Re:Richard Shrake Seminar

2004-04-03 Thread Lpwollowitz
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Jeanne - so good to hear from someone wanting to take a Richard Shrake 
Seminar.  I've never taken one but have heard his are really terrific.  I 'll 
62 this May and also don't care to show (anymore).  Trail riding does wonders 
for a horse as well for people who just want to enjoy life, the great outdoors 
(whenever it's great that is, in Syracuse NY we have lots of snow and rain so 
sunny trail-riding days are truly appreciated).  Showing can be lots of fun 
and I've done it a lot (some years far too much) since 1986, but riding for the 
fun of it without the pressure of a show will bring you years of pleasure!  
Get out there and get horsin! - Vesle Blakka the mare, and Linda Wollowitz, the 

Re: Sadie and her loss; also, 2 saddles and a bridle for fjords.

2003-04-04 Thread Lpwollowitz
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Peg - I am so so sorry about Sadie's colt and the terrible time you all went 
through in the birthing.  Hopefully she will recover with all your good care 
and the resources of modern medicine!  love, Linda Wollowitz

Vesle Blakka and I have decided that driving is our forte, so I have some 
truly fabulous saddles I wish to sell:

One Courbette Dressage Saddle, I think it was called a Futura Grand Prix 
Black, 17 1/2, Med-Wide Tree.  I bought it new at $1250, regularly $1395.
I used it for 18 months on and off, plus at one show in Vt.  
Excellent condition, includes leathers and stirrups:  $600.

One Courbette Dressage Bridle:  Black, plus braided reins and one double 
set for upper levels, used at ONE show in Vt. in two classes.  The 
package was $375.and is 
for sale for $200.

One Courbette Futura All-Purpose Saddle, also 17 1/2 Med-Wide Tree.  Was 
$1223.  new, I got it for $1150.  It is in excellent condition and includes 
leathers and stirrups.
Dark Brown:  $525.

These fit fjords perfectly since Julie Will helped me get the right 
I will have the privilege of riding in her saddle from Norway, but only 
out on trails which was our favorite activity together.  It's a wonderful 
sort-of stock saddle...does anyone who went to Norway remember what kind of 
saddle pad/blanket they use?

Also, East Coasters - look for your registration packet for the Finger 
Lakes Fjord Horse Show.  It should be coming soon to your home/farm.  The 
show will be on Saturday June 14th AND Sunday morning June 15th until classes 
end.  Hopefully there will be more info. in the next Fjord Journal as well.  
Two four-letter words from Syracuse in April SNOW and RAIN!
linda wollowitz

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2003 #25

2003-01-23 Thread Lpwollowitz
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Poem from Aimee
Wow! Super poem, better than the original by Jenny Joseph When I am an old 
The secret is however that we older mares just don't get old when we have 
these Fjords - they suit us through all phases of womanhood - from crazy 
games as teens through quiet driving or just sitting in pastures with them by 
our sides.  So there,all you hotdog Thoroughbred, Hackney and Saddlebred 
owners! (I once owned those breeds, but as I once wrote...been with the rest, 
now with the best!)
Linda Wollowitz in Snowy Syracuse where it's 8 below zero in my yard as I 


2002-12-30 Thread Lpwollowitz
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This discussion of crossbreeding is getting VERY OLD.  We all know that 
owners can and will do whatever they want with their Fjords once they have 
ownership.  We all may have individual opinions as to what's 
good-better-best, or bad-worse-worst for the breed.  We'll never be able to 
stop owners from cross-breeding, so perhaps it's time for a new topic for the 
New Year!  
Linda Wollowitz, the lucky owner of Vesle Blakka, the finest driving 
horse around! (Not that I'm prejudiced, of course!)

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2002 #264

2002-11-15 Thread Lpwollowitz
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wow!  What a great piece of writing from Julie!  I know a lot of you folks 
out there miss her just as much as I whoever has all those back 
issues, keep looking up her great messages, I love hearing from her from time 
to time!  Linda Wollowitz 

Pat Wolfe's show

2002-09-21 Thread Lpwollowitz
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Last year as well as this one Pat organized a show I would have dearly loved 
attending - the big problem is that it has fallen both times during Rosh 
Hashana/Yom Kippur and I am employed during those two weeks.  Is there any 
way that it could be scheduled after those holidays?  I know that those dates 
may affect very few people, but if we could avoid holidays of any kind, we 
might even better attendance!
Thanks!  Linda Wollowitz

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2000 #269

2000-10-15 Thread lpwollowitz
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can the Keurings discussions be put behind us and all of 
us owners, professionals and amateurs alike just enjoy our 
Fjords through the winter as we ready them and ourselves 
for 2001?  My very dearest friend, known to most or all of 
you, Julie Will, continues her treatments for a cure, or 
at the very least a VERY LONG remission for cancer.  In 
the big picture of life, let's focus together in our 
thoughts and prayers for her, her family and friends.  
Thanks!!  Linda Wollowitz

Re: naming foals 2000

2000-02-28 Thread lpwollowitz
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My mare, Stella III, is in foal to Erlend for late April, 
2000.  Since this is our first, and this year the letter 
is V for foals, where do you find the names list for 
authentic Norwegian names for fillies  colts?  Thanks for 
any info. you folks out there can share with me.  Linda 
Wollowitz, in thawing, muddy, but sunny Syracuse NY. 

Fjord Horse Show Aug 5, 2000

2000-02-08 Thread lpwollowitz
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Fjord folks -

Here in Syracuse we're basking in sunshine and planning a 
show for you Northeasters.  The date is August 5, 2000.  
That's a Saturday, but the Cayuga County Fairgrounds will 
be open for us mid-afternoon Friday and camping is 
available as well.  Julie Will is our head contact, and 
the show committee is rounded out by Chris Loveless, Pat 
McCurdy, Tammy Savery and me, Linda Wollowitz.  We are 
doing this show in lieu of the NYS Breeders Show which is 
held in May.  We have always been 3rd cousins, not even 
2nd cousins to the other show breeds (Saddlebreds, 
Hackneys, Morgans, etc.) and have usually had to show in a 
4-H ring, far from the Coliseum.  So... this is the show 
for you, for us, for our friends and admirerers.  We will 
post the fees (reasonable, probably $8/class), stall fees 
(refundable except for $10 if you clean up!), hope to see 
you there!  Stella III's mom...linda wollowitz 

winter shoes, whoa in norwegian.

1999-10-25 Thread lpwollowitz
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Some quick questions.  I have a lovely mare, Stella III 
who's 9 years old.  She goes shoeless, but this winter I 
would like to drive her around the farm, and ride her as 
well.  Problem is - we get lots of snow in upstate NY - do 
I need to shoe her so she won't clog up or fall (ie. just 
like my x-ctry skis if I don't wax them correctly)?  Any 
advice...she's never been shod, should the farrier be 
fearful?  What would it do to her wonderful hooves anyway?

Also, how do you say whoa in Norwegian?  Thanks!
linda wollowitz