
2010-07-21 Thread Me Kint
This message is from: Me Kint 

   Remember that vets have patients that can not talk and tell them
what is 
going on in their bodies.  

  My vet at first thought my Willem
might have EPM because he was walking funny 
and it had a sudden onset.  I
have the greatest respect for my vet.  He is cost 
conscious and doesn't over
treat and has always been very good.  As time went 
on, it was discovered
there was a sterile abscess and it was drained.  But it 
didn't end there;
several weeks later I took Willem to a special clinic that my 
vet recommended
because Willem started hemorrhaging from his good kidney.  He 
had to be put
down; one kidney was gone and the tumor was attacking his good 
kidney; it was
discovered on autopsy. The clinic vet said all of Willem's 
problems were
caused by the tumor.  My vet had done an ultrasound and there was 
so much
fluid that he didn't see the kidney that was over taken by the tumor.
luck.  It is possible to test for EPM. 

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Re: Ataxia

2010-07-21 Thread Lori Albrough

This message is from: Lori Albrough 


My impression is that Wobbler's syndrome is relatively rare in Fjords, 
at least compared to other breeds.

I agree, sometimes it can be tough to deal with vets. We affectionately 
refer to them as "Dr Doom". I think they always have to lay out the 
worse case for you in case it goes that way and you don't feel properly 
warned or prepared.

Has Henry had a spinal tap? Is he at OVC? I think the earlier you start 
treatment for EPM the better chance of functional recovery you have, 
therefore some people start the medication before getting results back. 
It certainly would not cause harm if it did turn out he had the other 
possible diagnoses - it would just be a waste of money in that case. I 
would go ahead and do a lot of reading on EPM because a lot of progress 
has been made in the past 8 years, and, it is probably like you said the 
only thing that you can really do anything for.

Best wishes to Henry and you.


Heather Baskey wrote:

1.  EPM or early stages of EHV-1 (recoverable stage?)
2.  Wobbler's
3.  Trauma to the Cervical area.

They were not certain on any of them, just stating that his symptoms are
clinical signs of any of the above.

I don't mean to sound cynical, but from the conflicting reports, I have no
faith left in the Vets – I am getting so many mixed signals – do they not
get bedside manner? And the extreme stress level they can put someone

Lori Albrough
Bluebird Lane Fjords
R.R.#3 Moorefield Ont Canada N0G 2K0
phone: 519-638-5598

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Heather, contact

2010-07-21 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from:

Michele Noonan ( # at the NFHR Pony Web, or write me if you have problems 
finding her ) 
She has experience with a Fjord with similar symptoms, also mixed bag of 
dx. from various vets. Hopefully she can advise you on what worked, what didnt 
and what she went through. 

Im very sorry to hear about this setback, hope recovery is swift and 
complete.  Lisa

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2010-07-21 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey 

Taking a deep breath prior to posting this.  I am looking for positive,
constructive posts on what "might" be happening and if I can take any "Fjord
Experience" to my vet, all the better.  I hope this comes out the right way,
but I am not looking for sympathy - only positive energy, answers that might
help in this situation ... so here it goes:
Henry Fjord has currently been tested for EPM, Equine HV-1 and he had x-rays
done of his cervical area.

He has now been graded as Grade 3-4 Ataxia (incoordination) and is considered
to be a “danger to humans” based on his incoordination and risk of falling
(I'm not in agreement with this statement from my vet, at this time - but will
leave it at that.  I am surmising it is her liability disclosure statement).
Vets have given their thoughts that it "could" be:
1.  EPM or early stages of EHV-1 (recoverable stage?)
2.  Wobbler's
3.  Trauma to the Cervical area.

They were not certain on any of them, just stating that his symptoms are
clinical signs of any of the above.

I don't mean to sound cynical, but from the conflicting reports, I have no
faith left in the Vets – I am getting so many mixed signals – do they not
get bedside manner? And the extreme stress level they can put someone

Anyhow – BEST case scenario they are giving me - would be EPM (which is a
HORRIFIC condition, but recoverable). 

I am remaining optimistic and remain strong to the belief that it will be
something the vets can work with.  But, if anyone has any light to share
sudden onset of Ataxia in Fjords, it would be greatly appreciated.  Perhaps,
there is someone out there who has some experience that might help???   I
know I am reaching, grasping - but I want to do everything humanely possible
to help my cherished, beloved yellow pony!

Ontario - Canada

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Hodrocele Problem

2010-07-21 Thread dfle
This message is from: "dfle" 

Has anyone experienced a hydrocele in a Fjord gelding?  My veterinarian 
used the Henderson castration implement for two years and I have a problem 
with a gelding.  I am having the University Vet Hospital assessing what 
options we can take -- they say it really probably is cosmetic, but I don't 
think anyone will want to buy a gelding that looks like a stud.  They will 
check for hernias and then let me know if surgery is a possibility.  I 
think this is rare and so now I question the Henderson castration method.  
It may just be coincidental, but this vet has done lots of castrations for 
me and I have never had a problem before.

Shome Fjords 

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