Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #235

2005-10-20 Thread CrystalZak
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/19/05 9:13:42 PM,

 It's RED, has all the bells and whistles (I'm a spoiled person) and I
 named it Lambert. 

LOL, only kay could name her truck so well...

laurie and oz, who's trailer is called that old thing over there on the

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #235

2005-10-20 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties [EMAIL PROTECTED]

this reminds me of a small country town near us. A dairy cattle farm had 
been there for years (on the corner lot of the town). New people moved 
to town and eventually complained about the odor from the cattle. Went 
as far as to take the dairy farmer to court. When it was all over, the 
dairy farmer stayed and his cattle. There were established there first. 
Residents bought their property  knowing full well that the dairy farm 
was there.

I notice an odor from our horse lots sometimes after a drenching rain.
I had one neighbor complain about my flies ... bombarding their home.. I 
set her straight... with all the fly control I used... there was no way 
the flies came from our home. The flies came from a hog farmer.. who 
used nothing for fly control.

Very often if someone complains, they are senior citizens... who tend to 
grumble and no one can make them happy. Not all seniors are this way though.

I usually call the person... who is complaining about me... and very 
sweetly discuss it with them. First time I ever did th is.. the 
gentleman was sooo

embarrassed, basically denied what he has said.

I would talk to them about the rumor... explaining that you do 
everything you can to control odors ect... and ask them kindly to let 
you know IF they ever detect an odor... I always call any new 
neighbors... and ask them to let me know if my dogs bark too much and 
annoy them.. never thought of it with manure odor.. however we dont have 
anyone directly downwind from us.



This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/19/2005 7:14:21 PM Pacific Standard Time,  

learned  from a neighbor that my neighbors of twenty five years to the east
of me  told them that they can not eat on their patio because of the  
smell from my place  

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #235

2005-10-20 Thread jgayle

This message is from: jgayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I love that, horse poop does not stink.  I agree, but maybe we are just 
too used to it   Jean

'The Colonel's Daughter
Occupied Germany 1946 to 1949
Send: $20 to Three Horse's Press
7403 Blaine Rd
Aberdeen, WA 98520 

RE: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #235

2005-10-20 Thread Skeels, Mark A \(GE Healthcare\)
This message is from: Skeels, Mark A \(GE Healthcare\) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yes, we recently had a complaining neighbor, they said a couple times
last spring when the wind blew from the south they were very frustrated
with the smell.  So then complained that we were over covenant on
horses.  Everybody in our subdivision that has horses is over the
covenant limit.  Anyhow, a couple days in the spring, must have been a
day when they had nothing else to complain about.

My flesh wanted to say, well then why don't you live in the city instead
of the country where horses are allowed, but I held back.  

We also keep our paddocks picked every day. But I think instead of
spreading it around from now on were going to pile it and let it
decompose before we spread.

Who knows.  Now another neighbor walks by and says there are too many
gnats,  one of our neighbors is using the feed thru fly control, but
still has them,  any suggustions on that one.  Besides waiting until the
freeze. My wife has used spray on the maneur piles, with a hand sprayer,
walking around to every pile and spraying.  Has helped some.

Mark Skeels in Helena Montana 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 10:58 PM
Subject: Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #235

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/19/2005 7:14:21 PM Pacific Standard Time,

learned  from a neighbor that my neighbors of twenty five years to the
east of me  told them that they can not eat on their patio because of
the terrible smell from my place  I pick up my acre field and
three  acre field once every month and have just two horses.  At first I
was  angry as I used to have four horses and no complaint and now with
two this  is said.  I have not had any problems with them other than
twenty plus  years ago they sprayed for weeds along ,my fence line and I
politely told  them that it was illegal.  I have also heard bb gun shots
and the  horse may jump and turn to look at their home but I have never
accused  them. Other than that we chat across the fence etc.

Anyone else had  smell complaints?  I use a compost pile for some poop
and the rest  goes over a steep bank to keep the edge built up.  This is
far from them.
Jean G.

I have 16 equines that I keep most of the summer on 10 acres (once the
hay is in, they have 20 acres). I rarely smell anything. I water and
drag the 
fields  and put some poop in   big piles. And horse poop doesn't stink!!
Maybe their septic needs overhauling!!

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #235

2005-10-19 Thread Quilter855
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/19/2005 7:14:21 PM Pacific Standard Time,  

learned  from a neighbor that my neighbors of twenty five years to the east
of me  told them that they can not eat on their patio because of the  
smell from my place  I pick up my acre field and three  acre field once
every month and have just two horses.  At first I was  angry as I used to have
four horses and no complaint and now with two this  is said.  I have not had
any problems with them other than twenty plus  years ago they sprayed for 
along ,my fence line and I politely told  them that it was illegal.  I have
also heard bb gun shots and the  horse may jump and turn to look at their home
but I have never accused  them. Other than that we chat across the fence etc.

Anyone else had  smell complaints?  I use a compost pile for some poop and the
rest  goes over a steep bank to keep the edge built up.  This is far from  
Jean G.

I have 16 equines that I keep most of the summer on 10 acres (once the hay  
is in, they have 20 acres). I rarely smell anything. I water and drag the 
fields  and put some poop in   big piles. And horse poop doesn't stink!!
Maybe their septic needs overhauling!!