In Henry's memory

2010-07-28 Thread Frederick J Pack
This message is from: Frederick J Pack

When you hear the thunder
remember me
for those are my hoof beats
upon your heart deep in the night. 

Do not fear the lightning
and remember me
for my hooves strike sparks
so you may see 
in your darkest hour.  

And when the rain falls 
remember me
for those are my tears of joy
as I run with the sky herd
free of rein and heavy burden.

Look up and remember me 
for you will see the shape of my 
head thrown high
among the clouds,
warmed by the sun but even more
because you remember me.

R.I.P. Henry

Heather, if you were nearbyI would wrap my arms around you and try to
carry some of your emotional burden. 

Fred and Lois


All Mail is scanned in AND out by Norton Anti-virus.
Fred and Lois Pack
Pack's Peak Stables
Wilkeson, Washington  98396


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RE: Fjord memory 2009

2009-12-24 Thread Karen McCarthy
This message is from: Karen McCarthy

Yeah Teressa, I remember coming upon that scene.
We thought some ET's had landed @ the outdoor arena @ Moses Lake and taken
over the was pretty cool watching your minions leaping to  fro
through the truck headlights!
Kmac , where I just got home from the Christmas eve carriage stroll w/ the
pair. All went well, lots of happy people at the party had their 1st carriage
ride. My fingers are still on defrost.

:: Karen McCarthy :: Great Basin Fjords :: Madras, Oregon ::

 Subject: Fjord memory 2009
 Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2009 12:58:59 -0800

 This message is from: Teressa

 Though I wish I had a video, my somewhat (ok, very) bad memory keeps
 replaying this scene.  Just before the Northwest Fjord Show this past
 August, it was too hot to school the horses during the day.  So Marg,
 and I took the minions (Zoe, Kristen, and McKenzie) back to the hotel for a
 swim and then to dinner so we could go back to the show grounds when it
 would be somewhat cooler.  Minions had on shorts.  Ingrid and I stopped at
 Wal-Mart to get yet more water so Marg and the minions got back to the
 horses sooner than we did.  Unfortunately, I had the key to the trailer
 room, where minion breeches were kept.  It got late.  It got dark.  Horses
 still needed schooling.  Jumps had to be set.

 So schooling was in the dark, minions in shorts and tall boots.  Trucks
 arrayed around the arena with lights on to give some illumination.  Horses
 kicking up the pervasive fine dust so it was like a scene from a fairy
 Minions schooling fjords over jumps in the headlights, coming out from the
 darkness into swirling dust and spotlights trained on the jumps.  Fjords
 looking awesome in the scene.  Minions laughing.  All of us with huge
 having the time of our lives - even though we weren't the ones on the

 Teressa in sunny but cold Northwest Washington - what were your best fjord
 memories of 2009?

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site for Memory Plastic, saddle sizing

2003-09-28 Thread RkyMtnTrls
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is the site for the memory plastic to help in saddle sizing.  Site says 
it's reusable.  Heat it up and it conforms to the horse's back - cools and 
retains the shape.

Thank you, Deb in Idaho from the HaflingerFriends eList, for sharing that 
very helpful site info!  You were the first person to post it - much 

This is the sort of thing I was looking for, to help in getting a good fit 
for my hard to size horses!  Think this should even work for ponies.  After 
not every saddle shop will allow to bring in the horse to check if the saddle 
fits right - like the Aussie saddle shop near me (won't let you!) which is 
the only Aussie saddle shop in my whole mid-state!   LOL


Memory plastic for Saddle sizing?

2003-09-27 Thread RkyMtnTrls
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

...There is one company that manufactures a memory plastic type of thing 
that you warm up in your oven and put on your horse's back.  When it is cold, 
will retain the shape of the back...

This company is news to me!  This sounds MUCH better than the old wire hanger 

Seems logical that we'd put a sheet or such over the horse's back, then the 
heated plastic - am geussing, as I've never seen this before.  But, sounds 
WONDERFUL for getting a mold of the hard to fit horses (or even if there's 
the question of sizing!) !!

Anyone know the name of this company, what state they are in?  Perhaps a 
website address, or even a phone # to contact?  

I believe this is something a LOT of equestrian folks would like to hear more 
about, aside from just my eager self!LOL

Aurora, Colorado


2003-04-01 Thread Knutsen Fjord Farm
This message is from: Knutsen Fjord Farm [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Welcome to the Digest, Teresa. And congratulations on your success at the
Stallion Show, Joe.

The Fjord Memory story was great! I thinks Fjords in general have
exceptional memories, but that may just be due to my lack of experience with
other breeds. We did have a hilarious experience with Fjord memory here
yesterday. We are still busy trying to get set up at the new place, and the
next item on the agenda is setting up the phantom mare Tushie for AI

Now, as some of you may recall, Tushie is nothing more than  3 sections of
telephone pole covered in firm foam and lots of duct tape, much repaired.
Her black electrical tape dorsal stripe has long since fallen off. Well,
yesterday she was transported by tractor bucket over to her new location
near Erlend's paddock.

Out the window we saw His Majesty racing up and down and generally showing
off in his paddock. We thought the tractor might have spooked him, although
that would have been unusual. But, no, he was just delighted by Tushie's
unexpected arrival! He kept up this silliness for about 10 minutes - I
guess, even lying on her side, she was still irresistible Go figure.

I'm not sure whether this is a testament to his good memory or his
testosterone-lowered IQ, but we had quite a chuckle.

Still no foals.

Bye from Peg, bleary-eyed in Ellensburg.

Peg Knutsen - Ellensburg, WA

Re: memory

2003-01-25 Thread Deb
This message is from: Deb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jean, you are right about selling animals short on memory, lots of other
things as well.

Although this isn't about Fjords 20 plus years ago I heard about a couple of
ships that were out on the Atlantic. Each ship verified, independently, this

There were 3 whales swimming at the surface of the water. The middle whale
was being supported by the other two as the middle whale had been harpooned
and the other two whales were keeping it up.

It has always grieved me when humans act as though we have the lock and key
on compassion, intelligence, emotions, dreams etc.

I often have wondered what species really is at the top of the hierarchy.
Perhaps the food chain isn't the only measurement. :-)


Re: How much memory?

2003-01-23 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, it may not be a book on animal Memory exactly but read  'KINDRED
SPIRITS' by Allen M.Schoen, DVM:  How the remarkable bond between humans
and animals can change the way we live  You will love this book!

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, clear and moderately cold, temperature inversion
: +10  at my house, -12 downtown.

If there's not been a book done on the memory of animals Jean, there
certainly should be!

Ruthie, nw mt

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

Re: How much memory?

2003-01-23 Thread ruth bushnell
This message is from: ruth bushnell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

.  I wonder if anyone has ever done a study of
 the memory of the horse?  Certainly being mistreated leaves a memory.

I believe animals have much more in the way of a memory than we even begin
to give them credit for, call it anthropomorphizing if you will, but there
are countless stories of their grieving the loss of a master, or a pet mate.

There's a classic case right here in Montana, a favorite story of mine, a
dog story that really happened in the 1930's which portrays a devotion (and
a memory) that defies all rational explanation. A sheepdog's master died and
his body was shipped away. As the coffin was loaded at the train station an
onlooking dog was seen pitifully whining. Every day thereafter for 5-1/2
years until his death, the dog faithfully met each incoming train, searching
for his beloved master.

Old Shep, as he was known, has a bronze sculpted likeness as a tribute to
his faithfulness on a hill overlooking the abandoned tracks in Fort Benton,

Just one of thousands of illustrations of an animal's ability to love, and
to remember because of that love. Which of course includes Fjords as well!

If there's not been a book done on the memory of animals Jean, there
certainly should be!

Ruthie, nw mt

Re: How much memory?

2003-01-23 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: Jean Gayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Whoa, that is really long term memory Steve.  I think we really sell our
animals short on many things because they do not speak our language.   Jean

Jean Walters Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
Author:The Colonel's Daughter
$20 PO Box 104
Montesano, WA 98563

Re: How much memory?

2003-01-23 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Thursday, January 23, 2003, you wrote:

 I wonder if anyone has ever done a study of the memory of the horse?

  Several years ago we move our horses back to a boarding facility
  where they had been boarded a number of years earlier. The first
  time we went out for a ride on the trails through the forest, the
  horses seemed to be more comfortable than they usually are on
  unfamiliar trails. After a bit we came to a side trail which was
  actually a shortcut back to the barn. Even though this new trail lay
  in a direction entirely away from the barn, the horses tried to take
  it as if they remembered it was the way home even though had not
  been on it in thirteen years.

Steve McIlree -- Pferd  Skipper -- Omaha, NE/Las Cruces, NM, USA
 How silent the woods would be if only the best birds sang.  --Oliver Wendel 

How much memory?

2003-01-23 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: Jean Gayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Last week a lady and her husband came to look at my Holsteiner mare that is
for sale.  We walked into the field where Gunnar and the mare were feeding at
the far side. Gunnar is very easy to catch, just stands wherever he is and
waits for you to halter him.

This time as we started into the field he threw up his head, ears stretching
up, and let out a squeal and came thundering toward us.  I told the couple to
stand still as he would not hurt them and it appeared he thought he knew them.
As he drew near he circled still squealing and the mare decided it was her
turn so she joined him in a great rush which set me back a bit. The visitors
must have thought it was always like this.

Gunnar circled several times and then stopped and went to grazing and I caught
him easily.
He paid little attention to the couple and I think he realized they were not
who he thought. It was rather sad.  I have had him three years now and he
had gone through quite a few owners being spoiled and mistreated.

I am sure he is waiting for someone, or simply thought he knew someone he
obviously cared a great deal for.  I wonder if anyone has ever done a study of
the memory of the horse?  Certainly being mistreated leaves a memory.  Jean

Jean Walters Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
Author:The Colonel's Daughter
$20 PO Box 104
Montesano, WA 98563

Fund in Memory of Julie Will

2002-09-23 Thread Momster18
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you would like to make a donation in memory of Julie Will, the family is 
requesting a donation to the Peloton Project 2003/Lance Armstrong Foundation.  
Darryl is a member of the Peloton Foundation and will be riding in the bicycle 
race in Austin, Texas next year.  So, log onto to make a 
donation... If you fill in the Member Name with Darryl Wolford and give his 
Member Number as 200048965, your donation will also help to sponsor his race 
in memory of Julie!  Or...   You can send your check made out to the LANCE 
Lance Armstrong Foundation
PO Box 161150
Austin, Texas  78716-1150

Take Care Friends- 
Pat McCurdy
Cato, NY

PS-  My prayers are with Chloe and her family!  

Re: In Memory....

2001-10-23 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR

This message is from: Mike May, Registrar NFHR [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At 01:27 PM 10/22/2001 -0700, you wrote:

This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah [EMAIL PROTECTED]

That will probably be Nansy's legacy---the people that she infected
with the Fjord-v*rus.  She only had one foal---a stud colt who bred
one mare a few times---so her genes probably haven't spread very far.

I do only have one offspring listed for her but ULVAR 161-B did breed the 
same mare, Sala at least 7 times.  I have 6 mares  one stallion registered 
from this same cross.  Ulvar's son Sverre now has 24 offspring on the 
ground.  So Grandma Nansy has quite a few horses out there with her in 
their lines actually.



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497

Re: In Memory....

2001-10-22 Thread Marsha Jo Hannah
This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Lori Albrough [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Nansy was special to me too, because it was your stories about her
 on the rec.eq newsgroup way back when that first piqued my
 interest in Fjordhorses. If it weren't for her (and you!) I might
 never have become involved with these exceptional horses.

That will probably be Nansy's legacy---the people that she infected
with the Fjord-v*rus.  She only had one foal---a stud colt who bred
one mare a few times---so her genes probably haven't spread very far.
I suspect that her inability to get/stay pregnant was an early symptom
of her developing Cushings.  OTOH, if Nansy hadn't flunked as a
broodmare, Nancy (Clow) Lehnert probably would never have sold her to

Marsha Jo HannahMurphy must have been a horseman--
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   anything that can go wrong, will!
15 mi SW of Roseburg, Oregon

Re: In Memory....

2001-10-19 Thread Fjord1901
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi there Marsha,
I am so very sorry to hear about Nansy. I remember her so well the time 
we stopped by to visit. Brigid really loved her, I saw her care for her when 
you were here in Ca. Brigid has a knack for loving hands on those wonderful 
old people horses. We were very fortunate to be able to see her one more 
time. I can only imagine the inner pain of losing your first love. My heart 
goes out to you. 
We are getting closer of our dream to come to Oregon, perhaps we could 
stop by again. your friend (s) Jack ('n Brigid of course)

Re: In Memory....

2001-10-19 Thread Lori Albrough
This message is from: Lori Albrough [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Marsha Jo Hannah wrote:

 I'm sorry to say that I no longer have the oldest NFHR Fjord (born May
 6, 1969).  We put Nansy down this morning.

I'm so sorry to hear that Marsha! Nansy was special to me too, because it
was your stories about her on the rec.eq newsgroup way back when that
first piqued my interest in Fjordhorses. If it weren't for her (and you!) I
might never have become involved with these exceptional horses. Hard to
imagine, now.

Take care,

Re: In Memory....

2001-10-19 Thread Don Brackett
This message is from: Don Brackett [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Marsha,
I am so sorry.  It makes me cry reading of all of the horses that people
have lost on the list.  Just trying to imagine how I would feel if it
were Osa or Geilo.  I hope they live such a full life as Nancy.  She must
have left a huge hole in your life,  impossible to replace.

Marsha Jo Hannah wrote:

 This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'm sorry to say that I no longer have the oldest NFHR Fjord (born May
 6, 1969).  We put Nansy down this morning.

Re: In Memory....

2001-10-19 Thread anke . killinger
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Marsha, I'll feel with you! It is hard to lose a friend.

Re: In Memory....

2001-10-18 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Major tears Marsha! : (  : (  : (

Nansy was a favorite. I'm so glad I got to care for her, and see her again in 
Oregon. I think she was really happy there in your new home. I have at least 
one good snapshot of her from our visit, which I will send to your email.

Brigid M Wasson 
San Francisco Bay Area, CA 
 A HREF=;Our /A
A HREF=;Fjords/A
   / )__~  
/L /L  

In Memory

2001-10-18 Thread JHalst7719
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I know exactly how you feel having lost my 31 year old mare last year. My 
sincere sympathy to you.  I cried reading your story about Nansy.

Carol 'n Patrick

Re: In Memory

2001-10-18 Thread dragonriffic_designs
This message is from: dragonriffic_designs [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I am so sorry to hear about Nansyshe sounds like a wonderful
will have tons of memories to remember her by.


 Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 11:18:52 -0700
 From: Marsha Jo Hannah [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: In Memory

 This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I'm sorry to say that I no longer have the oldest NFHR Fjord (born May
 6, 1969).  We put Nansy down this morning.

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Re: In Memory....

2001-10-18 Thread BaileysFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


We are so sorry for your loss.  Our thoughts are with you.

Lynda and Daniel
Bailey's Norwegian Fjord Horse Farm
White Cloud, MI

Re: In Memory....

2001-10-18 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: Jean Gayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Marsha I am so sorry you had to call the Vet.  Why can't these loves do it
for us?  She was an old darling and as you say will be sorely missed.  Many
good wishes   Jean

Jean Walters Gayle
[Authoress of The Colonel's Daughter
Occupied Germany 1946 To 1949 ]
Send $20
PO Box 104
Montesano, Wa 98563

in loving memory

2001-10-18 Thread Joanna Crell
This message is from: Joanna Crell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Nansy will be in heaven with my Luna teaching her all about what it was
like to grow older and be so loved. all my sympathy. 
Joanna Crell and David Folger, directors
Willowind Therapeutic Riding and Driving Center
 State Highway 3 Box 1140 Eden
Bar Harbor, Maine 04609
phone and fax (207) 288-9506 

Re: In Memory....

2001-10-18 Thread ruth bushnell
This message is from: ruth bushnell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'm sorry to say that I no longer have the oldest NFHR Fjord (born May
 6, 1969).  We put Nansy down this morning.

We're very sorry to hear of your sad parting, Marsha Jo, but knowing you've
done everything possible for her must be a great comfort. May the Lord hold
you close and ease your sadness. Our best to you, Ruthie and Gene

RE: In Memory....

2001-10-18 Thread Frederick J. Pack
This message is from: Frederick J. Pack [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Marsha,

Please accept our deepest sympathy.  Unfortunately, that time will come for
all of us.


Fred and Lois Pack
Pack's Peak Stables
Wilkeson, WA USA

Re: In Memory....

2001-10-18 Thread Remi2442
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/18/2001 2:34:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 the one that I would go out to brush when my life needed a
 dose of the serenity that she seemed to exude.

I'm sure everyone on the list can relate to this one sentiment, what a 
precious gift we receive when we allow ourselves to love to this magnitude.  
I'm very sorry for your loss.

Carol  Prairie Duster in Michigan

Re: In Memory....

2001-10-18 Thread Pat Wilson
This message is from: Pat Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I sm so sorry for your loss.  Best friends are so hard to let go.
pat wilson

Marsha Jo Hannah wrote:

 This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'm sorry to say that I no longer have the oldest NFHR Fjord (born May
 6, 1969).  We put Nansy down this morning.

 Over the last few months, the combination of her arthritis and
 Cushings was making her life more difficult.  Between creaky joints
 and loss of muscle tone, she could no longer get up by herself, when
 she laid down.  She solved this problem by not laying down for as
 long as possible (weeks at a time), then waiting patiently for us to
 come help her up.  Of course, since her getting up muscles weren't
 getting any exercise, she became increasingly less able to get up, and
 there was noticable atrophy of the muscles in her hind legs.  The last
 couple of times, she couldn't roll from her side onto her chest
 without help.

 Her appetite got increasingly finicky last week, then yesterday, she
 lost interest in food---would merely pick at her Equine Senior.  And,
 much of the day, she stood with her rump in a corner of the corral,
 letting the fence hold her up.  I wasn't surprised to find her down
 when we went out to feed this morning, and regretfully made that final
 call to the vet.

 Nansy was my first horse.  She converted my husband into a
 horse-lover, and taught him to ride.  She got us both thoroughly
 hooked on Fjords, leading to the purchase of our other two geldings.
 I retired her in 1990 (due to her ringbone), but she remained my good
 old girl---the one that I would go out to brush when my life needed a
 dose of the serenity that she seemed to exude.  I'm gonna miss her

 Marsha Jo HannahMurphy must have been a horseman--
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   anything that can go wrong, will!
 15 mi SW of Roseburg, Oregon

Re: In Memory....

2001-10-18 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/18/01 11:34:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 Nansy was my first horse.  She converted my husband into a
 horse-lover, and taught him to ride.  She got us both thoroughly
 hooked on Fjords, leading to the purchase of our other two geldings.
 I retired her in 1990 (due to her ringbone), but she remained my good
 old girl---the one that I would go out to brush when my life needed a
 dose of the serenity that she seemed to exude.  I'm gonna miss her

You have my condolences for the loss of what must have been a great mare.  


Re: In Memory....

2001-10-18 Thread SSlotness
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You have my deepest sympathy.


In Memory....

2001-10-18 Thread Marsha Jo Hannah
This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm sorry to say that I no longer have the oldest NFHR Fjord (born May
6, 1969).  We put Nansy down this morning.

Over the last few months, the combination of her arthritis and
Cushings was making her life more difficult.  Between creaky joints
and loss of muscle tone, she could no longer get up by herself, when
she laid down.  She solved this problem by not laying down for as
long as possible (weeks at a time), then waiting patiently for us to
come help her up.  Of course, since her getting up muscles weren't
getting any exercise, she became increasingly less able to get up, and
there was noticable atrophy of the muscles in her hind legs.  The last
couple of times, she couldn't roll from her side onto her chest
without help.

Her appetite got increasingly finicky last week, then yesterday, she
lost interest in food---would merely pick at her Equine Senior.  And,
much of the day, she stood with her rump in a corner of the corral,
letting the fence hold her up.  I wasn't surprised to find her down
when we went out to feed this morning, and regretfully made that final
call to the vet.

Nansy was my first horse.  She converted my husband into a
horse-lover, and taught him to ride.  She got us both thoroughly
hooked on Fjords, leading to the purchase of our other two geldings.
I retired her in 1990 (due to her ringbone), but she remained my good
old girl---the one that I would go out to brush when my life needed a
dose of the serenity that she seemed to exude.  I'm gonna miss her

Marsha Jo HannahMurphy must have been a horseman--
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   anything that can go wrong, will!
15 mi SW of Roseburg, Oregon

Re: In memory of...

1998-08-15 Thread Sessoms
This message is from: Sessoms [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Alison wrote:

  Is there anyone who could send these touching comments to the
  I am sure they would be greatly appreciated.

Brian Jacobsen is a member of Fjord-L.  I don't know if he is home at
this time, but
he should be able to download the messages from the list.

Meredith Sessoms
Soddy-Daisy, Tennessee
~  Dorina  ~  NFR Aagot  .~:~.  Fjords
~  Caper  ~  Carly  ~  Crickett  .~:~. Labradors

Re: In memory of...

1998-08-14 Thread Alison Barr
This message is from: Alison Barr [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is there anyone who could send these touching comments to the family? I am sure
they would be greatly appreciated.

Re: In memory of...

1998-08-14 Thread FJORDING
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Don't I remember hearing something about an incident involving these two
horses, Grabb and Dragtind? Happened a number of years ago, I just heard it
briefly when i got my Fjord, who is a grandson of Dragtind. Anyone know any
details of what I am thinking of? Merek

Re: In memory of...

1998-08-14 Thread Mike May
This message is from: Mike May [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At 09:36 PM 8/13/98 -0400, you wrote:
This message is from: Julia Will [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Harold Jacobson, another icon of the Fjord breed in America, has passed
away.  Harold was well known as the man who imported Grabb, Dragtind, and
many wonderful mares, a true lover of the breed.  I'm sure many of you,
like me, purchased your first Fjords from Harold.  Over the last few years
he was plagued with health problems, and his grandson Brian took over the
herd when Harold and Dottie retired to Florida.  But even in retirement, he
never lost interest in the he loved to buy and sell!  For
those who would like to send a note to Dottie, the address is 606 Alliance
Court, Deland, Fla  32720.  God Bless you, Harold!  

Oh I am really sorry to hear this.  I never did meet Harold face to face
but I have spent many hours on the phone with him.  For people that don't
know it was Harold Jacobsen that started the NFHR.  It has grown now to be
the largest registry in North America.

Thanks Harold for all you have done for our wonderful Fjords.  You will
certainly be missed in the Fjord world.



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Registrar
Webster, NY, USA (Suburb of Rochester)
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497 

In memory of...

1998-08-13 Thread Julia Will
This message is from: Julia Will [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Harold Jacobson, another icon of the Fjord breed in America, has passed
away.  Harold was well known as the man who imported Grabb, Dragtind, and
many wonderful mares, a true lover of the breed.  I'm sure many of you,
like me, purchased your first Fjords from Harold.  Over the last few years
he was plagued with health problems, and his grandson Brian took over the
herd when Harold and Dottie retired to Florida.  But even in retirement, he
never lost interest in the he loved to buy and sell!  For
those who would like to send a note to Dottie, the address is 606 Alliance
Court, Deland, Fla  32720.  God Bless you, Harold!