Birth announcement

2002-05-02 Thread William Coli
This message is from: William Coli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

AT 8:20 PM last night May 1) Norma and I got to watch our sweet 
mare Ilsa (Woodstock 2000 Grand Champion mare) give birth to a 
lovely colt. Although her first, she pushed it out fine, he was up and 
solidly on his feet in about 40 minutes, and definitely knew how to 
suck, although the precise location of the milk faucet took him a 
while to figure out. Both mom and baby are fine. 

Re: Foal trimming, aussie, electric fence

2000-01-22 Thread William Coli
This message is from: William Coli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Misha wrote:

Bill is was nice of you to share the Coli story. Do you get a private laugh
out of it--being a scientist?

Not only do I get a laugh out of that story privately, I have used 
it (as well as the "I'm non-pathogenic", and "good thing they didn't 
name me Edward") bits as introductions to many talks I have given 
over my 20+ years as an Extension Educator.
I believe that not only is it important to have a sense of humor -- 
laughter has actual great healing powers-- but it's important to be 
able to laugh at yourself.

Re: Birth announcement!

1999-05-10 Thread William Coli
This message is from: William Coli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Peg Knutsen wrote:

on foal watch, something made me wake up at 6:00 am, just
in time to film the birth of our newest addition as the sun was rising
over the trees.  

We have noticed a tendency for mares to foal at just about dawn, or 
just before. Have others seen this frequently as well?
This seems like a strange time, since this is also when many 
predators are on the prowl-not the time to have the smell of blood 

Re: Do't shhot yourself in the foot

1999-03-06 Thread William Coli
This message is from: William Coli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

You wrote:
> A good working relationship with a qualified veterinarian is a very
> important asset to anyone and I hope those of you who have this privilege
> appreciate it.

We couldn't agree more. It's just great to have the vet on site 
periodically to take advantage of his experienced eye. Also, although 
my wife assures me she has no plans to ditch me, she also has made it 
clear her affection for our Doc (Bob Schmidt) is the only other man 
she would even consider marrying.
I take that as a great compliment :o)

Re: Spongy hocks

1999-02-21 Thread William Coli
This message is from: William Coli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Definitely NOT more than we wanted to know from the Veterinary 
perspective. I must say that I think the list is really fortunate to 
have the number of  Doc's willing to contribute their knowledge to 
discussion threads.
Thanks again
Bill Coli

Cold Weather watering

1998-12-31 Thread William Coli
This message is from: William Coli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Although it isn't nearly as cold here (at 1400 ft elevation in the 
berkshires of western Massachusetts) as it is reported by others on 
the list (coldest this year has been about +2 F), I have a suggestion 
for cold weather watering that has worked well for us.
Where tanks (we use the plastic 100 gal. type) are reasonably near 
the barn or house, I have taken a length of 1/2 inch black plastic 
pipe, and taped to it (black plastic electrician's tape, every 12 
inches) one of the flat heat tapes (taped only along the bottom, not 
wrapped as per instructions), that are designed for unheated crawl 
spaces. Start the tape about 2 feet from the far end of the 1/2inch 
pipe. The near end is fitted with a brass female hose fitting 
for screwing onto a fawcet in the basement.
Then I slid the small pipe/heat tape through a similar length of 
1.5 inch black plastic to keep the heat tape away from the ground. 
After pushing the small pipe until it comes out the far end of the 
larger, seal up the far end (and the near end as well) with 
electrician's tape, leaving the far end of the heat tape inside the 
larger pipe (that is so no curious lips can reach it or mice get 
inside, and so that the end of the small pipe can be positioned in 
the water tank.).
This generates enough heat that the snow melts around the larger 
pipe, and the water in the smaller doesn't freeze.
As for the tank itself, we use an immersion type heater (the knid 
with a metal guard which prevents it from melting the bottom of the 
plastic tank if the levels get too low. Although we have powered 
these using a heavy duty, grounded extension cord, plugged into a 
grounded socket, and we have never had any problems, this is not 
recommended by the heater manufacturer. They recommend, and we will 
eventually be installing, a professionally-installed outdoor socket 
to plug the heater into. If one is using a metal tank, they also 
recommend that the tank itself be grounded. 
The animals do not appear to be getting any "juice" from this set 
up, since they drink freely, and never seen "nervous" about 
appraoching the tanks.
Hope this helps those in -18 F areas.

Re: water & straw

1998-12-09 Thread William Coli
This message is from: William Coli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Anneli wrote: 

But since we started to give them this 'canned grass-fodder' (can 
anyone please enlighten me about the English name? It comes in big, 
(white) plastic bags of c. 1200 pounds or so)

Around here, it's called "baleage" that is, a combination of the 
words "bale" meaning a small, often rectangular, "package" of hay, 
and "haylage" which is essentially "pickled" hay. I've never made 
any, but I understand, the hay is cut, and allowed to "wilt", that 
is, dry for less than a day so that the moisture content is still 
high, before it is baled into round bales and wrapped ( to exclude 

Re: Blatant Advertising on the list

1998-11-06 Thread William Coli
This message is from: William Coli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Glen MacGillivray wrote:

 >How would anybody find horses, tack, harness, etc. without 

One possible way is for sellers to post "I have a carriage", or "I 
have harness" or "I have several very nice horses" for sale, and 
encourage interested persons to contact the seller directly or 
suggest that they log on to the seller's web page. With all due 
respect to carol, some of us view unsolicited extensive "ad copy" the 
same was we view unsolicited "junk" snail mail. 
I must say, though, she does write great copy.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V98 #170

1998-09-12 Thread William Coli
This message is from: William Coli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   I am not a horse trainer, I am an Electronics Lab owner. I 
have never "bonded" with ANY of my horses.

NOW I understand where all these comments are coming from, and I can 
really relate. I once had a long term love affair with a soldering 
iron, until, sadly, I got burned by her.

Re: Geldings

1998-09-12 Thread William Coli
This message is from: William Coli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I really don't get the recent "flaming" of geldings. We had an 
absolutely wonderful trail ride today with our two 8 yr. old geldings 
and one 6 year old mare. The boys (and the girl) were 
adventuresome, brave and willing. Sorry that FJORDING has such a 
negative opinion.

Re: Ortho-Flex Saddles

1998-09-07 Thread William Coli
This message is from: William Coli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The ortho-flex saddles sound great. Can someone give me the URL for 
the web site? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re:fjord flies

1998-05-13 Thread William Coli
This message is from: William Coli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> This message is from: "DONNA & JOHN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi List,
>   I hope someone has  some ideas on flies . 

Donna, since there are lots of different kinds of flies, it would 
begood to know what kind you're talking about. Do they bite?

There are a number of ways to deal with flies (filth flies and 
otherwise) including various types of traps, fly parasites (little 
wasps that can be purchased from suppliers and releases). If there is 
interest, I can research te literature (I am an entomologist) and 
inform the list. 

Re: Good morning, all

1998-04-08 Thread William Coli
This message is from: William Coli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In the interest of saving time and paper, can participants in the 
list NOT include all of the message they are replying to in their 
Thanks much
Bill Coli