Sven and Karen

2006-12-21 Thread jerrell friz
This message is from: "jerrell friz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Karen, I know what you are going through.  Several years ago, I lost the best
horse that I ever had.[cancer] There is not a day that goes by that I don't
think about him.
I'm still trying to find a replacement. [ We both learned true collection at
the same time]

I also remember the time that I first met you and Sven.  Around 88, or 89 at
Libby.  You gave an excellent cde driving clinic, with Sven.  There was no
doubt he was the best horse there that year. CDE driving was very new  at this
time, especially in this part of Montana.  I know that you and Sven had a very
good relationship.  So, you will have a lot of good memories to talk and think
about.   I also suspect that he might have been one of your best teachers. The
knowledge learned from him, you will use with your other horses, and perhaps
pass on to other folks.

Jerry Friz,
Anderson, CA.

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Thanks all, Sven's goodbyes

2006-12-21 Thread Karen McCarthy
This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Liist,

Please know that I really appreciated all of the kind thoughts,
condolences and shared good memories of Sven. I received so many emails
on + off list that I don't think I can thank everyone individually for
their kindness. However, not to single anyone out in particular, but... 

I want to wrap Lisa P in a giant cyber hug for her lovely poem. I read it
at work, and you guessed it, i had to leave the room and get it together.
Thank goodness I didn't have any meetings that afternoon!

And Marsha Jo, I totally forgot about the kitten-on-Sven's-back incident,
but thanks for reminding me. (He also used to let the Guinea hens roost
in his feeder and never once broke one of thier eggs!) You mentioned our
first 'real' CDE in 1989 that we did in Woodside at the Whisky Hill
Classic, (now the Henry Boyd Classic CDE). I drove Sven w/ a side check
as that was how green I was to driving - I was told he was a stallion and
I should use one and I did. Well I think Holly Pulsifer (one of the
judges) convinced me otherwise. One other funny 'newbie' thing we did at
that event (yes, there were quite a few!) was out on the marathon, in one
of the post + rail hazards. One of our overly long Kentucky Breaking Cart
shafts 'hooked' one of the vertical 6" w treated posts, as Sven turned to
make the gate and snapped the post off at the ground! We dragged the post
maybe 3 strides before it was released and fell to the ground. Post =
zero, Sven = 1 (and none the worse for wear!)

Lastly, Marsha K., I loved your big rangy TB gelding! I thought he was
very elegant...When I drove him at the clinic in Oregon I was more
'afraid' of that ancient road cart with the itty bitty seat breaking up
over the bumps in the mowed field than I was of being run away with.
Whatever became of that cart? It was a hoot, but belonged in a museum
;~)) ! Actually the thing I most remember about that clinic was meeting
all the participants at breakfast - we had some wonderful times, and i
still have lifelong friends from that time.

Its raining alot this evening, which will turn to snow in a bit, that
will bring us closer to a white Christmas. But even if it was 90 degrees
outside and baked brown, the good feelings and comaraderie shared on this
list would still bring forth the true meaning of Christmas as a time of
sharing and brotherhood. I am very grateful to belong to such a great,
supportive community. Thanks everyone,


Karen McCarthyGreat Basin Fjords :: Carson City, 

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Thank You Secret Santa Alison Bakken

2006-12-21 Thread FjordAmy
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Santa Alison!
Thanks so much for the gorgeous Stained Glass Fjord! It is  now gracing my 
front window where everyone that comes to the house can enjoy it.  It is one of 
those things that I kept looking at and saying "I really should get  one of 
those..." but have never gotten around to actually getting. I guess this  was 
the reason why! Thank you and Merry Christmas. 
PS: I hope you Secret Santa is as good to you as mine was to  me.
Amy Evers
Dun Lookin' Fjords
260 May Creek Rd
Days  Creek, OR 97429

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RE: Itsbeginingtolookalotlikexmas!!!!

2006-12-21 Thread Gail Russell
This message is from: "Gail Russell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yesand maybe Beth and Sandy will tell you about the arrival of the
"Blizzard Arab" I sent them from California on Monday.  A born and bred
California girl who has never before seen snow.


The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:


2006-12-21 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Boy, I just cant understand why some people are crabby this time of year. 

  I happend to mention that we had a bit of snow here, and it was beautiful, 
so sent it along to Beth and Sandy and Steve and Cheryl in Colorado. 

  I cannot print their replys here.only to say that I am stunned. Keep 
shoveling guys and be happy that you have FJORDS, not Arabs.  

  "Let It Snow, Let It Snow.Let It.. " well, you know. ; 


The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Re: Yawning

2006-12-21 Thread jdespirt
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have 2 Fjords that yawn excessively during stressful situations.  If I am 
training and they don't understand, they start yawning.  I think this is very 
common as I also had a Foxtrotter that did the same thing.  Give him some time 
to settle and I bet it stops.
Good Luck,
-Original Message-
Sent: Thu, 21 Dec 2006 12:15 PM
Subject: Yawning

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Does anyone know the reason or reasons a horse may start to yawn  
excessively. I recently have taken a horse with a 2 week lease toward  
After a 
couple of days, he started to yawn. Maybe 6 to 8 times  in a row. I have been 
told this is because of pain, having to adjust to a  new environment, or liver 
problems. All different vets or  people horse owner answers.  I am taking him 
to the vet  today to check him out. He hasn't had his sheath cleaned and he 
is 6 years  old. So he may have a bean. He is also grieving for his old buddies 
and  home. He seems to be sound otherwise. Just had his feet done, and his 
feet  are fine. Incidentally he is a cross. Mom is 1/2 Arab and 1/2 QH, and his 

dad is 1/2 QH and 1/2 Fjord. He is a really cute buckskin dun and very  well 
trained. Gets alone well with my Fjord. Thanks,  Onna

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Christmas Fjord Poen...

2006-12-21 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Thank you so much for posting this, it is lovely and expresses so much the
desire "Just one more touch, please."

Hoping all of you have a Blessed Christmas with family, friends and Fjords and
a bright future in the New Year!

Jeanne and Monty

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:


2006-12-21 Thread Onnak2000
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Does anyone know the reason or reasons a horse may start to yawn  
excessively. I recently have taken a horse with a 2 week lease toward  
purchase. After a 
couple of days, he started to yawn. Maybe 6 to 8 times  in a row. I have been 
told this is because of pain, having to adjust to a  new environment, or liver 
problems. All different vets or  people horse owner answers.  I am taking him 
to the vet  today to check him out. He hasn't had his sheath cleaned and he 
is 6 years  old. So he may have a bean. He is also grieving for his old buddies 
and  home. He seems to be sound otherwise. Just had his feet done, and his 
feet  are fine. Incidentally he is a cross. Mom is 1/2 Arab and 1/2 QH, and his 
dad is 1/2 QH and 1/2 Fjord. He is a really cute buckskin dun and very  well 
trained. Gets alone well with my Fjord. Thanks,  Onna

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

for SS from Jo Wilgus

2006-12-21 Thread Cynthia Madden
This message is from: "Cynthia Madden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

*Oh no. Poor Santa. I will be patient and keep positive thought for Santa's
recovery. Please tell Santa that I understand, even though I have been very
good this year, HeeHee.
Happy Holidays and a bunch of thanks for this fun SS idea. I really enjoy

Cynthia Madden
Las Cruces, NM
personal:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dogs (and horses, cm) are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.
-Roger Caras

Sarchasm (n) The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who
doesn't get it.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Jo Wilgus/SS Message

2006-12-21 Thread Cynthia Madden
This message is from: "Cynthia Madden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 I'm sorry to say
there's been a delay,
but your gift will soon be on its way

you see, your Santa fell on the snow and ice
did something not very nice
to her foot and knee
so your gift won't make it under the tree
and Santa's really sorry

Cynthia Madden
Las Cruces, NM
personal:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dogs (and horses, cm) are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.
-Roger Caras

Sarchasm (n) The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who
doesn't get it.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Re: 'Bye to Sven

2006-12-21 Thread M Korose
This message is from: M Korose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

For all the folks who might not have heard my Sven story.
In the late 80's
I was a newbie driver in CA with my Thoroughbred and Karen was also somewhat
of a newbie, driving Sven.  We went to the CA driving shows, the little CDEs
to start and a great clinic in Ore.  I knew I wanted to drive (forever)  and
my horse was not in the best health (track injuries) and I had a severe case
of horse envy (the first in my life!!!) in the case of Sven.  He was so well
behaved, and cute and a great driving pony, right size... the stallion
part never made much impression on me (he was the first stallion I ever "met",
how was I to know?).  One day in Oregon, I asked Karen if I could drive the
Fjord and she countered with, "Only if I can drive the Thoroughbred".  I then
proceeded to pester poor Karen with where do you get one, who else is in the
community, stories, addresses, names, info (and this was pre-Internet!!).
Karen got a mare for her growing herd and the mare came pregnant, I was going
to get the foal..EXCITEMENT Then I got
 orders for Alaska and being a single folk then, I could only manage taking
the one horse, so off we went (Fjordless) but with visions of "sn" in
my head.  Arrive Alaska, pester only Fjord person I meet (Jerry Friz) until
Thoroughbred passed away (track injuries) then he helped me get my first
So Sven has always been the "perfect" Fjord (and selfishly, my first
Fjord) in my mind, I loved his type, his mind, his "Fjord-capableness" and
have kept my ear open for all his activities that have been reported.  I will
miss him.
Marsha Korose in WV
(where we now have 15+ Fjords and the goal is
to introduce folks back here to "Sven-like" Fjordies so they can be as happy
as we are)
 PS:  And Sven round about got you Curt Pierce (my better horse
half), so he has had to listen to Sven stories since he met me.
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