Horse guarantee question

2000-07-17 Thread Bill Walton
This message is from: "Bill Walton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have not written much to the list in the past but have lurked and learned
much.  I have a question that I'd like to put to the group.  We bought a
Fjord mare about 2 and a half years ago that was supposedly pregnant at the
time and the seller guaranteed a live birth.  A few months after getting her
we found she was no longer pregnant.  We took her back to the seller who had
the stud and had her serviced.  This was done several times last year and
twice this year all to no avail. All this was done under the direction of a
good vet who ultrasounded her on a regular basis.  I have finally come to
the conclusion that it is futile to spend any more time and money trying to
get this mare pregnant and my vet agrees (even though I made several truck
payments for him).  So, since I have not encountered this situation in the
past and am a novice at horsebreeding I do not know what I should expect the
seller to do to honor his guarantee of a live birth.  I know that selling a
pregnant mare with a guaranteed live birth is a fairly common practice but
what is the accepted recourse if the live birth does not happen.   The
seller has offered to give me either another breeding to another Fjord mare
or the $450 he normally gets as a breeding fee.  A friend of mine who has
dealt with horses many years says that I should return the mare and get my
money back but the seller is not real receptive to that idea.  I don't
necessarily like that idea either as we have gotten quite attached to this
mare.  I know I would not have bought her in the first place for the price I
paid if it were not for the guaranteed live birth.   The seller admits that
he is also more or less ignorant of what is expected "in the industry" in
this situation so, in a sense, we are both asking for input from those of
you who have experience in this area.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated whether they be to the list
or privately.


Bill Walton is sunny and cool Minnesota

Re: Fjord Liquidation

2000-06-04 Thread Bill Walton
This message is from: "Bill Walton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Again, it would be very helpful to mention your location when listing
anything, especially animals, for sale.

Re: St. Paul Winter Carnival Sleigh Rally

2000-02-07 Thread Bill Walton
This message is from: "Bill Walton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Nice description of the Shire incident, Susan.  The final count of Fjords
there was 12, 4 teams and 4 singles, which was great.  I had Thunhild, our
14 year old Fjord mare, pulling a bobsled and she loved it so much she would
not go any slower than a quick trot for the first 2 hours.  She must have
impressed someone as we got the red ribbon for single draft horse which took
me a bit by surprise as they had initially registered all Fjords in the pony
class but apparently changed that when so many Fjords showed up.  Anyway it
was a lot of fun and a very nice turnout on a very nice day.

Bill Walton from sunny White Bear Lake, MN

Re: trailer

1999-03-13 Thread Bill Walton
This message is from: "Bill Walton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Where in Minnesota are you?  We are just north of StPaul in White Bear Lake
and are planning on going to Blue Earth also.  If you are nearby or on the
way we could haul your 2 Fjords with our 2.  We use a 20' gooseneck
Featherlite stock trailer so would have lots of room.
Bill Walton
if you'd like to call us it is 651 426-8163

Re: Solveig II, Vanja, Sleipner

1998-11-19 Thread Bill Walton
This message is from: "Bill Walton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi All,
This is my first time to write to the list so bear with me.  I have been
quite interested in reading the various comments of late about Vanja.  About
3 months ago I bought 2 Fjords, a mother and daughter, from Klaas Van Zee.
He said the mother's name was Thunhild, which I thought was a bit clumsy so
asked what they called her on a day to day basis, thinking that she may be
called something like "Thune" or "Hildy".  Klaas said they called her
"Vanja" because that is what they had always called her and when the mix ups
had been cleared up they just kept calling her Vanja. Thunhild is pregnant
by Klaas's stud Sven II and is due to foal in May or June.  Sven II is also
the sire of Katrina, the 2 year old daughter.  Sven II is the son of Leif
who I have seen mentioned here also.  I have been using Thunhild and Katrina
together in harness pulling a hay wagon for rides.  Katrina was letting her
mother do all the work (typical kid) but after a couple times out she was
steadily pulling her share.  I plan to breed Katrina in the spring when she
turns 3 so am looking for appropriate stud in the area.  We like the short,
draftier look. Thunhild is 13.2 and about 1,200 lbs..  She is a bit fat now
but we are working on that.  They are certainly sweet horses.

Bill Walton
White Bear Lake, Minnesota