Fjord Friends Care Pkg

2008-10-02 Thread M. Denmark
This message is from: "M. Denmark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Fjord Friends,

I must tell you how truly overwhelmed with emotion we were to just receive
the lovely and thoughtful Fjord Friends care package to help us get through
the Hurricane Ike trauma and renewal. (Unexpected, too.  I must remember
that Lisa Pedersen is also a force of nature. :-) ...thank goodness for her
incredible extension of friendship.  Her phone calls and those of other
fjord owners when we finally got service brightened the days...good thing
since we didn't have power.)  We are truly grateful and send our sincere
thanks to the wonderful extended family of fjord owning friends out there
that thought of us.  I really don't think you all know quite how much you
have helped; we are a family of just the three, no relatives or extended
family to reach out to when times get tough so sometimes you feel a little
isolated and forlorn.  With an adult child with disabilities it is even
tough to keep or make friends due to so many limitations on life.  Then you
receive an unexpected ray of sunshine from folks you have never met...WOW
does that lift your spirits.  The photos with the names will be saved and
looked at by my daughter, Erin, for a long time.  She was so thrilled, as
were we, and she desperately needed something to lighten her heart.  Erin
had to deal with many things recently which she was not able to understand:
the hurricane, Martin and I having to focus so much energy on the long clean
up process (there is still much to do), being very sick for several weeks,
and her life long buddy and best cat ever had to be euthanized unexpectedly
on Friday.  She had been sobbing over this loss for days till the pictures
came.  They made her very happy.  Since Erin is unable to read or write she
loves photographs of people (that hopefully one day she will meet) and their
fjords.  And especially to all of you that were so kind and generous to send
additional aid we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  Y'all really
outdid yourselves!!  We took a long life journey to end up with fjords.
These ponies will be our only grandchildren and we love them just that much.
They have stolen our hearts with their kindness and trying all the things we
ask with such graciousness.  Seems like the fjord friends that are out there
are also imbued with an abundance of kindness, graciousness, and a
generosity of spirit just like those fuzzy ponies that we all so love and
have brought us together.   

Thank you to everyone.   I hope that if there is ever a need among our fjord
friends that we will be able to reciprocate.  

Find some peace in each day,
Milli Ann, Martin & Erin Denmark
Magnolia, TX

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news from Fjord friends...

2007-04-03 Thread Ed Sullivan
This message is from: "Ed Sullivan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

SUBJECT:  News from Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia

Hello from Carol Naveta Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia --

Arthur and I have been on vacation in Florida and during that time I've
written several posts to the Digest, sent them to our trainer, Jaimie Benoit,
and she has forwarded them to the Digest.  --  None of them have appeared.  -
That's the reason I've resorted to asking our friend, Ann Sullivan, to try to
help me get a post on the Digest.

One of the posts that hasn't appeared concerned the five foals we're expecting
this season, all sired by our grand old stallion, Gjest --  now 30 years old.

Another post talked about Gjest, and how remarkable it is that he's still
healthy, sound, and functioning at 30 years.

I believe another one concerned our Nova Scotia Riding & Driving Vacations,
now going into their 16th season.  The fact that we now have two on-farm
accommodations -  The Charming Cottage and The Carriage House Loft.

In one of the above posts, I talked about the excellent quality consignment
horses we're expecting this spring.  Business has been very good.  We've sold
all of our consignment horses, and now have room for a few more.  --  As
usual, I want to tell everybody that we specialize in the very best kind of
Fjordhorses.  We have buyers for high quality Fjords.


Another reason I've asked Ann to post this for us is we've just become aware
there's a ridiculous rumour circulating about Beaver Dam Farm.  The rumour is
that Beaver Dam Farm is for sale.

NOT TRUE!  In fact, it's the furtherest thing from the truth.  --
Everything's going great.  Our long-time trainer, Jaimie, has built an
adorable house right here on the farm, and all of us couldn't be happier with
the way things are going.  --  In fact, "Everything's coming up roses" at
Beaver Dam Farm, and for those of you who've been here, you know I mean that
literally.  Thousands of roses will soon be blooming all over the farm.

Arthur and I are getting older, but we're as full of enthusiasm as ever.  He's
got a million projects in mind, and so do I.

Gjest and Tessa are aged, and some of our other mares like Holly and Stine are
getting up there, but we've got some awesome mares coming along, and they're
all young, and will be producing foals for Beaver Dam Farm for a very long
time to come.  --

We've made the momentous decision to keep three of the Gjest daughters born in
2005.  That's BDF Wilhelmina (Gjest x Stine), BDF Winnifred (Gjest x Holly
II), and BDF Wendolyn (Gjest x Penfrydd's Valentina) --  I say "momentous"
because these three young mares are the best we've ever seen, and of course,
could be sold for big prices.

My very long-time dream has been to have a stable full of the most fantastic,
the most beautiful Fjordhorse mares that expertise and money can buy, and now
I'm going to do it!  --

  In the past, in order to keep the farm business operating, we've sold many
of our very good mares to people like Susan Cargill, and many many others.  --
Of course, we kept a few really high quality mares to breed to Gjest, but, for
most of the time,  there were only a few-  (Stine, Maryke, & Holly).

We've imported and bred some gorgeous fillies, and  I always hated to sell
those really good mares, but business is business, and the reason Beaver Dam
Farm is still in business after 28 years, is that I made those decisions to

Now, my feeling is that we've earned the right to indulge ourselves, and
that's what we're doing with these outstanding Gjest daughters.  My lifetime
Fjord dream will come true this summer when I can stand in our old barn and
look down the line at the twelve straight stalls and see a group of mares who
represent the best of the breed standing in each stall.

Over twenty years ago, on one of my many trips to the Netherlands, I visited a
Fjord breeder who had such a group of exquisite mares in his barn.  Standing
there looking at such beauty, such quality, I vowed that someday, Beaver Dam
Farm would have such a group.  Remember what Winston Churchill said . . . The
outside of a horse is good for the inside of man."  It's true!

Stine is having a foal this spring.  It might be the last time we'll breed
her, as she's 20 now.  However, she looks great, and the vet can't believe
she's had so many foals.

Holly I had a foal last season, BDF Xavier, who just might be Gjest's
replacement stallion.

We have a wonderful young mare in Penfrydd's Valentina.  She produced BDF
Wendolyn, who is a very exciting young mare with incredible bravery and superb

Tundra is another exciting broodmare.  She's a daughter of the Elite Stallion,
Dragset, now deceased, and her dam is one of Holland's best-bred mares.

Saakje (Ohlsen-Junior) and Saskia (Briggen) have to do double duty as school
horses and broodmares, and they are awesomely gorgeous mares.

Holly II (Orca - Ohlsen son)

Re: Fjord friends at BDF in Nova Scotia -

2006-07-03 Thread Beaver Dam Farm

This message is from: "Beaver Dam Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia -

On Thursday, we finished our third week of Nova Scotia Riding and Driving 
Vacations, and it was great fun with three of our seven guests being Fjord 
people.  So much fun that we  hated to see the week end..   --  And, 
therefore, we (the Fjord people) decided to extend the merriment by taking a 
"weekend" in Halifax.  --  Kathy Monroe, Nancy Barmore, Linda Seyverson-Kerr 
and I drove off Friday morning to celebrate Canada Day in the provincial 
capital of Halifax.  We laughed a lot, ate a lot of sublime food, and drank 
some good wine and locally brewed beer.  It was a delightful weekend, and a 
much welcomed break away from the farm for me.  Kathy and Nancy's generosity 
and wonderful company were . . .. . . well, for once words fail me.  --  
Those ladies are just the best!  All Fjord people, as well as the breed 
itself, are enormously better off because of their interest and 
participation.Both Kathy and Nancy are intelligent and have boundless 
energy and good will.  They have a proven  commitment to quality in 
everything they do --  They are passionately interested in the Fjord breed, 
and dedicated to protecting the breed and maintaining quality.  --  Arthur 
and I, Jaimie and Kelly are delighted to count them as personal friends.

Linda Syverson-Kerr was my student during the week, and we both enjoyed 
riding together.  I taught Linda one of my secrets to getting the horse 
round and relaxed, and I believe she'll be putting it to good use in her 
future competitions.  --  I also taught her to eat mussles and drink dark 
beer.  --

It was a super week, and we all enjoyed having Fjord friends in the group. 
We're now looking forward with huge anticipation to the 25th in Winona.

This week, we have another delightful group, but totally different from the 
mature ladies last week.  --  We have two young moms and their three 
daughters, ages eight to twelve.  --  What fun!  --  All of them are taking 
the Riding Vacation, but we'll also introduce them to carriage driving.

Best Regards,  Carol Rivoire

Beaver Dam Farm Fjords II, Ltd.
Phone: 902-386-2304  Fax: 902-386-2149
"Raised by the Sea in Health and Tranquility"

Visit our NEW Riding Vacation page on our website today! 

Fjord & Friends Fun Fest

2005-12-23 Thread KateSeidel
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Only six short months to finalize your plans to attend this year's Fjord  
Fest.  Our premier event last year was all about fun, friendship, and of  
our beloved Fjords.  Everyone attending was unanimous that we were  coming 
back, Jack, to do it again.
I am no webmaster, but we are moving our plans online.  Please take a  moment 
to give us a once over, see some of the great pictures from last year's  
event, and contact us with your plans to attend!!
Kate and Joe 
(basically the best pony ever who is all aquiver at the idea of returning  to 
his foaling grounds and seeing other Fjords the first time in many  years)

Re: Fjord Friends :)

2005-11-15 Thread bolinsj
This message is from: bolinsj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am really really slow answering my emails.  Just looked at your 
wonderful photos and looks like 'Heidi' is getting along great with her 
new 'big brother'.  It looks like Frodo is showing her how to 'strut her 
stuff' and really trot out.  They are gorgeous.

thanks for sharing the pictures
Martie in MD

> This message is from: Paula Chmura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Well we introduced Frodo to Galianna (barn name now "Heidi") this week
>>and it is absolute love.  It's amazing how well they get along - Frodo
>>even lets Galiana eat the little bit of grain he gets out of his bucket.
>> And the hoot is all the neighbors think Frodo had a foal!.  I (of
>>course :) snapped of few pictures of the happy pair this weekend
>>  Heidi has a gorgeous
>>canter  with great lift and is going to make a wonderful dressage mare.
>> Every day I spend with this wonderful breed I am more amazed and
>>appreciate them more.
>>Paula, Frodo and Heidi

Re: Fjord Friends :)

2005-10-27 Thread jgayle

This message is from: "jgayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

What a beautiful pair, Frodo and Heidi!   Jean G.

'The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 to 1949
Send: $20 to Three Horse's Press
7403 Blaine Rd
Aberdeen, WA 98520

Re: Fjord Friends :)

2005-10-27 Thread carcox
This message is from: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

How cute! I'm so jealous!>

 This message is from: Paula Chmura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Well we introduced Frodo to Galianna (barn name now "Heidi") this week
> and it is absolute love.  It's amazing how well they get along - Frodo
> even lets Galiana eat the little bit of grain he gets out of his bucket.
>  And the hoot is all the neighbors think Frodo had a foal!.  I (of
> course :) snapped of few pictures of the happy pair this weekend
>  Heidi has a gorgeous
> canter  with great lift and is going to make a wonderful dressage mare.
>  Every day I spend with this wonderful breed I am more amazed and
> appreciate them more.
> Paula, Frodo and Heidi

Fjord Friends :)

2005-10-23 Thread Paula Chmura
This message is from: Paula Chmura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well we introduced Frodo to Galianna (barn name now "Heidi") this week and it 
is absolute love.  It's amazing how well they get along - Frodo even lets 
Galiana eat the little bit of grain he gets out of his bucket.  And the hoot is 
all the neighbors think Frodo had a foal!.  I (of course :) snapped of few 
pictures of the happy pair this weekend  Heidi has a gorgeous canter  
with great lift and is going to make a wonderful dressage mare.   Every day I 
spend with this wonderful breed I am more amazed and appreciate them more. 
Paula, Frodo and Heidi

FW: Found Fjords --Can you help find owner? Pass to your Fjord friends on net

2004-05-17 Thread Catherine lassesen
This message is from: "Catherine lassesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



Catherine Lassesen




Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 4:49 AM
Subject: Found Fjords --Can you help find owner? Pass to your Fjord friends
on net


Do you know anyone missing two horses? These two were found in Washington
State and need to find their owners.  Please pass this to your friends and
maybe we will be able to locate the owners of the found horses.  

Two  Dun Norwegian Fjord horses have been found in a pasture in Deer Park,
sex: owner please identify and give further info to claim horses. May 2004

More Info:


Contact: Judy Robertson  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Thank you very much,


Debi Metcalfe
Stolen Horse International, Inc. (SHI), a 501 c 3 organization
Home of NetPosse and Idaho Alerts for
Join NetPosse <>  Today!
Support <>  SHI -- Help
yourself and SHI at the same time!

Fwd: Found Fjords --Can you help find owner? Pass to your Fjord friends on net

2004-05-17 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR

This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just received this email & wondered if anyone knows anything about this?


Date: Mon, 17 May 2004 08:48:23 EDT
Subject: Found Fjords --Can you help find owner?  Pass to your Fjord 
friends on net

X-Mailer: 9.0 for Windows sub 5028

Do you know anyone missing two horses? These two were found in Washington 
State and need to find their owners.  Please pass this to your friends and 
maybe we will be able to locate the owners of the found horses.

Two  Dun Norwegian Fjord horses have been found in a pasture in Deer Park, 

sex: owner please identify and give further info to claim horses. May 2004
More Info: 

Contact: Judy Robertson  email: 

Thank you very much,

Debi Metcalfe
Stolen Horse International, Inc. (SHI), a 501 c 3 organization
Home of NetPosse and Idaho Alerts for 

Join <>NetPosse Today!
<>Support SHI -- Help 
yourself and SHI at the same time!


Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Executive Director & Registrar
PO Box 685
Webster, NY  14580-0685

Voice 585-872-4114
FAX 585-787-0497

Fjord friends to visit on the east coast?

2003-02-14 Thread Dagrun Aarsten
This message is from: "Dagrun Aarsten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello everybody,

this is Dagrun in San Jose, Ca, having been off the list for quite a while
due to travels and far too much to do at work, combined with no internet
access at home at the moment.

I just spent two weeks in Norway, enjoying the snow and meeting my dear
now-coming 2-year old fjord colt Sneip. And for the first time enjoying the
magic of the west of Norway in full winter. Oh, and if someone is interested
in two promising yearling colts, I have met just the horses for you, too,
but that's another story.

I also went to Japan for work before that, and managed to squeeze in a day
of trail riding in the area around Mt. Fuji, which was pure magic!

After all this traveling, I finally got to see my dear horses yesterday,
taken good care of by fellow list member Brigid while I was gone. My
wonderful fjord Quinn, after being ridden by various young riders while I
was gone, was just as perfect as ever when I got on his back, and not quite
as out of shape as myself. He was full of spunk and gallopped happily around
when I asked him to, the we cleared some jumps in his usual uncomplicated
manner. I had a biiig smile on my face!

My next work trip is going to be to New York. I will probably have two
weekends to kill there, February 22-23 and March 1-2. Any chance of meeting
up with any of you fjord people over there? My company's headquarters are in
Ossining, NY state, but I'd be happy travel any reasonable distance to meet
fjords and fjord people. I volunteer to muck stalls, give riding lessons or
anything that could be useful. And I always like meeting and learning from
other horse people.

Send me an email if you'd like me to come visit? Maybe these work trips can
be turned into something good after all!


Re: Fjord Friends at VA Dressage Show

2000-08-22 Thread curt421
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> "The real surprize and pleasure was meeting two other Fjord owners, Margaret 
> Bogie and Melissa Dowling.  Both have geldings purchased from Carol Rivoire."

Well, I had part of the above correct.  Melissa has the gelding BDF Nathan.  
Margaret's husband Tom Snyder is purchasing an 8 year old mare sired by 
Hollunder from Carol Rivoire.  Sorry for the confusion. It sounds like I am 
going to have some Fjord competetion at the shows next year.  The warmbloods 
will think it is an invasion!

Curt Pierce
Bristow VA

Fjord Friends at VA Dressage Show

2000-08-22 Thread curt421
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This last weekend I showed Caribo at the Foxcroft Dressage Show in Middleburg, 
Virginia.  The weather and location was beautiful.  Foxcroft is a private 
boarding school with a large stables and indoor arena.  There were so many 
competetors that they had to use four arenas. The real surprize and pleasure 
was meeting two other Fjord owners, Margaret Bogie and Melissa Dowling.  Both 
have geldings purchased from Carol Rivoire.  Margaret has also purchased a 
older mare from Catherine Lassesen.  Hopefully, these ladies will be showing 
their geldings next year.  I really enjoyed talking with them.

This was the second class A dressage show for us this year.  We also showed at 
Morven Park in Leesburg, Virginia last month.  Caribo performed very well and 
scored in the sixties in most of his training level classes.  At both shows we 
had a lot good comments and interest from the other competetors.  We were told 
many many times that we won the unofficial "Cute Award."  I think many of the 
riders wish that they had a horse that would be as quiet and comfortable as a 
Fjord.  Next, we are looking forward to the show at Woodstock, Vermont.  Hope 
to see many of you there!

Curt Pierce
Bristow VA

Re: Hello to all my new fjord friends!

1998-04-09 Thread Jmggray
This message is from: Jmggray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


We noticed from our "mail" that you have a Fjord BAS - did you get him from
the Rivoires in Nova Scotia?  We never saw him (if that is him) but did hear
about him

Also, your mention of Malcolm.  We stayed for a week at Beaver Dam in August
96 and watched Carol's trainer work with Malcolm - actually have a video my
husband took of him.  He really is an exceptional animal.  Do you own him or
is he just in the area?

We Have Jason"the fox hunting Fjord" although since our move to Maine in
September his and my husband's fox hunting days are over since there are no
Hunts in this area.  Since there is a lot of polo I've told my husband he and
Jason will have to get involved in that but I have not received an affirmative
answer from either one of them.  Jason is really quite a "hoss" as they say in
Maine and Mel has had and I am sure will have more great rides with him.  He
had been a problem Fjord solely due to being spoiled by his original owner
(loved too much) but he and Mel hit it off great with nary a problem once he
learned who the leader was and he was to go forward not backward.  Loves to
jump so they have taken lessons and will take more this spring.

I have a fat Haflinger on the drafty side - great driving pony and good trail

Enough - Joanne, Mel Goble and BDF Jason

Hello to all my new fjord friends!

1998-04-08 Thread Ingrid Ivic
This message is from: Ingrid Ivic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi there,
My name is Ingrid and I live in Ohio. I have a Quarterhorse and  2
fjords right now, but hope to have more fjords soon. One of my fjords
(Bas) is 17yrs. young and the other (Lilla) is coming 4. Lilla is the
newest arrival and quite green, but willing and affectionate. Lilla will
be bred this year to BDF Malcome Locke, for a 1999 foal. THAT will be
exciting! My first foal.
Bas is our old standby, whenever we need a horse to put the
occasional child or novice on for a ride. He is the best horse I have
ever known! Affectionate, talkative and herd boss.
I was happy to find this discussion forum and would like to have a
little information on foals (even though it's a long way off)...the do's
and don'ts. Thanks, hope to talk to you all soon, Ingrid