[Flashcoders] Fast color-transformation over MovieClip with cacheAsBitmap

2009-06-02 Thread Pavel Repkin

I have a very complex vector symbol on the Stage - background_mc .
I have set background_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true.
This turns background to bitmap and makes Stage repaint fast.

Every frame the background light changes.
I use the following code to alter the light.

(new Color(background_mc)).setTransform(light);

And here is the problem.
The code works very slow.
I guess because the light is applied to the contents of the background_mc.
And then a new cached bitmap is rasterized once again.

The same code over BitmapData of the same size works much faster!

Is there a way to tell Flash to apply color-transformation to the cached
bitmap, instead of underlying vector symbols?

Note, that background_mc is scaled when Stage is resized.
This is not so fast, but it's good, because the picture quality preserved.
If I convert background_mc to BitmapData, bitmap would be scaled.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] removing dynamically created movie clips

2009-06-02 Thread Gustavo Duenas LRS

sure Matt, I'm using as3...:)

also can I use


since the newly created movieclip instance appears always on 0 or at  
least I think based on the link Glen pike send me about.


On Jun 2, 2009, at 2:02 PM, Matt Gitchell wrote:

The container would be the stage in that instance, yes. I used it  
Stage extends DisplayObjectContainer, and you could use that chunk  
of code

for any DisplayObjectContainer (MovieClip, Sprite) as well.
I should also mention that we're talking AS3.


On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 10:38 AM, Gustavo Duenas LRS <
gdue...@leftandrightsolutions.com> wrote:

in this case what is container? is stage.?

like this


is like this, if not please explain me what this container is about.


On Jun 2, 2009, at 12:07 PM, Matt Gitchell wrote:

 if (container.contains(itemToRemove)){


On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 8:45 AM, Gustavo Duenas LRS <
gdue...@leftandrightsolutions.com> wrote:

 Hi I have movie clips, that are created one I click a button,  
I'd like to

know how could
I remove then, something to put in the buttons, problem is when  
I try to

the movieclip from the stage(I put the orders en every single  
button I

there), it says that is not created yet, there is a way to know  
when the

movie clip is on there and if this is there
just remove it.

Like if(stage.movieclipName=true){

there is a way like this or something else around.


Gustavo Duenas

Flashcoders mailing list


Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] removing dynamically created movie clips

2009-06-02 Thread Matt Gitchell
The container would be the stage in that instance, yes. I used it because
Stage extends DisplayObjectContainer, and you could use that chunk of code
for any DisplayObjectContainer (MovieClip, Sprite) as well.
I should also mention that we're talking AS3.


On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 10:38 AM, Gustavo Duenas LRS <
gdue...@leftandrightsolutions.com> wrote:

> in this case what is container? is stage.?
> like this
> if(stage.contains(contactWindow)){
> stage.removeChild(contactWindow);
> }
> is like this, if not please explain me what this container is about.
> Gustavo
> On Jun 2, 2009, at 12:07 PM, Matt Gitchell wrote:
>  if (container.contains(itemToRemove)){
>> container.removeChild(itemToRemove);
>> };
>> On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 8:45 AM, Gustavo Duenas LRS <
>> gdue...@leftandrightsolutions.com> wrote:
>>  Hi I have movie clips, that are created one I click a button, I'd like to
>>> know how could
>>> I remove then, something to put in the buttons, problem is when I try to
>>> remove
>>> the movieclip from the stage(I put the orders en every single button I
>>> have
>>> there), it says that is not created yet, there is a way to know when the
>>> movie clip is on there and if this is there
>>> just remove it.
>>> Like if(stage.movieclipName=true){
>>> removeChild(movieClipName);
>>> }
>>> there is a way like this or something else around.
>>> Regards,
>>> Gustavo Duenas
>>> ___
>>> Flashcoders mailing list
>>> Flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
>>> http://chattyfig.figleaf.com/mailman/listinfo/flashcoders
>>>  ___
>> Flashcoders mailing list
>> Flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
>> http://chattyfig.figleaf.com/mailman/listinfo/flashcoders
> ___
> Flashcoders mailing list
> Flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
> http://chattyfig.figleaf.com/mailman/listinfo/flashcoders
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] removing dynamically created movie clips

2009-06-02 Thread Gustavo Duenas LRS

Hi Glen, thanks do you think can I use:



On Jun 2, 2009, at 12:08 PM, Glen Pike wrote:


Gustavo Duenas LRS wrote:
Hi I have movie clips, that are created one I click a button, I'd  
like to know how could
I remove then, something to put in the buttons, problem is when I  
try to remove
the movieclip from the stage(I put the orders en every single  
button I have there), it says that is not created yet, there is a  
way to know when the movie clip is on there and if this is there

just remove it.

Like if(stage.movieclipName=true){

there is a way like this or something else around.


Gustavo Duenas

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] removing dynamically created movie clips

2009-06-02 Thread Gustavo Duenas LRS

in this case what is container? is stage.?

like this


is like this, if not please explain me what this container is about.


On Jun 2, 2009, at 12:07 PM, Matt Gitchell wrote:

if (container.contains(itemToRemove)){

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 8:45 AM, Gustavo Duenas LRS <
gdue...@leftandrightsolutions.com> wrote:

Hi I have movie clips, that are created one I click a button, I'd  
like to

know how could
I remove then, something to put in the buttons, problem is when I  
try to

the movieclip from the stage(I put the orders en every single  
button I have
there), it says that is not created yet, there is a way to know  
when the

movie clip is on there and if this is there
just remove it.

Like if(stage.movieclipName=true){

there is a way like this or something else around.


Gustavo Duenas

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] removing dynamically created movie clips

2009-06-02 Thread Glen Pike


Gustavo Duenas LRS wrote:
Hi I have movie clips, that are created one I click a button, I'd like 
to know how could
I remove then, something to put in the buttons, problem is when I try 
to remove
the movieclip from the stage(I put the orders en every single button I 
have there), it says that is not created yet, there is a way to know 
when the movie clip is on there and if this is there

just remove it.

Like if(stage.movieclipName=true){

there is a way like this or something else around.


Gustavo Duenas

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] removing dynamically created movie clips

2009-06-02 Thread Matt Gitchell
if (container.contains(itemToRemove)){

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 8:45 AM, Gustavo Duenas LRS <
gdue...@leftandrightsolutions.com> wrote:

> Hi I have movie clips, that are created one I click a button, I'd like to
> know how could
> I remove then, something to put in the buttons, problem is when I try to
> remove
> the movieclip from the stage(I put the orders en every single button I have
> there), it says that is not created yet, there is a way to know when the
> movie clip is on there and if this is there
> just remove it.
> Like if(stage.movieclipName=true){
> removeChild(movieClipName);
> }
> there is a way like this or something else around.
> Regards,
> Gustavo Duenas
> ___
> Flashcoders mailing list
> Flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
> http://chattyfig.figleaf.com/mailman/listinfo/flashcoders
Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] removing dynamically created movie clips

2009-06-02 Thread Gustavo Duenas LRS
Hi I have movie clips, that are created one I click a button, I'd  
like to know how could
I remove then, something to put in the buttons, problem is when I try  
to remove
the movieclip from the stage(I put the orders en every single button  
I have there), it says that is not created yet, there is a way to  
know when the movie clip is on there and if this is there

just remove it.

Like if(stage.movieclipName=true){

there is a way like this or something else around.


Gustavo Duenas

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Crossword generator advice

2009-06-02 Thread Karl DeSaulniers
You may want to also set something to read how many of those letters  
are in the word that match the letter your using in the one your  

This may give you a few more options on placement.


On Jun 2, 2009, at 6:34 AM, Paul Andrews wrote:

Off the top of my head..

For a horizontal overlap of a word, the new word can only be placed  
in a very few places - no further left than the leftmost position  
of the wordlaready placed and no further right than the new word  
can be placed without going off the grid, or not overlapping the  
rightmost position of the placed word. Similarly for vertical  
positions. This drastically reduces your placement options.

for a connected only crossword, the overlap must be as above and  
for every placed word where an overlap occurs, characters must  
match with the new word where they overlap.

Essentially we have:

For each already placed word
   if new word can overlap
try placement for valid positions of new world
for each placement compare overlap charaters for equality.

Maybe this should now be off-list - it has nothing to do with flash!


Paul Steven wrote:

Thanks Paul for your reply.

You may be right about my placement checker. What I currently do  
is as


Starting with first char of word I want to place, loop through the
characters of each word that is already on the puzzle and see if a  
match can
be found. If a match is found then I calculate where the new word  
appear on the grid based on crossing the existing word where they  

I then check if there are any words in the way or the new word  
goes off the

I also check that the new word is not adjacent to another word

My code does not allow words to be added unless they cross another  
word so
perhaps allowing disconnected placement would speed things up. I  
will give

it a try.

Thanks again for your help on this.


Flashcoders mailing list

Karl DeSaulniers
Design Drumm

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Crossword generator advice

2009-06-02 Thread Paul Andrews

Off the top of my head..

For a horizontal overlap of a word, the new word can only be placed in a 
very few places - no further left than the leftmost position of the 
wordlaready placed and no further right than the new word can be placed 
without going off the grid, or not overlapping the rightmost position of 
the placed word. Similarly for vertical positions. This drastically 
reduces your placement options.

for a connected only crossword, the overlap must be as above and for 
every placed word where an overlap occurs, characters must match with 
the new word where they overlap.

Essentially we have:

For each already placed word
   if new word can overlap
try placement for valid positions of new world
for each placement compare overlap charaters for equality.

Maybe this should now be off-list - it has nothing to do with flash!


Paul Steven wrote:

Thanks Paul for your reply.

You may be right about my placement checker. What I currently do is as

Starting with first char of word I want to place, loop through the
characters of each word that is already on the puzzle and see if a match can
be found. If a match is found then I calculate where the new word would
appear on the grid based on crossing the existing word where they characters

I then check if there are any words in the way or the new word goes off the
I also check that the new word is not adjacent to another word

My code does not allow words to be added unless they cross another word so
perhaps allowing disconnected placement would speed things up. I will give
it a try.

Thanks again for your help on this.


Flashcoders mailing list

RE: [Flashcoders] Crossword generator advice

2009-06-02 Thread Paul Steven
Thanks Paul for your reply.

You may be right about my placement checker. What I currently do is as

Starting with first char of word I want to place, loop through the
characters of each word that is already on the puzzle and see if a match can
be found. If a match is found then I calculate where the new word would
appear on the grid based on crossing the existing word where they characters

I then check if there are any words in the way or the new word goes off the
I also check that the new word is not adjacent to another word

My code does not allow words to be added unless they cross another word so
perhaps allowing disconnected placement would speed things up. I will give
it a try.

Thanks again for your help on this.


-Original Message-
From: flashcoders-boun...@chattyfig.figleaf.com
[mailto:flashcoders-boun...@chattyfig.figleaf.com] On Behalf Of Paul Andrews
Sent: 02 June 2009 11:54
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Crossword generator advice

Paul Steven wrote:
> Here is a link to the crossword generator in its current state.
> http://www.mediakitchen.co.uk/crossword.html
> Cheers
> Paul
> -Original Message-
> From: flashcoders-boun...@chattyfig.figleaf.com
> [mailto:flashcoders-boun...@chattyfig.figleaf.com] On Behalf Of Paul
> Sent: 02 June 2009 10:27
> To: 'Flash Coders List'
> Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Crossword generator advice
> Sorry to drag this one out but I have one last question.
> I implemented the recursive solution as Paul Andrews and Charles suggested
> however I find that it can take up to 8 minutes to generate a solution
> (which incidentally is pretty much the same amount of time my non
> implementation takes)
I think there's a problem in the algorithm again or you have a very 
inefficient placement checker.

A definite improvement to my suggestion would be to have a two stage 
placement algorithm - first of all only laying out words if they overlap 
another word, then if no solution is found by laying out the word as an 
overlap, it would then attempt a disconnected placement. I think that 
would improve things.

It's difficullt to know why it takes so long without seeing the code.


> If I order my words from largest to smallest first this actually seems to
> result in a longer time. I am thinking this is perhaps because one of the
> longest words (tarragon) is at the bottom of the solution:
> http://www.mediakitchen.co.uk/solution.gif
> Anyway I do not mind it taking so long as a new crossword will only be
> generated once a week. However I am curious as to whether this sounds like
> flaw in my code or if it is just the result of having to try so many
> combinations to find the unique solution?
> If I adjust my list of words into the order in which it looks like they
> would be placed one at a time onto the grid, then the solution only takes
> about 3 seconds to generate.
> Because I know there is the possibility that having the list ordered in a
> particular way can result in a super fast puzzle creation time, I am
> wondering if it is worth just randomising the list every 10 seconds if a
> solution has not been found?
> Promise not to ask any more questions about this crossword generator after
> this one:)
> Thanks
> Paul
> -Original Message-
> From: flashcoders-boun...@chattyfig.figleaf.com
> [mailto:flashcoders-boun...@chattyfig.figleaf.com] On Behalf Of Paul
> Sent: 01 June 2009 11:14
> To: Flash Coders List
> Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Crossword generator advice
> You should use recursion.
> At each stage you should loop through the available words, trying to lay 
> them onto the crossword area.
> Paul
> It goes a bit like this:
> var wordList = ["word1","word2","word3", ..   ];
> var xwordSolution:XwordSolution;
> var currentSolution= new XwordSolution(maxWidth, maxHeight); // emptyGrid
> xwordSolution = layoutXword(wordList, currentSolution);
> if (xwordSolution.isValid())
> trace("Solved!")
> else
> trace("no solution found");
> function layoutXword(words:Array, 
> currentSolution:XwordSolution):XwordSolution
> {
> while (words.length > 0){
> currentWord = words.pop();
> // horizontal
> newSolution = layoutHorizontalWord(currentWord, currentSolution);
> if (newSolution.isValid())
> {
> newSolution = layoutXword(words, newSolution );
> if (newSolution.isValid())
> return newSolution; // solved
> }
> // the horizontal layout wasn't possible, try vertical
> newSolution = layoutVerticalWord(currentWord, currentSolution);
> if (newSolution.isValid())
> {
> newSolution = layoutXword(words, newSolution );
> if (newSolution.isValid())
> return newSolution; // solved
> }
> // couldn't layout this word, try the next
> }
> // Couldn't layout any of the words - solution failed.
> return newSolution; // this will be failed
> }
> - Original Message - 

Re: [Flashcoders] Crossword generator advice

2009-06-02 Thread Paul Andrews

Paul Steven wrote:

Here is a link to the crossword generator in its current state.




-Original Message-
From: flashcoders-boun...@chattyfig.figleaf.com
[mailto:flashcoders-boun...@chattyfig.figleaf.com] On Behalf Of Paul Steven
Sent: 02 June 2009 10:27
To: 'Flash Coders List'
Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Crossword generator advice

Sorry to drag this one out but I have one last question.

I implemented the recursive solution as Paul Andrews and Charles suggested
however I find that it can take up to 8 minutes to generate a solution
(which incidentally is pretty much the same amount of time my non recursive
implementation takes)
I think there's a problem in the algorithm again or you have a very 
inefficient placement checker.

A definite improvement to my suggestion would be to have a two stage 
placement algorithm - first of all only laying out words if they overlap 
another word, then if no solution is found by laying out the word as an 
overlap, it would then attempt a disconnected placement. I think that 
would improve things.

It's difficullt to know why it takes so long without seeing the code.


If I order my words from largest to smallest first this actually seems to
result in a longer time. I am thinking this is perhaps because one of the
longest words (tarragon) is at the bottom of the solution:

Anyway I do not mind it taking so long as a new crossword will only be
generated once a week. However I am curious as to whether this sounds like a
flaw in my code or if it is just the result of having to try so many
combinations to find the unique solution?

If I adjust my list of words into the order in which it looks like they
would be placed one at a time onto the grid, then the solution only takes
about 3 seconds to generate.

Because I know there is the possibility that having the list ordered in a
particular way can result in a super fast puzzle creation time, I am
wondering if it is worth just randomising the list every 10 seconds if a
solution has not been found?

Promise not to ask any more questions about this crossword generator after
this one:)



-Original Message-
From: flashcoders-boun...@chattyfig.figleaf.com
[mailto:flashcoders-boun...@chattyfig.figleaf.com] On Behalf Of Paul Andrews
Sent: 01 June 2009 11:14
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Crossword generator advice

You should use recursion.

At each stage you should loop through the available words, trying to lay 
them onto the crossword area.


It goes a bit like this:

var wordList = ["word1","word2","word3", ..   ];
var xwordSolution:XwordSolution;
var currentSolution= new XwordSolution(maxWidth, maxHeight); // emptyGrid

xwordSolution = layoutXword(wordList, currentSolution);

if (xwordSolution.isValid())
trace("no solution found");

function layoutXword(words:Array, 

while (words.length > 0){
currentWord = words.pop();

// horizontal

newSolution = layoutHorizontalWord(currentWord, currentSolution);
if (newSolution.isValid())
newSolution = layoutXword(words, newSolution );
if (newSolution.isValid())
return newSolution; // solved
// the horizontal layout wasn't possible, try vertical
newSolution = layoutVerticalWord(currentWord, currentSolution);
if (newSolution.isValid())
newSolution = layoutXword(words, newSolution );
if (newSolution.isValid())
return newSolution; // solved
// couldn't layout this word, try the next
// Couldn't layout any of the words - solution failed.
return newSolution; // this will be failed

- Original Message - 
From: "Paul Steven" 

To: "'Flash Coders List'" 
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 10:33 AM
Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Crossword generator advice


I am still struggling to find a solution to this crossword generator and
could do with some advice on a possible solution I want to try.

If I enter my list of 16 words in a particular order (an order based on 

looks like the order the solution would place them), the generator creates
the puzzle in a matter of seconds.

However if I enter them in a different order, the generator always breaks
out of the loop by my exit condition (number of loops > 5000). I am 

this is either due to an error in my code or due to the fact there are so
many combinations to try.

I am therefore thinking a possible solution is to try every permutation (I
think this is the right word) of the 16 words. If I am correct there would
be 240 possible permutations. ((X - 1) * X) where X is the number of items
in the list.

I am not sure however how to create the 240 variations of the list.

Any advice on how to create these 240 permutations of the list would be 




Flashcoders mailing 

Re: [Flashcoders] Need beta testers!

2009-06-02 Thread Sidney de Koning

No one is interested? That really breaks my heart ;)
You dont have to check it out in SVN, just browse the source and give  
me feedback, code wise, structure wise, best way/different way to  
parse files, comments, suggestions etc

I want to learn dammit ;)

Greets Sid

On May 27, 2009, at 9:55 AM, Sidney de Koning wrote:

Hi List,

I have created a very simple PLS parser (playlist file, used in  
Winamp and other programs) for AIR.
And would like to invite people to use it and give me feedback, code  
wise, structure wise, best way/different way to parse files,  
comments, suggestions etc

What can you do with this? You can listen to radio streams in AIR.

So if there is somebody who would like to test this, check out the  
source at http://code.google.com/p/as3plsreader

Hoping for some reactions, both bad and good,


Sidney de Koning - be a geek, in rockstar style!
Flash / AIR Developer @ www.funky-monkey.nl
Technical Writer @ www.insideria.com

Flashcoders mailing list

Sidney de Koning - be a geek, in rockstar style!
Flash / AIR Developer @ www.funky-monkey.nl
Technical Writer @ www.insideria.com

Flashcoders mailing list

RE: [Flashcoders] Crossword generator advice

2009-06-02 Thread Paul Steven
Here is a link to the crossword generator in its current state.




-Original Message-
From: flashcoders-boun...@chattyfig.figleaf.com
[mailto:flashcoders-boun...@chattyfig.figleaf.com] On Behalf Of Paul Steven
Sent: 02 June 2009 10:27
To: 'Flash Coders List'
Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Crossword generator advice

Sorry to drag this one out but I have one last question.

I implemented the recursive solution as Paul Andrews and Charles suggested
however I find that it can take up to 8 minutes to generate a solution
(which incidentally is pretty much the same amount of time my non recursive
implementation takes)

If I order my words from largest to smallest first this actually seems to
result in a longer time. I am thinking this is perhaps because one of the
longest words (tarragon) is at the bottom of the solution:

Anyway I do not mind it taking so long as a new crossword will only be
generated once a week. However I am curious as to whether this sounds like a
flaw in my code or if it is just the result of having to try so many
combinations to find the unique solution?

If I adjust my list of words into the order in which it looks like they
would be placed one at a time onto the grid, then the solution only takes
about 3 seconds to generate.

Because I know there is the possibility that having the list ordered in a
particular way can result in a super fast puzzle creation time, I am
wondering if it is worth just randomising the list every 10 seconds if a
solution has not been found?

Promise not to ask any more questions about this crossword generator after
this one:)



-Original Message-
From: flashcoders-boun...@chattyfig.figleaf.com
[mailto:flashcoders-boun...@chattyfig.figleaf.com] On Behalf Of Paul Andrews
Sent: 01 June 2009 11:14
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Crossword generator advice

You should use recursion.

At each stage you should loop through the available words, trying to lay 
them onto the crossword area.


It goes a bit like this:

var wordList = ["word1","word2","word3", ..   ];
var xwordSolution:XwordSolution;
var currentSolution= new XwordSolution(maxWidth, maxHeight); // emptyGrid

xwordSolution = layoutXword(wordList, currentSolution);

if (xwordSolution.isValid())
trace("no solution found");

function layoutXword(words:Array, 
while (words.length > 0){
currentWord = words.pop();

// horizontal

newSolution = layoutHorizontalWord(currentWord, currentSolution);
if (newSolution.isValid())
newSolution = layoutXword(words, newSolution );
if (newSolution.isValid())
return newSolution; // solved
// the horizontal layout wasn't possible, try vertical
newSolution = layoutVerticalWord(currentWord, currentSolution);
if (newSolution.isValid())
newSolution = layoutXword(words, newSolution );
if (newSolution.isValid())
return newSolution; // solved
// couldn't layout this word, try the next
// Couldn't layout any of the words - solution failed.
return newSolution; // this will be failed

- Original Message - 
From: "Paul Steven" 
To: "'Flash Coders List'" 
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 10:33 AM
Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Crossword generator advice

>I am still struggling to find a solution to this crossword generator and
> could do with some advice on a possible solution I want to try.
> If I enter my list of 16 words in a particular order (an order based on 
> what
> looks like the order the solution would place them), the generator creates
> the puzzle in a matter of seconds.
> However if I enter them in a different order, the generator always breaks
> out of the loop by my exit condition (number of loops > 5000). I am 
> assuming
> this is either due to an error in my code or due to the fact there are so
> many combinations to try.
> I am therefore thinking a possible solution is to try every permutation (I
> think this is the right word) of the 16 words. If I am correct there would
> be 240 possible permutations. ((X - 1) * X) where X is the number of items
> in the list.
> I am not sure however how to create the 240 variations of the list.
> Any advice on how to create these 240 permutations of the list would be 
> much
> appreciated.
> Thanks
> Paul
> ___
> Flashcoders mailing list
> Flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
> http://chattyfig.figleaf.com/mailman/listinfo/flashcoders 

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list


RE: [Flashcoders] Crossword generator advice

2009-06-02 Thread Paul Steven
Sorry to drag this one out but I have one last question.

I implemented the recursive solution as Paul Andrews and Charles suggested
however I find that it can take up to 8 minutes to generate a solution
(which incidentally is pretty much the same amount of time my non recursive
implementation takes)

If I order my words from largest to smallest first this actually seems to
result in a longer time. I am thinking this is perhaps because one of the
longest words (tarragon) is at the bottom of the solution:

Anyway I do not mind it taking so long as a new crossword will only be
generated once a week. However I am curious as to whether this sounds like a
flaw in my code or if it is just the result of having to try so many
combinations to find the unique solution?

If I adjust my list of words into the order in which it looks like they
would be placed one at a time onto the grid, then the solution only takes
about 3 seconds to generate.

Because I know there is the possibility that having the list ordered in a
particular way can result in a super fast puzzle creation time, I am
wondering if it is worth just randomising the list every 10 seconds if a
solution has not been found?

Promise not to ask any more questions about this crossword generator after
this one:)



-Original Message-
From: flashcoders-boun...@chattyfig.figleaf.com
[mailto:flashcoders-boun...@chattyfig.figleaf.com] On Behalf Of Paul Andrews
Sent: 01 June 2009 11:14
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Crossword generator advice

You should use recursion.

At each stage you should loop through the available words, trying to lay 
them onto the crossword area.


It goes a bit like this:

var wordList = ["word1","word2","word3", ..   ];
var xwordSolution:XwordSolution;
var currentSolution= new XwordSolution(maxWidth, maxHeight); // emptyGrid

xwordSolution = layoutXword(wordList, currentSolution);

if (xwordSolution.isValid())
trace("no solution found");

function layoutXword(words:Array, 
while (words.length > 0){
currentWord = words.pop();

// horizontal

newSolution = layoutHorizontalWord(currentWord, currentSolution);
if (newSolution.isValid())
newSolution = layoutXword(words, newSolution );
if (newSolution.isValid())
return newSolution; // solved
// the horizontal layout wasn't possible, try vertical
newSolution = layoutVerticalWord(currentWord, currentSolution);
if (newSolution.isValid())
newSolution = layoutXword(words, newSolution );
if (newSolution.isValid())
return newSolution; // solved
// couldn't layout this word, try the next
// Couldn't layout any of the words - solution failed.
return newSolution; // this will be failed

- Original Message - 
From: "Paul Steven" 
To: "'Flash Coders List'" 
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 10:33 AM
Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Crossword generator advice

>I am still struggling to find a solution to this crossword generator and
> could do with some advice on a possible solution I want to try.
> If I enter my list of 16 words in a particular order (an order based on 
> what
> looks like the order the solution would place them), the generator creates
> the puzzle in a matter of seconds.
> However if I enter them in a different order, the generator always breaks
> out of the loop by my exit condition (number of loops > 5000). I am 
> assuming
> this is either due to an error in my code or due to the fact there are so
> many combinations to try.
> I am therefore thinking a possible solution is to try every permutation (I
> think this is the right word) of the 16 words. If I am correct there would
> be 240 possible permutations. ((X - 1) * X) where X is the number of items
> in the list.
> I am not sure however how to create the 240 variations of the list.
> Any advice on how to create these 240 permutations of the list would be 
> much
> appreciated.
> Thanks
> Paul
> ___
> Flashcoders mailing list
> Flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
> http://chattyfig.figleaf.com/mailman/listinfo/flashcoders 

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