Re: Helmets, adjustments...rt

2009-10-18 Thread

This message is from: "" 

...I was sort of hoping that the "scalp must move" rule
could be avoided...

I could use high school physics (for example KE = 1/2*m*V^^2) to 
explain, but the bottom line is this: the closer your skull is to the 
compressive cushioning, the better. The helmet is designed as a one-time 
energy absorbing cushion between your skull and the ground. It absorbs 
as much energy from an impact as possible by distorting, crumpling, and 
breaking up. That means a helmet that fits snugly is better as long as 
it doesn't hurt. Your skull should contact the cushioning as quick as 
possible in an accident. The looser the fit, the less energy the helmet 
will absorb -- which means your head will absorb the energy instead, and 
the possibility of injury will be exponentially higher. That is why a 
good, trim fit is so important. It is also important to replace a helmet 
after an impact, however trivial. If the compressive layer is crushed, 
compressed, or cracked, the helmet will NOT function properly in a 
second impact.


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RE: Helmets, adjustments...rt

2009-10-18 Thread
This message is from: "" 

I was sort of hoping that the "scalp must move" rule
could be avoided if one had a helmet that came down
over the back of the the Tipperary.  My
theory is the more encompassing shape of the
Tipperary means the helmet stays in place better.
The helmets that have moved my scalp have hurt and
given me headaches.

If the "scalp must move" rule is about not having any
travel space for the head when head and helmet hit
the ground (such that both hit at the same time) I
can see that the rule would still apply.  If it is
about keeping the helmet in place...I would hope I
could fudge a little in that realm?

  I was told to check the fit
by seeing if the helmet would slide off the head w/o
the chin strap
(it shouldn't) , or if the scalp moves with the
helmet (it should).
Hopefully someone who sells tack can elaborate...

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Helmets, adjustments...rt

2009-10-17 Thread Eileen Perry
This message is from: Eileen Perry 

I didn't see anyone mention helmet adjustments, so I thought I'd chime
in here...Years ago, helmets were sold by hat size and at best you
could add some foam inserts.  The new sports helmets have an
adjustable inside suspension harness to fit your head,usually with
some type of dial or ratchet on the back.  I was told to check the fit
by seeing if the helmet would slide off the head w/o the chin strap
(it shouldn't) , or if the scalp moves with the helmet (it should).
Hopefully someone who sells tack can elaborate...

Cheers from Oz,

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