Re: 2011 Educational Forum: Deadline for Registration January 18, 2011

2010-12-28 Thread ncfjords
This message is from: ncfjords

Hello, Ardeth!  I sent my payment for the 3 days last week through PayPal.
Did you receive that?  Thanks so much.  Happy New Year!

Anne Crandall
Nottawa Crossing Fjords
Marshall MI

-Original Message-
From: Ardeth Obenauf
To: fjordhorse
Sent: Tue, Dec 28, 2010 1:06 pm
Subject: 2011 Educational Forum:  Deadline for Registration January 18, 2011

This message is from: Ardeth Obenauf

The Forum and Annual Meeting being held in Murfreesboro, TN are fast

approaching.  Deadline for registration is Jan. 18, 2011.  Hang out with

your fjord friends, learn from the experts, attend hands on sessions with

fjord horses present.  Attend the banquet honoring the 30th anniversary of

the NFHR and the retirement of our beloved Mike May.  Spend an evening in

Nashville cruising 2nd Avenue, visiting honky tonks and just generally

having a good time.  In other words, immerse yourself completely in fjordom

for a long weekend and beat the winter blahs.

Complete details and registration are available at  Questions?

Contact Ardeth Obenauf, or 615 347 6453.

Hope to see you there!

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Still some judges behind the times!

2010-07-03 Thread NCFjords
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Hello to the list!  I don't post often...more of a lurker!   However, I 
just had to vent something that happened to me at an open show last  weekend. 
 I am at shows almost every weekend during the summer and have  done this 
for many years (too many to want to share!). Our farm has 7  Award of 
Excellence winners under our belts.
Over the years, the judges have become more familiar with Fjords and more  
open minded.  Once in awhile I still run into the situation where they have  
Quarter Horse Blindness, but not too often. Last weekend I was on Januar 
(who  says hi to Karen Mac!) waiting to complete a pattern in English  
Equitation.  The judge proceeds to tell me that he has trained Fjords and  has 
never worked with one who will canter well.  As a matter of fact, he  said, 
they really should only be used in walk trot.  Now, understand, this  was 
before I completed a pattern with a lead change in the middle of it!!!   So, I 
did the only thing I could...I rode a flawless pattern--completing the  lead 
change beautifully!  
Imagine my surprise when I placed 4th behind two horses who had  crooked 
lines and not smooth transitions.  Personally, I think the judge  just didn't 
want to be proven wrong and buried me in the middle.  Oh well,  I was 
ecstatic with the ride we had and continued to go in classes the rest of  the 
 We did end up Reserve High Point for the day; so not all was  lost.
Another success for this show was my gelding Torje (another hi to Karen  
Mac).  He went in his first walk/trot classes and did a great job!  
That's all for now from sunny, warm southern Michigan where we FINALLY got  
our first cutting hay up.  
Anne Crandall

Nottawa Crossing  Fjords
Marshall MI 

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Re: Happy B'Day to Ivan!

2010-04-13 Thread NCFjords
This message is from:

Thanks to everyone who sent birthday greetings to Ivan.  He had 25  people 
come celebrate with him and share stories.  He stood in the round  pen 
looking quite bored with the whole affair, but I do think he enjoyed all the  
The basket of carrots (complete with the greens attached!) and apples  
delivered from Great Basin Fjords (Karen Mac) was a HUGE hit (with both people  
and Fjords).  The florist delivery person said she had never delivered an  
arrangement for a horse before.  
Thanks again from sunny (finally) southern Michigan.
Anne Crandall

Nottawa Crossing  Fjords
Marshall MI  

This  message is from: Karen McCarthy

Hey  everyone, I just wanted to shout out Birthday Greetings to Ivan  in
Michigan, he's 30 years young  today!

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Torje coming to MI

2009-01-17 Thread NCFjords
This message is from:

This message is from: Jacquelyn Leuener
KMac's awesome 3 yr old, Torje, was on the  same transport truck as Mr Erland 
so I got to hear of the adventure surrounded  by bad weather.Torje also made 
it safely to his new and wonderful home in  Michigan.
Hello!  As the new owner of Torje, I have to agree with Jacquelyn's  
statement:  Torje is awesome!  He arrived here in Michigan Monday  evening and 
off the truck like a trooper, even in the snow and  darkness.  He simply walked 
up the driveway into the barn and was greeted  by his nine new buddies.  (He 
is stabled next to his full brother  Januar!)
The transport driver has been around racehorses his whole life and seemed  to 
enjoy hauling the Fjords for a change.  He mentioned several times how  easy 
and quiet they were to work around and haul.  Torje got to spend a  couple of 
days at his house in WA before making the trip East--waiting for the  flooding 
to recede.  The driver said his daughter spent most of her time in  his stall 
petting and brushing him.  You gotta love how Fjords make new  human friends 
wherever they go!
We welcomed Torje to MI with sub-zero temps and more snow--nothing like  
getting him in the swing of things right away.  
Anne Crandall

Nottawa Crossing  Fjords
Marshall MI 
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Senior Feed Question

2008-12-06 Thread NCFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello!  I need to start my 29-year-old stallion, Ivan, on Senior Feed  by 
Purina.  While he eats moistened hay cubes and pelleted grain well, he  is 
starting to have some problems eating hay.  To supplement that, I want  to feed 
Senior Feed, but I am just not sure at what amount to start him  on.  
If anyone has any experience with this, I would really appreciate your  
input.  Thanks from cold, snowy MI (where the weather people had forecasted  a 
normal than normal winter--yeah, right!)
Anne Crandall

Nottawa Crossing  Fjords
Marshall MI 
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Re: which class?

2006-08-20 Thread NCFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/18/2006 11:58:19 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

I  believe that the only
other choices were quarter horse  and stock  horse halter classes.  I have
ridden my Fjord in the pleasure type  western class in the past and have not
been  corrected. 

Hi, Laura!  I show my Fjords quite a bit.  When entering halter  classes, I 
enter the stock classes.  Because Fjords have that body type,  it is normally 
the best fit.  The pleasure class is usually for finer  breeds of horses 
(Saddlebreds, Arabians, etc.).  
Anne Crandall
Nottawa Crossing Fjords
Marshall MI

RE: Fjords making it to the BIG TIME

2003-12-31 Thread NCFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was contacted by the Ringling Brothers Circus to find
them 4 young Fjord Stallions. 

Hi, Patti!  I was so excited to see you post about Fjords in the circus.  A
very good friend of ours is Nellie Hanneford of the Royal Hanneford Circus.
met her about 10 years ago when their circus was in our area.  We talked to
her after a performance and told her about one of our Fjord geldings that my
Mom wanted to train to perform tricks.  So, Nellie came out one afternoon and
showed us how to get him to bow.  And, we have been friends with her ever
 Hansel (the Fjord) has increased his performance tricks to about six
different things, too!

Since that time, Nellie has been looking for ways to incorporate Fjords into
her liberty and horse acts and is now ready to do that.  We are currently
looking for a Fjord for her to use not only in her act, but also for her young
daughters to ride and enjoy.  She is a huge fan of Fjords!

I know some said they would not sell to the circus, I
think years ago this might be true for a good reason, but the Ringling
Brothers really takes good care of their animals.  It's in their best
to do so, it's an investment for them as well. 

I have to agree 100%  with this statement you made.  People who think circus
mistreats their animals are way off base.  Although, there is an exception to
any rule, I know the Hannefords are extremely concerned about the welfare and
care of all their animals.  We have seen firsthand the care the horses get
because Nellie,  her family, and 20 of their horses have stayed at our farm
during down time two times.  In fact, during the first stay, Nellie had a
she was not using in her act anymore and had to find a good home for it
she had owned him since he was just a foal and couldn't let him go just
anywhere.  So, we took him and he is now a companion for my stallion, Ivan.
are the best of friends!

We are continuing our search for a Fjord for Nellie. And, I can't wait for
the day we attend a performance and see him performing in the ring! The only
thing I have to worry about is that my Mom will run away to join the circus as
well!  She has already visited them on the road a couple of times, and I am
always afraid she won't come back!

Happy New Year to everyone!

Anne Crandall
Nottawa Crossing Fjords
Marshall MI

Showing/Neck Sweating

2003-09-29 Thread NCFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello.  It has been a while since I have sent anything to the list, but time 
just seems to get away from me.  I am finally done with show season, but we 
are busy getting two Fjord teams in shape to handle the opening of our you-pick 
pumpkin patch.  We take people to and from the patch in the horse-drawn wagons 
and it can get quite hectic at times.

I know the show attire issue has been covered, but I wanted to give my 
2-cents' worth!  I feel it very important to wear appropriate show clothes 
for the 
event/classes you are entering.  I am the only one in my area showing Fjords. 
 I want to make a first class impression by having proper attire and the 
proper equipment.  Now, don't get me wrong...I don't go spend a lot of money on 
clothes or equipment.  I buy much of my stuff at used tack sales or wait for 
sales at tack stores.  But, I try to stay in fashion as much as possible.  I 
feel I owe to the breed to present myself and my horse in the best possible 

The other issue I wanted to approach is something I have heard and a little 
dismayed about.  I have heard that there are people who have begun to sweat 
their Fjords' necks prior to showing or evaluations.  This practice of neck 
sweating is common for some reason in other breeds (which I will never 
 But, it really upsets me that the practice may be finding its way into the 
Fjord ranks.  Has anyone else heard anything about this and why it is being 

I hope everyone has a wonderful fall!

Anne Crandall
Nottawa Crossing Fjords
Marshall MI 

Vehicle for Sale

2001-12-17 Thread NCFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello!  I have a friend who is selling a vehicle and asked that I put it on 
the list since it is well suited for Fjords.  Here is the information:

It is an Eagle built in Penn. I have the pole, shafts, lamps, dickey seat, 
CDE basket and covers. I want $4,800.

If anyone is interested, you can contact the owner, Jan Enyart, at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  She is located in southern, lower Michigan.

Happy Holidays to all!

Anne Crandall
Nottawa Crossing Fjords
Marshall MI 

Re: stolen horses

2001-09-30 Thread NCFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, this is good news!  

Re: Riding buffalo vs. Fjords

2000-12-18 Thread NCFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello!  Not all horses dislike elephants!  Several years ago I took my Fjord 
stallion Ivan to a circus parade in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  The Royal Hanneford 
Circus was in town and since they are friends of ours, they invited us to 
come and take some circus performers in our two-seater restored buggy.

A Percheron pulling a Vis-a-Vis was to be in front of two elephants walking 
in the parade.  In the vehicle was to be Tommy Hanneford.  He was there to 
keep an eye on the large animals to make sure everything went well.

When the elephants came down the street, the Percheron decided nothing 
doin' and became very upset.  When it was apparent he would not tolerate 
being followed for several miles by the elephants, we were asked to step in.  

Ivan handled it like a pro.  He took one look at the elephants and thought to 
himself, Wow, they walk at about my speed!  I have to admit that I was 
probably more nervous about being right in the path should they decide to 
leave the parade in a hurry!

But, everything went perfectly and it was a great experience for us all!

Happy Holidays from cold, snowy Michigan!

Anne Crandall
Nottawa Crossing Fjords
Marshall MI

Forgot something in last note!

2000-12-18 Thread NCFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oops!  Meant to state in my first paragraph that that buffalos and elephants 
are both things that horses don't like sometimes!!  I guess that's what I get 
for typing too fast!  Sorry!  

Anne Crandall

Re: fjordhorse-digest V99 #253

1999-11-06 Thread NCFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi, Wayne. The only clarification I can make to my statement is that I, 
personally, don't think the NFHR has spent enough time making sure there is a 
wide variety of qualified evaluators.  I know there has been a lot of 
discussion on the list regarding this; so I don't want to rehash the points.  

It's just that I would like to see evaluators from all walks of life with 
extensive dedication to the Fjord breed.  While I understand that you are an 
evaluator and have visited Norway several times, one person cannot fit the 
bill for every evaluation.  

So, I will start to feel better about this process when we can get a wider 
base of evaluators brought on board.  Also, not to get this discussion 
started again, but I also feel the cost is too high right now.  

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Anne Karns Crandall
Nottawa Crossing Fjords
Marshall MI

Re: Ivan

1999-11-03 Thread NCFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi, everyone!  Thanks Brian for pointing out all noteworthy stallions that 
are out there!  I am lucky enough to own one on your list:  Ivan.  You had 
mentioned he was owned by Bernadine Karns, but he is really owned  (as much 
as a Fjord can be owned) by me.  However, since she is my mother, I'm not 
upset by that!  

Ivan (King Gjestar X Kristoffa) came to Nottawa Crossing Fjords in 1990.  He 
came to us with no papers and having been sent through a horse auction 
several years before.  Well, my parents had previously owned an Arab stallion 
(many years ago) and really didn't want another stallion on the farm.  You 
know the story:  Too much work, too unpredictable, too much of a hand full.

Well, a week after he came, we knew we had a totally different kind of 
stallion.  So, I purchased him and here is has stayed.  

Over the years, I have used him for showing at local shows as well as the 
Michigan State Fair.  We entered the halter classes against the All other 
breed categories and always ended in the ribbons.  Just goes to show that 
good conformation can make up for being different in the looks category.  
We also showed in showmanship, English, Western, jumping, cart, and hitch 
classes, and we placed well in all of them.  He was very well known around 
the local show circuit.  Everyone loved his laid-back manner and wonderful 
temperament--people would always search him out just to pet him.

We have also used him extensively in educational pursuits.  He has gone to 
the Michigan State Fair in the Horse Hospitality Row and Minor Breeds 
exhibits, Sauder Village (Ohio), Michigan State University Education Days, 
and many other exhibitions.  At each of these he has represented the breed in 
the most professional, friendly manner.

As a matter of fact, at the Michigan State University Stallion Expo that we 
attended for 4 straight years, no one cared that I was there!  All I heard 
when we pulled up to unload was, Ivan is here!  Doesn't do much for one's 

The nice thing about Ivan is he passes along these traits to his offspring.  
His foals tend to be very easy going and great to work with.  He also passes 
along his tremendous striping and dorsal stripe.  

We have bred him three times to our mare Tundra (Solar X Fjordelv Farm's 
Katina) with wonderful results.  While Ivan is 14.2, this combination has 
resulted in foals that will be taller than that with great movement.  

I have not had Ivan at an evaluation due mainly to the cost of such an 
endeavor.  I find that at this point the expense of traveling to a location 
and the actual evaluation is more than I want to incur.  Also, at the present 
time, I am not comfortable with the evaluators handling these evaluations.  
So, I have opted to not put myself and Ivan through this.  

However, I feel Ivan has proven himself over the last nine years through his 
foals and his actions.  It's not every stallion that can be used on a 
Sheriff's Department's Mounted Division for crowd control and searches.  He 
was exclusive mount for this detail for over 6 years.  While I am breaking 
another Fjord into this duty, Ivan still is used by other members when they 
need a steady, calm horse for a specific duty.  

This tells me more than any evaluation ever could.  

Thanks for listening to my brag.  

Anne Karns Crandall
Nottawa Crossing Fjords
Marshall MI 49068