Re: my adultry

1998-05-20 Thread saskia
This message is from: saskia [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Bernardine,

My other 'post' did not make it-perhaps it
too went to Belgium!!!
strange things are happening here indeed... today I got a lot of mail 
dated May 2nd... Belgium seems specialized in detaining mail...

I love your name-Saskia, if we had a filly, I wanted to name her Saskia!
ha, that's nice! I think Bernardine is a very nice name!

By the way, we had a boy, on the 19th.
I'll add him to the birth list! But how did you call him?


Re: my adultry

1998-05-20 Thread saskia
This message is from: saskia [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Saskia ... I hope you get Flor!  Maybe we can get our heads together
to figure out a way to convince Tom that Saskia should have Flor.
:-) !!!

Are you the one who wanted to use her mothers pasture but couldn't bear
to leave one pony alone?

Maybe you can tell him you need another horse
so you can keep two ponies at your mothers and two at home; and that you
need two riding ponies so you must get Flor;
excellent ideas!!! i'll try that!

and give Flor to Tom as a
riding horse so you two can go riding together;
hum... I first have to convince him than that riding can be fun... he's 
convinced of the opposite now...

but not for his only
birthday present, that would be too much like my Steve giving me a CD
player for his truck!  I would be absolutely livid!
you are right!

Lots of men
like driving a horse, can Flor pull a cart?
aha! I don't know (yet!), but he looks as if he can do anything!!!

That's all I can think of.
thank you Meredith! you are a genius!


Re: my adultry

1998-05-20 Thread Sessoms
This message is from: Sessoms [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Saskia ... I hope you get Flor!  Maybe we can get our heads together
to figure out a way to convince Tom that Saskia should have Flor.

Are you the one who wanted to use her mothers pasture but couldn't bear
to leave one pony alone?  Maybe you can tell him you need another horse
so you can keep two ponies at your mothers and two at home; and that you
need two riding ponies so you must get Flor; and give Flor to Tom as a
riding horse so you two can go riding together; but not for his only
birthday present, that would be too much like my Steve giving me a CD
player for his truck!  I would be absolutely livid!  Lots of men
like driving a horse, can Flor pull a cart?

That's all I can think of.

Meredith Sessoms
Soddy-Daisy, Tennessee USA
~  Dorina  ~  NFR Aagot  .~:~.  Fjords
~  Caper  ~  Carly  ~  Crickett  .~:~.  Labradors

Re: my adultry

1998-05-20 Thread BKFJORDS
This message is from: BKFJORDS [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I love this story ending also!!  My other 'post' did not make it-perhaps it
too went to Belgium!!!
Anyway, what better way to do it than as a gift!
I love your name-Saskia, if we had a filly, I wanted to name her Saskia!
By the way, we had a boy, on the 19th.
Regards, Bernadine Karns

Re: my adultry

1998-05-20 Thread saskia
This message is from: saskia [EMAIL PROTECTED]


   Please be assured that no apologies were expected. You do extremely 
well with English.
thank you but unfortunately I make a lot of mistakes...

I guess I must be dull myself, since my wife 
immediately guessed that the subject referred to someone being with 
another breed of horse.
no, no, I was trying to be funny and did not realize enough that people 
would expect a virtual confession! So I will make one:

as I have already bored everybody with my Flor-ing (for those who were 
spared, Flor is an uncommonly handsome Fjord standing 24 hours a day in a 
box in a riding school nearby) but didn't have the funds to buy him, I 
decided to do something about it and I gave myself up as a candidate for 
a television quiz.
Last Wednesday I had to go and I won... exactly enough to buy Flor!
And now the adultery part (especially for Bill Coli! :-) but don't 
fear, it's purely platonic) - behind scenes the presentator said he was 
glad I won because he thought I was sweet! (probably because I kept 
smiling, but that was out of nervosity!)

But now, you would think Flor is already in my backyard in stead of in 
that gloomy box... Well, no! Tom, my non-horsey husband, objects! (as if 
he won the quiz!!!) and says I should use the money for food, vets etc.!!!

But, no panic! I already have a super-plan... In a short time it's Toms 
27 and halfth birthday and I'll give him Flor (or rather half of Flor...) 
as a present. Or not?

Saskia the Florist.

Re: my adultry

1998-05-19 Thread saskia
This message is from: saskia [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Steve and Pamela,

 And what manes those Icelandics have! In fact they looked just like my
 Janosch (the Shetland) but than more lanky!

  Fjords with untrimmed manes look just like Icelandics. See the Ingmar
  Bergman film Jungfrukällan / The Virgin Spring for an example.

I would like to see that film, even though Pamela scared me and gave me the 
impression that it will be a movie like Jude, beautiful but so depressing!!!

As for a Fjord with untrimmed manes, I just have to look in my backyard! now 
you mentioned it, it's true that they give him an Icelandic air...

As to those manes, it's so strange: sometimes Sybren looks so handsome with his 
wild manes, especially when he trots or canters with his head high, but 
sometimes they look so flat that I want to take the scissors and give him a 
coupe Fjord... Only my own clumsiness holds me back then...


(who just discovered an excellent vet!!! and is as happy as a lark!!! and his 
wife is a vet too, so I'm even more happy now!!!)

Re: my adultry

1998-05-19 Thread wcoli
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please be assured that no apologies were expected. You do extremely 
well with English. I guess I must be dull myself, since my wife 
immediately guessed that the subject referred to someone being with 
another breed of horse.
Best Regards from Western Massachusetts,

Re: my adultry

1998-05-18 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: Northhorse [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 98-05-18 19:42:25 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 See the Ingmar
   Bergman film Jungfrukällan / The Virgin Spring for an example.
There were Fjords in that movie?  If it's the movie I'm thinking of, I
couldn't bear to see it again, even for the Fjords.  It was sad, chilling and
depressing, in a moving, beautiful filmed way.   I don't even remember being
horses in it, I was so horrified by the plot.

Who would like to see STILLS of the fjords from that movie, and crop out any
other part of the picture g

Re: my adultry

1998-05-18 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Sunday, 17 May 98, you wrote:

 And what manes those Icelandics have! In fact they looked just like my
 Janosch (the Shetland) but than more lanky!

  Fjords with untrimmed manes look just like Icelandics. See the Ingmar
  Bergman film Jungfrukällan / The Virgin Spring for an example.

Steve McIlree  Cynthia Madden -- Pferd, Keyah, Skipper, Tank -- Omaha, 
Nebraska, USA
  Then we began to ride.  My soul smoothed itself out, a long-cramped scroll
  freshening and fluttering in the wind. --Robert Browning(1812-1889)

Re: my adultry

1998-05-18 Thread saskia
This message is from: saskia [EMAIL PROTECTED]


   When checking my email recently, I say the above subject and 
checked that message first thinking that I was going to be party to
some sort of virtual confessional. Imagine my disappointment in 
seeing the only normal discussion about fjords.
oops... I'll try to do better next time!

Realizing that not 
all list members have english as their primary language, can someone 
enlighten me as to the original writer's meaning behind this choice 
of subject?
yes, in fact I meant adultEry (= looking at other horses).


Re: my adultry

1998-05-18 Thread BKFJORDS
This message is from: BKFJORDS [EMAIL PROTECTED]

About your letter-ROFLOL!!
Absolutely loved it!!
We saw Icelandics at a Expo and our thought was, that they must really pull on
the rider, as the riders were all adults!!!  And they aren't nearly as
'pretty' as Fjords.
Bernadine Karns

Re: my adultry

1998-05-18 Thread wcoli
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Greetings to the list.
When checking my email recently, I say the above subject and 
checked that message first thinking that I was going to be party to
some sort of virtual confessional. Imagine my disappointment in 
seeing the only normal discussion about fjords. Realizing that not 
all list members have english as their primary language, can someone 
enlighten me as to the original writer's meaning behind this choice 
of subject?
Also, on the recent thread of shoeing fjords, Norma and I were 
surprised that shoeing is seen as needed when they are ridden or 
driven on gravel roads. We live in the Berkshire Hills of Western 
Massachusetts, where the soil series in pastures typically range from 
stony loams to very stony loams to rock outcroppings, AND, most of 
the secondary roads are gravel. Our herd members are only shod if 
there is the need to prevent a small crack from growing, if there 
develops a chip, OR if we drive them a lot ON PAVEMENT which can 
really wear them down. We had assumed that that was the norm for 
Fjords (remember, we refer to them as easy keepers, requiring low 

Re: my adultry

1998-05-18 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  When we took Tank to the Kansas Equifest the Icelandic folks were
  there in full force, tolting this way and that. (I decided down
  there that the reason I like Missouri Foxtrotters beyond other
  gaited horses is that their owners don't feel the need to make them
  gait every time they move.) Anyway, I took Tank over to one older
  Icelandic breeder and asked, How much of my guy do you think is in
  your guy? He immediately replied, You only have to look at them to
  tell that he (Tank) is his (the Icelandic's) granddad. However,
  talking to other Icelandic people brought firm denials that there
  was *any* relationship. (Seems to me a no-brainer; when you're
  packing to go vicking do you say Well let's see, we'll stop by the
  Shetland Islands to pick up some ponies or do you pack what you've

Steve McIlree  Cynthia Madden -- Pferd, Keyah, Skipper, Tank -- Omaha, 
Nebraska, USA
  Noblest of the train that wait on man, the flight-performing horse.
 --William Cowper(1731-1800)

Re: my adultry

1998-05-18 Thread saskia
This message is from: saskia [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Pamela,

But then, I hate when
anyone generalizes with breeds.
so do I and that's why I was so shocked by the man's anti-Fjord-speech!

I love all horses.  Gangly, short, hot or cold.  There IS a
place in the world for all of them.
I agree! Even for Icelandics!!! (just kidding, some of them were really 

A fjord's place is in my barn!


Re: my adultry

1998-05-18 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: Northhorse [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 98-05-18 09:26:07 EDT, you write:

 When I was home, I went immediately to Sybren, Kitty and Janosch and said:
Guys, guys, guys, how happy I am to have you!!!. They looked as if they

I'm sure they did!  I've heard things from people who LOVE their Icelandics
that THEY are stubborn, hard-mouthed and uncomfortable.  But then, I hate when
anyone generalizes with breeds.  And while I love my fjords, their looks,
temperment, personality, versatility (everything about them!) and am not
interested in purchasing any other breed of horse (they fit my family's
special needs), I love all horses.  Gangly, short, hot or cold.  There IS a
place in the world for all of them.  A fjord's place is in my barn!


my adultry

1998-05-18 Thread saskia
This message is from: saskia [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yesterday I went to a show with Icelandic horses. When I was young, I always 
dreamt of having a Fjord (good idea!) OR a Haflinger (ahum, though I LOVE Kitty 
the fidget!) OR an Icelandic horse and a Shetland to keep him/her company.

Now, fifteen years later, the thruth is that I have a Fjord AND a Haflinger AND 
a Shetland (to keep them company!!!) and though I would never ever buy a 
non-Fjord anymore, I went to the Icelandics show to see what I was missing as 
I'd never seen an Icelandic horse live (they are very rare here and extremely 

Well, well, well...!!!

I must say: it was my first long trip by car (having just obtained my driver's 
license) to an unknown destination and so I was rather exhausted when I 
arrived. Maybe that's why I couldn't laugh at the *witty* remarks from the 
speaker about the superiority of Icelandic horses and the inferiority of other 
horses. Fjords seemed to be the biggest enemy (probably because people put 
Icelandics and Fjords in one group), as he begun to say that Icelandics were 
totally different, much more energetic, not like those lazy, stubborn Fjords 
who even couldn't tölt! (those were his words literally!!!)

I was of course very angry, but also very curious to see that tölt they 
boasted so much of. Then they began... Hahahaha, it looked so silly Of 
course, I didn't dare to laugh out loud there, as I was surrounded by people 
with Icelandic Horse-T-shirts and I was all alone (though on the parking I'd 
seen a car with a Belgian Fjord Horse Society-sticker and I was looking 
around to see a shocked soulmate whom I would recognise immediately by his/her 
gentle and tolerant appearance!).

Then they gave a very funny demonstration about how people bounce while 
trotting and how people with Icelandic horses could relax and even drink some 
beer while tölting. The only thing I could conclude was that their Icelandic 
horses have a very uncomfortable trot!

And what manes those Icelandics have! In fact they looked just like my Janosch 
(the Shetland) but than more lanky! And that's just what the speaker said to my 
enormous amazement: that if your Icelandic Horse wasn't registered, he was 
worth not more than a Shetland! (I think the guy belonged to the Studbook). 

But after some coca-cola and some (free!!!) stockfish and after having been 
spared of the speaker's comments for a while, I got a friendlier look on the 

And so, when -tired but happy- I went home, I decided to try if Kitty (or later 
Sybren) can't learn how to tölt (does anyone have experience in teaching that 
and whether it's possible?). And even, at the sales-show, I have looked in an 
almost melancholy way (I think I got brainwashed by all that Icelandic 
propaganda!) to a beautiful mouse-grey Icelandic (horse) thinking: Well, if 
you were a Fjord... maybe...)!

When I was home, I went immediately to Sybren, Kitty and Janosch and said: 
Guys, guys, guys, how happy I am to have you!!!. They looked as if they 
