Re: Can Fjords jump?

2002-07-17 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Whoa Karen, what a totally unexpected happening with your gelding.  These
are the things you can not prepare for and I guess is why we call them
"accidents".  Very lucky/  Maybe we should have hoses that hiss available at
the jumping shows???

Jean Walters Gayle
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 To 1949 ]
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Can Fjords jump?

2002-07-17 Thread Karen Keith

This message is from: "Karen Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Tonight I got the answer, although I hadn't even asked the question!

I came home late (10:30) from my son's baseball game.  Went out to the barn 
to feed the two Fjordies and my donkey.  There's no electricity in the barn, 
I do all my chores by flashlight, but there was a half-moon and clear skies.

Gelding comes into his stall from outside and I hooked the stall guard.  The 
donkey's in her stall, and the mare in hers, but the back door is open so 
the mare can come and go at will.  Everyone is in munching hay happily, so I 
go to get the hose to fill the outside water tank, which is just outside the 
gelding's stall.

The hose makes a pretty terrific hissing and spitting tonight -- must have 
been air in the pipes.  It startled the horses, and the mare came charging 
out of her stall.  I turned just in time to see my lovely gelding clearing 
his stall guard (through a 4 ft opening, I might add) and out into the barn 
yard with the mare.  YIKES!

Now the gelding's stall is 12x12 and his hay was in the corner furthest from 
the door, so I figure he only had room to spin 180 then make a leap over a 3 
ft 6 inch high nylon mesh stall guard, and this in the near dark.

Thank goodness Fjords can jump, and jump clean.  If he'd hung a knee no 
doubt he would have flipped.

Can Fjords jump?  You bet.  But this information (gathered in this way) I 
can do without.




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Fjords Jump

2000-07-08 Thread Tamara Hooper
This message is from: Tamara Hooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have grown up with English riding lessons mostly on grade thoroughbreds.
My mare is green broke and will walk, trot, canter for me.  In the future
I plan on jumping her.  She has started jumping already.  We are replacing
electrical tape around our pastures with more permanent fencing.  Our
horses have been real easy keepers, so we didn't think they would notice
one side of their pasture had only fencing that was 39" high.  My mare did.
She was up and over it eating the nice green grass on the other side.
I am impressed by jumping potential.  The pasture now has a hot wire
above the fencing to detour escapes.  Both my Fjords are great!  I am
glad that I ended up with them.
Tammy Hooper
Bonners Ferry, ID
p.s. photos at pedigree site