Re: Sun. night Horse room # 1 9:00 PM Eastern Time Chat! " Heat "

1999-01-10 Thread Mike May
This message is from: Mike May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 11:16 AM 1/10/99 +0100, you wrote:
>This message is from: saskia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I love Tanks picture with the ball (voted for him, of course! he's at 73 
>% of the votes!!!).

I just voted for him too and he is up to 77% now!

Re: Sun. night Horse room # 1 9:00 PM Eastern Time Chat! " Heat "

1999-01-10 Thread saskia
This message is from: saskia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Lisa!

nice to hear from you!!! If you knew how many times I have planned to get 
out of bed at 3 a.m. and then... (well, you can imagine what followed...).

Sybren had *growing pains* again this last month. He is 18 months old now 
and some months ago, I was worrying because he seemed to have stopped 
growing. For the *worse*, I had been to an evaluation in Holland and all 
the yearlings seemed so much bigger than him.
Well, one evening I was hugging him and thinking that it didn't matter 
how small he would remain... the following morning, I went to feed them 
and he came trotting to me from the back of the pasture... I really 
called out: "What happened to you!!!" - he really seemed to have grown 
tremendously in a few hours time! And he went on and on, every day he 
seemed bigger than the day before. His face is changing too, though he 
can still pull 'foal-faces' very well, when Kitty is chasing him!

Of course it really doesn't matter how big or small he is, but it is so 
amazing to watch that growth! Do other people with yearlings remark this 
too, or do they grow in a more steady way?

As for our farm, we will be moving in March at last!!! (Time goes slowly 
when you're impatient!!!). And Flor is coming with us, but right now he 
is still at the riding school. I really don't dare putting him in the mud 
here and the stable here is too small for four. So, he must wait to move 
until we all move. But I'm going to pay him off soon, and then pay for 
his lodgings, so he will be a "private" horse which means I can put him 
in the pasture of the school whenever I want (the school's horses never 
are). And ride him (which I still never have done, but I've watched 
beginning kids ride him... a reassuring sight!!!).

>Yea Yea, its nice, but we have Earthquakes, Fires, Floods, El Nino, LA Riots,
>Scorching Heat in the summer, and 2 and 1/2 hour commutes to drive 16 miles
>every weekday, which 100,000 more people line up to do each year, and now we
>get to pay tolls 2 X's for the benifit of THAT !
hm! sounds nice!!! :-)
We have had rain, rain and rain and then some rain too. Everything is 
mud, the earth is over-saturated... even after a few dry days (like now), 
you still have to wade through water and mud... :-(

Steve, I joined the clicker-list some time ago! It is really fascinating! 
I ordered the book, but it seems to take some time to get it...
I love Tanks picture with the ball (voted for him, of course! he's at 73 
% of the votes!!!).

Does anybody know Gail Ivey? I am thinking of doing a clinic of hers 
(with Sybren), but never saw her at work, only heard that she was very 

Happy Fjording to all! And a very Happy New Year!!!

Saskia (from Belgium, waterland) + Zipje (new nick-name for Sybren!), 
Kiddo & Janosch.

ps Lisa, see you tonight! It's a promise! (BTW almost every movie I see 
these last weeks has or the Dairy Queen in it, or a Blizzard or a Sundae 
or how do you call it?)

Re: Sun. night Horse room # 1 9:00 PM Eastern Time Chat! " Heat "

1999-01-09 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Hello List!   I want to remind everyone, to join us, PAV Aussie, and I at
Fjord Chat every Sun. night at PetsandVets. Hope to keep seeing new faces
there, and love it when the regular group gets going!  Topic? FJORDS and
everything relatedSaskia, havnt seen you around lately, hope you can make
it!   BTW, I know Ive been quiet lately, but this heat is getting to me.84
again today, with no end in sight, hate to sweat so staying indoors in the air
! Lisa P.

   ( Running AND Ducking Flame Throwers comming from my cohorts in Minnesota!

Yea Yea, its nice, but we have Earthquakes, Fires, Floods, El Nino, LA Riots,
Scorching Heat in the summer, and 2 and 1/2 hour commutes to drive 16 miles
every weekday, which 100,000 more people line up to do each year, and now we
get to pay tolls 2 X's for the benifit of THAT !   

  Still feeling sorry for yourself?   And you guys even have the VIKINGS!