the Turlock report 2001

2001-10-02 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All-

Back from Turlock and into the groove of daily life. The weekend was not at 
all what I expected, but it turned out for the best. Jack & I arrived on 
Wednesday to receive people & horses. There was quite a turnout, I think 
around 70 Fjordhorses and 20 Icelandics. The place was hopping by Friday, the 
day of evaluation. 

It was very interesting to watch the horses being evaluated. I had a 
front-row seat as the "relief videographer" (big thanks to Cesar Vallecillo 
for bringing his own camera & film and taping almost all day). I don't know 
much about conformation, or what the ideal Fjord is. I learned a lot that 
day. Friday night was the Fjordings West dinner. Jack ended up being the 
"relief fire starter and cook." See what we get for volunteering? : )

Saturday I was supposed to ride in 6 classes, 3 English & 3 Western. Tommes 
had other ideas. 

Now, Tommes & I have a great relationship. We ride the trails for hours alone 
every week. We've been all the way to Oregon for a show where we took 1st and 
2nd place. We have no problems ... except one. Separation anxiety. I didn't 
realize that bringing Tommes and his buddy Rafael (Jack's horse) to the same 
show was a bad idea. When I attempted to show in our first class, Tommes went 
berserk. We blundered through the class, and I finally dismounted when he 
started rearing. I left the arena in tears. All my plans, a year of practice 
and anticipation, POOF, over. No chance to show anywhere near our best 

 To all who gave this sobbing person pep talks, thank you! It helped me get 
over the initial shock. We put Tommes away and went to get something to eat 
in the "Skandi Village." I realized that I would have to scratch all my 
classes, including driving, unless I wanted to break my neck or that of 
another competitor. Jack assured me I'd be fine if I was just more confident. 
I know he meant well, but I knew better. (Later in the day, the show judge 
herself said I made the right choice ... she'd recently judged at a show 
where a person had the same problem, pushed the issue, and went home with a 
broken leg). 

After some thought, I decided we could do all our Western classes together if 
I audited the ones I'm not qualified for (green and Jack Benny). I was 
cheerful, realizing I could at least do some showing. We did 5 classes in 
all, and got lots of complements on our matching outfits and "siamese twin" 
horses : ) Jack & Rafael took 5 ribbons!! This was only their second show. I 
was so pleased for them. I took 2 ribbons, low placings, but who's 
complaining. It was just not our day to shine. In the 5th and final class, 
Jack Benny, the horses were tired. The gate was not closed and Rafael headed 
towards it. Tommes followed, as did the next 2 horses! By the time we got 
turned around and back on the rail, we resembled a train wreck. We were all 
laughing, and my Dad captured it all on video tape : ) 

Saturday night we enjoyed watching the play day classes, including the 
infamous Lutefisk Race. Everyone had a great time. 

Sunday morning I filmed Jack & Rafael doing the trail class (camera in one 
hand, Tommes' lead rope in the other, very amusing). They did a great job, 
and got a 6th place ribbon. Jack really likes Trail, and wants to advance. We 
plan on visiting some shows to see what it's all about.

Sunday afternoon, I should have been in 4 driving classes. Well, I can sit 
around and cry all day (sounded like a pretty good idea at the time) or I can 
help others. I opted for helping. New Fjord owner Ruthie Koch (not sure about 
last name) and her friend from Norway Dagrun Aarsten were showing for their 
first time in the US. I answered lots of questions and loaned them my good 
driving whip (they had only a lunge whip!). Dagrun did a good job showing the 
green Tinn in 3 classes, and I believe they placed in all. Now Ruthie is all 
excited to take driving classes with me and my instructor, Kacey Ashley, who 
was this year's driving coordinator. 

Sunday evening the high point awards were handed out, and a special award was 
given to Cindy Vallecillo for the greatest advancement in riding. She has had 
her horse less than a year, and she rides like a pro! Their relationship is 
wonderful. Evidently this horse was a basket case when she bought him, and 
now he's a champion. A little love goes a long way.

Thanks to everyone for a great show. As Jack the Barn Manager's other half, I 
appreciated everyone's flexibility and courtesy. It's not easy for so many 
people and horses to get along in a small space. Almost every camping, 
parking and stall space was taken. It was so nice to see exhibitors helping 
eachother in so many ways ... cleaning up after eachother, holding horses, 
loaning clothes, bringing food & drinks, you name it. We may be competitors, 
but we care for one another. Let's keep it that way. Happy Fjording!

Brigid M Wasson 
San Francisco Bay Area, CA 

Re: the Turlock report : )

2000-09-27 Thread Denise's
This message is from: "Denise's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

bridgid, fjord size halters in decent colors.  not gawdy  denise
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: the Turlock report : )

> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hi All-
> I have asked a friend and local tack shop owner to set up at Scandifest
2001. She sounds interested. I'm sure those of you who attended this year
noticed a lack of horsey things for sale. I personally would have purchased
a number of practical items (manure fork, other forgotten things) and gift
items for friends. What I need from all of you is this: what items would you
buy from a tack vendor at Skandifest? Please be specific.
> Tack... straps, buckles, cleansers, headstalls, bits?
> Feed... treats, supplements, grains?
> Medicine... ointment for trailer ouchies?
> Halters/ropes... in Fjord sizes?
> Barn equipment... manure fork, buckets, wheelbarrow?
> Thanks so much. I will pass the results on to my friend.
> Brigid

Re: the Turlock report : )

2000-09-27 Thread Karen McCarthy

This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

since you are online, it looks like it will be a piece of cake for you to 
join in the once a month Fjordings West online meetings. I will get with you 
& Jack soon as to your new "duties"!

Hope Tommes and rafael are happy to be home,

Subject: Re: the Turlock report : )
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 17:39:36 EDT

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Karen-

Thanks for further show results to jog my memory! Yep, you and Gayle were 
neck & neck, very exciting.

Look forward to having you as the new president!

On that note, what is the barn manager's job description? We are eager to 
start planning for next year. Before we know it, it will be show time again 
: )


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Re: the Turlock report : )

2000-09-27 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Karen-

Thanks for further show results to jog my memory! Yep, you and Gayle were neck 
& neck, very exciting. 

Look forward to having you as the new president!

On that note, what is the barn manager's job description? We are eager to start 
planning for next year. Before we know it, it will be show time again : ) 


Re: the Turlock report : )

2000-09-27 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All-

I have asked a friend and local tack shop owner to set up at Scandifest 2001. 
She sounds interested. I'm sure those of you who attended this year noticed a 
lack of horsey things for sale. I personally would have purchased a number of 
practical items (manure fork, other forgotten things) and gift items for 
friends. What I need from all of you is this: what items would you buy from a 
tack vendor at Skandifest? Please be specific.

Tack... straps, buckles, cleansers, headstalls, bits?
Feed... treats, supplements, grains?
Medicine... ointment for trailer ouchies?
Halters/ropes... in Fjord sizes?
Barn equipment... manure fork, buckets, wheelbarrow?

Thanks so much. I will pass the results on to my friend.


Re: the Turlock report : )

2000-09-27 Thread Denise's
This message is from: "Denise's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

oh, i forgot to tell you i found a women in angels camp who has a good
reputation and gives riding lessons...something i need.  i am scheduled to
start next week.  another reason to get quinny home.  denise
- Original Message -
From: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 11:57 PM
Subject: Re: the Turlock report : )

> This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Too bad I only remember a few placings. Perhaps next
> >year (since we'll be volunteering anyway) we will post a complete list
> > >with further comments. Maybe I can afford to buy a new notebook
> >and broadcast live from the Motel 6, like I did last year. >However I
> >know if I can stay awake to do so - I've never been so >tired in my life
> >)
> >
> >Happy Fjording,
> >Brigid
> Gee Brigid,
> Glad too see I wasn't the only one who feels tired after Turlock!
> I commiserated with Gayle Ware BEFORE we arrived at the show that we were
> getting too old for all this travel and hoopla, but when you get here and
> get to do your stuff, and hang out with all the other fjordie people,
> that is why we do it. Duh!
> Well all, as the new Fjordings West prez, I really want to thank all of
> who came and showed, groomed, volunteered, or spectated at Turlock...It
> the biggest turnout ever. I expect to get some attendance figures soon, as
> well as the results, from our retiring show manager, Sami Nelson.It may be
> early next week before I post them as she's really busy right now: they
> their farm, and are in the process of moving up to Idaho, AND, she is
> showing Tolle (Sven x Belle) this weekend at the Shady Oaks CDE in Lodi.
> is her 1st recognised CDE, so wish her well. (I will be cheering for them
> discreetly as I judge one of the hazards there.) The Fjordings West group
> presented Sami with a gorgeous horse afghan, (the kind you need up in
> to snuggle in while you read your latest copy of the 'Herald'.)
> I have been focusing on Sami leaving the show after 3 great years of
> managing it for us, because, it really leaves a huge void that we as a
> need to fill. It's gonna take more than one person to equal the energy she
> can produce, and we ARE on our way to doing that, as we had nominations
> elections during the open meeting and potluck last Friday night. Catherine
> Lassesen will be our new show manager, Amy Evers accepted the position as
> Vice President, Barry S. agreed to continue on as Treasurer, and Leela
> Standahl is our new secretary...Two new faces, thank you so much Leela and
> Amy. Jack, (Brigid's S.O.), stepped up to the challenge, volunteering as
> Barn Manager, Turlock 2001.
> Amy Evers and her dad Bud,had their hands full at the show, showing their
> nice mare Taffeta and stallion Bjorn-Knutson. ( I think those two had it
> for her, as Amy was kept very busy cleaning manure stains off of them.
> next year threaten to tie them up between classes?)
> Leela's young Dusty son,(Gayle delivered him to her at the show) did very
> well for her in hand, and he is really cute - all legs right now!
> Don't want to leave Barry Sheinbaum (sorry Barry,sp?)and Catherine out of
> this report- both did great for their farms. Barry and his mare Misty, of
> Village Farm tied and shared the High Point Driven Horse award with Casey
> Ashley and Trond, and Catherine and Lupin,of Hestehavn,(my favorite mare -
> she CAN do anything!),won the Versatility award.
> I have a personal 'brag alert' here, as my student, Lidsay Ford 12, rode
> 3 1/2 y.o. filly Lillie to the Walk/Trot High Point. This is really
> for Lindsay, as she has done all the ridden training work on Lillie - I
> put the first couple of rides on her before handing her over.
> My mare Tise and yours truly had a good Turlock. We had to work our butts
> off to get ready this year, as I found my work has a way of robbing us of
> the real time needed to prep. That,and Tise is feeling very pregnant!
> Gayle Ware and I have been friendly rivals, I guess since we first met at
> Libby in '89. Watching Gayle riding western really inspired me, an
> event/dressage rider, to try this discipline. So, here is a synopsis of
> classes we shared in Turlock:
> Open Eng. Pleasure - 1st Gayle, 2nd Karen
> Dressage Suitability -1st Karen, 2nd Gayle
> Open Western Pleasure - 1st. Karen, 2nd Gayle
> Western Horsemanship - 1st Gayle,2nd Karen
> Open Trail - 1st Karen, 3rd Gayle
> Hea

Re: the Turlock report : )

2000-09-27 Thread Karen McCarthy

This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Too bad I only remember a few placings. Perhaps next
year (since we'll be volunteering anyway) we will post a complete list 
>with further comments. Maybe I can afford to buy a new notebook >computer 
and broadcast live from the Motel 6, like I did last year. >However I don't 
know if I can stay awake to do so - I've never been so >tired in my life : 

Happy Fjording,

Gee Brigid,
Glad too see I wasn't the only one who feels tired after Turlock!
I commiserated with Gayle Ware BEFORE we arrived at the show that we were 
getting too old for all this travel and hoopla, but when you get here and 
get to do your stuff, and hang out with all the other fjordie people, well, 
that is why we do it. Duh!

Well all, as the new Fjordings West prez, I really want to thank all of you 
who came and showed, groomed, volunteered, or spectated at Turlock...It was 
the biggest turnout ever. I expect to get some attendance figures soon, as 
well as the results, from our retiring show manager, Sami Nelson.It may be 
early next week before I post them as she's really busy right now: they sold 
their farm, and are in the process of moving up to Idaho, AND, she is 
showing Tolle (Sven x Belle) this weekend at the Shady Oaks CDE in Lodi. It 
is her 1st recognised CDE, so wish her well. (I will be cheering for them 
discreetly as I judge one of the hazards there.) The Fjordings West group 
presented Sami with a gorgeous horse afghan, (the kind you need up in Idaho, 
to snuggle in while you read your latest copy of the 'Herald'.)

I have been focusing on Sami leaving the show after 3 great years of 
managing it for us, because, it really leaves a huge void that we as a group 
need to fill. It's gonna take more than one person to equal the energy she 
can produce, and we ARE on our way to doing that, as we had nominations and 
elections during the open meeting and potluck last Friday night. Catherine 
Lassesen will be our new show manager, Amy Evers accepted the position as 
Vice President, Barry S. agreed to continue on as Treasurer, and Leela 
Standahl is our new secretary...Two new faces, thank you so much Leela and 
Amy. Jack, (Brigid's S.O.), stepped up to the challenge, volunteering as 
Barn Manager, Turlock 2001.
Amy Evers and her dad Bud,had their hands full at the show, showing their 
nice mare Taffeta and stallion Bjorn-Knutson. ( I think those two had it in 
for her, as Amy was kept very busy cleaning manure stains off of them. Maybe 
next year threaten to tie them up between classes?)
Leela's young Dusty son,(Gayle delivered him to her at the show) did very 
well for her in hand, and he is really cute - all legs right now!
Don't want to leave Barry Sheinbaum (sorry Barry,sp?)and Catherine out of 
this report- both did great for their farms. Barry and his mare Misty, of 
Village Farm tied and shared the High Point Driven Horse award with Casey 
Ashley and Trond, and Catherine and Lupin,of Hestehavn,(my favorite mare - 
she CAN do anything!),won the Versatility award.

I have a personal 'brag alert' here, as my student, Lidsay Ford 12, rode my 
3 1/2 y.o. filly Lillie to the Walk/Trot High Point. This is really special 
for Lindsay, as she has done all the ridden training work on Lillie - I only 
put the first couple of rides on her before handing her over.
My mare Tise and yours truly had a good Turlock. We had to work our butts 
off to get ready this year, as I found my work has a way of robbing us of 
the real time needed to prep. That,and Tise is feeling very pregnant!
Gayle Ware and I have been friendly rivals, I guess since we first met at 
Libby in '89. Watching Gayle riding western really inspired me, an 
event/dressage rider, to try this discipline. So, here is a synopsis of the 
classes we shared in Turlock:

Open Eng. Pleasure - 1st Gayle, 2nd Karen
Dressage Suitability -1st Karen, 2nd Gayle
Open Western Pleasure - 1st. Karen, 2nd Gayle
Western Horsemanship - 1st Gayle,2nd Karen
Open Trail - 1st Karen, 3rd Gayle
Head to head I think!

There was a much larger assortment of fjord and Icelandic goodies offered at 
the promo booth this year. Many thanks go to Sarah Nagel for putting 
together a PNWFPG goody box, and fowarding it down with the Knudsen's, and 
Martie Bolinski who sent out some very original fjord-themed stained glass 
art. It was well recieved.

Before I get too close to the end here, I need to say I really missed a few 
faces this year:
Alfhild Raaum stayed at home, did not feel too chipper. Get well, Al! We 
carried forth with the potluck, but it was not as stellar as one produced by 
Betsy Bauer and her daughter Abby could not make it due to a last- minute 
injury to Betsy's knee. Ouch! Take it easy Betsy, and well see you and Abby 
next year.(We'll have more jumping classes Abby!)

Denise Delgado was moving last weekend,(!!!) and also was missed.

For those of you who attended Turlock, 

Re: the Turlock report : )

2000-09-26 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Yes, I was sorry I didn't see you this year. It was even better than last. 

Your son sounds like a great guy, but who on Earth can choose who they fall 
in love with? Hee hee... He'll find lots of great lonely gals in Half Moon 

So how are your horses?


Re: the Turlock report : )

2000-09-26 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 9/26/00 3:57:05 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< Congratulations Brigid and family not just for your ribbons and placings 
 because you obviously had a great time and gave such a descriptive report.
 thanks Jean >>

You're welcome, Jean! Too bad I only remember a few placings. Perhaps next 
year (since we'll be volunteering anyway) we will post a complete list with 
further comments. Maybe I can afford to buy a new notebook computer and 
broadcast live from the Motel 6, like I did last year. However I don't know 
if I can stay awake to do so - I've never been so tired in my life : )

Happy Fjording,

Re: the Turlock report : )

2000-09-26 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Congratulations Brigid and family not just for your ribbons and placings but
because you obviously had a great time and gave such a descriptive report.
thanks Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Re: the Turlock report : )

2000-09-26 Thread GAIL RUSSELL
This message is from: GAIL RUSSELL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Hi Everyone-
>Well, we're not virgins anymore... myself, partner Jack, ... I
drove the 120 miles to Turlock from Half Moon Bay, CA,

Hi Brigid,

I met you last year at Turlock.  Did not go this year.  

Hey, dump this guy Jack, and take up with my son!  Age 29 (well, 30 in
October) rock climber, surfer, mountain biker...really
nicesmartthoughtfulloves his dog, Woody, and just moved to Half
Moon Bay. Women love him, but he has yet to find the right combo of
intellect, physical fitness, and psychological health. You would do JUST
FINE! We took him riding and he did OK.

 Or find him your twin sister. :)


Gail Russell
Forestville CA

the Turlock report : )

2000-09-26 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Everyone-

Well, we're not virgins anymore... myself, partner Jack, and Fjords "Anvil's 
Tommes & Rafael" participated in our first show! We had a WONDERFUL time. I 
can't stress enough the feeling of comeraderie and friendship among the 

Tommes & Rafael load right into the trailer, despite the fact that they haven't 
seen it for a year (their breakfast was waiting inside!). I drove the 120 miles 
to Turlock from Half Moon Bay, CA, with my stomach growling (I get carsick if I 
eat before traveling). Arriving at the fairgrounds, we have instant sensory 
overload. Fjords everywhere! Familiar faces! I spent an hour saying "aren't 
you... didn't I see you last year/in a magazine/ on the list/ etc.?" We got the 
horses washed and settled in their stalls. They were very excited to be in a 
new place and see so many of their own "people." 

That night, we enjoyed a potluck and meeting of Fjordings West. Catherine 
Lasseson handed the "crown" to Karen McCarthy, who will be our new president. 
Jack was volunteered to be next year's barn manager : )After the meeting it was 
time for Playday! What a gas. We enjoyed watching pole bending, relays and 
other games including the famous "Lutefisk Race." Our horses were still too 
excited and ran 40mph while we, their hapless riders, attempted to pick up a 
stuffed fish. It was great fun. 


We saddled up and rode around the Skandi village. I'd swear we never went more 
than 3 steps at a time before being surrounded my people. We answered many 
questions about Fjords including their Viking history, their care, and the fact 
that we don't dye the mane! Tommes & Rafael love to socialize, so they had a 
great time. Suddenly the announcer says, "5 minute call for walk-trot adults." 
Yikes! That's us! So we hightailed it back to the arena, to wait an hour and a 
half for our division (we were in Western, not English). We quickly discovered 
the show saying of "hurry up and wait!" By now our horses were more relaxed and 
into the groove of things, so we felt confident in their abilities. FINALLY 
time to go. This is it, our show debut! Thank God someone called for a tack 
break, as we got to walk around the arena 2 times before we were "officially" 
being judged. Tommes decides the first order of business is to stop and take a 
dump. Couldn't he have done that sometime in the pre!
ous hour and a half? LOL. So we walk and trot, reverse, and line up. Tommes 
felt awesome, relaxed and happy. I know we did our best. The announcer calls 
out first, second, third, fourth, and fifth place (next year, someone needs to 
clue in the announcer that it's supposed to be called out the other way). I 
figure we haven't placed. Oh well. Then he says, "Sixth place, number 77." We 
all look around. there is no 77. Wait a minute, my number's 11, that's me! 
Someone corrects the announcer and my name goes over the loud speaker. Yippee! 
I feel like I've won the Grand Prix. 

Flush with victory, we wash and feed our horses, then watch some of the other 
divisions. Fellow newcomer Lori Osmond and "Jess" took 1st place in their 
division, novice English! Way to go Lori. I finally got to see the famous 
Woodland's Dustin, and I wasn't disappointed. I'd swear that stallion's hooves 
never touched the ground. "Dusty" and owner Gayle Ware cleaned up in their 
divisions. We were also happy to see more Icelandics this year, and the rare 
Gotland Ponies with their fearless pony club girls riding. Hold Your Horses put 
on a demo of disbled riders. What a wonderful service to the community.

More socializing in the Skandi village. Tommes amazes me by showing no fear of 
wheelchairs and other unusual things. Fjords just seem drawn to people with 
special needs. 

Jack & I study the trail class pattern and attempt to memorize it. I go first. 
Tommes decides he'll have nothing to do with the obstacles (he's the type to go 
around things instead), and we blunder through the class. Oh well. I praise him 
for trying, and we exit. Now it's Jack and Rafael's turn. To my surprise, they 
ace the course (they hadn't practiced in weeks, but Rafael seems to have an 
affinity for obstacle courses). Rafael walks cleanly over the logs, over the 
bridge, stops and backs like a pro, then breaks into a clean trot. Into the 
"box", around the single cone, never breaking the trot (many horses did, due to 
the small space). This big drafty horse was practically bent in half! Trot out, 
around the cones, over the logs, then to the sidepass. Well, he doesn't know 
sidepass, so Jack had to stop there. However many horses didn't sidepass, so I 
figured with a run like that they had to place.

ALL DAY we waited for the results. In the meantime I assisted KC and "Trond" in 
the Ride-to-Drive Class. They took second place, and she gave me her ribbon for 
assisting! Now that's fjord people... 

We were treated to a freestyle reining demo by Gayle a