RE: motherly love

1999-02-05 Thread Poirier, Jeanne L
This message is from: "Poirier, Jeanne L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

GREAT story, Gene !  Teal is very lucky to have an owner like you.  Good
luck with her new foal in the spring.

-Berthoud, CO

> This message is from: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> A story for all:


1999-02-03 Thread Poirier, Jeanne L
This message is from: "Poirier, Jeanne L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Carol,
> I'm getting the biggest kick out of this email conversation you've got
> going regarding the Gjest Challenge.  What a great topic of conversation.
> Each time I read more and more, I can't help myself in thinking that my
> Hanne will ultimately win this one day !!  (hahahaha)  She has the most
> beautiful trot and CRUISES across my field, at a trot, I'm sure she could
> do it in a race and win :-)  I've got a new harness for her and I will
> soon begin dragging poles with her.  I will, for sure, keep this 'Gjest
> Challenge' in mind when she, someday, is hooked up to a cart and is so
> magnificant :-)  (I'm not a VERY proud owner, or anything ?!)
> Last night the winds were clocked here at 107mph and we sustained a lot of
> damage.  I can't wait for Spring.
> How is Toril?  I've got to tell you, she is the only mare which has won my
> eye, ONLY FROM PICTURES !!!  If she is ever for sale, I would very much
> like to know.  
> Hope all is well with you.  
> Jeanne
> -Berthoud, CO - where the wind was AWFUL last night :-(

Fabulous Fjord's at the National Western Stock Show

1999-01-21 Thread Poirier, Jeanne L
This message is from: "Poirier, Jeanne L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi List,

I just wanted to offer a HUGE congratulations to Beth Beymer and her
Fabulous Fjord Quadrille, which perfomed at the National Western Stock
Show's "An Evening with Dancing Horses", hosted by Michael Martin Murphey
and The Rio Grande Band.  (Actually, they performed last night, and again
tonight, I was there last night).

In my unbiased opinion (yeah, right!) the Fjord's stole the show.  The
choreography was done beautifully to MMM and his band playing.  The
Quadrille rode beautifully, with their costumes shining.  From where I was
seated, along with 7 other friends and all the others sitting around us...
before the Fjord's performed, the show was kind of quiet and slow.  The band
hadn't played much, then !  The Fjord's came out and the band started
playing and it REALLY livened up the crowd.  Everyone was clapping and
whistling.  The comments coming from everyone around us were "They're
GREAT!", and "Look at how perfect they are!", and "Oh, they're sooo cute!".
The routine was so upbeat and fun to watch.  When it was over, someone even
said, "wonder if they would do an encore performance ?!"

Beth, Sandy, BDF Magnum, BDF John Arthur and Maerta, of Starfire Farm, all
deserve an enormous congratulations, as well as Taffy and Dee and their
Fjord's!  Beth did a WONDERFUL job with her Fabulous Fjord Quadrille!  Way
to make the breed shine, Beth !!!

-Berthoud, CO


1999-01-20 Thread Poirier, Jeanne L
This message is from: "Poirier, Jeanne L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


If your Bud is the same Bud we saw at Libby, this past year... he is totally
awesome!  Your daughter did VERY well on him.  You should be very proud of
the both of them!

-Berthoud, CO

> --
> From: Oscar & Shirley Anderson[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 1999 11:16 AM
> This message is from: "Oscar & Shirley Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Greetings from north Idaho, where winter hasn't made an appearance yet
> (normally have several feet of snow this late in January and today it is
> warm and rainy).  My sleigh is looking very neglected.  I have been
> lurking
> in the shadows of the list for some time.  I will try a quick
> introduction.
> We purchased "Bud" our first Fjord in 1993, and began selling quarter
> horses
> the following spring.  We currently have 14 Fjords and are expecting 3
> babies this spring.We ride mainly, but have joined an area driving
> club
> this year, so look forward to learning more.  Our youngest daughter,
> Laree,
> has shown our horses in the 4-H program.  That has been a learning
> experience, as she rode the first Fjord in Idaho's District 1.  We also
> show
> at Libby.
> I am writing today (hope I have the right format-Steve) to add my 2 cents
> worth on the subject of foaling.  Consider adding a baby bottle to the
> list
> of items to have on hand that appeared on yesterdays digest.  You can pick
> up suitable bottles at the feed store or recycle.  The bottle I use is
> from
> my baby-sitting days, but keep in mind that foals may not be as gentle on
> a
> bottle, so watch the nipple.  I have used a bottle only once in 9 births,
> and was rewarded with a healthy foal for my efforts.
> Shirley Anderson
> Oscar's Round Mountain Fjords
> Naples, Idaho

First Fjord - New Friends

1998-12-21 Thread Poirier, Jeanne L
This message is from: "Poirier, Jeanne L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Holiday Greetings, List!

I love to read the stories, experiences and great advice this List has to

I've been thinking about how I could contribute, and someone recently asked
about "first Fjord's", so, here I go...

About a year ago, my daughter and I were headed to a friends house, to
deliver a christmas present.  This friend lives close to our house, but not
somewhere we go frequently.  Well... as I was driving down the road, I
caught sight of these two BEAUTIFUL horses being ridden in this arena by
these two women.  I went to my friends house, delivered the present, and
told my daughter, if those women are still there when we go back by, I'm
going to have to stop and talk to them.

As we came up on the arena... sure enough, they were still out there,
ridding around and around.  The horses were absolutely STUNNING, and the
riders looked as if they were having such a great time.  I had only seen
Fjord horses, once a few years before, and couldn't hardly believe they
could be Fjord's, SO CLOSE TO MY HOUSE !  Well... I stopped and the riders
rode up to the fence.  We were first introduced to the horses, John Arthur
and Maerta, then the riders, Beth and Sandy.  

Since this time, a year ago... I've got to ride John Arthur in the same
arena I stopped at!  I got to ride in a Fjord Quadrille, and have ridden
John on several trail rides.  Beth and Sandy also put me in contact with the
person I bought my Hanne from.  Hanne was a yearling, when I got her in
April.  With Beth's help, I've been teaching her to ground drive, along with
round pen etiquette.  Hanne and I went along with Beth, Sandy, Carol
Rivoire, John Arthur, Magnum, Maerta and Heidi to Libby in September.  Hanne
won first place in the Yearling Filly Halter class.  

I have had SO much fun this year, with Beth, Sandy, their Fjord's, meeting
Carol and going to Libby, but most of all, with Hanne.  Who would have ever
thought, by stopping and introducing myself like that, I would have ended up
with such neat friends!  Without them, I would have never found Hanne.

Happy Holidays to everyone and their Fjord's !

-Berthoud, CO - it is 2 degrees here at 11:30am.  YIKES... winter has
FINALLY arrived !

RE: This and that

1998-12-10 Thread Poirier, Jeanne L
This message is from: "Poirier, Jeanne L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I need to 'second' what Mike wrote to Margaret.  Her post was excellent.  I,
too, am a 'lurker' and truly enjoy the stories and GREAT advise most people
write about.  But the nit-picking and bantering back and forth about the
most miniscule details is really a turn-off.

What *wonderful* advise... "We all need to act more like our
Fjords--friendly, calm , and sensible." 

Happy Fjording and keep up the fun stories !!

-Berthoud, CO
> >
> > We need to look at how newcomers to the breed view us; this 
> >list is representative of  us, and often there is too much bickering. 
> >Those of us who post to the list need to act more like our 
> >Fjords--friendly, calm , and sensible.  Most of us are, but some are 
> >spoiling the fun
> >Margaret Strachan
> Well said Margaret.  I agree with you.  I think we all need to think about
> what we are saying to the whole list before we hit that send button.  I
> include myself in this too as I have not always been happy with what I
> have
> said afterwards.  Sometimes private email is much more appropriate.
> Just my .02 worth.
> Mike

RE: Biothane Harness Wanted

1998-12-04 Thread Poirier, Jeanne L
This message is from: "Poirier, Jeanne L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


A while back Nancy Hotovy wrote about her bioplastic harness she uses on her
fjords.  I contacted her and she gave me the name of this guy who made this
for her.  He is in Indiana.  Over the phone, I gave this guy  my filly's
measurements, along with a friends grown gelding's measurements and he made
me the most beautiful buggy harness!  He was totally cool.  He really knows
his stuff.  The cost savings was great.  I had priced the same type of
harness (in leather) at a local tack shop.  It was a Smuckers harness and
the total was going to be about $1,200 (new).  This harness was about 1/3
that cost!  I would highly recommend this guy to anyone who is interested in
having a new harness made.  (He also does leather, etc.)  He is very easy to
work with and really knows his stuff!  

-in Berthoud, CO -- hoping for more winter like weather!  60's and 70's is a
bit warm for Hanne with her winter coat!

> --
> From: Adobe Hacienda[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, December 03, 1998 7:52 PM
> To:   fjordhorsedigest
> Subject:  Biothane Harness Wanted
> This message is from: "Adobe Hacienda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello
> I am looking for a single biothane harness  to fit a Fjord, in good
> condition,  for a reasonable price.  Anyone out there have one for sale?
> Please contact me privately.
> Sunny and warm
> Cathy
> Sedona, AZ


1998-11-09 Thread Poirier, Jeanne L
This message is from: "Poirier, Jeanne L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


What you wrote is VERY true!  I work in the 'high tech' industry, and
knowing what we know about the computer world, we believe the sun will come
up 01-Jan-00 just like any other day.  My folks, (mid 60's), are terrified
about this day coming.  They've even started buying extra food, storing
water and... get this... even making plans to have all of their money in
cash, at home, when 01-Jan-00 hits!!  They even believe that at midnight on
December 31, 1999, all planes in the air will just drop from the sky 
Can you believe this ?!?!  I've tried to talk to them about this, but...
somewhere, somehow they are scared to death.  And, unlike your Mom, they
don't own a Fjord  :-(   Now, THATS sad.

Jeanne in Berthoud Colorado
- watching Hanne's coat grow thicker and thicker !!

> --
> From: Jodie Gilmore[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, November 09, 1998 12:10 PM
> To:   Fjord Horse List
> Subject:  Re: Y2K
> This message is from: Jodie Gilmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I agree with Steve on the Y2K "problem". I'm a technical writer, and have
> worked in the software industry for over 10 years. I find that the
> majority of the people (like my mom) who are "scared" by the Y2K thing
> (which the media has blown out of proportion due to nothing else
> interesting to talk about) are people who do NOT make their living by
> computers--they are scared of computers, so they are also scared of
> problems with computers.
> My take on it is this--it's not only the *consumers* who will be affected
> by Y2K glitches in programs. The business *owners* will be too, so it is
> beneficial to their bottom line to smooth out most problems beforehand,
> and they will do so. There will be places in the programs that didn't get
> fixed/caught, but I do not think any of the bank, satellite, financial
> guru, etc. type businesses want to lose money, and they will do what is
> necessary to keep from doing that.
> Better off worrying about the polar ice caps melting (another of my Mom's
> favorite topics...) But she *does* own two Fjords, so she can't be all
> bad! :) :) :)
> ---
> Jodie Gilmore
> Freelance Technical Writer
> Washougal, WA