Re: blanketing a Fjord

2007-10-28 Thread Dianne White
This message is from: Dianne White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My fjord has a good size pen and a large 4 sided stall with a window that he 
has access to 24/7. When it is raining, snowing or very windy, he is inside. 
When it is hot and sunny he is inside. Actually, most of the time he is 
standing in his feeder looking outside the window. Sometimes we wonder why we 
just don't move him to the main barn since then main reason he is outside at 
all is when he is staring at our back door because it is time to eat. But I 
have blanketed him when I have body clipped him in October for a show. And 
Actually I will probably do a trace clip on him this year. As far as blankets, 
he hated the style that covered this withers as it put too much pressure on 
this area. I will be getting him a cutback style.
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Graphic, be forewarned

2007-10-28 Thread LCForward
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Here are a couple of links to information about the accident.  There  are 
comments from the public including 2 people who were at the scene.  
  Very sad photos

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Re: 60 horses in a shipping crash???

2007-10-28 Thread jerrell friz

This message is from: "jerrell friz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

1,000 lb. Belgian draft horses ??? must all be weanlings.

Jerry Friz,
Anderson, CA.

which weighed an estimated 1,000 pounds each and were double-stacked in 


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Re: 60 horses in a shipping crash???

2007-10-28 Thread LCForward
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sounds like a kill truck to me, Vanessa, maybe on the way to Canada?   Double
stacked?  But even that way, how do you get 59 horses, much less  Belgians,
in one truck?  Very sad. It reminds one of the crash in  Missouri about a year
WADSWORTH--Nine horses were killed Saturday when the semi-truck they were
riding in on Route 41 collided with a pickup truck at Wadsworth Road, sending
the semi – loaded with 59 Belgian draft horses -- toppling onto its side.
Sgt. Curt Gregory of the Lake County Sheriff’s Police said while neither
driver suffered serious injuries, rescue crews and area veterinarians were on
the scene for some five hours extricating the horses and transporting the
survivors from the scene. All four lanes of Route 41 were shut down between
173 and Wadsworth from 7 p.m. until midnight.
Gregory said the accident remains under investigation, and special attention
will be paid to see whether or not the semi was overloaded with the horses,
which weighed an estimated 1,000 pounds each and were double-stacked in the

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60 horses in a shipping crash???

2007-10-28 Thread Vanessa N. Weber
This message is from: "Vanessa N. Weber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I just read an online article which sites the deaths of 9 horses, including
Belgian Draft horses in a shipping crash in suburban Chicago. There were
allegedly 60 horses in the crash. I've never heard of such a large rig. Has
any one else?
Vanessa Weber

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Fjord Mare For Sale

2007-10-28 Thread Jackie
This message is from: Jackie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Registered Norwegian Fjord Mare For Sale
13 yrs old, broke to ride, 30 days professional
training.  Also would make good prospect for
breeding program.  $1500.00, central Wisconsin
call 715-445-5201 or e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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no rest for the wicked

2007-10-28 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/27/2007 9:41:08 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

> You also sound like you need some rest and less worry.  Thanks for making 
> this situation so real and so glad your hubby may be home soon.  Jean Gayle

 Naaa, Jean, Im always this crazy. ; )Yes, I was tired when I 
wrote that. 

 Jeff got held over today till they made sure that there were enough 
" incomming " Firefighters to work all the areas. ( Wife's now hog tying and 
handcuffing husbands at home, not just hiding their cell phones ) 

 They got enough staff, so about 30 min. ago, 2 hours late, Jeff left for UT. 
He is hauling our big trailer, and has to find a way around local roadblocks 
and freeway entrance closures, but he is comming   H   O   M   E !  

 Yipee !  ( Getting out MY hog ties and handcuffs ) 

 Oh yea, Im sorry if I offended anyone in that last, tired post.; /

 I didnt mean anything when I called your rubber garden hose dumb 3 times. 


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Re: fjordhorse-digest V2007 #243

2007-10-28 Thread vivian creigh
This message is from: vivian creigh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have added a link for the cones round at Fair Hill on my website  
under Mira's page. I'll update her page with photos as soon as I get  
some. If anyone has marathon footage of something other than the  
water hazard please let me know.

vivian creigh

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Re anesthesia for castration

2007-10-28 Thread Linda Lottie User
This message is from: Linda Lottie User <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My horses and my goats are put under anesthesia for castration. I held one
of my first male baby goats while he was castrated (told it was not that big
a deal), no anesthesia, and vowed I would never, never castrate an animal
like that again!!! 

Animal care facilities are there to provide the best care available for your
pet.  A facility that offers the best, AND, gives the owner all options is
simply doing it's job.  Of course it is ok to say "no" to a vet/procedure.

As for the horse gelded in the clinic..owner choice.  My colt was gelded
on my propertyand yes, he was anesthetized.I had a clean area to
geld him and for him to recover.  Maybe the other owner did not.



On 10/28/07 6:15 AM, "Linda Lehnert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This message is from: Linda Lehnert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Great posting, Lisa!  Some people just show a lack of common sense and
> selfishness in these situations and never think of what the smoke and
> contaminants it contains does to their lungs or the lives of the rescuers who
> have to go in to help them when it's almost too late.  I admire Jeff and all
> of the rescuers who put their lives on the line each and every day for others.
> As we now know, two of the fires were arson.  I hope they catch the
> perpetrators and send them away where they can't do that anymore.  I suspect
> arsonists are similar to child molesters in that that they are never cured of
> the urges and the most that can be done is to catch them and send them away to
> protect the public.  What do you think, Jean G?
> I thought of some simple, but common sense little things to prepare for an
> emergency of any type while I was watching the fire news on CNNI.  First, if
> you take medication, have all your medication in one place so you can quickly
> put it in a ziploc bag and then into a tote bag of some sort.  Also do that
> with contact lens solution and extra pairs of CL and glasses if you wear them.
> These are things that you must take with you if you have to leave quickly
> You can put personal papers like birth certificates and marriage licenses,
> Social Security and VA records in a folder to grab quickly and take with you.
> This came in handy for me Monday when I had to take my very sick oldest cat to
> a large vet clinic 2 hours away and the idiot local vet didn't tell me she was
> going to send little Sonja there when I saw her on Sunday, but waited until I
> brought her back at 3 PM Monday and we had to stay overnight so she could have
> an ultrasound.  Please pray for poor Sonja, she's very sick.
> Jerry, the article on saying no to your vet is excellent.  I watch a German
> program regularly, "Menschen, Tieren and Doktoren," (People, Animals and
> Doctors) and always amazed at how many ultrasounds and CAT scans they do on
> small animals of all types here.  And I once saw a vet admit a horse to the
> hospital and put him under general anesthesia just to geld him.  Maybe it's
> different now but I never saw that in the US.  The doctor at this clinic where
> I had Sonja recommended an endoscopy, but I had to decline because it is just
> too expensive and I know the excellent vet I had in Mexico wouldn't want to do
> that.  We have to remember that we are the clients, the ones who pay the bill,
> and the animals are the patients and we have to put limits on the vets
> sometimes.
> I hope you are all safe and that Jeff will be able to come home soon.
> Linda in Guben
> _
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Re: Santiago Fire update

2007-10-28 Thread Reena Giola

This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


very well written. you hit the nail on the head:   IT'S JUST 

The life of your loved ones, whether human or fuzzy animal is worth WAY MORE 
then the stuff.

Hugs to Jeff and you. tell him THANK YOU along with all of the 
firefighters who are fighting the fires

- Original Message - >

I have read some tips here and on other lists about what to do  
IF )

you DECIDE to stay with your home in face of a manditory evacuation order.
Bad idea, sorry.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Emergencies--fire and other natural disasters

2007-10-28 Thread safreivald
This message is from: "safreivald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I normally would just comment and let it go, but I have included the entirety
of Lisa Pederson's post below.  It bears reading again and yet again.  As a
retired volunteer EMS person with the local fire department when we lived in
upstate NY, I can only say, "Amen, and amen."  She so has the right of it and
has said it so well.  This is one with Lisa's permission that I would like to
cross post to several lists as well as sending on to family members (well, the
family has heard the gospel from me before).  Sue Freivald.

Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2007 16:21:41 EDT
Subject: Santiago Fire update

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi guys.

 Jeffs back on the fire line today, after spending the night running calls on
" regular " medic unit. Life go's on, and even people in his area who do not
have fire related needs, get rides to the hospltal all day and night.
 Today, Jeff is up Silverado Canyon putting water into the helicoptors as
they work all day trying to hold back the fire from getting down into the
from the top, which is heavy with old growth oaks and scrubb. Last night, the
Santiago peak had fire reaching the top, which cannot be fought from the
ground, but they did have alot of air support and have managed to keep the
front from burning down into Silverado as of mid-night. There are still 2,000
homes near there threatened. They expect a " mild " Santa Ana wind condition
Mon. which will not be welcome. The communities of Lake Elseanor, Corona,
Norco and Riverside are nearby, but waiting for now.

  Everyone in the canyon is evacuated. Mojaska and Williams canyons next door
have lost 22 structures, 12 homes at least are totally gone, all lost on that
horrible first 2-3 days when no extra personal or air support was in place.
The park across the street from Jeffs station in Tustin is gone. The deer are
still around, must have taken refuage in peoples green back yards, and they
happy munching on all of the acorns. The friendly mountian lion who used to
sit in the mornings across from the station ( much to the guys delight ! ) has
moved on. Hope he is ok. Hope he has enough deer to eat this winter.

 Jeff went up yesterday to see some of the streets that he fought fire from
backyards on during the first 2 days, Sun. and Mon. This is when they had no
extra teams, just their own crew. It was his regular crew who had to escape
flames into their " shake and bake " suits, one block over, and where Jeff,
working on an overtime crew, took an ember to his face. They personally saved
homes. The people will never know. The homes that were lost are affecting the
Fire crews personally. This is their neighborhood. They have both comfort
seeing standing the homes that they had HOPED survived, but wernt sure did
!.and trying to absorb the reality that they couldnt save them all. At
least the
PEOPLE, Pets and livestock all got out, even the ones who thought they could "
shelter in place " and ended up yelling for rescue when the flames reached
them. Now I get emotional. Pissed off more like it.

 It sounds sort of  " romantic "  "  brave " " courageous " . "
shelter in place. "  I have other thoughts.
These are MY thoughts, not nessessary Jeffs. You dont want to hear his.

 I have read some tips here and on other lists about what to do  IF )
you DECIDE to stay with your home in face of a manditory evacuation order.
Bad idea, sorry.

I dont even like to see TIPSabout letting horses go, taking refuge in
homes and vehicles, someone staying behind with that stupid stupid stupid
garden hose. Did you see any of the coverage during the winds of homes going
down ? Do you really think that your home would be " saved " by a drip of
and you on your roof ? When the flames reach you, your hose will melt. When
the flames reach you, there will be no power, no water. By the time the flames
reach you, the heat, poison gas's and wind have already taken you off the
capacity of fighting fire. If you now and they DO, call for help or try to
make a run for it, you will be risking the lives of firefighters, sheriffs,
personal, other neighbors ect.
 (  most working without the benifit of breathing aperatus, flame resistant
suits ect. ) by your defiance. You, by waiting.and choosing to IGNORE, and
DEFY, and CHOOSING to remain around to protect your STUFF. You are not only
impacting you. It is the ultimate in selfishness. It is not what you would
advise other family members to do, right ? Think of your family members in
other place. yet people never apply advice to themselves. They think it
reach them. They think if it doesit wont be that bad. I have heard this
one" oh if it really got here, we would jump into a pool, spa "NOT. It
can take 10 min. for a fire to blow over, and even without anything burning,
the super heated air and gas's from the fire storm will kil

CA fires, saying no to the vet

2007-10-28 Thread Linda Lehnert
This message is from: Linda Lehnert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Great posting, Lisa!  Some people just show a lack of common sense and
selfishness in these situations and never think of what the smoke and
contaminants it contains does to their lungs or the lives of the rescuers who
have to go in to help them when it's almost too late.  I admire Jeff and all
of the rescuers who put their lives on the line each and every day for others.
As we now know, two of the fires were arson.  I hope they catch the
perpetrators and send them away where they can't do that anymore.  I suspect
arsonists are similar to child molesters in that that they are never cured of
the urges and the most that can be done is to catch them and send them away to
protect the public.  What do you think, Jean G?

I thought of some simple, but common sense little things to prepare for an
emergency of any type while I was watching the fire news on CNNI.  First, if
you take medication, have all your medication in one place so you can quickly
put it in a ziploc bag and then into a tote bag of some sort.  Also do that
with contact lens solution and extra pairs of CL and glasses if you wear them.
These are things that you must take with you if you have to leave quickly.
You can put personal papers like birth certificates and marriage licenses,
Social Security and VA records in a folder to grab quickly and take with you.
This came in handy for me Monday when I had to take my very sick oldest cat to
a large vet clinic 2 hours away and the idiot local vet didn't tell me she was
going to send little Sonja there when I saw her on Sunday, but waited until I
brought her back at 3 PM Monday and we had to stay overnight so she could have
an ultrasound.  Please pray for poor Sonja, she's very sick.

Jerry, the article on saying no to your vet is excellent.  I watch a German
program regularly, "Menschen, Tieren and Doktoren," (People, Animals and
Doctors) and always amazed at how many ultrasounds and CAT scans they do on
small animals of all types here.  And I once saw a vet admit a horse to the
hospital and put him under general anesthesia just to geld him.  Maybe it's
different now but I never saw that in the US.  The doctor at this clinic where
I had Sonja recommended an endoscopy, but I had to decline because it is just
too expensive and I know the excellent vet I had in Mexico wouldn't want to do
that.  We have to remember that we are the clients, the ones who pay the bill,
and the animals are the patients and we have to put limits on the vets

I hope you are all safe and that Jeff will be able to come home soon.

Linda in Guben

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