Re: NFHR Education Committee

1999-03-11 Thread Steven A White
This message is from: Steven A White [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cynthia, I have been meaning to volunteer for the education committee. I
am sure Steve will help as well, but don't put him down officially, at
least until one of us asks him!

Thanks, Amy

NFHR Education Committee

1999-03-10 Thread Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/UNEBR
This message is from: Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks to those of you who have expressed an interest in serving on the
long-range program planning committee. I am working on an outline to send
everyone for input and to provide  a sense of direction to the process. Steve's
stepfather passed away Saturday and this has kept us rather occupied. Please be
patient as we regroup. I will be touch with you shortly. Again, thanks for your
offer of help. I think you will find this a worthwhile and productive project.

Those who are interested but just haven't gotten around to volunteering, it is
not too late!

Cynthia Madden
Omaha, Nebraska USA

Re: NFHR Education Committee

1999-03-08 Thread Julia Will
This message is from: Julia Will [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cynthia ~ I love your ideas for the Education Committee and I hope you get
all the help you can use.  I have my hands full right now with the BOD so I
can't volunteer...sorry.  But I just wanted to give you a pat on the back
for all your enthusiasiam.  (spelling???)  Thanks for your efforts.  Julie

Re: Shots, Geldings, NFHR Education Committee

1999-03-05 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 3/5/99 7:56:23 Pacific Standard Time,
Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  I received  some response for my plea for volunteers to help us plan an
education program  for NFHR members, but I am dissapointed in the overall lack
of response after  hearing so many opinions on this list on what the NFHR
should be doing!  

I'll do whatever I can to help you out.  Must have missed your post, but I'm
ready, willing and able, to a degree.  I've been around horses for over 24
years, but have only had fjords for the last two.  I've learned a lot, but
still have a long way to go.  However, maybe I can help by telling you some of
the issues I want to learn about? g


Shots, Geldings, NFHR Education Committee

1999-03-05 Thread Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/UNEBR
This message is from: Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Shots - Brian very good reminder of the give and take between a you and your
vet. Now I want to know about this fly application coming out this summer!

And to those who do give your own shots - do you have epenephrine(sp???) on hand
in case your horse has a reaction! If not, your vet had better be close by!

Geldings - I've said it before and I'll say again, geldings are the best! You
couldn't give me a stallion or mare that would replace Tank or my Morgan, Keyah.
All they really care about is where their next treat is coming from and they
will work for you all day with only minor, if any, grumbling. I have never
understood why people who want to breed horses often insist on having their own
stallion - all that extra work when there are good ones out there that can be
chosen specifically to enhance a mare's qualities. And there are just too many
stallions in all breeds! I've also noticed that stallions usually lead pretty
poor quality existences (not Fjords, of course!). Turned into geldings they
could have a better life and be used more productively.

NFHR Education Committee - There was a lot of traffic on the list this weekend
so some of you may have missed my press release on the NFHR Education Committee
on Saturday, Feb. 27th. (I won't post it again unless requested). I received
some response for my plea for volunteers to help us plan an education program
for NFHR members, but I am dissapointed in the overall lack of response after
hearing so many opinions on this list on what the NFHR should be doing!

We need your help and some of your time if a responsive plan is to be developed.
I promise that you won't be doing this for years or be overloaded with tasks. My
hope is that, for right now,  we can develop a plan of action and priorities and
then worry about the next step, implementation. I feel it is important that we
have a vision of what is best for the registry and its members and then begin to
create a professional education program of which we can proud.

Also, I requested that people recommend books, videos, etc. for use in a list to
be prepared for new members and to be put on the NFHR website. Not one response
to this! Come on, help out a little! Please e-mail your recommendations, a brief
review, a rating (1 to 5, 5 best) to me.

If you want a copy of the original message that details things a little more,
please e-mail me privately and I will send it to you.

Thanks to those who have volunteered already. Thanks to those who are going to
e-mail me immediately and let me know you are going to help out because you have
so many ideas of how things should be done!

Ever  hopeful,
Cynthia Madden
Omaha, Nebraska USA

NFHR Education Committee

1999-02-26 Thread Cynthia Madden
This message is from: Cynthia Madden [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Below is a press release from the NFHR Education Committee I prepared
for the Spring issue of the Herald. However, you get to see here it first folks.
This is because I expect to hear from you strongly opinionated people
and I expect some help from you too. Here is your chance to do
something. So please sign up to help out. It takes a village to build
an education program.



The NFHR Board of Directors has approved the plan recommended by the
Education Committee presented at the December 1999 board meeting. Part
of this plan contains short and long range goals to put a membership
education program in place.

Short Range Goals
Short-range goals are to develop a list of publications and media for
the NFHR web site as well as a membership information packet. In
addition, the Board of Directors has approved a budget to begin a
video rental library for NFHR members. This information should be
available by September 1, 1999 or earlier.

Your suggestions are sought as to what books, magazines, videos, etc.
you feel would be valuable for other members of the NFHR and
particularly those people new to Fjords and horses in general. Your
recommendations should include:
- the title and author/producer,
- brief description of why you recommend this particular
publication or media (give it a rating of from one to five stars
(five stars being best of the best)
- procurement information if available
- permission to use your name

Long Range Goal
Time is needed to implement a broader education program. The long
range goal was created to provide for good planning and proper
involvement of the NFHR membership. Again your help is sought. A
subcommittee will be formed to work over the next year to develop and
begin implementing a comprehensive membership education program.

If you are interested in participating in this planning, please
provide the following by May 1, 1999:
 - your name, address, phone number, fax number, e-mail address
 - your areas of interest/s for this committee

Please send all information to Cynthia Madden, 2852 Martin Avenue, Omaha, 
68112-2855. Phone number: 402.451.4012 (evenings). E-mail address: [EMAIL 


I waiting to hear from you.
