
2000-02-01 Thread Marion Bijster
This message is from: Marion Bijster [EMAIL PROTECTED]

this summer the Dutch fjordstudbook has a jubilee and two days
festivities because they exist 45 years

The programme is not yet final

It can contain the following things:

Friday august 4:

Long distance contest for riders on horseback and horses and carriages
through the national park De Hoge Veluwe

Also open for riders without contesting

Possibility for a show in pulling trees out of the forest and a contest

Show and contest for horses brought in the ring by hand

Open for horses 2 year and older, mares and geldings to seek out the
best horse in uniformity and quality

Judges: possible all members and a judge from each country that
contributes with horses

Further: names of judges

Simutaniously in the ring to the side is a show in dressage

which means that they try to get as many fjord horses to show what they
can do

But this part of the program is not yet definitive.

The shows will be both on Friday and Saturday

Saturday: coaches with one horse or more and a contest in beauty

That means that the clothes have to match the coach, or the time that
they represent

The same with ridden horses and at the hand

Oldies (people ?)

Demonstrations from the different parts of our country (short)

Individual demonstrations

This is the program so far

What precisely will be hold and when is not yet known, but surely will
be in some time


By the way: Hansje is doing wonderful !

I rode her yesterday for a full hour for the first time, with a lot of
stepping in between, and she did very well.

I even tried a little canter and she did it !

Hansje from Holland

2000-01-22 Thread Marion Bijster
This message is from: Marion Bijster [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi folks out there !

I really have to share this with you, I am so excited !
I rode Hansje for the first time today and she is so sweet and pleasant
to ride!
Just like a rocking chair.
Since I brought her home last monday I have been taking long walks with
her and lungeing, up to 20 minutes now
She still is of course quite weak and fat, but is no longer exhausted
after 5 minutes trotting
She even can gallop some rounds now instead of 3, 4 strokes
Today I mounted her, none of my saddles fit her, so I borroughed one
from the ridingschool that belongs to a Haflinger and walked and trotted
for about 10 minutes.  She has such a gentle pace, I am so content with
her !
She walks as a young horse who carries a rider for the first time, even
though she is 12,5 years old.  She has not been ridden for 3 or 4 years
and before probably never or very little been ridden in a decent way. So
she has to learn everything, like a young horse, but that does not
With my former horse I used to ride quite high in dressage, so I can
learn Hansje the basic things and that is enough. I no longer want to
compete, just ride nicely and have fun and when sping comes, maybe ride
somewhat in the neighbourhood, outside in the field, as far as that is
possible here.
I strongly believe we are going to have some great fun together.
I trimmed her somewhat, she had a beard like a goat and washed her tail
twice and now she really looks nice already.
Greetings, Marion

Re: saddles...again!!!!!!

2000-01-19 Thread Marion Bijster
This message is from: Marion Bijster [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Denise Delgado [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Aan: fjordhorse@angus.mystery.com fjordhorse@angus.mystery.com
Datum: woensdag-januari-2000 3:53
Onderwerp: Re: saddles...again!!

This message is from: Denise Delgado [EMAIL PROTECTED]

what can any of you tell me about aussie saddles and fitting fjords.  a
friend told me they are very light, comfortable and can be made to fit any
horse and you use minimal padding underneath and they are deeper and you
up closer to the withers, over the shoulders.  any experience with these
saddles, out there?  denise in rainy and windy northern calif.


I have always ridden my Fjords with a Kieffer dressage saddle, which has e
special belt for horses built like Fjords.  Round like an egg, so to say

and the saddle fits weel


Re: lonely fjord?

2000-01-18 Thread Marion Bijster
This message is from: Marion Bijster [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: James A. Rohde [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Aan: fjordhorse@angus.mystery.com fjordhorse@angus.mystery.com
Datum: dinsdag-januari-2000 0:41
Onderwerp: lonely fjord?

This message is from: James A. Rohde [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have been reading the list for about 1 year now. We have had our 1 1/2
year old fjord gelding at home for about 1 month. He is our first and only
horse. We bought him in May and boarded him until December 5th. He has
always been with other horses, and at least one fellow fjord, until now. At
first he seemed happy here. Really in tune to us. Lately he seem to be
somewhat distant, not his usual self. No changes in diet or outward health.
He does have a check-up scheduled soon. He seems discontent.(not happy).
That is the only way that I can explain it. We feel that he must be lonely
for horse companionship and are planning to purchase another gelding of
similar age and disposition. Niki was always the outgoing one. Loved human
attention. When we purchased him we were told that he would be fine on his
own. He always seemed to understand personal space and now seems a bit
pushy. I think that he is frustrated.
Could he just be lonely?
 Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly

Barb and Jim Rohde
Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin

Yes, I definitely think the horse feels lonely
They always need company, whether it is a goat, a chicken even, but
preferrably another horse.
Happy fjodin ! Marion

Hilde and Hansje

2000-01-18 Thread Marion Bijster
This message is from: Marion Bijster [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tillie, you askes me where the mare comes from who is still for sale.
Hername is Hilde and her father is Bjorgard who is a son of Astrix the
mother is Doreen.

He does not as kuch money for her, but I still think it would not wise
to buy her. Of course he will sell her one of these days as the owner
is not completely happy with the situation either. He had his horses
always outside in the field, but owns no more land now.

I brought Hansje safe home yesterday, with the sweat in my palms, It
had been quite a while since I drove with a horse in the trailer, but
all went well.

I came with a blanket and things to wrap around her legs (don't know
the English name), but before I could say Boo, the man had Hansje
already standing in the trailer. Well I left it that way, was happy
enough that she gave no trouble going inside.

When we arrives at the stables where she is going to live (I rent a
box at the riding school here, who is very good for the horses; they
have an inside riding place, an outside riding place, a place for
lungeing and some pastures for the summer) she immediately started to
eat hay. I later let her loose in the inside riding place and when she
dicovered the mirror she would no more leave it, thinking it were her
fellow Fjords from where she came. Every time she started to walk away
she neighed at the mirror and run back as fast as she could.

I gave her a lot of carrots, which won't make her fat, because she has
a lot of overweight. Everyone liked her at first sight, because she
has a friendly look ad is so funny, like a horse from a comic book. A
big head, too big almost and the little legs go so full of energy, you
really have to laugh when you see her trot.

I suppose she is very pleasant to ride, but will train her first
before I try that. Didn't try her out, neither my daughter when we
went to see her, because she had not been out of her stables for 6
weeks and I thought that would not be fair for the animal. I believe
she has not been ridden for years, not really been ridden. Some
children did sit on her while grazing, but that was all. Because the
owner did not have a saddle at hand, nor bridles.

Anyway, I am very happy with my Hansje !


Re: Hansje

2000-01-16 Thread Marion Bijster
This message is from: Marion Bijster [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Sarah Vogeley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Aan: fjordhorse@angus.mystery.com fjordhorse@angus.mystery.com
Datum: zondag-januari-2000 19:21
Onderwerp: Re: Hansje

This message is from: Sarah Vogeley [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Perhaps the other one looked angry because she wasn't well looked after
either.   I wouldn't be too happy being locked in a stall for a seemingly
indefinate period of time myself, so perhaps there is hope for the other
as well?  Is he or she available for purchase? Where are the horses
If you are able, please post the particulars on this list in case there
might be a list member who can help the other one out as well.

Good luck with your new friend.


Sarah Vogeley
New Forest Farm
Charlottesville, VA

From: Marion Bijster [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: fjorden mailinglist fjordhorse@angus.mystery.com
Subject: Hansje
Date: Sun, Jan 16, 2000, 11:44 PM

  Anyway the price was very
 reasonable, so when she turnes out not to be the companion I hope she is
 I can always sell her good. But that is nog what I hope. She was dirty
 and not well-looked after. I felt sorry for the other animal, but I can
 only afford one. The character of the other horse was not good and I did
 not like the look in her eye. There was something wrong with her.
 But this one looked completely honest.

Sarah, this Fjord is for sale in The Netherlands
that is quite far away from the States
But anyway, for anyone who is nearby ans is interested, the telephonenumber
is 0487-542004
I did not mean she was angry, but jumpy and not okay.
I am eally looking forward to getting Hansje tomorrow and placing her in her
new stable and surroundings. She will think she is in heaven
The coming time I will slowly work on building muscles again en stamina. Am
really looking forward to it !


2000-01-16 Thread Marion Bijster
This message is from: Marion Bijster [EMAIL PROTECTED]

hello everyone out there !
Time to celebrate, because I bought a new Fjord today !
Her name is Hansje (little Hans) and she is 13 years old.
A very funny looking mare she is.
To morrow I am going to get her and everyone here in the stables where
she is going to live is quite curious how she looks.
I went to see someone who had two Fjords for sale, who belonged to his
children but these are grown ups now and he has no more land to let them
They have never done much work, so she walks like a horse of 5 years.
Looked completely fine to me, good legs, no back-sensibility.
Only the poor animals are stabled since starting december without any
opportunity whatsoever to move or run.
So I did not ride on her to try, because that would not be fair for the
But I saw her move and it looked good to me. Anyway the price was very
reasonable, so when she turnes out not to be the companion I hope she is
I can always sell her good. But that is nog what I hope. She was dirty
and not well-looked after. I felt sorry for the other animal, but I can
only afford one. The character of the other horse was not good and I did
not like the look in her eye. There was something wrong with her.
But this one looked completely honest.
So the next weeks I will be busy grooming and walking with her and
lungeing and slowly training to built up muscles again.  You will hear
from me !

Re: new

2000-01-14 Thread Marion Bijster
This message is from: Marion Bijster [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Meredith Sessoms [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Datum: donderdag-januari-2000 18:07
Onderwerp: Re: new

Hi Marion and welcome to the list!  You wrote ...

Next sunday I am going to look for a new Fjord.

There is a page of horses for sale at the Dutch Fjord Horse Studbook site
the web at:


If you don't have browsing capabilities I can 'copy and paste' the page and
send you the info via e-mail.
GOOD LUCK on your search, there are so many super Fjords out there I'm sure
you'll find one who is suitable!

thank you Meredith,
I am already a mamber of the Dutch fjordstudbook and the address I am going
to visit stems from their sales-list !
I will let you know how it went
greetings, Marion