Ursula's carriage

2003-02-15 Thread wilson964
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Ursula:  Please contact Jeff Pederson immediately.  There has been a 
little problem with your carriage.  His cell phone number is 435  590-2391.

OE & Pat Wilson
UFF DA Fjords
Hyde Park, Utah

Re: Norwegian book?

2003-01-22 Thread wilson964
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gale, the book was purchased in Norway and brought to me by one of my 
professors.  The ISBN is 82-521-5098-5.  The publisher is Det Norske 
Samlaget.  If you want, I can ask our bookstore if they can find one.

OE & Pat Wilson
UFF DA Fjords
Hyde Park, Utah
> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> In a message dated 1/22/03 1:13:53 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
> > I have the book that shows Gale Ware and Dusty as well as a photo by Anne 
> > Appleby.  Mike I will take it to work and get our computer geek to scan it 
> > and 
> > send it.
> > pat
> > 
> Hi,
> I have not seen this book.  Is it from Norway?  Do you know where I could get 
> a copy?
> Thanx,
> Gayle Ware
> Field of Dreams
> Eugene, OR
> www.fjordhorse.com

Re: Stuffed Fjord Horse

2003-01-22 Thread wilson964
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I looked on the internet under Kosen.com.  They have the stuffed Fjord for $109

OE & Pat Wilson
UFF DA Fjords
Hyde Park, Utah
> This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Jer, Maybe Betsy Bauer will see your post, if not pester her as I know we
> sold this critter at Turlock a year ago, and she knows how to track one
> downgood luck, KMac
> Karen McCarthyGreat Basin Fjords :: Carson City, 
> Nevadahttp://www.picturetrail.com/weegees?Original
> Message Follows From: "fred & jeri" Subject: Stuffed Fjord Horse
> Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 18:31:41 -0600 I think a couple of Christmas' ago
> there was a posting regarding a darling fjord horse stuffed animal. Well,
> I want one now. Yes, right now.
> Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8.

Re: fjord styles

2003-01-20 Thread wilson964
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have the book that shows Gale Ware and Dusty as well as a photo by Anne 
Appleby.  Mike I will take it to work and get our computer geek to scan it and 
send it.

OE & Pat Wilson
UFF DA Fjords
Hyde Park, Utah
> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> In a message dated 1/20/2003 10:56:54 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
> > 
> > If Rosendalborken is our ideal visual model Fjord it is puzzling to me that
> > his alleged photograph is not widely publicized and has only been seen in
> > Norway by one Californian.?
> That's because I saw Rosendalsborken out in the yard with little green men!
> ;-D This is California, after all...
> Seriously, I saw it it a book that I mean to order. There were so many neat 
> Fjordhorse books in Norway. Gayle Ware & Dusty were actually in one of them! 
> I need to write our friend Anne-Karin to see if she can buy the books for me. 
> Dagrun would know the title -- I'll email her. She's currently in Japan!
> Brigid Wasson
> SF Bay Area, CA
>  http://www.ourfjords.freeservers.com/fjord1/Our_Fjordsx.html";>Our 
> Fjords 
>   HREF="http://www.ourfjords.freeservers.com/fw/Fjordings_Wesx.html";>Fjordings 
> West

Re: fjord styles

2003-01-20 Thread wilson964
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Also a picture of Rosendalsborken on page 140 in the book Fjordhesten by Arve 
M. Bakken.  Can't read the Norwegian but certainly can enjoy the pictures.

OE & Pat Wilson
UFF DA Fjords
Hyde Park, Utah
> This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> There is an actual photograph of Rosendalsborken on page 11 of Bob Van
> Bon's book on the Fjordhorse, VAN "VESTLANDHEST" TOT "FJORDENPAARD"
> Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, 20 degrees at 7:00am.
> >
> >Rosendalborken could very well be the perfect Fjord ideal, but how will we
> >ever know? ...without an actual photo of him it's speculative on our part.
> Jean Ernest
> Fairbanks, Alaska

Re: Fjord Artwork

2003-01-12 Thread wilson964
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We have a friend in Idaho Falls that paints in oils.  We have had her paint 
our horses heads on flat river rocks.  I haven't seen such good work as far as 
confirmation goes.  She is very accurate in her paintings.  We sent her 
pictures and she has duplicated them beautifully.  Her name is Marilyn Heed.  
Email me privately and I will get you her information.  She is awesome.  We 
have donated a couple of the rocks at Libby for the drawings.  I think they 
were very well received.  She also does paintings.  We are going to have her 
do both our horses.

OE & Pat Wilson
UFF DA Fjords
Hyde Park, Utah
> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I'm going straight to the source on this one...
> I've had very little luck in searches online, with dealers, catalogs, etc. 
> trying to find artwork of Fjords.  Specifically, I'd be interested in 
> commorative posters, show/clinic posters, or anything with a Fjord on it!  
> Ebay is searched daily, but no luck.  Anyone have any suggestions??  Thanks 
> in advance
> Gretchen Karlson
> http://hometown.aol.com/fjordlove/myhomepage/index.html";>Karlson 
> Equestrian Portraiture

Re: Flies/Barn Sparrows/Falconer

2002-07-24 Thread wilson964
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We have been monitoring the west nile virus.  According 
to everyone that we have talked to about this, the 
virus has come west as far as the Dakotas.  We will 
innoculate for the virus next year, but not til then.
OE & Pat Wilson
UFF DA Fjords
Hyde Park, Utah
> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> In a message dated 7/22/2002 11:02:04 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
> > I am most concerned re West Nile fever as it has been found in several
> > places in Eastern Wa. so far and the vaccine has not as yet been proven or
> > available here. A concentration of birds is not good.  We also have many
> > mosquitoes here from the slough below me.  My horses are more important to
> > me than the uninvited
> Whoa!  I had not heard that it got this far west.  Last I heard was Texas.  
> I'll be rethinking my vaccination plan if this is true.  Don't blame you for 
> getting rid of your flock.
> Pamela

fescue grass

2002-06-08 Thread wilson964
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There was a notice on the USU website from Clell 
Bagley, the extension veterinarian at USU regarding 
endophyte toxicosis from fescue grass.  The problem so 
far is in eastern Oregon.  The endophyte is a fungus 
type of growth or spore which grows inside the seed of 
some grasses.  When present in a seed, it is passed on 
to all seeds from the plant.  It is good for the plant 
in droughts but is toxic in the grass that is cut and 
baled for feed.  It makes the animals, cows and also 
horses, susceptible to heat, reduces feed consumption 
and thus reducing weight gain.  May also cause the 
blood vessels in the extremities (feed, tail, ears) to 
constrict.  This causes a lack of blood flow to these 
tissues, resulting in dry gangrene.  Cold weather and 
winter accentuates the problem.  It is expecially toxic 
to pregnant mares.
The extension site at USU has more information.  The 
address is http//extension.usu.edu/coop/ag/agbus/agline/

If you want to, please pass this on to the list.  The 
grass hay or fescue can be tested to make sure it is 
endophyte free.  Dr. Bagley warns that something that 
is a good deal may not be.

OE & Pat Wilson
UFF DA Fjords
Hyde Park, Utah

Re: Another birth announcement!

2002-05-17 Thread wilson964
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Beth and Sandy:  
She is awesome.  Makes me jealous.  Oh well, maybe in 
the future.

OE & Pat Wilson
UFF DA Fjords
Hyde Park, Utah

Re: How to determine correct weight on Fjord

2002-04-07 Thread wilson964
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Our friend and neighbor who is a vet and a Professor of 
animal science at Utah State University (USU) gave me 
an article about feeding horses from the Horse Industry 
Handbook it says (and I'll shorten it up just to 
include moderaterly thin to fat.

Moderaterly thin: score 4 back negative crease, ribs 
mid barrel, see slight outline, neck is moderately 
thin. Shoulders (forerib) is moderately thin, whithers 
are moderately thin, tailhead has some fat.

Moderate:  score 5, back level (no crease), ribs (mid 
barrel) not see easily feel, neck blend into shoulder, 
shoulder (forerib) blends smothly into body, whithers 
are rounded, tailhead has moderate fat.

Moderately fleshy: score 6,  back slight crease, ribs 
not see but feel, neck has little fat, shoulders 
(forerib) little fat, whithers have a little fat, 
tailhead has moderate fat.

Fleshy: score 7, back average crease, ribs barely feel, 
neck has average fat, shoulders have average fat, 
whithers have average fat, tailhead is fleshy fat.

Fat: score 8, back obvious crease, ribs difficult to 
feel, neck is fat, shoulders forerib is flush behind, 
whiters are fat filled, tailhead is fat.

I'm afraid both our Fjords fall into the fat catagory 
at the present time.  Now that spring is here I hope we 
will get some of it worked off them.

Hyde Park Utah clear and dry 60 degrees

OE & Pat Wilson
UFF DA Fjords
Hyde Park, Utah
> This message is from: "Reena" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi listers!
> How should one determine if our horses are too fat or too THIN!?   This is
> without a mesuring weight tape.I think Gus is too thin.any hints for
> fattening up a bit, with out making them hyper?
> Reena and Gus
> ---
> This email was scanned for BUGS when it left my computer Outgoing mail
> is certified Bug Free and
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.344 / Virus Database: 191 - Release Date: 4/2/2002

Re: crosstisch

2002-03-26 Thread wilson964
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Great to hear the news Deb.  I would like a copy of the 
cross stitch.  I don't know why, I will probably never 
get one done.

OE & Pat Wilson
UFF DA Fjords
Hyde Park, Utah

> This message is from: "Deb Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'm feeling s Goood!!
> Debi Williams

Re: Filly arrived

2002-03-18 Thread wilson964
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Congrats on your foal.  We are trying to make up our 
minds as to whether or not to get our mare bred for 
next year.  We may wait until next spring (haven't even 
had one this year, it snowed 3" last night).

Good luck with your surgery, we have you in our prayers.

OE & Pat Wilson
UFF DA Fjords
Hyde Park, Utah
> This message is from: "Deb Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Thank you to everyone for your prayers and good wishes.  They are very much
> appreciated.
> Our foal has arrived at 12:30 AM on St. Patrick's Day, Roselle appears
> to be a red headed Irish lass as lively as can be.  Both Mom and baby are
> fine.  We were privileged to be present for the wondrous birth.
> Again thank you all,
> Debi Williams
> Williams Hill Fjords
> Waterford, Pa
> Home of Tolgar,Tanja, Belle,Hilda, Beckett, Rosie and Roselle

Re: Cattle business

2002-03-08 Thread wilson964
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks, it is Friday evening.  It snowed like a mad man 
last night and is cold today and I needed a laugh.

OE & Pat Wilson
UFF DA Fjords
Hyde Park, Utah
> This message is from: "Janne Myrdal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> OK, i usually do not do this, but it is friday, winter has arrived late 
> and.., and here is a laugh:
> You have two cows.
> You sell one and buy a bull.
> Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows.
> You sell them and retire on the income. (don't you wish!)
> You have two cows. You sell three of them to your publicly listed
> company, using letters of credit opened by your brother-in-law at the
> bank, then execute a debt/equity swap with an associated general offer
> so that you get all four cows back, with a tax exemption for five cows.
> The milk rights of the six cows are transferred via an intermediary
> to a Cayman Island company secretly owned by the majority shareholder
> who sells the rights to all seven cows back to your listed company.
> The annual report says the company owns eight cows, with an option
> on one more. Sell one cow to buy a new president of the United States,
> leaving you with nine cows. No balance sheet provided with the release.
> The public buys your bull.
> You have two cows. You sell one, and force the other to produce the
> milk of four cows. You are surprised when the cow drops dead.
> You have two cows. You go on strike because you want three cows.
> You have two cows. You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of
> an ordinary cow and produce twenty times the milk. You then create clever
> cow cartoon images called Cowkimon and
> market them Worldwide.
> You have two cows. You reengineer them so they live for 100 years, eat
> once a month, and milk themselves.
> You have two cows. Both are mad.
> You have two cows, but you don't know where they are. You break for
> lunch.
> You have two cows. You count them and learn you have five cows. You
> count them again and learn you have 42 cows. You count them again and
> learn you have 12 cows. You stop counting cows and open another bottle
> of vodka.
> You have 5000 cows, none of which belong to you. You charge others for
> storing them.
> You have two cows. You worship them.
> You have two cows. You have 300 people milking them. You claim full
> employment, high bovine productivity, and arrest the newsman who
> reported the numbers.
> You have two cows. That one on the left is kinda cute

Re: World's most functional word

2002-03-02 Thread wilson964
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Amy,

I was just catching up on reading the messages on the 
list and read your post on the worlds most functional 
word.  It made my day because it is one word I use a 
lot.  Be sure I printed it out for future reference and 
when I need a good laugh.  Thanks for sharing.

OE wilson
O.E. & Pat Wilson 
Ufda Fjords
Hyde Park Utah
> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> OK everyone, I thought this was just too funny not to pass along.  I did take 
> the liberty of replacing one letter of a certain word throughout, and I hope 
> no one will be offended. :)
> Sh*t may just be the most functional word in the English language.
> Consider:
> You can be sh*t faced,
> sh*t out of luck,
> or have sh*t for brains.
> With a little effort, 
> you can get your sh*t together,
> find a place for your sh*t
> or decide to sh*t or get off the pot.
> You can smoke sh*t,
> buy sh*t,
> sell sh*t,
> lose sh*t,
> find sh*t,
> forget sh*t,
> or tell others to eat sh*t and die.
> Some people really know their sh*t!
> While others can't tell sh*t from shineola.
> There are lucky sh*ts,
> dumb sh*ts,
> crazy sh*ts
> and sweet sh*ts.
> There is bull sh*t,
> horse sh*t and
> chicken sh*t.
> You can throw sh*t,
> sling sh*t,
> catch sh*t,
> or duck when the sh*t hits the fan.
> You can give a sh*t or
> serve sh*t on a shingle.
> You can find yourself in deep sh*t
> or be happier than a pig in sh*t.
> Some days are colder than sh*t,
> some days are hotter than sh*t,
> and some days are just plain sh*tty.
> Some music sounds like sh*t,
> some things can look like sh*t,
> and there are times when you feel like sh*t.
> You can have too much sh*t,
> not enough sh*t,
> the right sh*t,
> the wrong sh*t or
> a lot of weird sh*t.
> You can carry sh*t,
> shovel sh*t,
> have a mountain of sh*t,
> or find yourself up sh*t creek without a paddle.
> Sometimes everything you touch turns to sh*t
> and other times you fall in a bucket of sh*t
> and come out smelling like a rose.
> When you stop to consider all the facts,
> it's the basic building block of creation.
> And remember, once you know your sh*t,
> you don't need to know anything else!
> Feel free to pass this along, if you give a sh*t!
> Amy Evers
> Dun Lookin' Fjords
> Redmond, OR

Re: fungus

2002-01-22 Thread wilson964
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I just read your question about Hoof Fungus or 
Thrush, I have an older quarter horse that has a 
chronic problem with Thrush every spring, and I have 
had great success using turpentine.  Usually two or 
three treatments takes care of the problem.  The 
treatment was recommended to me by a good Farrier.LOL
OE Wilson


2002-01-14 Thread wilson964
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've emailed my secret santa, Valerie Pederson, and 
thanked her for the book.  She sent us John Lyons book 
and is it great to own.  She couldn't have done 
anything better.
Now I want to thank Cynthia for all her work.  What 
great fun to do a secret santa.  Thank you so much.
> This message is from: Cynthia Madden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To all SS recipients:
> Please acknowledge to your SS that you have received
> your gifts with a nice thank you!
> Your elf in SSdom
> =
> Cynthia Madden
> Las Cruces, NM

Re: Our New Fjord

2001-12-29 Thread wilson964
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Congrats Tami.  I am happy for you.  I know how much 
you and Ken wanted to increase the Fjords in your 
fold.  Hope all goes well.

Re: Horses - from Cynthia & Steve

2001-12-24 Thread wilson964
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks and a Merry Christmas from cold northern Utah.  
Our temperature this morning was -11.  With plenty of 
snow on the ground.

pat and oe wilson
> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cynthia & Steve)
> Hello! Cynthia & Steve has just sent you a greeting card from 
> BlueMountain.com.
> You can pick up your personal message here:
> http://free7.bluemountain.com/cards/boxg227784b6/7s8f3brjh37fkx.html
> Your card will be available for the next 90 days.
> Accessing your card indicates agreement with BlueMountain.com's Terms of 
> Service:
> http://www.bluemountain.com/home/termsofservice.html
> Sign up for Blue Mountain Unlimited and send all the holiday eCards you want!
> http://www.bluemountain.com

Re: Saddles and Randys illness

2001-12-22 Thread wilson964
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sue:  OE and I send our best wishes for Randy and you.  
I pray that you both will weather this illness and have 
positive results.
Merry Christmas and hopefully a healthful New Years.

> This message is from: "Sue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >A question on western saddles...Isn't the semi-quarter >bars the narrowest
> tree?  I
> >thought that the sizes went from Arab tree (widest), to >Quarter Horse, to
> Semi- (for
> >narrower horses).  But folks are finding the narrowest >one fits the
> Fjords?
> Well I have a semi -quarter bar in the western Wintec saddle that I bought
> this past summerand it does appear to fit Storm...Yet!  Although he is
> only 2 1/2 years old and we have of course just set it on him and lightly
> cinched him upbut I do have my fingers crossed that it will continue to
> fit him.
> Well  my hubby and I have had a rough fall.  As I mentioned in a previous
> letter, I broke my ankle.  I am getting around now (7 weeks later) by
> wearing a Breg splint boot.   Randy took sick a  couple of months ago and
> after being misdiagnosed and given medicines that did not work, finally got
> in so much pain that he was hospitilized 3 weeks ago.  C.T. scans were taken
> and various tests.  It turns out he has a non Hodgkins type of Lymphoma.
> This is very scary but according to the cancer specialist his prognosis is
> good.  He had his first Chemo treatment today and if all goes well he will
> be released tomorrow.  He will have 5 more treatments spaced 3 weeks apart.
> When I spoke with him tonight, he was very nauseated and had just been given
> a gravol needle.  Apparently, his immune system will be comprimised by the
> chemo...so we hope and pray he does not pick up a flu or cold.  What a fall
> this has been!  But in spite of all this, I have managed to go on line and
> order gifts from Sears so hopefully Santa will come after all.  My prayers
> were answered when Randy's illness turned out to be treatable and hopefully
> curable.  Keep us in your thoughts everyone, and have a Merry Christmas.
> Sue in N.B. (Desert Storm's mom)