Re: Shots / Julia

1999-03-04 Thread Mary Thurman
This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

---Karen McCarthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Does anyone out there give shots in the rump area? 


Yes, always in the lower thigh below the tail (kind of gives you a bit
of an "upswing" when implanting the needle ).  We have never had
any luck using the neck.  Line's neck is too muscular to get the
needle into, plus I find it makes the horses spooky about their necks,
which is not any help when you are trimming their manes up near their
ears.  The only shots that were given in the chest were the strangles
vaccine a couple of years ago, which caused a reaction, and a tetanus
vaccine given to our appy several years ago, which hit a nerve and
paralyzed his front leg for several weeks.  Poor guy couldn't pick up
his foot to step up into the barn if he went outside, so we kept him
in for two weeks.  Not fun for any of us!  

None of our gang seems to mind being stuck in the rear end - they just
go right on eating their hay.  Our vet says "if you use two
shots/needles use two sites" - one in each side of the rump, in our

Mary Thurman
Raintree Farms

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Re: Shots / Julia

1999-03-03 Thread Karen McCarthy
This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Does anyone out there give shots in the rump area? I prefer it to
the neck, as I have had horses end up w/ stiff necks, and you have to 
lay them off work for a couple of days.As far as spreading the shots out 
as Julia reccomends - this is a very good idea. We vaccinate for
rabies out here as we are in skunk territory and the horses are in 
pasture. Only vaccinate for strangles if it is in the same neighborhood, 
otherwise I leave it alone. The internasal strangles vaccine is supposed 
to be a good alternative to the shots that caused so many site 
reactions: no reaction and it immunizes much faster than
the shot.
I posted a refrence to an article on vaccinations in the Nov/Dec issue 
of Whole Horse Jrnl. Did anyone read that? (I lent that issue out and 
havn't seen it since...darn!)Had some very interesting points on the 
pros and cons of vaccinating,written by vets, not a bunch of hysterical 
natural health people.


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Re: Shots / Julia

1999-03-03 Thread Mary Thurman
This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

---Julia Will <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This message is from: Julia Will <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> We don't use the chest area because our vet says that area is prone to
> abcess when injections are given there, and it is a hard area to
treat when
> a problem arises.   

Amen to that!  From one who has treated a chest abcess on one fjord -
kept him from going to the Libby show and took six weeks to heal. 
What a mess!!  Also helped treat a whole barn full of chest abcesses
the following spring when a friend's vet gave strangles shots in the
chest.  EVERY horse reacted to it, some worse than others.  Another
mess.  From now one NO ONE gives a shot to my horses in the chest. 
I'll do the shot myself if they have a problem with that.

Mary Thurman
Raintree Farms

Get your free address at

Re: Shots / Julia

1999-03-03 Thread Juliane Deubner
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Juliane Deubner)

I think there are two different schools of thought when it comes to where
to give shots, the European and the North American. When I took my
verterinary training in Germany 20 years ago, we were taught to give shots
into the chest BECAUSE if an abcess developed it would drain much more
easily, being lower on the body. Just imagine an abscess in the neck with
all those vital structures like arteries, veins etc just below the
injection site.
When I came to Canada people were supprised to see me give injections in
the chest because here they teach to give them into the neck. I've done it
either way and never had a problem. However, I've never used certain
vaccines, like strangles vaccine. Some vaccines may cause abscesses more

Re: Shots / Julia

1999-03-02 Thread Julia Will
This message is from: Julia Will <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We don't use the chest area because our vet says that area is prone to
abcess when injections are given there, and it is a hard area to treat when
a problem arises.  (Always in the dirt or manure when the horse lies down,
lots of stress to the tissue when getting up and down)


Re: Shots / Julia

1999-03-02 Thread partoy
This message is from: partoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Julia,
why is it that you never give a shot in the chest? Our vet did so once. 
Just curious to know. Thanks, Sini.

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