also.  I have heard that if you put a 
small pile of shavings in on spot in their corral they will go there.  they 
don't like to spatter their legs! My young mare would run INTO the stall to 
pee on the shavings.Built up a huge glacier of ice in the winter!
Which is why I don't put shavings in their run-in shelter in the 
winter..Just builds up a thick layer of frozen pee mixed with shavings, 
which is great fun in the spring when it thaws!
When it is really cold here (-40 to -50) I bed them down in hay in the 
shelter and let them have all the hay they want,  then when it warms up I 
cut back on the hay until they clean up the hay bedding.  Works pretty 
well, they don't seem to pee in the hay.

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, clear and cold, -10 this morning.

Hi--I have a mare and a gelding that are sort of pee potty trained--They
will wait til they get outside to go  about 90% of the time--it really helps
save on shavings.

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Re: take it out back...or maybe bring it all in.

2006-11-11 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't have such a big field for my boys to go out in for play and 
grazing so I always hope they'll mostly pee and poop in their stalls where it's 
easy to find and pick up.  Otherwise I end up periodically wandering around 
pasture with a wheelbarrow in the never-ending search for tidiness...and, 
since I'm lazy as a pet coon, this is NOT my favorite activity.  My old QH mare 
always came inside to use the facilities and taught all her babies that 
pooping on the grass that you may want to eat later was a no-no.  Braveheart 
Bogie, however, didn't get this useful instruction so I guess I now have 
clean-up as a new way to fill my idle moments.  Sigh.

and Braveheart, who believes that one should poop where it's most convenient 
at the time
and Bogie, who's from AZ and believes that fertilizer is welcome anywhere it 

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Poop happens

2006-11-11 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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horse litter box

2006-11-11 Thread tiffany braden
This message is from: tiffany braden [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A friend of mine has an arabian gelding that is pee-potty trained .She made an  
outdoor litter box for him. She keeps him in a run in shed with a large 
pasture. About 10 feet away from the shed she had the top soil removed, put 
down some gravel ,  covered it with sand . This is where he always pee's 
because it dosen't splash on him.   
Want to start your own business? Learn how on Yahoo! Small Business.

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2006-11-11 Thread RJRFJORD
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Thanks for the input. I don't think I have heard of Chris Irwin but I will 
sure know his name now HAHA. 
  I really feel there is something to be learned from each person you come in 
contact with, friend, neighbor, clinicians etc. Take what you can use and 
discard the useless.
  Thanks again, appreciate it.
Jo Wilgus
Gavilan Hills, CA

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:


2006-11-11 Thread hoofer52
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

All I can say is amen to all that

Your friends with Fjords

-- Original message -- 
From: jerrell friz [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 This message is from: jerrell friz 
 This subject comes up all the time. I thought I would put my 2 cents worth 
 I have been to several Lyons, Anderson,Hunt, and many big name 
 trainers. Also, have watched all of them on RFDTV over the years. And, now 
 that you can get the Horse Channel on the computer, I also watch it. THE 
 TIMING. Most of them mention bending, but don't go far enough. [you can't 
 bend a horse that is unbalanced] Very little is mentioned about your seat in 
 the saddle, and legs, by most. [ Ray Hunt did say it is like dancing] which 
 it is. So, if you give your horse a turn signal on the wrong foot and you 
 unbalance him, he loses the confidence he had in you as a leader. [Same thing 
 if you dancing, and your partner stepped on your foot, and you both fell 
 The way I see it,,,it is a waste of your time and money. Unless you are just 
 looking for entertainment. They are showman trying to increase their bank 
 There is a trainer, Chris Irwin, that teaches all of the above. You probably 
 have never heard of him because he refuses to succumb to the big corporate 
 companies. And in reality, it is VERY hard to look at a DVD/TAPE, 
 and get the message. 
 He is an excellent writer. And, has written 2 books. The first is Horses 
 Don't Lie, and the last one is Dancing with your Dark Horse both are on, for less than $20 dollars. [ The best investment that I ever 
 made] I would suggest that you read 'Horses don't Lie first. 
 He does clinics, I'll be going to one soon. 
 It makes no difference if you are riding, or driving, English, American, 
 Western, French, or the breed of horse, including Fjords, whatever, the same 
 basics apply. 
 Also, I will say it is NOT natural to train a horse. A horse would rather be 
 eating than be trained. However, having said that I believe that God put 
 horses on the earth for us to use. First, we used them for transportation. 
 Now we use them for our enjoyment, riding, driving, or just as a big pet. 
 If you look at his web site there is a lot of information there and maybe you 
 can get to one of his clinics. 
 I might add that someone on the CDL list had John L to their place, and he 
 showed up with 3 Sundowner trailers full of his junk to sell, took up half 
 area. Chris Irwin, showed up with his riding boots and went right to work. 
 Think about that for a moment. 
 If you are still reading at this point and you want more information, you can 
 contact me @ 530-347-1900, and of course by e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 I have no connection with Irwin, and have never met him. 
 I'll go put my flame suit on. 
 Jerry Friz, Anderson, Ca. 
 For your security this Message has been checked for Viruses as a courtesy of 
 Com-Pair Services! 
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Re: Awesome, awesome video!

2006-11-11 Thread Jean Ernest

This message is from: Jean Ernest [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What video are you talking about?

Jean in sunny cold Fairbanks, Alaska,  -5 F

At 03:51 PM 11/11/2006 -0800, you wrote:

This message is from: Douglas Knutsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This may bring tears to your eyes. It did mine.

Peg Knutsen

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

BDF Iceman

2006-11-11 Thread Critterrun
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Re:  BDF Iceman

This message is from: Beaver Dam  Farm [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello from Carol Rivorie at Beaver Dam  Farm in Nova Scotia --

I knew BDF  Iceman
I live in  NJ,
and was asked to  judge at a show for the handicap 3 years  ago
He looked GREAT  !!!
2 years ago I looked for  him when I judged again(as most Fjord people look 
for  Fjords)
again he looked  GREAT
I went and purchased a  carriage from ARCH
and got to see him in his  stall
he was happy and  healthythey do take good care
of there horses and have a  super nice barn  :')
He was there Favorite like  she said in her post.
and I was told that by many  people
I know he will be very  missed.
But he is still in a lot of  peoples hearts
he left big shoes to  fill,
lets hope they  find another Fjord to fill them.
 With as big as a  heart as Iceman had.  
Most  programs are great but some are not,
so always  check them out!
there are  people on the list all over.
if you can  not check them out maybe someone here can.
Also ask  if they ever want to get rid of the horse That you get first 
refusal and get it  in writing
I am so sorry about BDF  Iceman he was a GREAT horse
Debbie  Todd
Jackson  NJ 

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