Re: winter blahs - the winter clothing game

2005-01-13 Thread Mccassing
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I hope that I can get another Fjord someday so he'll have somebody that 
>he can teach to play tug-of-war with it.
>    January thaw in SE MI today - serious winter is scheduled to return this 
>weekend.  Stay warm everybody!           

Hi Kay,

Kirby plays with our rescue pony, Jitterbug. They chase each other all over 
kicking up their heels and running. Our 30+ year old Arab just stands in a 
corner and watches; she never joins in. 

If I go down by the fence when Kirby and Buggers are playing they will stop and 
stand and look at me with a, "What?" look on their equine faces but they won't 
play if people are watching (I think they think it's not dignified).

Before Kirby joined our family I never had horses who played and just had fun. 
Fjords certainly do have a sense of humor.


Re: winter blahs - the winter clothing game.

2005-01-12 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>January thaw in SE MI today - serious winter is scheduled to return this 
>weekend.  Stay warm everybody!

Yes, we in Alaska, are preparing to send you some SERIOUS cold weather this
weekend..It is -45F here this morning and thick icefog in town.  But by
Saturday it is supposed to get to +10F...The big cold air mass is moving
East and then South to the Midwest! Get prepared!

I have been feeding hay free choice pretty much, my four Fjords all have
thick warm coats and are together in the large corral/paddock with a run-in stalling for these guys.  they can move around and stand together
under their shelter.  Better than standing still in a stall..unless you
have an insulated or heated barn.  Even then I think it is healthier for
them to be out, moving around.  I don't groom them or hug them much in
these temps, they keep their coats fluffy by rolling in the snow..which
we have a lot of.  They are so clean!

I can watch my fjords from my front window, the corral is less than 100'
from the house. So I can keep an ey on them from the hous.  They are
getting fatter on all that hay I am sure, but it keeps them warm digesting it!

For a look at current conditions in downtown Fairbanks, look at the "Arctic

Jean in BR Fairbanks, Alaska -45F

Re: winter blahs - the winter clothing game.

2005-01-12 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 1/12/2005 7:20:00 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

My Dad  always wore suspenders and we have had two horses (Our stallion  
Bjorn-Knutson & our colt Prins) that would grab the suspenders and  then let 
them go, 
snapping them against Dad's back. I think they have a  good sense of humor 
like playing jokes like  that.

Amy, what a fun memory of your father! I'm smiling.
Rafael loves the Velcro closures on the wrists of my new jacket. At first I  
thought he was just rummaging about my coat looking for a handout, but after  
several repetitions I understood he was deliberately going for the Velcro and  
pulling it to hear the sound :-)
/  )_~
Brigid Wasson
SF Bay Area, CA
_www.Brigid.Clickryder.com_ ( 

Re: winter blahs - the winter clothing game.

2005-01-12 Thread Warren Stockwell
This message is from: "Warren Stockwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>His favorite
> pasture toy is an old sweatshirt I gave him that he uses to drag, shake
> throw.  I hope that I can get another Fjord someday so he'll have somebody
> he can teach to play tug-of-war with it.

Hi Kay,

We have the same horse issues here at Afjordable Acres. We recycle our
Christmas tree in the pasture ( non flocked, no tinsel ). The horses have a
great lot of fun dismantling it and chasing each other around the pasture
and yes playing tug!! One day Gunnar got his foot stuck while striking at
it, I got a incredible belly laugh watching him try to shake it off!!! LOLL
: )))  Imagine the great green beast chasing the herd around the pasture!!
The Arabian didn't find it to funny! I wish I had a video camera I would
have won one of those Funniest Home video contests Hoofs down!! I am sure
you can imagine.

Fjords are the most personable horses and the sense of humor is great,
that's why we just play around here.

Re: winter blahs - the winter clothing game.

2005-01-12 Thread FjordAmy
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 1/12/2005 7:04:04 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
>I was glad to hear from Janet that my horse isn't the only one with a 
>clothing fetish. 

My Dad always wore suspenders and we have had two horses (Our stallion 
Bjorn-Knutson & our colt Prins) that would grab the suspenders and then let 
them go, 
snapping them against Dad's back. I think they have a good sense of humor and 
like playing jokes like that.


Amy Evers
Dun Lookin' Fjords
Redmond, OR

Re: winter blahs - the winter clothing game.

2005-01-12 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All!
 I was glad to hear from Janet that my horse isn't the only one with a 
clothing fetish.  I, too, like to spend winter time in the barn just grooming 
and hugging and it also presents Braveheart with a wonderful opportunity to 
hat-snatch, mitten-grab and drawstring-pull.  I've streamlined as many of these 
fascinating accessories as possible and, of course, BH has been instructed that 
this behavior is a no-no.  Still, after combing tangles out of his forelock, 
when I back up to admire my work, I often find I can only go so far because he 
has quietly taken a big, fat mouthful of my coat front.  He then lets it go 
immediately and gives me his "surprised pony" face which translates into, "I 
have no idea how this huge wad of down jacket got between my lips!"  His 
pasture toy is an old sweatshirt I gave him that he uses to drag, shake and 
throw.  I hope that I can get another Fjord someday so he'll have somebody that 
he can teach to play tug-of-war with it.
January thaw in SE MI today - serious winter is scheduled to return this 
weekend.  Stay warm everybody!


Yellow Pony Farm