Several questions, and hello!

2001-07-01 Thread katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda
This message is from: katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello from Pennsylvania!
I have finally had a chance to sit down at the computer and write. My
Fjord Jon and I are going to Fjord camp next Sunday and I am very very
excited. Before I head off, I have three questions:
1) In the August 2001 Horse Illustrated article about beginning driving,
there was a cute pic of a Fjord. Did anyone else see it?
2) In the June ( i think) issue of The Horse of Delaware Valley, there
were three Fjord yearlings for sale in Maryland. Is someone on the list
selling them?
3) Has anyone used a Mychley bit on his/her horse? I read that they are
supposed to be more rewarding than snaffles and wondered if they were good
for the quiet Fjord.

Many thanks from Katy and the wonderful Jon who is gazing menacingly at his
pony friend who just stood in the cross-ties for 2 1/2 hours while I pulled
her exceedingly long mane.

Breed Abuse

2001-02-25 Thread katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda
This message is from: katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda [EMAIL PROTECTED]

One time, at the Devon horse show, we were walking by the warm up ring and
saw some Hackneys warming up with chains around their legs. Another had
rubber rings around each foot, and the legs were connected somehow. It was

Re: New sleigh

2001-02-05 Thread katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda
This message is from: katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi List,
OK I will fess up to what I've been doing with Heidi, if you all promise
not to jump down my throat about all that safety S--T.  I extend her
traces on her light driving harness with baling twine, hook on a single
tree and tie my plastic toboggan on to that.  Then I put my rubbermaid
step stool in the toboggan and go for one heck of a ride on our drive.

Hehe, I can relate. A few days ago, after I finished watching a polo match
match with my riding instructor (it was really fun!!), we saddled up her
appaloosa pony Petunia and we went for a ride. One girl rode the pony, while
we rode in a plastic sled behind attached to the girth by two lunge lines.
We rode around the ring. it was great fun.

Katy Andersen


2001-01-23 Thread katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda
This message is from: katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oh no. I was all excited to go to the Fjord Shows this year with Jon because
he is an angel to travel with, and then... Everything seems to be at the
same time! Fjord Camp and Fingerlakes and Blue Earth! It is so sad. What are
the dates for the other ones? (Libby, Turlock, and Woodstock)

Katy and Jon, who are enjoying the rare Pennsylvania snow, although it was 1
degree Fahrenhit this morning! Yikes!

Re: Premarin

2001-01-22 Thread katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda
This message is from: katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all-

On the topic of Premarin (PREgnant MARe urINE), there were a bunch of foals
from the mares that came down here from Canada to be adopted. My old riding
instructor has one now -- I think the foal is doing well. It is such a
horrible practice! I can't believe that anyone would want to take a drug
made from horse urine anyway! Especially after mucking out stalls and
smelling that ammonia UGH!


Eons and eons....

2001-01-18 Thread katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda
This message is from: katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm Katy Andersen -- 14

Re: Stall Confinement

2000-12-07 Thread katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda
This message is from: katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yeah, Mary, I guess you're right that most horses adapt. I think the reason
we had a bit of trouble was because my pony has always lived out, and hadn't
ever really been confined in a stall, even at night.
Katy Andersen, PA

Re: Stall confinement, tails, and quiz

2000-12-06 Thread katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda
This message is from: katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi List!

I am so sorry to hear about Sylvi. Luckily, my pony has only been
confined to her stall once (knock  on wood), but that month was a trial for
both of us. She is a very feisty one, so it was hard to keep her amused. Be
careful for types of bedding -- straw is nice and cushy, but horses
sometimes eat it when bored. Shavings are nice and easier, but I think they
may soak up  more moisture. At least your horse will be stall-kept in the
winter and not the summer.  Weight was a bit of a concern; we kept her grain
to a handful or two a day. It helped her become less uppity and gave her
less energy. Um, I wish I could be of more help -- it is pretty hard to keep
a horse inside 24 hours a day. Good luck! I hope things turn out well!

I took the quiz! and whups, I guess I truly am, like, a teenager. At
least I knew the first names of the Beatles!

For grooming the tail, I use Show Sheen. It is a bit hazardous to use if
going bareback riding; my trainer taught a bareback lesson right after some
girls had used show sheen and they almost fell off!

Katy Andersen, PA

Re: Elska

2000-11-30 Thread katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda
This message is from: katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Congratulations! I volunteer at a therapeutic riding facility, and it is
awfully nice to lead a well-trained horse. Fjordies are taking over!
Katy Andersen -- Charlestown, PA

Re: BDF Jason and Manes

2000-11-17 Thread katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda
This message is from: katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You recently mentioned hunting with BDF Jason in a well-known PA
hunt? THat isn't Radnor Hunt or Cheshire Hunt, by any chance? If so, we live
really close to Radnor! I liked your story about hunting. Hopefully Jon and
I will be doing that some day!

Another question: Do fjords' manes get thicker in the winter? Jon's just got
rapidly thicker for some strange reason... I've been cutting it regularly,
and keeping it about 3 inches high, but it is flopping over. Any
suggestions? I think it would be hard to thin it, and I really detest the
idea of shaving it for the winter, because everyone who ever sees Jon is
always intrigued by his mane. He looks so cute, i couldn't trim it. So, any
Katy and Jon

Re: Family

2000-11-06 Thread katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda
This message is from: katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You do know English well! Marius is very cute!
Katy and Jon

Re: things are looking up

2000-11-06 Thread katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda
This message is from: katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yes! I use videos all the time to critique myself. My mother used our
new video camera (quite a luxury) at our show. I watch it a lot to see what
I'm doing wrong. I noticed that while I am sometimes concerned with keeping
my leg under me and not in the Chair Seat position, my leg looks a bit too
far BACK sometimes! Jon doesn't notice though. And I can also see if our
pace looks energetic enough because going from my pony to my horse makes my
perception of paces go wacky (my pony is very short and VERy FAST!).
Katy and Jon

Successful First Show!

2000-11-04 Thread katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda
This message is from: katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda [EMAIL PROTECTED]

hey all-
Wow. Fjords are so nice. Jon and I had our first show today. It was
just a little schooling show, but a show just the same. I have been riding
every day (a miracle!) for the past week and a half, so he was really good.
We won a third in walk-trot equitation, a sixth in walk-trot-canter
equitation (didn't get that annoying right lead. I've tried everything), and
(surprisingly) WON the JUMPING! I couldn't believe it, but then again, it
was just a schooling show. Reality. He was such a little darling. I love
him! Everyone could not stop looking at him. He must have gotten a million
compliments and love pats. One guy asked if his mane was dyed. Another
wanted to know what type of palomino is that?  People loved his
expressive eyes, too. Nancy, what a horse! He is great. The best part was
that he was very calm. My old horse, a TB (sorry to any TB owners out there,
one of my favorite horses was a TB and one of my least-favorites was one!),
was a bit of a basket-case sometimes and left me with nerves. Jon just went
around like it was home.

Just a quick note- Is anyone selling a Fjord pony, 13.1 hh and 4 yrs, in
Maryland? I saw a picture-add of one in a local horse newspaper; she was a
cute fjord!

A happy katy and jon

Saddles for roly poly fjords

2000-10-30 Thread katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda
This message is from: katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Here's my input:
We used Wintecs at Fjord Camp and they fit the horses really well. They
are available with wide and extra wide trees. I liked riding in them,
although they are only all-purpose, not close contact. One mare got bad
girth sores, so we used a fuzzy girth cover. I read in Practical Horseman
that there is a new type of girth made by County that is shaped so the
leather doesn't interfere with the horse's elbow and the saddle won't slip
when mounting from the ground. Hm. It's just a bit pricy for me! Jon better
not get any sores...

National Show

2000-10-28 Thread katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda
This message is from: katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hm. A national show would be fun. There's always the Devon Horse Show
grounds in PA that would work well. They have one giant ring, one pretty big
ring, and two warm-up rings, plus tons and tons of permanent stabling. Big
shows are held there all the time. Only problem is turn-outs, but there's
lots of ring space to school. I like the idea of rotating every three years,
especially since we're so far on the east coast, and other people are on the
west coast.
Does anyone have a suggestion for helping tick bites? Our woody pastures
are infested with the little things and although I check/groom our horses
each day, the ticks are horrendous. Must be one of those years.

West Nile Virus

2000-10-17 Thread katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda
This message is from: katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all. Yes, the West Nile Virus is a concern in NJ, PA, and NY. I live in
Chester County; here, there's been on death concerning west nile (I think).
It's not too bad here, we just keep an eye out for dead crows (they are most
easily affected by west nile). It began in New York last year. We just fly
spray sometimes and keep the water buckets clean
Katy Andersen and Jon


2000-09-03 Thread katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda
This message is from: katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all-
Jon is growing his winter coat already! I know it is normal for Fjordies
to grow their winter coats earlier than most horses, but we have been having
80-90 degree weather and much humidity. This isn't normal Pennsylvania
weather, but I still have to keep Jon cool. We've been hosing him down once
a day and keeping him in the shade. I think we're going to clip him. Any
suggestions on types of clips? Ways to keep him cool?
Thanks, in sunny PA,
Katy Andersen and Jon

Trailers and More Jumping on Jon

2000-08-18 Thread katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda
This message is from: katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all-
We're now looking for a horse trailer (bought the horse, here comes a
trailer). The Brenderup looks good because it's so light. Does anyone have a
preference? Good/bad experiences?
Back to Jon's jumping; I couldn't believe that he was jumping so well!
Draft-like horses aren't known for jumping, mainly because they're so heavy.
But Jon was really eager, and went right over! Is this unusual? Or are
fjordies secretly springy?
Thanks, in rainy PA,
Katy Andersen

Jumping Lesson on Jon

2000-08-17 Thread katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda
This message is from: katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi list-
I just got back from a jumping lesson with Jon. He has springs! (and
bucks)... For a first time jumper, he goes over 2' 3 like it's nothing!
Whups, I'd better go, but I'll talk later. Sorry!
Katy Andersen

Re: New from Michigan

2000-07-26 Thread katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda
This message is from: katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Betsy... Welcome to the list. I'm Katy, from PA. We almost bought Tomas!
I guess you were quicker, he he. I was wondering who was lucky enough to buy
him, and you were! He looked really good in the adds. I just bought my first
fjord too, a 13 yr old named Jon, who I love. It's a great breed to get
Katy Andersen


2000-07-12 Thread katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda
This message is from: katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Quick question: I'm starting to jump Jon, first with poles, then building it
up to a cross-rail, etc. Does anyone have any suggestions for going about
jumping? Just thought I'd ask :).

Saddles and Crow

2000-07-03 Thread katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda
This message is from: katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all, I've been playing around with Jon. In the two days we've had him,
I've been riding bareback, but I do want to use an English saddle too. (To
save my legs!). Right now I have a Collegiate, but it may not be wide
enough. Are there any good saddles to use? Most of the pictures of Fjords
that I've seen have dressage saddles, but I need an all-purpose/close
contact one. Hm.
One thing Jon seems to like is our pet crow named Bandit. Bandit flies
around the house and farm, coming back for food often. He'll sit on the
fence, and talk to Jon while Jon grazes. I've heard of goats as stablemates,
but crows?!?!

New Horse and Question

2000-07-02 Thread katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda
This message is from: katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all, I'm kind of new here. I haven't been posting any messages, but I've
been on the look out for all types of fjords for sale. I'm Katy, a 13 year
old in Pony Club, and have been looking for a Fjord. Well, we finally found
one! Jon is a 13 yr old 14.2 hh Fjord we'll be using in Pony Club as well
as around the farm . He's settling in nicely. We found him on Saturday at
the Horse Progress Days in Kinzer, PA. What a neat gathering. For anyone
who's interested in farming with horses, it's a great way to see different
breeds, equipment, and demonstrations on cutting/raking/airing/baling hay,
plowing/disking/planting corn and fields, and lots more.
I think I'll have a lot of questions, but my one right now is how does
one pull the mane? Is it cut or pulled? I noticed that Jon's was thin, so I
assumed it was pulled, but am still a bit confused.

Katy Andersen  Jon