Re: Fjords on TV! Evening of Dancing Horses

2003-02-28 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Thanks for the memo.  That's not a bad idea to find out aboutgetting in 
touch with the program itself and finding out if a taping of some sort would 
be available.  I'll look into that.  

Gretchen Karlson";>Karlson 
Equestrian Portraiture

Re: Fjords on TV! Evening of Dancing Horses

2003-02-28 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For the lucky individuals that do get this program - would someone mind 
taping it?  I wouldn't mind reimbursing for time and expenses so I can watch 
it as well!

Gretchen Karlson";>Karlson 
Equestrian Portraiture

Re: white Fjords

2003-01-20 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I found a very interesting and informative article on this topic.  Thought it 
could help detail and explain a little about the lethal white factor.";>Click here: 
Overo Lethal White Syndrom

Gretchen Karlson";>Karlson 
Equestrian Portraiture

Cutting the Mane?

2003-01-16 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all,

Just had a question pop in my head, which has actually been stuck there for 
some time.  In all the conversations I've had with breeders and Fjord owners, 
I keep forgetting to ask this one:
What was the reason for cutting the mane of the Fjord, back in the Viking 
days?  Was it just to differentiate between their Fjords and other breeds?  
Or a fashion statement?

I tend to think it's probably one of the most immediate eye-appealing 
features of the Fjords and glad they did it, for whatever reason it may be!

Gretchen Karlson";>Karlson 
Equestrian Portraiture

Fjord Artwork

2003-01-11 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm going straight to the source on this one...
I've had very little luck in searches online, with dealers, catalogs, etc. 
trying to find artwork of Fjords.  Specifically, I'd be interested in 
commorative posters, show/clinic posters, or anything with a Fjord on it!  
Ebay is searched daily, but no luck.  Anyone have any suggestions??  Thanks 
in advance

Gretchen Karlson";>Karlson 
Equestrian Portraiture

Re: Fjord Herald

2003-01-11 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hey Linda,

I just emailed the NFHR the other day to find out where the issue may 
beand I received it today.  Be patient - it's coming!  =)

Gretchen Karlson";>Karlson 
Equestrian Portraiture

Re: learning to drive

2002-12-22 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Bonnie,

Thank you for the links!  I'll be sure to check them out and get all the info 
I can.  Saves me the time searching in the wrong places!
Happy Holidays!
Gretchen Karlson";>Karlson 
Equestrian Portraiture

Re: Amish and the Fjords

2002-12-22 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Steve, 

I guess from the general consensus, I'm gathering that the reason Fjords 
aren't more prevalent within the Amish community is due to their "expense".  
I can imagine that it's difficult enough as it is trying to keep up with a 
farm life and regular farm expenses (including the upkeep of draft animals).  
Having Fjords might be (at this point and time) a luxury for some of them.  I 
know their devotion and use of the Haflinger seems to suit them for the 
work/pony stuff.just hope there won't be any future competition between 
that breed and the Fjord!

Gretchen Karlson";>Karlson 
Equestrian Portraiture

Survey Results

2002-12-20 Thread Fjordlove
27;t imagine why!) 98% No, 2% Yes.  

18.)  Which Fjord-promoting method do you think would be most beneficial: A.
The circus or "Medieval Times type theme-show", B.  The movies, or C.
Strictly horse shows and Fjord events.
   = C was the winner here.  While A took 2nd, most of you didn't care 
for the idea of promoting a Fjord through movies (which do indeed have many 
negative drawbacks).  I had a bunch of folks mention they'd like to see more 
"Libby-type" shows around the country and more expos featuring Fjords.

19.)  Would you purchase a Fjord for its low cost over its quality?   
   = Of all the questions, this one had the most varied responses.  
Granted it's a pretty vague question, but the basis is this: summing up 
everything one considers quality (conformation, breeding, temper, training, 
health, etc.) and pitting it against a pricetag, most of you felt that 
especially with a unique breed the Fjord is, quality should be of greater 
importance - especially when used to promote the breed.  A few (like 2%) 
stated that regardless of quality, they had to stick with a budget - which is 
equally important as well.

20.)  Do you breed or have you ever bred Fjords?  If yes, how many foals a
   = Not many breeders out there - roughly 5% had experience.  The rest 
left the process to the experts!

Again, thank you all!  Happy Holidays to everyone!
Gretchen Karlson";>Karlson 
Equestrian Portraiture

Amish and the Fjords

2002-12-20 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was emailed a question from a Haflinger friend of mine who was curious to 
know about Fjords - and had one question in particular that I couldn't 
answer.  She wanted to know if anyone knows or has heard of the Amish 
using/breeding/or becoming involved with Fjords.  I know that their 
involvement with draft horses is very deep as is their breeding and 
participation of the Haflinger - but didn't know what to say.

Gretchen Karlson";>Karlson 
Equestrian Portraiture

Fjord Survey - Almost Up!

2002-12-19 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all,

Just wanted to thank everyone for sending in their survey for the Fjord 
information.  So far, I've received some great feedback and answers - which 
will help explain some questions to my riding club.  

I'll be taking surveys for another day (due date Saturday) so send them in!

Thanks again,
Gretchen Karlson";>Karlson 
Equestrian Portraiture

General Survey

2002-12-18 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all!
Can't remember posting this many topics, but I had a lot to share!  I hope 
some of you can share with me some of your information now, as I'm looking to 
complete a general horsey survey.  This survey will be used to gather 
information for a report that I am submitting for our riding club's project.  
My topic was chosen to gather Fjord-related information, and has 20 questions 
listed below.  If anyone would like to participate, please copy the list of 
questions and email them to me privately (at [EMAIL PROTECTED]).  Thanks to 
all who contribute!!


1.)  When and how did you first learn about the Norwegian Fjord horse?

2.)  Do you currently own a Fjord?  If yes, how many? 

3.)  Do you own any other breed of horse?

4.)  How long have you owned a Fjord or have been interested in the breed?

5.)  What is your most favorite trait about the Fjord?

6.)  What is your favorite Fjord color?

7.)  Of all the traits, do you feel there is anything the Fjord could use a 
little improving on?

8.)  What type of riding do you do?

9.)  How often do you ride?

10.)  Does your profession include horses?

11.)  In what events do you participate with your Fjords in?  If you show, 
what classes and how often?

12.)  Do you feel that crossbreeding the Fjord is wrong?

13.)  Would you or have you ever imported a Fjord?  If yes, how many or for 
how long have you imported?

14.)  Do you participate in Fjord-standards, such as trimming of the mane?

15.)  Do you feel a Fjord should be registered?  If yes, would you purchase a 
non-registered Fjord?

16.)  Do you participate in identification-marking methods, such as branding, 
micro-chipping, etc.?

17.)  Would you keep a Fjord in warm weather climate, such as a desert?  
Note:  Usual summer temps. are 115!  

18.)  Which Fjord-promoting method do you think would be most beneficial: A.  
The circus or "Medival Times type theme-show", B.  The movies, or C.  
Strictly horse shows and Fjord events.

19.)  Would you purchase a Fjord for its low cost over its quality?

20.)  Do you breed or have you ever bred Fjords?  If yes, how many foals a 

All information gathered for the Sagewood Spurs Riding Club, Chandler, 

Gretchen Karlson";>Karlson 
Equestrian Portraiture

Driving me nuts!

2002-12-18 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] much as I try, I have yet the means or the location to get my 
first Fjord.  I'm growing quite impatient and my distaste for the desert 
grows even faster.  Arizona is for golfers - not Fjords.  

In the mean time, I'm learning all I can about this great breed.  To Deb's 
comment - yes, it's great to see you Fjord owners out there promoting these 
great horses - afterall, that's how I first found out about them!  Hopefully 
it'll continue to be a growing interest for many more horse folk (although 
honestly, I hope it doesn't get too huge!)

While I'm new to the Fjord, I'm certainly not new to horses.  I've done just 
about everything imaginable but currently pursue reining, pleasure, and 
starting those young ones!  Can't say I'm into that showy stuff anymore - I'm 
mainly all about a utilitarian horseso having an animal do it all is very 
important to my program.  
Unfortunately, I lack in that "do it all" department - not the horse.  While 
I've studied, taken some lessons and have read a few books, I'm still trying 
to get more information about the art of DRIVING.  Does anyone have any 
videos, books, or any helpful information pertaining to driving Fjords??  
Thanks in advance!
Gretchen Karlson";>Karlson 
Equestrian Portraiture

Abused Fjords?

2002-12-18 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Good evening to all!

I know everyone must be sick of this topic regarding slaughtered horses 
(myself included) but I must admit, while we all seem hesitant to continue 
discussing this issue, keep in mind - it's a huge and very important issue to 
be heard.  Putting it on the backburner doesn't achieve anythingand 
knowledge is power.  The viewpoints that have been shared - both positive and 
negative - have all helped raise our awareness regarding the slaughter 
business and more importantly, helped keep our focus on the well-being of our 
beloved Fjord horses.  Our focus and attention to this uneasy issue is 
helping bring home some needy Fjords.

Aside from all the postings about slaughtered horses, I'm curious to know if 
there has ever been a situation (on an equally grand scale) where Fjord abuse 
has been involved?  Granted most anyone who seems to be genuinely involved in 
Fjords doesn't seem capable of such an atrocity, but it leaves me with 
unanswered questions.  
Currently, I'm pursuing the purchase of my first Fjord and while I most 
certainly will only purchase from a quality and reputable (not to mention 
long-standing) Fjord breeder, I wonder about others out there who have 
purchased Fjords, either second-hand or "on a whim".  I guess my question 
revolves around this: to those purchasers that buy Fjords (basically 
uneducated about the breed and its history) and more for the fact that it is 
a horse, is there any system or any way to find out exactly where the Fjord 
came from, when not bought from a breeder?
I posted a response to the Hermiston auction email (which is why these 
questions began raising in my head) - regarding the Fjords that came through 
that particular auction.  A friend of mine knows the purchaser on one of the 
Fjords that was bought there.  It is now currently at a good home, used as a 
child's gaming horse, however the whereabouts of the other Fjords, I'm not 
sure of.  When Fjords end up at auctions such as the Hermiston, how on earth 
do they get there in the first place??  Granted I've seen some really top 
quality horses in theremostly Quarter horses, but the sight of a Fjord at 
auction really catches one off guard.  The disturbing fact is, the Fjord had 
to have been bred pure or at least-somewhat, by someone knowing the breed.  
The Fjords that were at this auction were noted to be in pretty rough shape.  
What breeder would allow this??  To me, when you have someone involved in 
horses - especially with such a rare and fairly expensive as the Fjord - who 
is willing to part with the "animal" through an auction or any other 
questionable selling method, they have no business being involved with that 
particular breed if they don't care for the horse and its well being, future, 
and whereabouts.  It's that type of attitude that tends to lead to abuse 

Can anyone help explain?

Gretchen Karlson";>Karlson 
Equestrian Portraiture

Re: the saving of Fjords

2002-12-18 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just wanted to quickly comment on a previous posting:

>From Deb:
> When I mentioned about the 4-6 Fjords I saw at the Hermiston auction, just
> this past October,  only one person on this board even mentioned the
> posting. What do you suppose happened to them Fjords lost in a world of
> quarter horses. Perhaps I am a bit angry that I am a "nobody" on this list
> and so those poor Fjords didn't have a well known advocate.

I was one of the folks who replied to this posting in Octoberabout 
knowing the location/history of the Hermiston auction and that I myself have 
indeed seen Fjords there.  As I mentioned in my reply, from what I gathered 
(from a friend who was there and saw them), these Fjords seemed quite poor in 
quality - and quite possibly in health.  To follow up on that story, I 
contacted my friend again to see if he knew anything about the Fjords 
whereabouts.  Thankfully, he stated that one was purchased by a friend he 
knew from gaming, as a kid's 4-H project/beginner gaming horse.  While he 
said the owners didn't purchase the horse for its breed, but rather its quite 
disposition, the horse found himself a good home with trusting folks.
As for the remaining Fjords, he wasn't certain where they were sold to, but 
they did get split up - not sold together - from what he remembered.  
Hopefully, that's an indication that they weren't bought in bulk for a 
slaughter house.
It's kind of hard to forget seeing such a "strange" breed floating through 
that place - which is "Quarter Horse Country" indeed.  Lets hope and pray the 
other Fjords found good, loving homes as well and nothing worse.

Gretchen Karlson";>Karlson 
Equestrian Portraiture

Re: Viking Magazine

2002-12-05 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Fred,

Just curious to know if it's possible to purchase individual copies of the 
Viking issues??  I'd love to get a copy of the one you speak of, devoted to 
the Fjord.


Re: CDE Definition

2002-11-24 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks all - I figured that's what it stood forbut just thought it might 
have been a "Fjord-only" term.

Happy Early Thanksgiving to all!  Go enjoy your Fjords for the holiday!!

CDE Definition

2002-11-24 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've seen the abbreviation used before (along with a few others) but still 
haven't figured out what "CDE" is or stands for.  Can anyone explain plus 
possibly alliterate on other abbreviated Fjord terms??

Many thanks,
Chandler, AZ - so warm it can't be almost Christmas.

NFHR Email

2002-11-17 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all,

Not sure if anyone else has had problemsbut I can't seem to email the 
NFHR (the [EMAIL PROTECTED] address).  Is this a temporary problem.or just 


Fjord Christmas Idea

2002-10-31 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello everyone,

Just thought I'd throw the idea out into the Fjord community
If you're still looking around or trying to find that unique Fjord or horse 
gift for Christmas, consider a personalized equine portrait.  I specialize in 
drawing graphite renditions of horses.very high quality, very affordable 
and they make wonderful presents, for any occassion.  Please reserve early, 
as time is limited.

If anyone would like additional information and an online brochure, please 
email me privately.  Thanks!

Gretchen Karlson

Re: twenty-one questions-

2002-10-22 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ruthis - Well put!

Re: Moving to Virginia

2002-10-22 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Good luck in your move and safe journey.  You're sure to love Manassas (I 
lived there for a short while) compared to NY (lived there Western 
NY).  Virginia IS horse countryand there's an abundance of things to do.  
Best wishes!

Re: Bloodline Information?

2002-10-21 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I didn't immediately find it on the NFHR sitebut I'll look around again.  
I figured you guys had the info!

Thank you,

Bloodline Information?

2002-10-20 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Digging around online has left me without much informationso I'm going 
straight to the source - you guys!
Does anyone know where I can find information that features Fjord lineage (a 
list of bloodlines)?  Specifically, I'm interested in learning which lines 
are influential, what those lines represent, where they're from, etc, etc.  

It's hard learning about the Fjord history with little to go by!  

Thanks in advance,
Gretchen in AZ

Re: twenty-one questions-

2002-10-20 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Imported Fjords for resale...why?

2002-10-20 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's interesting to get the viewpoints of this situation from everyone - as 
everyone has some really good key issues to mention.  
Being more familiar with the Friesian situation too, I've always been curious 
regarding one issue not often addressed with the importing situation. ( Using 
the Friesian as an example) I've never quite understood why breeders and 
enthusiastic breed fans, feel the constant need to import horses.  I 
understand why importing is done (most usually to incorporate new bloodlines 
and new stock - which any good, careful breeder would do) but never fully 
understood the phenomena surrounding it.  It's almost as if importing is your 
only option, when wanting a "purest of the pure, quality-quality" horse.  
There's a reason why we have the keuring and approval process (especially 
approving stallions for breeding) for breeds such as the Friesian and to not 
hold that in value, does a great injustice to what American breeders are 
I knew a Friesian breeder from Pennsylvania (a friend bought a mare through 
him) who sold many good horses.  He had stated at one time, that many people 
from the states put too much emphasis and value on the word "import".  The 
foreign market he thinks, has picked up on the American import demand and 
he's found more than one shady foreign breeder trying to meet it.  Just 
because they come from a foreign country, doesn't mean they're perfect or mee
t the ideal breed standard.  What's scary, is those who know this and buy one 
of these horses (because of the low cost, or whatever) - then come back to 
the states to resell and stick that label on their horse, "imported".  In 
America, a less that really knowledgeable person might pay far more than what 
the horse is actually worth (in breed value).
I guess my question could be narrowed down to this: why, when there are 
breeders here in the states striving for pure, top quality horses (that have 
imported and use quality imported stock in their breeding program), do many 
people still feel that importing a horse is the only way to go, when getting 
a "ideal original"?  

I hope I didn't create a wave of controversy on this subject, as my goal 
isn't to dissuade people from importing.  My key point to contribute - be the 
most educated, careful, and scrupulous buyer/owner you can be.

Chandler, AZ

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2002 #241

2002-10-19 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Shawna,

I have two words to help in your saddle dilemma - "Ortho Flex".  I too have 
had several problems fitting a very wide, flat withered horse (although not a 
Fjord).  After numerous trials and saddle "try-buys", I ended up with an 
Ortho Flex.  You simply can't find a better fitting, high quality saddle.  
Now, I highly recommend the Circle Y's, Crates, etc. (I have those as well!), 
but to me - to get that ideal fit on a hard-to-fit horse, the Ortho Flex's 
are just awesome, and super comfortable.
Good luck in finding the one you need!

Chandler, AZ

Re: Fjords at Auction

2002-10-19 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi DT,

I used to live in the Tri-Cities (right outside Hermiston, Oregon) and have 
been to the auction numerous times (with a QH breeder/trainer I worked for, 
when he went to purchase/sell his stock).  On ~ 5 different occassions, I've 
noticed Fjords going through - which is really unusual - as most folk in that 
area know it's mainly a QH dominated auction.  Even Arabs are a rare sight.  
In any event, I'm 99.9% sure my friend knows the owner of the Fjords - and 
from what I remember, they weren't quality bred or valuable enough to be sold 
privately (which is no fault of the horse).  It's my hunch, like so many 
other horses sold there, that they're basically recycled - having passed from 
one auction to the next.

Are you looking into purchasing one?  If so, I might be able to do some 
tracking down for you

Gretchen in Arizona (formerly from Tri-Cities, WA)

Just want to learn more!

2002-10-16 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello everyone!
Glad to see this list is up and activeas I love to hear from other Fjord 
enthuasists.  I'm pretty new to the breed (not yet an owner) but I'm really 
seriously interested in everything that is Fjord.  Basically, I'd like to 
gather more information about Fjord related shows (when's the "big one"), how 
to show the Fjord, and other details that you don't find/hear from general 
information.  I'm assuming this is the place to talk and learn.  Thanks in 
advance for the info and happy to be a part of this!

Gretchen - Chandler, AZ - Sadly stuck in the desert where Fjords don't grow 
well.  Love this desert heat (we're still around 98!) but that's about it.

Re: Anyone out there?

2002-10-14 Thread Fjordlove
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Sue,

Glad to hear that this works!  I just joined and was unsure of the feedback 
process and such.  
I'm new, but very enthuastic to the Norwegian Fjord.  My fiance and I are 
very seriously interested in becoming more involved in this breed, and wanted 
to get into the Fjord community as well.  Can anyone tell me of any big 
events happening either this year or next?  Also, I'm curious to know the 
rules and steps involved in showing the Fjord - "what's different with these 
guys than other horses?"  Anything anyone can share is greatly appreciated!
Gretchen Karlson - Chandler, AZ