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2003-09-04 Thread W. Peter Randall PM CHRP
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Herding dogs

2002-07-24 Thread W. Peter Randall
This message is from: W. Peter Randall [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for all the advice re the new herding dog will keep you informed. It
is not so desperate as find him a new home. It is easily solved by tying him
up when horses are at his (backyard) end of the farm and letting him loose
when they are in distant pastures.

He has no desire to go to a distant pasture and herd. I simply hate to have to
tie him up when they are around the backyard which unfortunately the main barn
is basically in!!! (smile)

Looking for stallion

2002-07-24 Thread W. Peter Randall
This message is from: W. Peter Randall [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am looking for a stallion in the southern Ontario region. My mare is due and
I would like to breed her back very soon to move her foaling earlier in the

Would be interested in knowing who is standing in the area such that I might
investigate their bloodlines etc.

Feel free to reply personally.

Dogs\Flies and Foals - Good title for a message to the list, no?

2002-07-22 Thread W. Peter Randall
This message is from: W. Peter Randall [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A few things from the Niagara Region in heat struck Ontario...

1) Re: Only thing works around here is a flyswatter I found that quite
amusing. I myself can't help but think about flies and horses in a different

Lots of people cover themselves in bug repellant and go for a walk. I have
never touched the stuff. I realize people are vastly different but naturally
horses do not have fly spray in their wild herds now do they?

I hope my Fjords are burning calories swatting flies, heaven knows they always
find a way to eat too much!

You can spend a lot of money on fly sprays but aren't flies on horses a little
bit natural like mosquitoes on people? Some get swatted, some actually
bite..question is, is there any long term harm done? That being said, I am a
novice that knows nothing...

2) I have a new dog who is just great with our three small kids and wonderful
on the farm except where horses are concerned. He takes after them and
especially bothers my exquisite filly Elsa (Leader Lane) - and she's
something, never had a horse person see her who didn't want to buy her. The
dog is a Shep\Collie mix, one year old and always been in a city.

I have been leading horses down the drive, by the dog while my wife has him on
a leash and choke collar and she chokes him and says no everytime he barks at
a horse.

We also tie him up whenever he is bad like this but as you can imagine it can
be quite dangerous.  Last night I was taking Elsa into her stall after
grooming and the dog flew out of nowhere biting her back legs and Elsa and I
did dangerous out of control circles around her stall till I kicked him out
and got the metal stall door shut.

I am praying the horse novelty will wear off but am obviously concerned for
the safety of the horses and us humans! ADVICE GREATLY APPRECIATED!

3) As mentioned before, I am awaiting my first foal. Half Diamond Kristi out
of Lukas is due the 24th of July.

As she is a maiden mare and I the greenest is a difficult
combination. I cannot see the signs and quite frankly I don't think she is
providing any. I know sometimes maiden mares show no signs until poof the foal
has arrived.

Last night I noticed two soft lumps in front of her teats on my daily
inspections. I think these are new but cannot be sure.  Kind of like a couple
of testicles, soft and pliable. Is this her bagging up? Am I a pitiable
Neanderthal? Advice???

4) PS love the barn swallows, try to keep as many nests and birds as I can.
Flies are never a problem in the barn where they live. But then I just love
nature and I love the farm being home to birds and trees. Knock yourself out
eating flies and mosquitoes I say. The barn is your home!

5) PS I'm a hypocrite on liking everything natures way...I do love the Fjords
mane trimmed and standing straight up and keep mine this way. Seems un-Fjord
like and unmajestic (bad English-that's not a word Peter!) all flopping around

6) I am busy reading books like Carole's excellent Fjord Handbook, the list
etc. Thank you all for the great advice and learning. The woods are lovely
dark and deep but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep...

Sorry for the length!!!

W. Peter Randall
Beamsville Ontario

Re: Answers to Novice Questions

2002-06-03 Thread W. Peter Randall
This message is from: W. Peter Randall [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You Fjordhorse people are priceless!!!  I got just the answers I was expecting
to my questions (see digest 126).  Many people emailed me privately and I
thank you all so much for your information and gift of sharing knowledge.

I will give you a sample of the responses, as this may be better than any US
comedy you will watch tonight;

Q: What is the appropriate breeding age?
A: (all answers paraphrased to save space)
1You should wait until a horse is nine (9) always.
2 You should breed a horse by 2 my vet says or maybe you can't breed it.
3 Four is the appropriate age to breed.
4 We have always had success using three years as a yard mark.

Writers comment - Anyone willing to put in a vote for waiting till 13?

Q. What is the right age for riding a young horse?
A. Darn near same as above, 2, 3 ,4 5, and 7 years, plus when horse is big
enough, etc.

Q. Are Fjords safe from creeks or streams or should I fence them?
A: 1. No need to fence they all run through it.
2. Don't fence they won't go near it and shy away anyway.
3. Any horse can drown, always fence.
4. Keep them away from it by fencing until about three years of age.
5. Okay to leave unfenced around water unless you have older horses.
6. We don't fence off any water and have never heard of a problem anywhere.

Writers comments: Thanks for all the advice and suggestions, I truly
appreciate them.  I guess however at the end of the day you have to collect as
many opinions and as much information as you can and then do what feels

That being said I have so very much to learn and eagerly await the next digest
and the next email as ever, in hopes of  hearing something that has worked for
another.  One always gleams tidbits of useful suggestions.  Now just where do
I buy red raspberry leaves...

W Peter Randall
The Randall Family Fly Rd. Fjord Farm

new questions for the list

2002-05-31 Thread W. Peter Randall
This message is from: W. Peter Randall [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I wonder if this will make it to the list? I have been reading the list
avidly for the few months now since I have joined and have enjoyed it very
much.  I really don't know how to post a message to the list though, so I
will see what happens to this.

As I have just started up what I hope to be a Fjordhorse breeding farm -
called The Randall Family Fly Rd Fjord Farm (better written than said!) -
I have a number of novice questions I would love to throw out to the list.

By the way we started our farm with a purchase of horses from Rik and Liz
Leader that being Half Diamond Kristi, a mare bred to Scotsdale and Leader
Lane Elsa. We also have the gelding Half Diamond Feider on our farm. All are
out of the prolific Lukas C-795.

Now the questions that will prove I am truly the greenest novice!!

1) I have been laughing at myself trimming manes and surely my work to date
would give you a chuckle. I started trying to cut the manes in entirety just
to get rid of some of the bulk. Then I tried to cut from the white on an
angle slanted up to expose the black center of the mane. This didn't really
work though as the black doesn't become exposed that way.  So I then tried
just trimming the white straight across an inch shorter than the black to
expose the black. Doesn't help that the horses don't stand still at all (one
being 10 months in foal, the other a green filly may be the cause but more
likely I am the cause).  What should I actually be doing?  How short should
they be?  Any help greatly appreciated.

2) Water. I am busy fencing off a deep creek on my property and I read about
Fjords taking baths in ponds. With the foal coming I was concerned about
drowning. Are Fjords generally fine with creeks and ponds except for horses
under two or some such or what is a good guideline? Carry this further and
feel free to mention using bathtubs for water etc and the dangers with foals

3) Breeding.  Just in general I am wondering at what age people think it is
okay to breed a young mare?

4) How come in the wild in herds, a stallion might have bred back to his
daughter and his daughters daughter and produced a fine strong herd and yet
now we are so careful about inbreeding? Not questioning the policies at all,
just a curiosity.

5) Riding. I have heard 2 years, I have heard three years.  Are Fjords in
general ready for a saddle at two?

6) Now that it is summer and they are turned out to endless amounts of green
grass how much and of what are people likely to supplement their diet with
under these conditions. My mare is on a mare supplement, that aside.

7) As this will be my first foal, what happens if it appears in the middle
of the night and I am asleep and there is a problem? I know with
thoroughbreds, they have foal watch and monitors and alarms. Are the
incidents of problems with Fjords very low? What steps can I take to be
proactive and on guard? One is naturally so anxious and concerned.

Sorry for all the questions but I believe I am smart enough to recognize the
absolute wealth of knowledge of the participants of this list. I thank you
in advance for your assistance to a greenhorn. Sorry for my naivety, I may
never become much of an expert but in starting the operation now, I give my
9 month old, 4 year old and 5 year old, the opportunity to live their whole
lives with horses and to someday be offering their expert advice to others.
Already after a few months on the farm, my daughter feels the house is where
you go to eat and when you're not allowed outside or in the barn.

By the way, all fjord people are always welcome to drop in at our farm
anytime unannounced, my Irish wife always has the teapot on. We are in the
Niagara Region of Ontario Canada, 4335 Fly Rd Beamsville.

W. Peter Randall
The Randall Family Fly Rd Fjord Farm
W. Peter, June, Conor, Ceili and Nolan Randall Proprietors

two little things

2002-05-08 Thread W. Peter Randall

Just two quick things;
1) I really think you must continue to be diligent 
about getting people to cut down on the previous text attached to messages. it 
is my least favorite thing about the list. 6 pages of text for one page of 
new material. It should be "re steves sore foot"-I once had a bad foot 

not half a page of steves previous sore foot 

2) How do I post a message. never figured 
this out yet.

W Peter Randall
The Randall Family Fly Rd Fjord Farm