This message is from: "W. Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A few things from the Niagara Region in heat struck Ontario...

1) Re: "Only thing works around here is a flyswatter" I found that quite
amusing. I myself can't help but think about flies and horses in a different

Lots of people cover themselves in bug repellant and go for a walk. I have
never touched the stuff. I realize people are vastly different but naturally
horses do not have fly spray in their wild herds now do they?

I hope my Fjords are burning calories swatting flies, heaven knows they always
find a way to eat too much!

You can spend a lot of money on fly sprays but aren't flies on horses a little
bit natural like mosquitoes on people? Some get swatted, some actually
bite..question is, is there any long term harm done? That being said, I am a
novice that knows nothing...

2) I have a new dog who is just great with our three small kids and wonderful
on the farm except where horses are concerned. He takes after them and
especially bothers my exquisite filly Elsa (Leader Lane) - and she's
something, never had a horse person see her who didn't want to buy her. The
dog is a Shep\Collie mix, one year old and always been in a city.

I have been leading horses down the drive, by the dog while my wife has him on
a leash and choke collar and she chokes him and says no everytime he barks at
a horse.

We also tie him up whenever he is bad like this but as you can imagine it can
be quite dangerous.  Last night I was taking Elsa into her stall after
grooming and the dog flew out of nowhere biting her back legs and Elsa and I
did dangerous out of control circles around her stall till I kicked him out
and got the metal stall door shut.

I am praying the horse novelty will wear off but am obviously concerned for
the safety of the horses and us humans! ADVICE GREATLY APPRECIATED!

3) As mentioned before, I am awaiting my first foal. Half Diamond Kristi out
of Lukas is due the 24th of July.

As she is a maiden mare and I the greenest is a difficult
combination. I cannot see the signs and quite frankly I don't think she is
providing any. I know sometimes maiden mares show no signs until poof the foal
has arrived.

Last night I noticed two soft lumps in front of her teats on my daily
inspections. I think these are new but cannot be sure.  Kind of like a couple
of testicles, soft and pliable. Is this her "bagging up"? Am I a pitiable
Neanderthal? Advice???

4) PS love the barn swallows, try to keep as many nests and birds as I can.
Flies are never a problem in the barn where they live. But then I just love
nature and I love the farm being home to birds and trees. Knock yourself out
eating flies and mosquitoes I say. The barn is your home!

5) PS I'm a hypocrite on liking everything natures way...I do love the Fjords
mane trimmed and standing straight up and keep mine this way. Seems un-Fjord
like and unmajestic (bad English-that's not a word Peter!) all flopping around

6) I am busy reading books like Carole's excellent Fjord Handbook, the list
etc. Thank you all for the great advice and learning. "The woods are lovely
dark and deep but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep..."

Sorry for the length!!!

W. Peter Randall
Beamsville Ontario

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